Tool for comparing files in Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I read the this Tool for comparing files in Visual Studio post and the recomended posts but unfortuantely it is only for VS-2008. I am wondering if there is a working tool for comparing selected files in visual studio 2010.
Ideally, select 2 files in Solution Explorer and right click and choose "Compare Selected Files"
I also have ankhSVN as my subversion program therefore cannot use
Edit: I have successfully selected WinMerge as my tool for Diff process, but how do i actually compare 2 files using it?

AnkhSVN is the same for VS2005, 2008 and 2010. You can use Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Subversion User Tools to configure your diff/merge and patch tools. It will auto-detect most tools, so you only have to select them from the dropdown menu.
See also ankhsvntips
EDIT: There's currently no option to diff 2 different files, you can only diff versions of the same file.

I use BeyondCompare, its really good.

SourceGear DiffMerge is great, and integrates well with VS2010 and AnkhSvn. It's recommended in the AnkhSvn wiki.
To compare 2 files just choose "Open File Diff..." from the "File" menu.

VS IDE config instructions for WinMerge are available from Paul Bouwer's blog entry Replace diff/merge tool in Visual Studio Team System with WinMerge:
In Visual Studio under Tools > Options > Source Control > Visual Studio Team Foundation > Configure User Tools, add entries for Compare and Merge using the options indicated.
Works great anywhere in VS IDE that the Compare command is available eg in Pending Changes and Changeset Details windows.
Also works great with Windows Explorer integration and as a stand alone tool.


Export Visual Studio's 'Code Style settings' as .editorconfig

Our team works with Visual Studio 2017 Professional.
I've been trying to unify the Code Style across the team and apparently the industry standard right now is to use .editorconfig files. Even Visual Studio in it's settings windows suggests to use that configuration file and links to a useful page on how to write an editorconfig file.
but I don't want to write all the settings that I already have configured in VS by hand. I would like a tool that exports those settings as a .editorconfig file to distribute them.
I haven't been able to find any tool to do just that so I thought on righting it myself and share it with other people like me. But apparently if go to "Tools -> Import and Export Settings..." you can't download your current Code Style settings.
Is there a way around this?
do you know any tool to convert my settings to an editorconfig file or a way to export my current Code Style settings?
I have created my own version of the .editorconfig file based on the information found in here
You can find it in my github repo
I realise this isn't much help for VS2017 users, but VS2019 has a button "Generate .editorconfig file from settings" on the Code Style options page:
This options page is available at Tools > Options > Text Editor > [C# or Basic] > Code Style > General.
I know this question is ancient but worth an answer...
The latest Visual Studio extension allows you to do this (Guide here):
Basically install the extension and right click on the solution or project (you can restrict the rules to solution/project or even folder) and click add > new EditorConfig (IntelliCode)
There are still some restrictions about what you can do in the latest releases of Visual Studio, but Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Preview 3 or higher allow you to use a new extended “Format Document” command to perform additional code cleanup for the current document.
It's a shame you can't make all your rules cause build errors, only some of the options allow this - without this, a lot of the styling options can be ignored.

Do we have Git source control explorer in Visual Studio 2017?

We get source control explorer for the TFS source control model, and it is productive.
Do we get a similar source control explorer for Git in Visual Studio 2017?
If we do have it, how do I navigate to it?
In short, no, there is no built-in UI support for Git in Visual Studio 2017.
Alternatively, you can try the following extensions based on your source control setup.
In Visual Studio, select Tools → Extensions and Updates, select Online on the left pane, search for one of the following in the search bar in the top right:
Bitbucket → install Visual Studio Bitbucket Extension
GitHub → Install GitHub Extension for Visual Studio
Git → Install Easy Git Integration Tools
The first two do a good job of providing UI controls to work with source control as they relate to Bitbucket or GitHub in a similar fashion to regular TFS integration (that you may be familiar with). I haven't tried the third one myself, and I'm not sure what that one is like.
Please see the Solution Explorer - Folder View. This can be accessed from Solution Explorer (open with CTRL+W, S), then by clicking the Solutions and Folders toggle button. In Visual Studio 2017, it looks like this:
Though it's not a 1:1 capability of the Team Foundation Source Control Explorer view, it does have the ability to view files in the local repo, open, view history, etc.
Visual Studio does not currently have Source Control Explorer for Git repositories. You might consider voting on this User Voice item to help the product team prioritize features:
In Visual Studio 2019, open the folder for the work space using "File->Open->Folder...". The solution explorer, via "View->Solution Explorer", should display all the files which you can then right click to view history and other GIT operations.

how to compare two files in visual studio ignoring casing

I want to compare two files in visual studio (files containing stored procs)
So I want to ignore all the "Capital" / "Small" differences in the file.
I opened the command window and used Tools.DiffFiles but its taking the case difference also into consideration
P.S I have already seen this question and answers for it
Although Visual Studio is asked for explicitly, I recommend a different tool: WinMerge.
It indeed has many options for comparing and merging files. It lacks a 3-way-merge though. Of course WinMerge can optionally ignore case.
Visual Studio can be configured so you can call WinMerge using "Tools / External Tools ...". Then you may even install a toolbar item for it. Quite nice!
Most version control systems allow you to use WinMerge as a compare tool. For example for TFS you open the "Tools / Options ..." menu and there you choose "Source Control / Visual Studio Team Foundation Server". Click on the button "Configure User Tools".

How to ignore white space when comparing source in Visual Studio / TFS?

The compare tool in Visual Source Safe (pre TFS) had a handy checkbox to select "Ignore White Space".
Now we are using TFS with Visual Studio 2010, and the compare dialog no longer has this option. (A ridiculous oversight from Microsoft!)
So, is it possible somehow to work around this?
This is a workaround that seems to get around the problem.
In Visual Studio, select Tools / Options / Source Control / Visual Studio Team Foundation System and click the Configure User Tools button.
In the dialog, Add an item with the following settings.
Extension : .*
Operation : Compare
Command : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\diffmerge.exe
Arguments : %1 %2 %6 %7 %5 /ignorespace
Depending on your Visual Studio version and instalation path (x64/x86), the command option may be...
VS2010: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\diffmerge.exe
VS2012: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\diffmerge.exe
VS2013: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\vsDiffMerge.exe
VS2015: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\vsDiffMerge.exe
VS2017: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\vsDiffMerge.exe
In the argument option leave it with the same number of arguments as the VS suggests and just add /ignorespace in the end. For example, in the VS2015 it will be:
%1 %2 /ignorespace
There is a "=" button on Visual Studio 2017 toolbar that helps to compare files as you want. Hope this screenshot will help.
The default diff tool in Visual Studio is extremely annoying. I suggest you use an alternative.
WinMerge is my favourite. It also has an option to ignore whitespace (menu Edit -> Options -> Compare -> Ignore all (under the groupbox "Whitespace" at the top)).
See Using WinMerge with TFS.
In VS2015 it's possible to "ignore white space" when comparing clicking a little icon with the = symbol.
Go to "View/Toolbars/Compare Files". In the toolbar click on "Ignore trim whitespace".
Update 2020: we struggled a lot solving conflicts with VS comparison tool and the Tortoise SVN one, so after a research we decided to install Devart Code Compare (free version) which has integration with VS2015/2017/2019, SVN (Tortoise and Ankh), TFS, Mercurial, GIT, etc. and Windows Explorer, so no more nightmares/confusion between different comparisons tools. Give it a try, it's extremely useful. It has also Merge to solve conflicts and Folder diff, which is really useful when SVN does not merge for some reason. Also, clicking on the left/right arrows to copy the changes is a feature that I really like.
Below VS image is from Devart website, but in my case I setup Code Compare to open it outside VS instead of embedded, I think it behaves better. And in VS Options > Source Control > Subversion Environment, I have this:
The default diff tool in VS 2013 does let you ignore whitespace after all. Just run the standard differencing process. When Visual Studio brings up the differences, look on the toolbar, where you will see an icon that looks like a document with 5 dots under it, as shown below. This button toggles whether the displayed differences ignore white space. This worked well enough for me; I wanted it to ignore changes in the white space caused by indentation.
in VS 2012, this might be what you're looking for with no changes to Diff tool.
Opening up the compare screen in VS 2012 and at the top you see the following option in the toolbar. as it might be the same comparison as user: Master screenshot.

How to jump to a file in the Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio

I love the Solution Explorer > Right-click > "Open Containing Folder" feature of the PowerCommands extension for Visual Studio 2010. I want the equivalent of a "Jump to location in Source Control Explorer" feature. How can I find out the location in TFS of a given open file, or a file in the solution explorer (or a file in the solution navigator in you have the Productivity Power Tools extension)?
The best answer would be a couple of mouse clicks and no keyboard. Next best answer would be a hotkey mapping.
The only solution that I have found so far is to use the Productivity Power Tools extension which has the feature "Find in Source Control". A file in the results list can be right-clicked to "Open folder in Source Control Explorer". The drawbacks to this solution is that is takes many clicks, and the search results can match more than one file if files exist with the same name in different folders.
There is a stand-alone extension that you can download, called Locate in TFS, within Visual Studio.
"Locate in TFS" on TFS Gallery
"Locate in TFS" on GitHub
This also works on files that you "Exclude from source control", as many developers do with the web.config files.
psulek's post, above, mentions this as part of VSCommands, but I prefer the stand-alone extension.
Try Visual Studio extension VSCommands for Visual Studio 2012. It has feature called Locate in TFS. This will add new button to Solution Explorer Locate in TFS which opens active selected file/folder in TFS Source Control Explorer.
Feature request has been raised with Visual Studio team. Read here
I know it's probably too late. See TfsExt extension for vs2010
I'm not sure if it's possible, but it's a good suggestion.
These two examples show how to use the Visual Studio Extensibility APIs to access the TFS Source Control Explorer APIs.
For Visual Studio 2013 try lightweight extension TfsExt13
