"Can't write to sqlite.dll" error in RoR on Windows - windows

I have installed RoR in normal way as told on the RoR Guides website. It is installed, then few months ago I used it and it worked fine, now after some months when I create a new app and give this command
rake db:create
It gives the error that it can't write to sqlite.dll file, it gives the path of Ruby installation folder and its bin folder. I have downloaded and copy sqlite.exe and sql.dll in that folder also but same problem.
I thought that may be some thing is corrupted so I have reinstalled ruby and RoR. But nothing happen, same error continues. Please tell me also if it don't simply work on Windows. I am using Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9.2.


Errors when starting Rails Server

im quite new to ruby and rails. I have just installed Ruby, DevKit, Rails and a few gems.
I just created my first rails project and everything seemed good until i tried to start the server(rails server) The error message is below. I cannot grab the whole error because there is alot of errors and the command lines starts to remove it.
Update 1, Full Log
Error Log
Cause: "The libmysql.lib included in the MySQL Connector/C 64 bit is not compatible with the mingw64-gcc compiler."
This page details how to fix the problem.

I get a LoadError when trying to about anything with a new Ruby install on Windows

I installed Ruby on Windows via RubyInstaller, with the associated DevKit.
I'm trying to run various scripts (mainly Jekyll), and I'm getting all sorts of errors about paths. For instance:
...cannot load such file -- redcarpet.so (LoadError)
...cannot load such file -- 2.0/redcloth_scan (LoadError)
Specifically, in both those cases, I'm trying to run "redcloth.bat" and "redcarpet.bat" in the bin directory of the Ruby directory.
I feel like I'm missing something basic with paths. Note that this has never worked -- I installed the RubyInstaller, then the DevKit, then the Jekyll gem...and this is what happened.
Is there something basic about this installation that I failed to set?
We ran into the RedCloth side of this error today.
We started with this error
How to install RedCloth on Windows?
What we found was we had installed the mswin32 version of RedCloth, we first got the no such file to load.
We then went to our
Directory , added the 2.0 file and copied the redcloth_scan.so file into the 2.0 directory.
We started getting another error that was similar.
We decided we would just uninstall the precompiled version of the gem, and start with the normal RedCloth-2.4.9.gem to be compiled locally with devkit.
Once this was installed, we again went to the lib dir for the gem.
CD C:/ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/RedCloth-2.4.9/lib
We created a 2.0 directory
We then copied the file redcloth_scan.so file into the 2.0 directory and we no longer had the error. The server came up fine and we

Installing Shoes on Ubuntu 12.04: cannot find rubygems.rb

I'm trying to install Shoes on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit and currently have Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0 installed, with 1.9.3 as the default. I tried several different methods, running several different scripts, but nothing seems to be successful. I haven't gotten any error messages; The scripts just install a lot of libraries and then seem to build Shoes, and, though I now have a shoes directory full of files, when I try to execute /dist/shoes I get this error:
me#me-Studio-1735:~/shoes$ ./dist/shoes
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'
uninitialized constant Encoding::UTF_7
These are the the steps I've taken, in order:
I downloaded the Shoes3 .run file from the official website, but when I tried to execute it, I get this output:
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Shoes..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
./shoes-3.1.0.run: 1: eval: ./shoes: not found
I then attempted to follow the instructions for installing on Ubuntu; I ran the script they linked to, which took about 20 minutes, but afterwards I couldn't find the red-shoes directory: It didn't exist. All I got to show for it was a /tmp/shoes_build/ directory with a "chruby opt ruby-1.9.3-p392 ruby-build" directory listing.
Then I tried running the script from that same website listed directly on the site, not linked to. No Shoes. Lots of things were installed, but when I tried to execute /dist/shoes, I got the same error.
Finally, I tried executing the commands listed on the Spiral of Hope site listed under 'SUCCESS: Ubuntu?'. Again, it runs and installs lots of libraries, but Shoes isn't functional. It is neither a recognized command when typing shoes, nor can I execute anything successfully.
I don't know what else to do. I'm no Linux buff, I just have a knowledge of basic Bash commands, and I recently installed Ubuntu, so I haven't done any weird custom installs or anything. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how to do it right?

installing Ruby rails, Could not locate gemfile

I'm trying to Learn ruby atm. am having alot of problems installing ruby on rails on my computer. I'm Using the one click installer and this how to install tutorial.http://www.hashemzahran.com/riding-the-rails-installing-ruby-on-rails/
My first problem i ran into was that it couldn't find the lib file. so i created and a new lib folder and believe i corrected that problem
now though when i try to run bundle install i get the error "Could not locate gemfile" i found I've been checking around through Google but have not been able to find an answer to the question. I'm running Windows 7 if that matters.
thanks for any help you can give me. I'm completely new to this.
install through this guide..
ruby on rails
try to install ruby-1.9.2-p180

Need help with starting RoR: Command "rails server" does not result in "Booting WEBrick"?

I need help to get started with RoR.
I currently follow this guideline:
I followed step 1 through 3 w/o problems.
In step 5: I can get the webserver through WEBrick working.
When i put
"rails server"
instead of getting "Booting Webrick", i get "rails new_path option"
thus when i try in the browser... it does work.
Can anyone guide me on this on how to get it up and runnning? (Im a total newb for now...so i need specific explanations! thanks!)
In your tutorial i can't see the command 'bundle install' - it's checking and installing all necessary gems in your system. So why you don't use another great rails tutorial - http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book
I'm guessing you are running windows, on which rails can be a little awkward. You'll probably need to run the rails server command by pointing ruby at the server script. On windows, your rails "commmand" is actually just a .bat file that lives in the /bin file of your ruby installation, and that .bat file just passes the arguments to ruby. If you look at the rails gem that is installed on your machine, you'll see the files that correspond to the normal first argument of a rails command (console, generate, server, etc). You might find it helpful to copy these to the /script directory of your application, and when you want to run a rails command you can just run "ruby script\server" from your application's main directory, though there may be more accepted ways of getting the same result.
