How do I get a HWND from inside a DLL? - windows

I have a DLL that I want to play sounds using Direct Sound. In order to play sounds, I need the HWND of the executable. I don't have a HWND of the executable that loads the DLL. How do I get that in the DLL without passing it in from the executable?

You could use GetCurrentProcessId to get the current process Id.
You could then call EnumWindows, and check each window with GetWindowThreadProcessId to find a window associated with your process.
However, an easier option might be to just generate your own Window. You can create a 1x1 pixel window that is not visible, and use it with Direct Sound.
This has the advantage of working even if your calling process doesn't have a usable window (or deletes window handles regularly).

Call GetGUIThreadInfo on the main thread. This gets you a bunch of HWNDs. If you need a top-level HWND, pick any valid one (not all values may be filled) and find its top level ancestor with GetAncestor(GA_ROOT).


Interact with Windows windows programmatically

I wonder if there is any way to somehow interact with windows that are currently open on a Windows system. I am interested in getting some of their properties, namely:
is in background?
possibly window title
Preferably, I would like to do that in Java but any suggestions are welcome.
A comment by theB linked to good resources for Java. I'll run through the relevant Windows APIs, in case you want to go native with C++.
To enumerate all the top-level windows in the system, use EnumWindows. You give it a callback function with the signature of EnumWindowsProc, so it will receive each window handle as the first parameter.
You can get the window location (in screen coordinates) and dimensions with the GetWindowRect function. Pass in the window handle you received and get an LPRECT (pointer to RECT) out.
To determine whether a window is maximized, use GetWindowPlacement and check the showCmd field of the WINDOWPLACEMENT structure you receive.
Finally, to get a window's caption, use GetWindowText. (As an aside, if you want to get the text of a control in another process, you'll need to send the WM_GETTEXT message yourself.)

DestroyIcon after SHGetFileInfo?

I'm using SHGetFileInfo to get the icon of specific file type. The MSDN says about the SHFILEINFO:
A handle to the icon that represents the file. You are responsible
for destroying this handle with DestroyIcon when you no longer
need it.
To get the icon from HIcon, I use Icon.FromHandle. Again, MSDN says:
When using this method, you must dispose of the original icon
by using the DestroyIcon method in the Win32 API to ensure
that the resources are released.
It is even more confusing as SGHFI_ICON description contains the following information:
SHGFI_ICON (0x000000100)
Retrieve the handle to the icon that represents the file and the
index of the icon within the system image list. The handle is
copied to the hIcon member of the structure specified by psfi,
and the index is copied to the iIcon member.
From this description, it seems like the handle is kept by the OS and I shouldn't actually destroy it.
My question is then: if, and if so, when should I dispose of the icon handle?
Immediately after Icon.FromHandle() ?
When I no longer need the icon created from Icon.FromHandle() ? (in such case I guess that I'd rather copy the icon, release the original and return the copy to avoid handle leaks)
Never (it will be done automatically somehow? Many examples of SHGetFileInfo - even on SO - does not include any code releasing the icon handle)
The system doesn't keep icon handles, it keeps image lists. When you use the SHGFI_ICON flag, SHGetFileInfo creates an icon by calling ImageList_GetIcon against the system image list. You can do this yourself by passing the SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX flag instead to retrieve just the icon index.
The icon should be destroyed when you're done with it.
No, you really do have to call DestroyIcon yourself. The Icon.FromHandle() method is pretty useless to help you with that, it still requires you to call DestroyIcon. You've got to implement your own garbage collector code to know that the icon is no longer in use so it is safe to pinvoke DestroyIcon.
This is cruel and unusual punishment. The Icon class does in fact have a constructor that can create an Icon object from a handle and owns the handle, automatically calling DestroyIcon when the Icon object is disposed or finalized. They however made it inaccessible for unphantomable reasons, major bummer. Reflection to the rescue, you can bypass this silly restriction and still use the constructor, find the code in this answer.

How do I enumerate another process' windows in Delphi?

I have a process foo.exe that creates a process bar.exe with the CreateProcess function. I want (in foo.exe) to enumerate the controls of a window created in bar.exe and for that I (assume that I) need the window HWND.
I know all the window classes in bar.exe, and that bar.exe only creates one window for each class at a time, so I can use the class names to find the window I want.
But what function should I use to enumerate the windows in another process? I'm looking for something that take a process handle or PID (both returned by the CreateProcess function) and an EnumProc callback procedure. Should I find bar.exe's thread ID (it is a single-threaded application) and use that with the EnumThreadWindows function?
Call EnumWindows to enumerate the top level windows.
Pass each top level window handle to GetWindowThreadProcessId to find out which process ID it is associated with.
When you find a top level window that matches your process ID, check that the window is the main window of the app, presumably by checking its class name.
Finally, call EnumChildWindows on that main window to enumerate all children of that main window.

Real hwnd from the point

When we use WindowFromPoint winapi function we usually can get the case, when Point specifies to some control within a window. And in such cases WindowFromPoint returns handle to that control, not to the window that handles that control.
For example in my small test application if I point to the "body" of chrome browser I get the control with class = Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND and its hwnd.
But what I need is to get the "parent" window for that control (which is obviously should be the chrome window).
Traverse the parents using GetAncestor() passing GA_PARENT. This differs from calling GetParent() which will return the owner if the window is a top-level window.
Can't you just use GetParent? Keep traversing until you find the desktop window.

Determine if a given window is currently being moved

Basically, I'm looking for a IsWindowMoving(HWND) Win32 API call. I need to know if the user is currently moving a window.
The window doesn't belong to me, so listening for WM_SYSCOMMAND / SC_MOVE or WM_MOVING isn't possible (I don't want to subclass or hook due to 32/64 interop).
You can do this with GetGUIThreadInfo - no hooking needed. Use GetWindowThreadProcessId to get the TID for your hwnd then check the GUITHREADINFO.flags and GUITHREADINFO.hwndMoveSize to see if your window is in a move / size loop.
If the window doesn't belong to you and you're not going to snoop messages, the best you can I think is get hold of a handle to that window. That limits you to whatever informational function calls exist which work on a handle. I know of no such call which can inform the user that the window is being moved.
You may be out of luck.
If you don't want to hook, subclass, or anything else like that, I think polling might be the easiest way left. Using GetWindowRect you can track the previous and current position and size of a window. Doing a delta will let you detect if the user is moving (or even resizing) the window. Since you are dealing with UI, there is no need to poll too quickly (even 2-5 times a second should be plenty).
