Release the focus from my window - windows

I'm wondering how I can give the focus back to the window that it before my window got it. I've looked around and so far only seen functions to get, not release, focus.

I wonder if you just need the focus released, or do you need to focus on another entity instead, after releasing the focus from said entity?

If you need to know previous widget in your form tab order, take a look at QWidget::nextInFocusChain and QWidget::previousInFocusChain. You should be able to get next\previous widget in your widget's focus chain. Once you know it, you can pass focus to it.
If you're looking to get next\previous window in Z-order take a look at winapi GetNextWindow function (GW_HWNDPREV in wCmd parameter will return a handle to the window above the given window). Once you know the previous window you can bring it back to from using BringWindowToTop
hope this helps, regards


Save and Restore Pane-Specific Information in DockPanelSuite

So I have looked through existing answers tagged with dockpanel-suite and have not found what I am looking for (as I type this, it is also not appearing in the Similar Questions area). For starters, note that I am NOT asking about saving and restoring the entire Workspace.
So here is the scenario. I have a graphical window (we will call it "Timeline") that is added upon user request. When it is added, it is automatically docked to the bottom-most area of the main form. The user then takes the Timeline window and redocks it somewhere else (could be docked to an edge, or within another docking pane) and changes its docking behavior (floating, auto-hide, tab, etc.).
A demonstrable example is in Visual Studio. If you have the Solution Explorer on a tab within an docked pane on the right and close Solution Explorer, you can go to View -> Solution Explorer and bring it back up again, and it restores to the correct location.
Now the user closes the Timeline window entirely by hitting the [x] on its pane, and in the future, they request to add it to the application again. I want to bring it back in the last dock state and position it was in when it was last closed.
Now, I appear to be able to catch the closing of the pane with the ContentRemoved event, but in there e.Content.DockHandler.Pane, e.Content.DockHandler.PanelPane and e.Content.DockHandler.FloatPane are all null so I have no obvious way to get the previous dock geometry. e.Content.DockHandler.DockPanel is valid, but it is the parent/root docking panel, and calling SaveAsXml(...) does nothing for me because it would get the entire workspace.
Even if I were able to capture it here, information I need. However, I do not appear to be able to simply call LoadFromXml(...) on anything either.
If I try to do it before the DockContent object is added to the DockPanel, DockHandler.DockPanel member is null, so I appear to have no place to restore the XML into, even if I was able to get it.
There are no other events hanging off of DockPanel that seem to be able to help me here.
So - is there a way to do this, and what is the correct way to do it? I want to make sure I am not barking up the wrong tree with trying to capture the dock information as XML when closed and restore it later.
I have toyed with the idea of not actually closing the window but just undocking and hiding it, but have not explored that very far yet. Same with hooking the DockChanged event, but it does not seem to fire on the DockContent objects being docked/floated/etc. and I am not sure why.
Also the solution needs to be robust enough so that I can correctly handle scenarios such as if the last docking parent no longer exists. For example, if it was docked as a tab somewhere, but now that parent window (containing the tabs) has also been closed. I do not know if LoadFromXml, presuming it is the right way to do, is robust enough to handle this scenario, as I have not been able to test it yet.
If I understand the question, what I do is to trap the Closing or FormClosing event, .Hide() the form and set e.Cancel = true. If you are using DockContent, then there is a HideOnClose() that does the work for you. Then when you want to "re-open" the window, you simply use an empty .Show(), and it will Show right where it was when you "closed" it.
As far as saving if the last docking parent no longer exists, I agree with Lex Li, that will take a hack.

SDL2 Raising a window without giving it focus

I need to display a tooltip over a window. I'm creating a second window with the tool tip and using SDL_RaiseWindow() to bring it to the top. However, doing that causes the tooltip to steal focus which is not what I want. Is there a way to bring a window to the top without changing focus?
Also, is there a way to set focus (mouse and/or keyboard) without changing the Z order of the windows?
The answer offered by Neil will only work under X11 as SDL_SetWindowInputFocus() is only implemented for that environment. In essence, the desired behaviour is otherwise not achievable. I have seen that there is a feature request in the SDL forums for an overload of the SDL_RaiseWindow() function to include an optional bool parameter to indicate if the raised window should also receive the input focus, or not. I hope they do implement that.
In any case, the support for multiple windows under SDL 2.x is a little weak. There is no built in support for the Z-order of different windows, and trying to build one based on the "painter's method" works, but leaves one no control over the input focus.
Old question, but this came up during my own search. You could try SDL_RaiseWindow() to bring your tooltip to the top, then use SDL_SetWindowInputFocus() on the main window to switch focus back to it.
I got this working sufficiently for my tooltips on mac by using SDL_WINDOW_ALWAYS_ON_TOP flag with SDL2:
SDL_CreateWindow(tooltip_window->name, x, y, w, h,
// ...render what you want on that tooltip (SDL_RenderClear, SDL_RenderCopy, SDL_RenderPresent) & hide it with SDL_HideWindow
And when showing the tooltip:

Auto resize a dialog control when parent window is resized WinApi

I am trying to show a web page in a dialog control. All is working fine till I maximize the parent window, the inner control with webpage retains its size and so a blank area is left at the side of window. I want to know is there any WS_* message or something I can use to auto resize control when we resize the main window. I am using resource hacker so may be there can be some trick I should know.
Any help is appreciated.
The application must perform the resize. And it does so when it receives a WM_SIZE message for the parent control.
You are not going to be able change this by modifying the resources in a pre-existing binary. You are going to need to write some code to respond to that message.
The way I'd try seeing as I've never tried to hack something like this in.
Would be to see if the web control had an anchors property.
Its should be being passed a wm-size message, it's just not doing anything with it.
If you anchor all four corners of the webcontrol it should resize relative to it's parent.
The other way this is done is through explicit code that handles a resize event, don't think you could hack that in very easily though.

SwitchToThisWindow sends current window to the back

So yes, I find myself in the dubious position of implementing a SwitchToThisWindow call to force my window to the front. I agree, its not ideal, but its not always possible to argue against product "features" that others deem necessary.
Now, I consider SwitchToThisWindow to be a win over the AttachThreadInput hack to do a forced window switch as its less likely to deadlock, and should SwitchToThisWindow be removed, or cease to function I won't complain.
However, SwitchToThisWindow has the unfortunate side effect of pushing the current foreground window to the bottom of the z-order in addition to bringing the target window to the top when FALSE is passed for the fAltTab parameter, and not doing anything if TRUE is passed.
How can I avoid this 'push current active to z-bottom' behavior without resorting to AttachThreadInput?
Alternatively, MS can just remove AttachThreadInput as a viable workaround and I can just tell my manager that the impossible, is in fact, actually, impossible.
I don't know if this helps, but the only way i found out to bring my window to top reliably is to make the following 2 calls:
ShowWindow(myhwnd, SW_MINIMIZE);
ShowWindow(myhwnd, SW_RESTORE);
Obviously these calls only should be made, when your window currently is not the topmost one in order to avoid flickering. But this also should not have the side effect of bringing the current front window to the bottom of the z order.
When passing fAltTab=FALSE you are actually emulating Alt+Esc. So you could reverse this z-order change with SetWindowPos and its hWndInsertAfter after the SwitchToThisWindow call, but then you are back in ugly hacky-land IMHO.
The question is, do you really need keyboard focus?
Let me suggest another alternative:
If your window is minimized, restore it
Set your window to be topmost, when your window is activated remove the style again.
Call SetForegroundWindow to flash the taskbar button (Or FlashWindowEx)
This should avoid the scenario where a user is typing and ends up performing some action in your UI without even looking at the screen.
HWND hwndFgnd=GetForegroundWindow();
..will probably work if you don't want to set the topmost bit at any point (Even if your window is at the top of the z-order, you still can't legally get the focus with SetForegroundWindow)
This is a bad problem I faced too. See my solution here. It works both for Show() and ShowDialog().

Hide window until the top window is displayed

I am facing a little annoying design problem. Not easy to give a title of my question.
I must display two windows, one over another one. The first one is a Cocoa window, the second is made with Qt. In the second window, an action is performed, but the user can choose to close this window. He must fall back on the first window.
To display my first window, which is actually a SFAuthorizationPluginView, I do:
[myview displayView];
then, to display the window made with Qt on top of first window:
QWidget* w = openMyScreen();
NSView* v = (NSView*)w->winId();
[[v window] setLevel:2003];
This works well, however there is a small delay before the second window is displayed. We can thus see for a very short time the first window.
I need that the second window stays on top of the first window, because the user can close the second window and must have access to the first window.
Any ideas on a trick how to hide the first window, just the time, the second window appears?
Thanks in advance
NSDisableScreenUpdates and NSEnableScreenUpdates (link) might be useful in this situation. The documentation says:
You typically call this function so that operations on multiple windows appear atomic to the user.
which seems to describe your situation.
A word of unrelated advice though: Don't go setting window levels willy-nilly. A window level of 2003 will likely cause the window to appear over things like the dock or even the menu bar, which would definitely be strange. You should stick to the standard levels declared in NSWindow.h unless you have good reason. NSFloatingWindowLevel might be appropriate (although I'm not sure what level the SFAuthorizationPluginView window is displayed at).
Starting with MacOS 10.4, you can use :
[NSWindow disableScreenUpdatesUntilFlush];
