User interface of Custom module in Kentico CMS issues - user-interface

I added a user interface in a custom module. To use the kentico FCKEditor editable region I added the CMSEditableRegion and CMSPortalManager. When I click on the page link from the Page tab, it works just fine as expected. But when I click on the link from the design tab it give error (see the pic).
Also when I move another page in the content tree my module does not update its content.
Any help would be appreciated.

You are trying to access an object's value without initializing it.


How to access Odoo11 web client HTML elements through my module to make some changes to them?

As shown in the previous image i want to access the body and the sidebar elements of Odoo 11 web client to add a custom button inside the sidebar.
I want to access the sidebar element to add my button, and i want to access the body element to add a script with the method definition for my button to function.
I want to do this through Odoo 11 module and i want this button to be seen from any other installed module.
Knowing that i am a pure beginner in Odoo development so it is appreciated if you try to be as simple as you can.

Create a Link To An External Page On Order Confirmation Page in Prestashop

I'm very naive. I am not able to create an external hyperlink on the order confirmation page. (lets say
I've modified the bank transfer module to create a manual payment method, but I am not able to add a simple link on the confirmation page. The screenshot depicts it well.
Also attaching the screenshot of the backend where I input the text. I've tried editing the tpl files, but it doesn't change the actual code on the browser. I have even tried disabling html filter and typing href on the text box itself, again the code just disappears in the browser.
The images will make things very clear.
The solution is simple, like ébewè said, go to advanced settings > Performances, and clear cache or select no from the drop-down menu next to cache.
Then you can just use high school grade html commands in tpl file to wrap the requisite text inside the code. It works!
Thanks ébewè!

How to view form data in content in joomla?

I want to display data from a form as a table in content in one menu.
I want users to be able to view the collected data.
What is the best way to accomplish this?
I searched and found modules. I have used ArtForms module.
Users are able to fill form in one menu, but are not able to view it in other menu.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Try this ,
Create a module that have your forms. For module development tutorial
And create an article and set the module inside that like.
{loadposition contact_form_pos}
Inside your article just mention the module position like above for more mvc3 formauthentication,custom role provider-Jquery auto load tabs not working..

I am creating dynamically loading tabs using jquery Ui tabs in my ASP.NET mvc3 project.
Here i have a product page. The product page contains left menus like Customer,Address,Contact,etc..
Here my process is when i click one my left menus, the tab created dynamically with Grid records.
I'm creating a custom role provider and I set a Authorize attribute specifying a role in my controller and it's working just fine, like this:
public class SuperAdminController : Controller
If one user doens't have access to this controller, And click one of my left menu means,
he's redirected to login page. Its also working fine.
The problem is after the user logged in it didn't redirect the proper page in tab content area.
If my problem not understandable means please let me know..
Thanks Advance...
If you carefully check the URL in the browser, you will see that the URL does not change when you load something by Ajax. That is the point of Ajax actually, you do not load the whole page, right?
Now as the state is not saved when you try to load the content using Ajax, your redirect URL is only the page you loaded initially. That is why you cannot go back to the tab you wanted to load.

wp7 application bar without navigation

My problem is that the application bar is not displayed on a page if I don't use the navigationservice to navigate to that page. My code is : frame.content = page, but I need an application bar. Any help would be appreciated.
After reading your comments to Derek's answer. can't you have the second page be a static empty XAML file with just some sort of container, a ContentPresenter for instance. Then the user generated content could be placed into that instead of a dynamically generated page.
That way, you can just navigate to the page and populate the content, instead of messing with frame's content property directly.
When your page is loaded, what is the value of the ApplicationBar.IsVisible property?
UPDATE: So, I would imagine that the problem is to do with updating the Content property of the PhoneApplicationFrame, rather than navigating to it using the NavigationService. Presumably, under the hood, it's doing whatever is necessary to show the application bar.
