Given a convex polygon as a counter-clockwise list of n vertices, give O(lgn) algorithm to determine if a given point is inside the polygon. Assume the basic operations take O(1).
I am think a direction that: if a point is inside a convex polygon, what is the special relationship among the points and all the vertecies or edges? Also, I am guessing the trick here is the convex polygon which makes the algorithm lgn.
The only solution for this problem I know of requires O(n) polygon preprocessing time. Afterwards each query point against a preprocessed polygon is handled in O(lg n) time.
Just take a point P inside the polygon (let's call it "pole") and for each vertex draw a ray exiting from P and passing through the vertex. Consider this to be a polar coordinate system with origin at P, with the entire polar plane subdivided into sectors by these rays. Now, given your query point, you just need to convert it to polar coordinates with origin at our pole P. Then just perform binary search to determine the specific sector that contains the query point. The final inside/outside check within the sector (point vs. edge side test) is a trivial O(1) operation. Each query is handled in O(lg n) time needed for binary search.
This approach will actually work with a larger class of polygons than just convex ones. It covers the class of so called star-shaped polygons, i.e. polygons that have a point from which the whole interior of the polygon can be "seen" or "observed".
The O(n) preprocessing time comes from the need to determine the location of the pole in advance.
P.S. I got to carried away thinking about more general case. If your polygon is convex, you can simply use any of its vertices as the pole. That way you get a O(lg n) algorithm right away, no preprocessing required.
you might want to check this link with detailed info how to determine whether a point is inside a complex polygon, including sample (c) code.
The condition for a point to be inside a polygon is that the point should be on same side of all line segments. You should check for the sign of the distance of the point in question with each line segments that make up the polygon - if all are same sign the point is inside the polygon. A google search should give you many algorithms.
Given a set of points S (x, y, z). How to find the convex hull of those points ?
I tried understanding the algorithm from here, but could not get much.
It says:
First project all of the points onto the xy-plane, and find an edge that is definitely on the hull by selecting the point with highest y-coordinate and then doing one iteration of gift wrapping to determine the other endpoint of the edge. This is the first part of the incomplete hull. We then build the hull iteratively. Consider this first edge; now find another point in order to form the first triangular face of the hull. We do this by picking the point such that all the other points lie to the right of this triangle, when viewed appropriately (just as in the gift-wrapping algorithm, in which we picked an edge such that all other points lay to the right of that edge). Now there are three edges in the hull; to continue, we pick one of them arbitrarily, and again scan through all the points to find another point to build a new triangle with this edge, and repeat this until there are no edges left. (When we create a new triangular face, we add two edges to the pool; however, we have to first check if they have already been added to the hull, in which case we ignore them.) There are O(n) faces, and each iteration takes O(n) time since we must scan all of the remaining points, giving O(n2).
Can anyone explain it in a more clearer way or suggest a simpler alternative approach.
Implementing the 3D convex hull is not easy, but many algorithms have been implemented, and code is widely available. At the high end of quality and time investment to use is CGAL. At the lower end on both measures is my own C code:
In between there is code all over the web, including this implementation of QuickHull.
I would suggest first try an easier approach like quick hull. (Btw, the order for gift wrapping is O(nh) not O(n2), where h is points on hull and order of quick hull is O(n log n)).
Under average circumstances quick hull works quite well, but processing usually becomes slow in cases of high symmetry or points lying on the circumference of a circle. Quick hull can be broken down to the following steps:
Find the points with minimum and maximum x coordinates, those are
bound to be part of the convex.
Use the line formed by the two points to divide the set in two
subsets of points, which will be processed recursively.
Determine the point, on one side of the line, with the maximum
distance from the line. The two points found before along with this
one form a triangle.
The points lying inside of that triangle cannot be part of the
convex hull and can therefore be ignored in the next steps.
Repeat the previous two steps on the two lines formed by the
triangle (not the initial line).
Keep on doing so on until no more points are left, the recursion has
come to an end and the points selected constitute the convex hull.
See this impementaion and explanation for 3d convex hull using quick hull algorithm.
Gift wrapping algorithm:
Jarvis's match algorithm is like wrapping a piece of string around the points. It starts by computing the leftmost point l, since we know that the left most point must be a convex hull vertex.This process will take linear time.Then the algorithm does a series of pivoting steps to find each successive convex hull vertex untill the next vertex is the original leftmost point again.
The algorithm find the successive convex hull vertex like this: the vertex immediately following a point p is the point that appears to be furthest to the right to someone standing at p and looking at the other points. In other words, if q is the vertex following p, and r is any other input point, then the triple p, q, r is in counter-clockwise order. We can find each successive vertex in linear time by performing a series of O(n) counter-clockwise tests.
Since the algorithm spends O(n) time for each convex hull vertex, the worst-case running time is O(n2). However, if the convex hull has very few vertices, Jarvis's march is extremely fast. A better way to write the running time is O(nh), where h is the number of convex hull vertices. In the worst case, h = n, and we get our old O(n2) time bound, but in the best case h = 3, and the algorithm only needs O(n) time. This is a so called output-sensitive algorithm, the smaller the output, the faster the algorithm.
The following image should give you more idea
GPL C++ code for finding 3D convex hulls is available at and a description of the O(n log(n)) algorithm at
One of the simplest algorithms for convex hull computation in 3D was presented in the paper The QuickHull algorithm for Convex Hulls by Barber, etc from 1995. Unfortunately the original paper lacks any figures to simplify its understanding.
The algorithm works iteratively by storing boundary faces of some convex set with the vertices from the subset of original points. The remaining points are divided on the ones already inside the current convex set and the points outside it. And each step consists in enlarging the convex set by including one of outside points in it until no one remains.
The authors propose to start the algorithm in 3D from any tetrahedron with 4 vertices in original points. If these vertices are selected so that they are on the boundary of convex hull then it will accelerate the algorithm (they will not be removed from boundary during the following steps). Also the algorithm can start from the boundary surface containing just 2 oppositely oriented triangles with 3 vertices in original points. Such points can be selected as follows.
The first point has with the minimal (x,y,z) coordinates, if compare coordinates lexicographically.
The second point is the most distant from the first one.
The third point is the most distant from the line through the first two points.
The next figure presents initial points and the starting 2 oppositely oriented triangles:
The remaining points are subdivided in two sets:
Black points - above the plane containing the triangles - are associated with the triangle having normal oriented upward.
Red points - below the plane containing the triangles - are associated with the triangle having normal oriented downward.
On the following steps, the algorithm always associates each point currently outside the convex set with one of the boundary triangles that is "visible" from the point (point is within positive half-space of that triangle). More precisely each outside point is associated with the triangle, for which the distance between the point and the plane containing the triangle is the largest.
On each step of algorithm the furthest outside point is selected, then all faces of the current convex set visible from it are identified, these faces are removed from the convex set and replaced with the triangles having one vertex in furthest point and two other points on the horizon ridge (boundary of removed visible faces).
On the next figure the furthest point is pointed by green arrow and three visible triangles are highlighted in red:
Visible triangles deleted, back faces and inside points can be seen in the hole, horizon ridge is shown with red color:
5 new triangles (joining at the added point) patch the hole in the surface:
The points previously associated with the removed triangles are either become inner for the updated convex set or redistributed among new triangles.
The last figure also presents the final result of convex hull computation without any remaining outside points. (The figures were prepared in MeshInspector application, having this algorithm implemented.)
I've heard a lot of people say that programmatically finding a point in a non-convex polygon is harder than finding a point in a convex polygon. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. Is this true? If so, why?
So you want to check whether point P is inside a polygon or outside.
If the polygon is convex, then you can iterate over each line segment making up the polygon, and check which side of that line P lies on. P is on the inside of the polygon if it is on the right-hand side of every line segment, going clockwise.
If the polygon is concave, this algorithm doesn't work. An algorithm that works for concave polygons is to trace from P in an arbitrary direction to infinity, and count the number of times an edge of the polygon is crossed. P is inside the polygon if and only if the number of crossings is odd. This algorithm has a bunch of edge cases to consider and is generally more complicated, so it will take a lot more programmer effort to write the algorithm.
In the sense that the algorithm is more difficult to write correctly, yes, it is harder.
In the sense of computational complexity, both algorithms have Θ(N) asymptotic running time. In that sense, both problems are equally hard.
For a convex polygon, you can choose any point p inside the polygon (e.g. the center of mass of all the vertices) and then sort the vertices in a circular array according to the angle they make with p. Then, given a query point x, you can compute the angle from p to x, and search through the array and find the two neighboring vertices in the array for which the angle to x is between the angles to the two vertices. Then you compute the intersection between the line from p to x, and the edge between the two vertices. If the distance from p to the intersection point is greater than or equal to the distance from p to x, then x is inside the polygon, otherwise x is outside the polygon. This gives O(log n) time to determine is a point is inside or outside of a convex polygon. On the other hand, the best known algorithm to determine if a point is inside or outside a non-convex polygon is O(n) time. Note however you can make a hybrid algorithm depending on how much "non-convexity" you have in your polygon. You can always decompose a polygon into a union of convex polygons, by adding extra internal edges; suppose your polygon only has a few "turns" in it and you can decompose into k convex polygons where k is small. Then you can use the strategy for convex polygons to determine if a point is inside or outside in O(k log n) time. So in general, the "more convexity" you have, the faster you can determine if a point is inside the polygon.
Im looking for some fairly easy (I know polygon union is NOT an easy operation but maybe someone could point me in the right direction with a relativly easy one) algorithm on merging two intersecting polygons. Polygons could be concave without holes and also output polygon should not have holes in it. Polygons are represented in counter-clockwise manner. What I mean is presented on a picture. As you can see even if there is a hole in union of polygons I dont need it in the output. Input polygons are for sure without holes. I think without holes it should be easier to do but still I dont have an idea.
Remove all the vertices of the polygons which lie inside the other polygon:
Pick a starting point that is guaranteed to be in the union polygon (one of the extremes would work)
Trace through the polygon's edges in counter-clockwise fashion. These are points in your union. Trace until you hit an intersection (note that an edge may intersect with more than one edge of the other polygon).
Find the first intersection (if there are more than one). This is a point in your Union.
Go back to step 3 with the other polygon. The next point should be the point that makes the greatest angle with the previous edge.
You can proceed as below:
First, add to your set of points all the points of intersection of your polygons.
Then I would proceed like graham scan algorithm but with one more constraint.
Instead of selecting the point that makes the highest angle with the previous line (have a look at graham scan to see what I mean (*), chose the one with the highest angle that was part of one of the previous polygon.
You will get an envellope (not convex) that will describe your shape.
It's similar to finding the convex hull of your points.
For example graham scan algorithm will help you find the convex hull of the set of points in O (N*ln (N) where N is the number of points.
Look up for convex hull algorithms, and you can find some ideas.
(*)From wikipedia:
The first step in this algorithm is to find the point with the lowest
y-coordinate. If the lowest y-coordinate exists in more than one point
in the set, the point with the lowest x-coordinate out of the
candidates should be chosen. Call this point P. This step takes O(n),
where n is the number of points in question.
Next, the set of points must be sorted in increasing order of the
angle they and the point P make with the x-axis. Any general-purpose
sorting algorithm is appropriate for this, for example heapsort (which
is O(n log n)). In order to speed up the calculations, it is not
necessary to calculate the actual angle these points make with the
x-axis; instead, it suffices to calculate the cosine of this angle: it
is a monotonically decreasing function in the domain in question
(which is 0 to 180 degrees, due to the first step) and may be
calculated with simple arithmetic.
In the convex hull algorithm you chose the point of the angle that makes the largest angle with the previous side.
To "stick" with your previous polygon, just add the constraint that you must select a side that previously existed.
And you take off the constraint of having angle less than 180°
I don't have a full answer but I'm about to embark on a similar problem. I think there are two step which are fairly important. First would be to find a point on some polygon which lies on the outside edge. Second would be to make a list of bounding boxes for all the vertices and see which of these overlap. This means when you iterate through vertices, you don't have to do tests for all of them, only those which you know have a chance of intersecting (bounding box problems are lightweight).
Since you now have an outside point, you can now iterate through connected points until you detect an intersection. If you know which side is inside and which outside (you may need to do some work on the first vertex to know this), you know which way to go on the intersection. Then it's merely a matter of switching polygons.
This gets a little more interesting if you want to maintain that hole (which I do) in which case, I would probably make sure I had used up all my intersecting bounding boxes. You also didn't specify what should happen if your polygons don't intersect at all. But that's either going to be leave them alone (which could potentially be a problem if you're expecting one polygon out) or return an error.
I have a list of rectangles that don't have to be parallel to the axes. I also have a master rectangle that is parallel to the axes.
I need an algorithm that can tell which rectangle is a point closest to(the point must be in the master rectangle). the list of rectangles and master rectangle won't change during the algorithm and will be called with many points so some data structure should be created to make the lookup faster.
To be clear: distance from a rectangle to a point is the distance between the closest point in the rectangle to the point.
What algorithm/data structure can be used for this? memory is on higher priority on this, n log n is ok but n^2 is not.
You should be able to do this with a Voronoi diagram with O(n log n) preprocessing time with O(log n) time queries. Because the objects are rectangles, not points, the cells may be curved. Nevertheless, a Voronoi diagram should work fine for your purposes. (See
For a quick and dirty solution that you could actually get working within a day, you could do something inspired by locality sensitive hashing. For example, if the rectangles are somewhat well-spaced, you could hash them into square buckets with a few different offsets, and then for each query examine each rectangle that falls in one of the handful of buckets that contain the query point.
You should be able to do this in O(n) time and O(n) memory.
Calculate the closest point on each edge of each rectangle to the point in question. To do this, see my detailed answer in the this question. Even though the question has to do with a point inside of the polygon (rather than outside of it), the algorithm still can be applied here.
Calculate the distance between each of these closest points on the edges, and find the closest point on the entire rectangle (for each rectangle) to the point in question. See the link above for more details.
Find the minimum distance between all of the rectangles. The rectangle corresponding with your minimum distance is the winner.
If memory is more valuable than speed, use brute force: for a given point S, compute the distance from S to each edge. Choose the rectangle with the shortest distance.
This solution requires no additional memory, while its execution time is in O(n).
Depending on your exact problem specification, you may have to adjust this solution if the rectangles are allowed to overlap with the master rectangle.
As you described, a distance between one point to a rectangle is the minimum length of all lines through that point which is perpendicular with all four edges of a rectangle and all lines connect that point with one of four vertices of the rectangle.
(My English is not good at describing a math solution, so I think you should think more deeply for understanding my explanation).
For each rectangle, you should save four vertices and four edges function for fast calculation distance between them with the specific point.
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Closed 12 years ago.
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How to find largest triangle in convex hull aside from brute force search
I have a set of random points from which i want to find the largest triangle by area who's verticies are each on one of those points.
So far I have figured out that the largest triangle's verticies will only lie on the outside points of the cloud of points (or the convex hull) so i have programmed a function to do just that (using Graham scan in nlogn time).
However that's where I'm stuck. The only way I can figure out how to find the largest triangle from these points is to use brute force at n^3 time which is still acceptable in an average case as the convex hull algorithm usually kicks out the vast majority of points. However in a worst case scenario where points are on a circle, this method would fail miserably.
Dose anyone know an algorithm to do this more efficiently?
Note: I know that CGAL has this algorithm there but they do not go into any details on how its done. I don't want to use libraries, i want to learn this and program it myself (and also allow me to tweak it to exactly the way i want it to operate, just like the graham scan in which other implementations pick up collinear points that i don't want).
Don't know if this help, but if you choose two points from the convex hull and rotate all points of the hull so that the connecting line of the two points is parallel to the x-Axis, either the point with the maximum or the one with the minimum y-coordinate forms the triangle with the largest area together with the two points chosen first.
Of course once you have tested one point for all possible base lines, you can remove it from the list.
Here's a thought on how to get it down to O(n2 log n). I don't really know anything about computational geometry, so I'll mark it community wiki; please feel free to improve on this.
Preprocess the convex hull by finding for each point the range of slopes of lines through that point such that the set lies completely on one side of the line. Then invert this relationship: construct an interval tree for slopes with points in leaf nodes, such that when querying with a slope you find the points such that there is a tangent through those points.
If there are no sets of three or more collinear points on the convex hull, there are at most four points for each slope (two on each side), but in case of collinear points we can just ignore the intermediate points.
Now, iterate through all pairs of points (P,Q) on the convex hull. We want to find the point R such that triangle PQR has maximum area. Taking PQ as the base of the triangle, we want to maximize the height by finding R as far away from the line PQ as possible. The line through R parallel to PQ must be such that all points lie on one side of the line, so we can find a bounded number of candidates in time O(log n) using the preconstructed interval tree.
To improve this further in practice, do branch-and-bound in the set of pairs of points: find an upper bound for the height of any triangle (e.g. the maximum distance between two points), and discard any pair of points whose distance multiplied by this upper bound is less than the largest triangle found so far.
I think the rotating calipers method may apply here.
Off the top of my head, perhaps you could do something involving gridding/splitting the collection of points up into groups? Maybe... separating the points into three groups (not sure what the best way to do that in this case would be, though), doing something to discard those points in each group that are closer to the other two groups than other points in the same group, and then using the remaining points to find the largest triangle that can be made having one vertex in each group? This would actually make the case of all points being on a circle a lot simpler, because you'd just focus on the points that are near the center of the arcs contained within each group, as those would be the ones in each group furthest from the other two groups.
I'm not sure if this would give you the proper result for certain triangles/distributions of points, though. There may be situations where the resultant triangle isn't of optimal area, either because the grouping and/or the vertex choosing aren't/isn't optimal. Something like that.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the problem. I hope I've at least been able to give you ideas for how to work on it.
How about dropping a point at a time from the convex hull? Starting with the convex hull, calculate the area of the triangle formed by each triple of adjacent points (p1p2p3, p2p3p4, etc.). Find the triangle with minimum area, then drop the middle of the three points that formed that triangle. (In other words, if the smallest area triangle is p3p4p5, drop P4.) Now you have a convex polygon with N-1 points. Repeat the same procedure until you are left with three points. This should take O(N^2) time.
I would not be at all surprised if there is some pathological case where this doesn't work, but I expect that it would work for the majority of cases. (In other words, I haven't proven this, and I have no source to cite.)