How to disable AnkhSVN in Visual Studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

How can I disable AnkhSVN in VS 2010?

This works more or less the same for all SCC Providers:
Go to File -> Subversion -> Change Source Control. Use this to disconnect the solution (this is to avoid auto-reloading AnkhSVN the next time you open the solution).
Go to Tools -> Options -> Source Control. Select None (or a different SCC Provider)


How to customize Team Explorer in VS

I have re-installed my Visual Studio 2019 Professional and now Team Explorer is missing some sections. Branches and Changes sections are missing. Now I am able to manage my branches from Git repository window, which is not too comfortable for me. How can I add missing sections to Team Explorer tab?
Problem solves. New "Git experience" feature has been presented in VS 2019.
To bring disappeared sections back in Team Explorer just disable "New Git user experience" under Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Preview features.
Yes just uncheck New Git features!

Do we have Git source control explorer in Visual Studio 2017?

We get source control explorer for the TFS source control model, and it is productive.
Do we get a similar source control explorer for Git in Visual Studio 2017?
If we do have it, how do I navigate to it?
In short, no, there is no built-in UI support for Git in Visual Studio 2017.
Alternatively, you can try the following extensions based on your source control setup.
In Visual Studio, select Tools → Extensions and Updates, select Online on the left pane, search for one of the following in the search bar in the top right:
Bitbucket → install Visual Studio Bitbucket Extension
GitHub → Install GitHub Extension for Visual Studio
Git → Install Easy Git Integration Tools
The first two do a good job of providing UI controls to work with source control as they relate to Bitbucket or GitHub in a similar fashion to regular TFS integration (that you may be familiar with). I haven't tried the third one myself, and I'm not sure what that one is like.
Please see the Solution Explorer - Folder View. This can be accessed from Solution Explorer (open with CTRL+W, S), then by clicking the Solutions and Folders toggle button. In Visual Studio 2017, it looks like this:
Though it's not a 1:1 capability of the Team Foundation Source Control Explorer view, it does have the ability to view files in the local repo, open, view history, etc.
Visual Studio does not currently have Source Control Explorer for Git repositories. You might consider voting on this User Voice item to help the product team prioritize features:
In Visual Studio 2019, open the folder for the work space using "File->Open->Folder...". The solution explorer, via "View->Solution Explorer", should display all the files which you can then right click to view history and other GIT operations.

Visual Studio: Configure Symbol Server via Registry

Setting up Symbol Server in Visual Studio involves a lot of clickety-clack:
Go to Tools -> Options -> Debugger -> General.
Uncheck “Enable Just My Code (Managed only)”.
Uncheck “Enable .NET Framework source stepping”. Yes, it is misleading, but if you don't, then Visual Studio will ignore your custom server order (see further on).
Check “Enable source server support”.
Uncheck “Require source files to exactly match the original version”
Go to Tools -> Options -> Debugger -> Symbols.
Select a folder for the local symbol/source cache.
Add symbol servers under “Symbol file (.pdb) locations”.
Is there any way to automate this rigamarole with a simple REG file or somesuch?
Solved now (see how Unplugged does it):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Tool for comparing files in Visual Studio 2010

I read the this Tool for comparing files in Visual Studio post and the recomended posts but unfortuantely it is only for VS-2008. I am wondering if there is a working tool for comparing selected files in visual studio 2010.
Ideally, select 2 files in Solution Explorer and right click and choose "Compare Selected Files"
I also have ankhSVN as my subversion program therefore cannot use
Edit: I have successfully selected WinMerge as my tool for Diff process, but how do i actually compare 2 files using it?
AnkhSVN is the same for VS2005, 2008 and 2010. You can use Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Subversion User Tools to configure your diff/merge and patch tools. It will auto-detect most tools, so you only have to select them from the dropdown menu.
See also ankhsvntips
EDIT: There's currently no option to diff 2 different files, you can only diff versions of the same file.
I use BeyondCompare, its really good.
SourceGear DiffMerge is great, and integrates well with VS2010 and AnkhSvn. It's recommended in the AnkhSvn wiki.
To compare 2 files just choose "Open File Diff..." from the "File" menu.
VS IDE config instructions for WinMerge are available from Paul Bouwer's blog entry Replace diff/merge tool in Visual Studio Team System with WinMerge:
In Visual Studio under Tools > Options > Source Control > Visual Studio Team Foundation > Configure User Tools, add entries for Compare and Merge using the options indicated.
Works great anywhere in VS IDE that the Compare command is available eg in Pending Changes and Changeset Details windows.
Also works great with Windows Explorer integration and as a stand alone tool.

VisualHG icons doesn't appear in VS2010 solution explorer

Has anyone managed this problem?
All other Mercurial facilities are working fine inside VS.
Two things to try:
Make sure you reinstall VisualHG after installing Visual Studio 2010 (this may not be "necessary," but it's often needed for plugins of various sorts anyway).
Make sure you have VisualHG selected as the active source control plug-in. Go to Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Plug-in Selection and make sure VisualHG is selected.
