Monitor for file greater than 1 hour old - windows

I need to be able to determine if a file is older than one hour and if so, email, text, or page to notify that our process has started. I need any file that ends with .eob

You can use DateTime date = File.GetCreationTime(str_Path);
str_path is the path of the .eob file.
Then compare date variable with DateTime.Now()
and if its greater than 1 hour send your email or whatever you want to do next
To accomplish this you will have to make a small c#/vb .Net application that will, when compiled, make a .exe. Then you can schedukle a job in windows to execute your small app.


How to get latest updated record from sys_user table which is modified at or after certain time stamp in ServiceNow

I want to fetch record from the sys_user table which is updated at or after certain time stamp.
for that I have created rest request as
I had converted current time which is in IST format into GMT and pass it to dateGenerate() function.
Problem statement -
I don't want to convert the IST to GMT, is there any way by which i can identify ServiceNow instance time zone at runtime and convert given time into that time stamp and get the users.
If i can pass this date and time in UTC format.
This is a great question, and something that's quite difficult in ServiceNow (dealing with time-zones).
As such, I've written a tool to manage this for you. It's totally free!
The tool is called TimeZoneUtil, and can be found here:
You simply need to initialize a GlideDateTime object, set its' time-zone to IST, use setDisplayValue() to set its' time based on IST current time, then use .getValue() to get that same time in system time.
This is because getDisplayValue()/setDisplayValue() work based on time-zone, whereas setValue()/getValue() always return the corresponding system time.
EDIT: In order to make this a little more clear, I'll provide some example usage below.
var tz = new TimeZoneUtils(); //initialize with current time
gs.print(tz.getOffsetHours()); //prints out "-7" in my instance, as the system time is in Pacific.
tz.setTimeZone('Asia/Kolkata'); //sets the time-zone to IST/UTC+5.5
gs.print(tz.getOffsetHours()); //prints "5.5".
gs.print(tz.getGDT().getDisplayValue()); //Prints the current time in IST (2017-11-01 20:52:31 at the moment).
gs.print(tz.getGDT().getValue()); //Prints the current time in system time (2017-11-01 15:23:12 at present).
gs.print(new TimeZoneUtils().setTimeZone('Asia/Kolkata').getDisplayValue()); //Single line, also prints current time in IST: 2017-11-01 20:52:31
The first 6 lines there, demonstrate basic usage and explain how it works.
The eighth line however, demonstrates usage on a single line, which you can use inside a query string. For example:
sysparm_query=sys_updated_on>=javascript:new TimeZoneUtils().setTimeZone('Asia/Kolkata').getDisplayValue()
Hope this helps!
Tim Woodruff
Author, Learning ServiceNow & Building Powerful Workflows
Owner/Founder, SN Pro Tips

How to restrict windows tasks to weekdays only?

I have a task that triggers on "user session logon". I now want to restrict that task to fire only on weekdays, and being ignored on the weekend.
Is that possible?
Sidenote: I cannot use the trigger on schedule as I do not want to run the task periodically, but only on logon, and only on weekdays.
click Weekly (NOT Daily)
Choose the days you want
As far as I understand, this is not possible using the task scheduler alone.
You could use a piece of VBScript to achieve this.
Set up a file, e.g. mytask.vbs, like this:
If DatePart("w", Date, vbMonday) < 6 Then
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Quit(Shell.Run("C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe", 10, True))
End If
Replace notepad by the task you actually want to run. What this things does is: It checks whether the current day is Mo-Fr (this is done by specifying the start of the week as Monday, so DatePart will return values from 1=Monday to 7=Sunday, and then we're checking if it's below 6), and if yes, it runs a certain program, waits for it to finish and forwards its exit code. (The magic number 10 here means that it will respect whatever setting for window display (normal, maximized, minimzed) was passed by the task scheduler, if any, and also forward it to the program.)
Then you can create a scheduled task with a logon trigger only, which runs wscript.exe /e:vbscript c:\path\to\your\mytask.vbs. That's it!

Script cannot pick a file a second before execution

I have a script which runs every 15 minutes (checks if a new file is present and emails it) [00, 15, 30, 45]
Sometimes there are files being transferred to this location at the very last second (HH:MM:59seconds)
Let's say file modified timestamp is (16:14:59)
Script next run is (16:15:00)
The script is not being able to pick that file so is never sent via email
Part of the code:
check=`find . -mmin -15`
If you schedule your script to start at 16:15:00.0000000, it will not start and finish in that exact nanosecond. Likewise, disk writes are not atomic, and starting to write a file at 16:14:59.9999999 does not mean it'll finish and have a timestamp before 16:15:00.
It will take hundreds or maybe thousands of milliseconds before all the OS processes are executed, initialized and scheduled, and all the disk reads finish. The exact time it takes to finish this is unpredictable.
That means that one of your jobs may run at 16:15:00.13 while the next runs at 16:30:01.22, leaving a second long gap where you can lose files.
Instead of checking "modified in the last 15 minutes" you should check for "modified since the last run of the script" (keeping track of the last processed filename or modification date), or at the very least, "modified on or after 16:15:00 but strictly before 16:30:00".

Visual Basic: How to use timer properly

I'm trying to write a simple program that could perform some tasks at specified time.
Here's what I have:
If (TimeOfDay = "06:12:50") Then
End If
If (TimeOfDay = "06:13:58") Then
End If
This code is placed inside Timer1_Tick, I set time interval - 1000 and it works OK, I get TimeOfDay value in MsgBox when current time is equal to my specified time.
But what should I do to make it work dynamically? For example: I want to type TIME value via TextBox and pass it to Timer1_Tick I need to do it as many times as I want so everytime current time matches with my specified hour,minute,second it would work, but I don't know where I have to put my code, because if I place code in while loop and in Time_Ticker1 it runs while loop every second and UI crashes immediately.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Have you considered setting a Windows Scheduled event of MSG to yourself using the AT command line? The operating system timer/scheduler, dialog, storage and queue are already there and the MSG can optionally be dismissed if there is no one to receive it within a set amount of time. Example to send the time at 06:12:15 run the following into a command shell.
AT 06:12:15 msg %USERNAME% It is 06:12:15 am

VBScript: Reminder for office workers and personal use

My program asks the user for any events that he will be having later on (eg. meeting/special lunch event/submit report/pay bills/birthday) and will remind the user when the time comes.
Here is my code:
Dim remind
re=MsgBox("Do you want me to remind you anything later on?", vbYesNo, "Reminder")
If re=6 then call main
Sub main
' Ask for the time that the user wanted to be reminded
remind=InputBox("At what time?" & vbNewLine &
"Please use this format {H:MM:SS AM/PM}" & vbNewLine &
"Note: H is in 12h format")
' Description eg. "Lunch with boss"
reminder=InputBox("Any discription you want to add in?")
Do Until check=remind
If check=remind Then MsgBox reminder
End Sub
For example, I put in 12:30:00 PM and Lunch with boss. Even when the time comes nothing happens, no popup. And when I check my TaskManager it is still running.
I'm using wscript.exe to run this script. It's the do until check=remind part that doesn't work. If I put do until check="12:30:00 PM" then it will work.
PS: I know we can use the Microsoft Outlook for the reminder or even use our phones. But this is well suited for workers that are 24h infront of the computer and lazy to use their phones and update their outlook.
Convert to Date data type
The issue seems to be that the remind variable is a String data type, and the check variable is a Date data type. When you try to compare them, they'll always fail to be equal, even if the actual date inside both types is the same.
You can solve the problem by using the CDate function to convert remind to a Date before entering the loop.
remind = CDate(remind)
Because you're now using CDate to convert the user's input, if they make a typo and enter an invalid date, its going to bring up an error box and end the program. You may want to use IsDate to ensure it is a valid time before converting it, then gracefully ask the user to enter the time again if they made a typo.
CPU Usage
Your loop will sit there taking up 100% CPU usage of one core of the machine its running on. This can slow down your user's computer, among other side effects.
To fix this issue, you want to slow down the loop, such that its only checking a few times a second, rather than a few hundred times a second. Insert this statement inside the loop to have it sleep for 500 milliseconds before trying again.
WScript.Sleep 500
