How to programmatically trigger Flip 3D on Windows? - windows

How do I programmatically trigger Flip 3D on Windows Vista and 7?
Is there an API for this and if so, what is it called and where can I find the relevant functions? (I need a specific answer, eg a web link to the actual functions, not something generic like "Oh, it's in DirectX.")
On a related node, I have a Logitech mouse that has a "Document Flip" button that invokes Flip 3D (and then I can press up/down keys to page through the results.) I am curious if they are using an official Windows API or if there is some low level hackery going on.

you need to run a function from dwmapi
Sadly there is no proper funktion name only the ord-number 105
You can try this by executing %WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe dwmapi #105 from Run-dialog or cmd.
ive found out the Windows' API GetProcAddress Function accepts ord-numbers (the 105) as second parameter as well as proper name
lpProcName [in]
The function or variable name, or the function's ordinal value. If this parameter is an ordinal value, it must be in the low-order word; the high-order word must be zero.
so use this code
typedef vois (__cdecl *FlipProc)();
HINSTANCE hDwmApi = LoadLibrary(TEXT("dwmapi.dll"));
FlipProcAdd = (FlipProc) GetProcAddress(hDwmApi, (LPCSTR)105);


AHK: Using RandomBezier Function

I'm trying to use RandomBezier.ahk ( to randomize the mouse path to click on things in game.
The Example.ahk in that github works for me, but when trying to use it in my own program, it doesn't work when calling the RandomBezier function.
I have the files in the same local directory.
Any help on getting this function to work?
#SingleInstance force
#Include RandomBezier.ahk
screenWidth := A_ScreenWidth
screenHeight := A_ScreenHeight
//I'm using ratios so that I'm not hardcoding based on a given display resolution
Play_X := floor(0.02604*A_ScreenWidth)
Play_Y := floor(0.37037*A_ScreenHeight)
RandomBezier(0, 0, %Play_X%, %Play_Y%, "T1200 RO RD OT100 OB-100 OL0 OR0 P4-3") //<-- this line doesn't do anything. the mouse doesn't move.
;MouseMove, %Play_X%, %Play_Y%, 10 <--this line works, so I know that the variables Play_X, Play_Y works
Sleep 50
This is a classic mistake of trying to use legacy syntax in a place where it doesn't belong (though I'd argue it no longer belongs anywhere whatsoever).
Function parameters are passed in as expressions, not as legacy text parameters.
So instead of legacy way of referencing a variable
RandomBezier(0, 0, %Play_X%, %Play_Y%,,
you do
RandomBezier(0, 0, Play_X, Play_Y,.
Overall I'd recommend you to try to to get rid of legacy syntax. It's not 2008 anymore.
Reading this page on the documentation is a good start to learning the difference

How to fill "waveInGetDevCaps" function parameters in Delphi?

I'm using the Window's API, in particular the 'WaveIn' functions. I want to know the format that my laptop's input audio device supports.
Therefore, I used the function "waveInGetDevCaps." This function call , once called, fills in a WAVEINCAPS structure with the information about the audio device.
This is my code so far:
procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
wc : WAVEINCAPS; // structure to be filled with audio device info
waveInGetDevCaps(WAVE_MAPPER, &wc, sizeof(WAVEINCAPS));
Showmessage (wc.dwFormats);
However I keep getting an error:
"E2010 Incompatible types: 'PWaveInCapsA' and 'tagWAVEINCAPSA2"
I would appreciate any help please.
Information on "waveInGetDevCaps" and "WAVEINCAPS" can be found:
You are using the wrong operator to take the address. You use & in C and C++. In Delphi the operator is #. This operator is documented here:
In Delphi, & is used to escape keywords. It has no effect here, because wc is not a keyword, and is essentially ignored, treated as whitespace.
Replace & with # and your code will compile. Don't forget to check the return value of the function call for errors, as described in the function documentation.
The Delphi header translations introduce Pascal-case type names so instead of the WAVEINCAPS type it would be idiomatic to use the TWaveInCaps type.

What is the maximum length of a window title passed to SetWindowText?

The SetWindowText function's documentation does not set a limit on the length of the string that may be used as a window title.
In the documentation for WM_SETTEXT (the message sent by calling SetWindowText), it is noted that the return value of this message's processing may be:
FALSE (for an edit control), LB_ERRSPACE (for a list box), or CB_ERRSPACE (for a combo box) if insufficient space is available to set the text in the edit control.
However, it says nothing about the case when a window's title is being set. Is a strict limit set, or is it up to the programmer to use common sense to provide their own title length limit?
I have posted this because I am developing a graphics engine which allows the user to supply their own title for the main window. The idea is that I would define a constant such as
const static int MAX_APP_TITLE_LENGTH = /* ??? */;
within my application class, and check the length of the user-provided title string against this.
If the title string is too long, I can throw a warning message and truncate it, rather than passing it straight into SetWindowText with unintended consequences.
EDIT: After some discussion in the comments, it seems that Windows will not complain even if a string of length 100,000 is used as a window title, so this issue is not worth worrying about (beyond the basic sanitization of input, of course)!
There is technically no limit to the title size, but the lpClassName field has a strict limit of 256 chars (i didnt want you to think you could have an infinite class name and your code crash.)

Find DeviceInterface (SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA) for DeviceInfo (SP_DEVINFO_DATA)

I am trying to communicate with a USB printer using c-function CreateFile and therefore i need the device path. I know that i can get the device path by SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces and SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail, but for SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces i need to give an InterfaceClassGuid as third parameter which I don't know.
My current approach is:
OpenPrinter with the "user friendly" name of the Printer
GetPrinterDataEx with "PnpData" and "DeviceInstanceId" as parameters 2 and 3 which gives me the DeviceInstanceId
SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList (with NULL-parameters)
SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo with the DeviceInstanceId obtained in step 2. Now I have the DeviceInfo of the printer
CM_Get_Parent with the DevInst of the printer (obtained in step 5).
CM_Get_Device_ID of the parent (obtained in step 6)
SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo with the device id obtained in step 7. Now I have the DeviceInfo of the USB-Interface (but not the interface itself) and am almost at the end.
The only missing thing is to get the device interface (SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA) when I have the SP_DEVINFO_DATA. The other way would be easy: Having the SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA, I could call SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail, so basically I am looking for the opposite function of SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail.
If it would be possible to enumerate ALL interfaces without having to know the InterfaceClassGuid, I could iterate through the list of interfaces and look for the one that is pointing to my device, but unfortunately, this is not possible.
The following articles were very helpful on my way:
Figuring which printer name corresponds to which device ID AND
Am I missing something?
It's been awhile, so I imagine you already found the answer. I'll answer it anyway for someone who may find this question later. I believe the answer is to call SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces passing in your SP_DEVINFO_DATA as the second parameter. From the documentation:
A pointer to an SP_DEVINFO_DATA
structure that specifies a device information element in
This parameter is optional and can be NULL. If this parameter is
specified, SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces constrains the enumeration to
the interfaces that are supported by the specified device. If this
parameter is NULL, repeated calls to SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces
return information about the interfaces that are associated with all
the device information elements in DeviceInfoSet. This pointer is
typically returned by SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo.

convert case of wide characters, given the LCID (Visual C++)

I have some existing Visual C++ code where I need to add the conversion of wide character strings to upper or lower case.
I know there are pitfalls to this (such as the Turkish "I"), but most of these can be ironed-out if you know the language. Fortunately in this area of code I know the LCID value (locale ID) which I guess is the same as knowing the language.
As LCID is a Windows type, is there a Windows function that will convert wide strings to upper or lower case?
The C runtime function _towupper_l() sounds like it would be ideal but it takes a _locale_t parameter instead of LCID, so I guess it's unsuitable unless there is a completely reliable way of converting an LCID to a _locale_t.
The function you're searching for is called LCMapString and it is part of the Windows NLS APIs. The LCMAP_UPPERCASE flag maps characters to uppercase, while the LCMAP_LOWERCASE maps characters to lowercase.
For applications targeting Windows Vista and later, there is an Ex variant that works on locale names instead of identifiers, which are what Microsoft now says you should prefer to use.
In fact, in the CRT implementation provided with VS 2010 (and presumably other versions as well), functions such as _towupper_l ultimately end up calling LCMapString after they extract the locale ID (LCID) from the specified _locale_t.
If you're like me, and less familiar with the i8n APIs than you should be, you probably already know about the CharUpper, CharLower, CharUpperBuff, and CharLowerBuff family of functions. These have been the old standbys from the early days of Windows for altering the case of chars/strings, but as their documentation warns:
Note that CharXxx always maps uppercase I to lowercase I ("i"), even when the current language is Turkish or Azeri. If you need a function that is linguistically sensitive in this respect, call LCMapString.
What it neglects to mention is filled in by a couple of posts on Michael Kaplan's wonderful blog on internationalization issues: What does "linguistic casing" mean?, How best to alter case. The executive summary is that you achieve the same results as the CharXxx family of functions by calling LCMapString and not specifying the LCMAP_LINGUISTIC_CASING flag, whereas you can be linguistically sensitive by ensuring that you do specify the LCMAP_LINGUISTIC_CASING flag.
Sample code:
std::wstring test("Does my code pass the Turkey test?");
if (!LCMapStringW(lcid, /* your LCID, defined elsewhere */
test.c_str(), /* input string */
test.length(), /* length of input string */
&test[0], /* output buffer (can reuse input) */
test.length())) /* length of output buffer (same as input) */
// Uh-oh! Something went wrong in the call to LCMapString, so you need to
// handle the error somehow here.
// A good start is calling GetLastError to determine the error code.
