What affects browser page rendering performance? - performance

By browser rendering performance I mean things like: scrolling, moving elements in animated fashion, z-order changes.
In particular I get tremendous slowdown in Firefox 3.6 and IE8 when I move an image with top, left styles over my page. I have no problems with Chrome 8.
With firebug I tried hiding page elements one by one and the largest improvent by far came from the page wide background Jpeg that I use. I wonder how is it affecting performance as the image is moving above another element that obscures the background. This another element is partly transparent PNG (but not in the part the movement happens), maybe this has something to do with it? I use a lot of transparency and CSS3 effects and somehow they slow down everything, even things that look completely unrelated.
Overall I get the impression that the browser is rerendering the whole page when something is moving, instead of only the affected pixels.
Any educated guess as to why all this happens?
EDIT Any picture or text that sits below my moving image causes it to slow down a lot when passing over it. The moving image itself is with transparent background, but changing it to opaque had almost no effect.

Moving a transparent element (particularly an element with a shadow) over a fixed background forces it to be recomposited every frame. Opaque shadowless elements on the other hand can be moved with a simple blit.
If you want to see a huge slowdown in most browsers, make a page with a bunch of elements with border-radius and box-shadow, then set the background of the page to background-attachment:fixed.


How are blinking carets often implemented?

I'm trying to implement a cross-platform UI library that takes as little system resource as possible. I'm considering to either use my own software renderer or opengl.
For stationary controls everything's fine, I can repaint only when it's needed. However, when it comes to implementing animations, especially animated blinking carets like the 'phase' caret in sublime text, I don't see a easy way to balance resource usage and performance.
For a blinking caret, it's required that the caret be redrawn very frequently(15-20 times per sec at least, I guess). On one hand, the software renderer supports partial redraw but is far too slow to be practical(3-4 fps for large redraw regions, say, 1000x800, which makes it impossible to implement animations). On the other hand, opengl doesn't support partial redraw very well as far as I know, which means the whole screen needs to be rendered at 15-20 fps constantly.
So my question is:
How are carets usually implemented in various UI systems?
Is there any way to have opengl to render to only a proportion of the screen?
I know that glViewport enables rendering to part of the screen, but due to double buffering or other stuff the rest of the screen is not kept as it was. In this way I still need to render the whole screen again.
First you need to ask yourself.
Do I really need to partially redraw the screen?
OpenGL or better said the GPU can draw thousands of triangles at ease. So before you start fiddling with partial redrawing of the screen, then you should instead benchmark and see whether it's worth looking into at all.
This doesn't however imply that you have to redraw the screen endlessly. You can still just redraw it when changes happen.
Thus if you have a cursor blinking every 500 ms, then you redraw once every 500 ms. If you have an animation running, then you continuously redraw while that animation is playing (or every time the animation does a change that requires redrawing).
This is what Chrome, Firefox, etc does. You can see this if you open the Developer Tools (F12) and go to the Timeline tab.
Take a look at the following screenshot. The first row of the timeline shows how often Chrome redraws the windows.
The first section shows a lot continuously redrawing. Which was because I was scrolling around on the page.
The last section shows a single redraw every few 500 ms. Which was the cursor blinking in a textbox.
Open the image in a new tab, to see better what's going on.
Note that it doesn't tell whether Chrome is fully redrawing the window or only that parts of it. It is just showing the frequency of the redrawing. (If you want to see the redrawn regions, then both Firefox and Chrome has "Show Paint Rectangles".)
To circumvent the problem with double buffering and partially redrawing. Then you could instead draw to a framebuffer object. Now you can utilize glScissor() as much as you want. If you have various things that are static and only a few dynamic things. Then you could have multiple framebuffer objects and only draw the static contents once and continuously update the framebuffer containing the dynamic content.
However (and I can't emphasize this enough) benchmark and check if this is even needed. Having two framebuffer objects could be more expensive than just always redrawing everything. The same goes for say having a buffer for each rectangle, in contrast to packing all rectangles in a single buffer.
Lastly to give an example let's take NanoGUI (a minimalistic GUI library for OpenGL). NanoGUI continuously redraws the screen.
The problem with not just continuously redrawing the screen is that now you need a system for issuing a redraw. Now calling setText() on a label needs to callback and tell the window to redraw. Now what if the parent panel the label is added to isn't visible? Then setText() just issued a redundant redrawing of the screen.
The point I'm trying to make is that if you have a system for issuing redrawing of the screen. Then that might be more prone to errors. Thus unless continuously redrawing is an issue, then that is definitely a more optimal starting point.

What algorithm does a browser like Chrome or Firefox use to zoom images?

I have noticed that when I view a image in a browser using either the zoom provided in the setting or on a webpage using style attributes the pixelation is either negligible or un noticable. But when you use programs such as paint or photoshop or windows picture viewer you start to notice pixelation. Does anyone know how the browser zoom its image contents?
Here is a sample image the one on right is from paint while one on left is when viewing in chrome. The zoom is set at 500%.
For fonts, I believe it has to do with font sizing. Okay, so say you are in a word processor and type something up you increase the font size the text gets bigger. A similar thing happens in a web browser when you zoom in.
On the other hand when you take an image the resolution is set so as you zoom in the the pixels become larger and more noticeable this is called aliasing. Many times a program or browser, etc. will try and smooth the edges in the image to make the pixels look less blocky to the eye, this is called anti-aliasing.
As far as the actual algorithms behind behind paint or a web browser go, I am unsure. It may take some more research to find out.

Preloading Images to prevent Repainting in Chrome Rendering on Windows PC

I have a website with 3 full screen background images that use a custom parallax scrolling script utilizing requestAnimationFrame and transform:translate3d() for its animation. I did this because after a fair amount of research on the subject of visual performance this was the best alternative then using canvas.
My problem is that my page runs very smooth on Firefox 29.1 (*because it is most definitely using the computers GPU to render the page and composite layers) however for some reason, Chrome is has some major bottlenecks.
I am getting tremendous performance spikes (way less then 30fps) when I scroll down my page... but an interesting thing I noticed was that it happens specifically just as one of the background images that is being animated with the script (set as background-position:cover) enters into the viewport.
There is a repaint operation happening because the background image is being resized to fit the viewport width/height and that is causing a tremendous performance hit. Considering that the gpu isnt working correctly for my Chrome, but also that I would like to make my page perform super silky smooth when scrolling even without hardware acceleration, is there a method of preloading images/frames and having them already resized before they are scrolled onto screen? Like a frame buffering technique to ensure all the calculations and resizing is finished well before a user scrolls to that image on screen?

Firefox, bad svg image rendering

I am experiencing bad rendering of SVG image with Firefox on Ubuntu. You can see on the attached image that the letter J has a little black line below it. This artifact happens only at certain zoom levels. The image is added with the <img> tag, so it is not a background. The image is created with Inkscape. It renders properly on Chrome, I didn't try on other OS.
Is there a way to fix this keeping SVG ?
EDIT: since this affect only the image on the border, I found a workaround opening the SVG in a text editor and increasing the height and the width of a couple of pixels which means leaving a bit of transparent padding around the text.
I am still curious if this is a firefox bug though
In Principle the rendering of SVG is not worse in Firefox than in any other browser. But each browser has its own little lacks in rendering, especially when shapes are close to each other and scaling comes into play.
So I might suggest to review your graphic and give a little room around the letter, so that there is no shape »snapping« directly to the outline of the letter. Unfortunately I cannot see the code of your graphic, but I am pretty sure that the issue is caused by shapes which are very close to each other (arranged by »snapping«) and there is no »saving overlap«.
For Fonts there is Hinting, what optimizes the rendering, especially for small sizes, but for SVG there is no such thing and since you cannot say for sure how each browser will handle those »edge cases« it is up to you to prepare the graphic so that those failures cannot appear.

How do I use canvas to draw this background shape?

In a design that I'm working on, there is a recurring image background shape that appears several times in different sizes throughout the site. For example, one page uses it as a huge background images, where the top and bottom part of this image is cut off by the browser edges.
It's not an easy pattern to create with canvas, but as far as I know it's possible. Here's what it looks like.
Am I better off making several images of this same pattern or is this background image easy to recreate through canvas? If it is appropriate for canvas, how do I go about recreating it in the various sizes? I wish I knew how to begin something like this using canvas but it's above my skillset.
I've converted your shape to an SVG shape here: https://gist.github.com/1321653 — use it as you'd like.
According to caniuse.com, SVG is supported on all common browsers except for IE8 and earlier.
For IE8 and earlier you might be able to combine canvg, a SVG-to-canvas library, with explorercanvas, a canvas emulator for IE8 and earlier. Or you could display a rectangle with a background color — IE users might not miss the splat.
Edit: You could also get creative with CSS3 background gradients, ala http://www.ecsspert.com/ (famous logos created with only CSS), but compatibility is low across browsers.
