How to start a process and then pause it immediately? - visual-studio

I would like to know if there is any command or tool that can be used to start a process and then pause it immediately.
I need this function so that I can have time to attach a debugger to it. I have tried visual studio's /debugexe feature, but the behavior of the program seemed changed. So I need to find other way to attach it and debug.
Thank you.

You can use CreateProcess() with CREATE_SUSPENDED flag. This will start the process with the main thread suspended. Then you call ResumeThread() after having attached.

In your main routine insert the line:
Compile in debug mode.
Run your program and it will break and prompt you to attach a debugger. If you have studio open it will ask if you want to use it to debug.

How about adding a Sleep() call as the very first statement.

You can also add a call to
in the code. It will suspend the program and then ask you to choose the debugger you want to use. You can then attach to a running Visual Studio instance. If you're already running from a debugger, it will simply break as if it would have hit a breakpoint.


Debug a process that terminates after start

I need to debug a process (starting from an external exe) that terminates immediately after start, so I don't have time to attach. How can I debug it?
UPD I don't have source code of that external exe; I can decompile it, but it's impossible to compile it back
You need to launch your process for debug in a suspended state. Visual Studio is capable of that, just invoke the debugger like this:
devenv /debugexe yourprog.exe <arguments>
The process will start suspended so you'll be able to iterate through first instructions before the crash.
See the detailed answer here.
You just need to open Visual Studio, go to File -> Open -> Project / Solution
and select the exe.
Press F5 and you will see the exception in the Output window. If you go to the Debug -> Exceptions window and select everything you will see the first chance exception before it shutdowns the application.
Note that you don't need the source code at all to do this.
Hope it helps.
You need to start it with the debugger. This will start the program with the debugger already attached.
If you cannot do that with Visual Studio, you can use the Windows Debugging Tools, part of the Windows Driver Kit. Note that the linked kit is for Windows 8.1, you may need to find older versions if you're not on Windows 8.
You can enable debug mode runtime by placing some piece of code.
write a method as below:
private static void DebugMode()
and call this method where you want to start debugging, for example in the OnStart event.
you have to build your code with debug mode. dont forget to remove this piece of code after debugging and want to release.

Avoid starting debugging from the beginning

Is it possible to set a starting point for the debugger so that every debugging session
will start immediately from that point (instead of starting from the beginning of the code)?
Or to express it differently:
Isn't it possible to somehow store everything until the breakpoint so that next time the debugger could just instantly resume to that specific breakpoint (instead of starting from the beginning of the code and pausing at the breakpoint)?. Is there any debugger that can do this?
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012.
Thank you.
Use a Debugger in visual studio.
In your code, click on the line number, you will see a dot on the line.
When you run the program, it will 'pause' at the line you specify, you can then walk through your program line by line from there
You can use a breakpoint at a line that you want to inspect.
You have a description how to do it here.
You could attach a debugger to a running process, but i'm afraid that it will be on a random place of execution. You could make a wait for a key or button press in your code and attach to your program before continuing.
No. It would have to run the code up to the point you want to get all the variables etc in the right state. If you just set a breakpoint where you're interested from and hit F5 it should get there quickly enough.
If it doesn't get there quickly enough, jot down the variables used and make some unit tests round the troublesome functions instead. That will skip the 10 minutes.

Visual Studio debugging program locked in memory

When i am debugging my program and an error occur, the debug session ends, but the program remains in memory. Using the activity manager of Windows to close it does not work. I need to close Visual Studio in order to kill the process.
Why is this happening?
When during debugging a program error occurs, the program usually does not "end". Instead, the debugger (VS2010) pauses execution, allowing you to inspect the code resulting in the error. Depending on the language used (e.g. C#) and the way you compiled your program, you may even be able to edit the program on the fly, move the execution cursor back a bit and continue the program from there.
If the Debug toolbar is visible (in my case it shows up automatically whenever I'm debugging), you should see a couple of "playback" buttons, allowing you to start/continue, pause, stop your program etc. If you stop your program, it will be gone from the task manager too.
As I mentioned in a comment on your question, you can also use the Debug menu to accomplish these tasks.

Debugging application when launched via ShellExecute

I am trying to launch an application via the ShellExecute() API call. This application contains only a main function which does some processing and exits.
Now I have put DebugBreak() in starting of main. When ShellExecute() is called the application is launched successfully but it does not ask for breaking.
How can I debug my application when launched from other application using ShellExecute()?
I am using VC++ .
If DebugBreak() isn't workign for you, try _CrtDbgBreak(). Note that _CrtDbgBreak only works in a debug build.
_CrtDebugBreak definitely works for me to make a launched process break on startup, although I'm pretty sure DebugBreak does also.
Note that both functions will make it look like the process has crashed, since they raise an exception. That is normal and gives you the opportunity to attach a debugger via the crash dialog. (The crash dialog also lets you terminate the process; don't use that, obviously.)
Also note that if you have a catch-all SEH exception handler around your main then the exception raise by DebugBreak & friends will be swallowed up and the app will simply exit without showing the crash dialog or letting you attach to it.
You can't do this with VC++; with WinDbg this is just .childdbg 1 to debug all child processes. With VC++, you can use Image File Execution Options in a pinch - check out for more info. Really though, if you've got the time to learn WinDbg, it's much better at this.
you can try this, it's ok in xp system.
app.exe is your application name,
-s1...-s3 is command line arguments.
HINSTANCE hRet = ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", L"vsjitdebugger.exe", L" app.exe -s1 a1 -s2 a2 a3 -s3", szExePath, SW_SHOW);
There is now a Microsoft Child Process Debugging Power Tool.
The method I use for things like this is to embed some interactive code, which you can either delete afterwards, comment out or conditionally enable. In a few cases we have this code enabled by querying an environment variable which is set by the tool that launches the main application. This allows me to click a check box, hit launch and have the breakpoint dialog in seconds.
if (MessageBox(NULL,
_T("Attach the debugger now, then choose Yes to hit a breakpoint"),
_T("Attach Debugger"),
This gives you the ability to attach the debugger when the dialog box appears and the option to hit a breakpoint or not. My earlier versions didn't give me the option and after a while I realised some of the time I wanted the breakpoint, and some of the time I didn't.

How to attach debug IIS native module with VS 2010

I am getting difficulty debugging my custom IIS module written in C++, using VS 2010. The problem is that IIS worker process (w3wp.exe) starts too quickly and there is no way to catch it at the beginning in VS "attach to process" dialog. Is there a good skill to do this? Thanks.
You can add a Debugger Breakpoint in your code . I use this all the time to catch things that are too fast to catch manually.
FYi in .net you use System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() to achieve the same effect.
It causes the windows system debugger to be activated.
A trick that I have sometimes used is to introduce an artificial infinite loop at the entry point of my code, I then set a breakpoint in this loop and simply move the next instruction to be out of the loop when the breakpoint is hit - job done!
