What is the maximum length of a window title passed to SetWindowText? - winapi

The SetWindowText function's documentation does not set a limit on the length of the string that may be used as a window title.
In the documentation for WM_SETTEXT (the message sent by calling SetWindowText), it is noted that the return value of this message's processing may be:
FALSE (for an edit control), LB_ERRSPACE (for a list box), or CB_ERRSPACE (for a combo box) if insufficient space is available to set the text in the edit control.
However, it says nothing about the case when a window's title is being set. Is a strict limit set, or is it up to the programmer to use common sense to provide their own title length limit?
I have posted this because I am developing a graphics engine which allows the user to supply their own title for the main window. The idea is that I would define a constant such as
const static int MAX_APP_TITLE_LENGTH = /* ??? */;
within my application class, and check the length of the user-provided title string against this.
If the title string is too long, I can throw a warning message and truncate it, rather than passing it straight into SetWindowText with unintended consequences.
EDIT: After some discussion in the comments, it seems that Windows will not complain even if a string of length 100,000 is used as a window title, so this issue is not worth worrying about (beyond the basic sanitization of input, of course)!

There is technically no limit to the title size, but the lpClassName field has a strict limit of 256 chars (i didnt want you to think you could have an infinite class name and your code crash.)
SOURCE: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-wndclassexw


What is the meaning of MAKEINTRESOURCE((id>>4)+1)?

I am trying to mimic the behavior of CString::LoadString(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD id, WORD langID) without introducing a dependency on MFC into my app. So I walked through the source. The first thing it does is to immediately call AtlGetStringResourceImage(hInst, id, langID), and then this in turn contains the following line of code:
hResource = ::FindResourceExW(hInst, (LPWSTR)RT_STRING, MAKEINTRESOURCEW((id>>4)+1), langID);
(It's not verbatim like this, but I trimmed out some unimportant stuff).
What is the meaning of shifting the ID by 4 and adding 1? According to the documentation of FindResourceEx, you should pass in MAKEINTRESOURCE(id), and I can't find any example code that is manipulating the id before passing it to MAKEINTRESOURCE. At the same time, if I make my code call MAKEINTRESOURCE(id) then it doesn't work and FindResourceEx returns null, whereas if I use the above shift + add, then it does work.
Can anyone explain this?
From the STRINGTABLE resource documentation:
RC allocates 16 strings per section and uses the identifier value to determine which section is to contain the string. Strings whose identifiers differ only in the bottom 4 bits are placed in the same section.
The code you are curious about locates the section a given string identifier is stored in by ignoring the low 4 bits.

Interpret "Find action" results on Safari

I am trying to create an AppleScript that can find text on a webpage and tell me the amount of matches I received(Command + F).
I already know how to do the "Find" part:
tell application "System Events"
delay 0.5
keystroke "f" using {command down}
end tell
However, I do not know how to interpret these results, such as tell me whether there is a match, or how many matches I have.
Is there any way to do this?(If it seems a bit vague, I can be more specific)
I agree with #user3439894 and his sentiments about using UI scripting (that is—in this case—getting System Events to issue mouse clicks and keypresses on your behalf). Although it has its uses in other areas, it's by far and away my personal least favourite method to achieve a goal, and one of last resort.
Two very quick reasons why it can be a fragile implementation is: 1) the CmdF shortcut used to initiate the Find... menu command could change, either by your own doing, or if it were to be overridden by a systemwide shortcut that supersedes Safari's claim to it (in fact, for this reason, I would personally trigger the Find... command via the menu bar, which System Events can click on your behalf. Menu items tend not to change like shortcuts, unless regional language settings do); and 2) if Safari loses focus during the time the keypresses are issued and the search is initiated, it messes up the whole command flow in your script, and will at best give you no results, but more likely, throw an error in a later part of the script.
I'm going to demonstrate two alternative methods of searching a Safari webpage for a piece of text, and obtaining the number of times it matches throughout the whole document.
1. Safari's do JavaScript AppleScript command
Most modern web browsers have the ability to run JavaScript code inside their tabs, and Safari can too. AppleScript can take command of this very useful function, provided you give it permission to do so by going into the Develop menu of Safari and ticking Allow JavaScript from Apple Events and Allow Remote Automation (the latter of which will already be on, I'm guessing). There's another menu item called Allow JavaScript from Smart Search Field—I would advise you keep this one off, otherwise it could potentially allow naughty websites to issue commands to your computer and cause mischief.
use A : application "Safari"
set D to the front document of A
set s to "AppleScript" -- the search string
set n to (do JavaScript ¬
"document" & ¬
".body" & ¬
".innerText" & ¬
".match(/" & s & "/ig)" & ¬
".length;" in D) as integer -- the number of matches
on error
set n to 0
end try
To break this down: s is the search string that you would otherwise be typing into the search box. It is fed into a JavaScript command, that has the following components:
document: a reference to the Safari webpage document;
body: the body of the document, as opposed to, say, the header or the footer. It's the main bulk of the webpage that users see in front of them;
innerText: the text contained within the body of the document, free of any HTML formatting, but preserving whitespace;
match(): a method or function in JavaScript where the search string s is used to perform a search within the innerText and return an array listing all of the matches;
length: a property of the array returned by match() that reports how many elements is contains, and this equates to the number of matches found during the search.
It's all one command, which, written in full on a single line, looks like this (using the search string "AppleScript"):
It returns a number, which is stored in the variable n, and that's it.
This is my favourite method that I would elect to use myself, as it's unlikely to break, and it's nice and fast.
I should point out that match() actually searches and matches using a Regular Expression. I won't go into them right now, but it means that the search string s will need to be a little careful if using any special characters:
\ [ ] { } ^ $ . | ? * + ( )
All you need to be aware of is that, if your search string uses any of these characters, you should precede it with a double-backslash \\. So, for example, if I wanted to search for "matches I received(Command + F)" (which uses (, ) and +), then I would declare my variable s as:
set s to "matches I received\\(Command \\+ F\\)"
2. Chop & Measure
This method is useful if you don't wish to enable Remote JavaScript in your browser, or simply want something that's straightforward to remember and implement off the top of your head next time.
It's simple text manipulation, using AppleScript's text item delimiters and a bit of counting:
use A : application "Safari"
set D to the front document of A
set s to "AppleScript" -- the search string
set T to text of D -- the webpage text content
set l to {initialValue:length of T, finalValue:missing value}
set the text item delimiters to s
set T to text items of T
set the text item delimiters to ""
set T to T as text
set l's finalValue to length of T
set |𝚫l| to (l's initialValue) - (l's finalValue)
set n to |𝚫l| / (length of s)
Safari has a useful AppleScript property called text, which refers to the text content of the specified document or tab (it also has another property called source that contains the HTML source of the document or tab).
Here's the breakdown:
The value of Safari's text property—which is the text content of the webpage—is stored in a variable, T;
The length of T is read and stored. This equates to the number of characters on the whole webpage;
The text item delimiters are set to the search string, s, (which does not need to worry about special characters, so don't insert unnecessary backslashes in this one). The text item delimiters basically erase all occurrences of s from within T;
Then the length of T is read again. If s found any matches in T, it means that the length of T—the number of characters—will have reduced;
It will have reduced by the number of characters in s for each match that occurred. Therefore, turning the equation round a bit, the number of matches, n, is equal to the change in length of T divided by the length of s.
There are other ways to search a webpage with AppleScript, JavaScript, bash, etc., but I think these two serve as reasonable examples of how to achieve the same goal using very different methods. I refer to them as examples, because you might need to make small adjustments to the script to cater for your own needs, such as inserting backslashes where necessary in the first example, or considering in the second how you'd handle the situation if you set s to be an empty string "" (it will throw an error, but this is easily managed).
They also both return real values for n, i.e. 11.0. It's easy to see why in the second example, but I assume it's just a type conversion between JavaScript and AppleScript in the first example (I don't know). Therefore, purely for neatness, I would then coerce the returned value into an integer as I did in the first one, so it reads 11 instead of 11.0:
set n to (...) as integer
but you don't have to.
First of all I must say that UI Scripting can be messy and unreliable. I'd suggest you find a different way to accomplish whatever the real goal is.
That said, using Safari in macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 set to this web page, the following example AppleScript code will set the variable theSearchResult to the result of the search for the word "vague":
tell application "Safari" to activate
delay 0.5
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "f" using command down
delay 0.2
keystroke "vague"
delay 0.2
set theSearchResult to (value of static text 1 of group 2 of tab group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1 of application process "Safari")
delay 0.2
key code 53 -- # Esc
end tell
return theSearchResult
"1 match"
Note that the value of the delay commands may need to be adjusted for your system, and or additional delay commands may or may not be needed. Adjust values of and or add/remove the delay commands as appropriate.
The search result can be one of the following, Not found or an integer followed by the word match, e.g. 1 match, and possibly something else, not sure as I've not done extensive testing.
How you want to interpret the result is up to you. You could use a if statement on the theSearchResult, e.g.:
if theSearchResult contains "Not found" then
-- # Do something.
-- # Your code goes here.
-- # Do something else.
-- # Your code goes here
end if
Another factor to consider is how is it being searched, i.e. Starts With or Contains. I believe the default in for Safari in macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 is Starts With.
Note: The example AppleScript code is just that and does not employ any error handling and is meant only to show one of many ways to accomplish a task. The onus is always upon the User to add/use appropriate error handling as needed/wanted.

UITextField binding to a decimal. Can I automatically turn empty string to zero

I have a very standard binding set up in android on a UITextView
local:MvxBind="Text Quantity"
Where Quantity is an int property.
If I enter 123 say, that gets assigned and the setter is called. As I delete that text, 123 -> 12 -> 1 -> empty string, the setter is called for each number but not for the empty string infact the following exception occurs:
MvxBind:Error: 48.84 SetValue failed with exception - FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format
Is there a way of automatically converting the empty string value to 0 in the binding? Will I need a value converter for this? Is this in fact a bug?
Thanks in advance.
This area has been discussed recently in https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/issues/350 with some nullable additions in https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/issues/373 - people are welcome to contribute their opinions (and/or code) there.
The current 'status quo' is that MvvmCross will parse and represent valid decimal numbers. However, if the number isn't valid - eg if it's string.Empty or a set of non-numeric characters - then MvvmCross won't interpret these as zero (should "" be zero? should "asdf" be zero? should "123.456.7" be zero? should "1234asd" be zero? perhaps all of these should actually be NaN?).
If people need specific behaviour then it's easy for them to implement this behaviour - e.g. using a custom control (subclassed UITextField), using a value converter, using a custom binding (or overriding the default binding), using a string property on the viewModel, etc.
My personal opinion is that this topic really comes under the Validation heading. In general, MvvmCross doesn't provide many hooks for Validation at present. It's been proposed for a long time - https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/issues/133 - but no-one has shown much interest. There are some simple validation samples in the WithErrors demo within https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross-Tutorials/tree/master/ApiExamples. Within the apps I've written we've generally written and sub-classed UI controls to help reduce the need for validation - and in general we've tried to avoid the need for as much text input as we can (users don't like seem to like using keypads on phones)

convert case of wide characters, given the LCID (Visual C++)

I have some existing Visual C++ code where I need to add the conversion of wide character strings to upper or lower case.
I know there are pitfalls to this (such as the Turkish "I"), but most of these can be ironed-out if you know the language. Fortunately in this area of code I know the LCID value (locale ID) which I guess is the same as knowing the language.
As LCID is a Windows type, is there a Windows function that will convert wide strings to upper or lower case?
The C runtime function _towupper_l() sounds like it would be ideal but it takes a _locale_t parameter instead of LCID, so I guess it's unsuitable unless there is a completely reliable way of converting an LCID to a _locale_t.
The function you're searching for is called LCMapString and it is part of the Windows NLS APIs. The LCMAP_UPPERCASE flag maps characters to uppercase, while the LCMAP_LOWERCASE maps characters to lowercase.
For applications targeting Windows Vista and later, there is an Ex variant that works on locale names instead of identifiers, which are what Microsoft now says you should prefer to use.
In fact, in the CRT implementation provided with VS 2010 (and presumably other versions as well), functions such as _towupper_l ultimately end up calling LCMapString after they extract the locale ID (LCID) from the specified _locale_t.
If you're like me, and less familiar with the i8n APIs than you should be, you probably already know about the CharUpper, CharLower, CharUpperBuff, and CharLowerBuff family of functions. These have been the old standbys from the early days of Windows for altering the case of chars/strings, but as their documentation warns:
Note that CharXxx always maps uppercase I to lowercase I ("i"), even when the current language is Turkish or Azeri. If you need a function that is linguistically sensitive in this respect, call LCMapString.
What it neglects to mention is filled in by a couple of posts on Michael Kaplan's wonderful blog on internationalization issues: What does "linguistic casing" mean?, How best to alter case. The executive summary is that you achieve the same results as the CharXxx family of functions by calling LCMapString and not specifying the LCMAP_LINGUISTIC_CASING flag, whereas you can be linguistically sensitive by ensuring that you do specify the LCMAP_LINGUISTIC_CASING flag.
Sample code:
std::wstring test("Does my code pass the Turkey test?");
if (!LCMapStringW(lcid, /* your LCID, defined elsewhere */
test.c_str(), /* input string */
test.length(), /* length of input string */
&test[0], /* output buffer (can reuse input) */
test.length())) /* length of output buffer (same as input) */
// Uh-oh! Something went wrong in the call to LCMapString, so you need to
// handle the error somehow here.
// A good start is calling GetLastError to determine the error code.

Have problems designing input and output for a calculator app

I am writing a button calculator. I have the code split into model, view and a controller. The model knows nothing about formatting, it is only concerned with numbers. All formatting is done in the view. The model gets its input as keypresses, each keypress is a part of an enum:
typedef enum {
kButtonUnknown = 0,
kButtonMemoryClear = 100,
kButtonMemoryPlus = 112,
kButtonMemoryMinus = 109,
kButtonMemoryRecall = 114,
kButtonClear = 99,
When the user presses a button (say 1), the model receives a button code (kButtonNum1), adds the corresponding number to a string input buffer ("1") and updates the numeric output value (1.0). The controller then passes the numeric output value to the view that formats it (1).
This is all plain, simple and clean, but does not really work. The problem is that when user enters a part of a number (say 0.00, going to enter 0.001), the input does not survive the way through model to view and the display says 0 instead of 0.00. I know why this happens ("0.00"::string parses to 0::double and that gets formatted as 0). What I don’t know is how to design the calculator so that the code stays clean and simple and the numbers will show up on screen exactly as the user types them.
I’ve already come with some kind of solution, but that’s essentially a hack and breaks the beautiful and simple flow from the calculator model to the display.
Current solution keeps track of the calculator state. If the calculator is building a number, I take the calculator input buffer (a string) and directly set the display contents (also a string). Otherwise I take the proper path, ie. take the numeric calculator output, pass it to the view as a double and the view uses its internal formatter to create a string for the display. Example input:
input | display | mode
0 | 0 | from string
0. | 0. | from string
0.0 | 0.0 | from string
0.0+ | 0 | from number
This is ugly. (1) The calculator has to expose its input buffer and state. (2) The view has to expose its display and allow setting its contents directly using a string. (3) I have to duplicate some of the formatting code to format the string I got from the calculator input buffer. If user enters 12345.000, I have to display 12,345.000 and therefore I’ve got to have a commification code for strings. Yuck.
On my calculator (HP48SX) the numbers in the display are formatted according to the settings for displaying numbers. Right now, if I enter 0.00 (or any variant thereof) it is displayed as 0.0000. Perhaps you could separate display (ie formatting) from internal number representation ? In terms of MVC I guess that this would be implemented as state in the C.
EDIT in response to OP's comment. I don't fully understand the limitations of what you call a button calculator so you're on your own there. As for separation, I would design the calculator such that:
Model is always working with whatever you use for representing numbers: floats, doubles, decimals, what-have-you.
View is always working with strings which present numbers nicely and allow users to enter as they wish.
Controller translates from string to number, from number to string. In my original suggestion I envisaged that Controller itself would be stateful (storing current-numeric-format for example) and be addressable from the buttons. But you seem to have ruled that out.
Your problem, as I see it, is that if you don't store this state somewhere then you have no way of telling the calculator to use anything other than a fixed* format for displaying any number entered. By fixed* I mean a very limited form of flexibility, such as always displaying the number of decimal digits that were in the most recently entered number, rather than absolutely fixed such as 12 digits, no more and no less.
At last I’ve found a nicer solution. I have added an inputHint property to the formatter object that takes care of the output formatting in the view. This input hint receives the value of the calculator input buffer and affects the formatting. If there is a decimal dot in the input hint, the formatter is forced to always keep the decimal dot in output, therefore solving the case of "0." being formatted as "0". And if the input contains some fraction digits, the formatter is forced to keep the same number of fraction digits in output (solves the case of "0.00" being formatted as "0").
I still have to expose the calculator input buffer and state, but I don’t have to expose the view’s display as string and don’t have to maintain the duplicate formatting code path for strings.
