wp7 application bar without navigation - windows-phone-7

My problem is that the application bar is not displayed on a page if I don't use the navigationservice to navigate to that page. My code is : frame.content = page, but I need an application bar. Any help would be appreciated.

After reading your comments to Derek's answer. can't you have the second page be a static empty XAML file with just some sort of container, a ContentPresenter for instance. Then the user generated content could be placed into that instead of a dynamically generated page.
That way, you can just navigate to the page and populate the content, instead of messing with frame's content property directly.

When your page is loaded, what is the value of the ApplicationBar.IsVisible property?
UPDATE: So, I would imagine that the problem is to do with updating the Content property of the PhoneApplicationFrame, rather than navigating to it using the NavigationService. Presumably, under the hood, it's doing whatever is necessary to show the application bar.


Change Sidedrawer content dynamically

I´m at that point on my app, where the user Logged in, receive the data from the server and now i need to make same changes. One of the changes is change the button that appears on my Sidedrawer saying Log In to Log Out and vice-versa when the user Logs Out...I could talk about other changes but i think the main thing is...
How do I access the Sidedrawer content in order to change/add buttons. I already entered the app-root.xml and made same testing adding the navigatingTo="onNavigatingTo" function and also in the .js file just to see if it responds, but it doesn´t...
How do i perform this?
You can show/hide your button via visibility, text binding or via a structural directive like *ngIf (if using Angular). For example, take a look here - I am showing/hiding a button based on whether the user is logged in or not (here is the related code-behind code).
The above example is using an Angular directive and can be applied only in Angular based applications, but with the same logic, you can substitute ****ngIf*** with visibility and achieve the same in TypeScript or plain JavaScript app.
The easiest way to do it is put the frame inside drawer content area, then navigate frame to another page.

User interface of Custom module in Kentico CMS issues

I added a user interface in a custom module. To use the kentico FCKEditor editable region I added the CMSEditableRegion and CMSPortalManager. When I click on the page link from the Page tab, it works just fine as expected. But when I click on the link from the design tab it give error (see the pic).
Also when I move another page in the content tree my module does not update its content.
Any help would be appreciated.
You are trying to access an object's value without initializing it.

asp.net mvc3 formauthentication,custom role provider-Jquery auto load tabs not working..

I am creating dynamically loading tabs using jquery Ui tabs in my ASP.NET mvc3 project.
Here i have a product page. The product page contains left menus like Customer,Address,Contact,etc..
Here my process is when i click one my left menus, the tab created dynamically with Grid records.
I'm creating a custom role provider and I set a Authorize attribute specifying a role in my controller and it's working just fine, like this:
public class SuperAdminController : Controller
If one user doens't have access to this controller, And click one of my left menu means,
he's redirected to login page. Its also working fine.
The problem is after the user logged in it didn't redirect the proper page in tab content area.
If my problem not understandable means please let me know..
Thanks Advance...
If you carefully check the URL in the browser, you will see that the URL does not change when you load something by Ajax. That is the point of Ajax actually, you do not load the whole page, right?
Now as the state is not saved when you try to load the content using Ajax, your redirect URL is only the page you loaded initially. That is why you cannot go back to the tab you wanted to load.

How to get back button to work with anchors (#) and iframes

I am working on a site where the main part of it is driven by an ajax style navigation system using anchors in the url to define the application state.
On top of this I now need to support IFrames that are loaded on top of this application. The problem I'm having is that the back button breaks if I make use of fragments.
I've created a very simple sample, that isn't using any of the ajax libraries. All it has is a link that adds an anchor to the url and an iframe, with some normal links in it.
If I click then anchor link first, then I click the link in the iframe, I would expect the first back click to take back to the original iframe page and the second click to remove the anchor from the url.
I'm aware of all the various solutions out there (YUI, reallysimplehistory, jquery plugin) and they all work great, but they don't cater for iframes.
I'm also aware that I could add some JS to the framed pages and possibly route all navigation through the parent page, but I'm hoping that isn't necessary.
So the question is, can anyone explain what is going on inside the history object in this sample? Secondly is there anything I can do from the parent iframe to coax the history object to pick up these navigation entries?
Note: I'm only enquiring about FF/Safari/Chrome in this sample. IE needs to looked at separately.
Refer to
JavaScript .hashchange performance. Can it bring any slowdown?
How does Gmail handle back/forward in rich JavaScript?

AJAX webpage to navigate on previous page

The data is displayed in gridview with paging on an AJAX enabled webpage. The gridView contains Item templates containing a link button. On itemCommand event, page redirects to display data in new page. When the Back button on browser is pressed, the previous state of the page doesn't load.
Perhaps set a cookie and use it to get the right page when initializing the gridview. Or modify the hash at the end of the URL (eg, add "#page2" to the location bar and read it back on init).
Look at this js stuff from google
Use Google Web Toolkit, it allows the state to be bookmarked and isn't affected by back/forward button.
Otherwise your options are:
Telling the user to not press the back button.
Putting the state in the url, e.g mypage.asp#page_123 and using that to determine the state in your javascript at page load.
