Firefox, bad svg image rendering - image

I am experiencing bad rendering of SVG image with Firefox on Ubuntu. You can see on the attached image that the letter J has a little black line below it. This artifact happens only at certain zoom levels. The image is added with the <img> tag, so it is not a background. The image is created with Inkscape. It renders properly on Chrome, I didn't try on other OS.
Is there a way to fix this keeping SVG ?
EDIT: since this affect only the image on the border, I found a workaround opening the SVG in a text editor and increasing the height and the width of a couple of pixels which means leaving a bit of transparent padding around the text.
I am still curious if this is a firefox bug though

In Principle the rendering of SVG is not worse in Firefox than in any other browser. But each browser has its own little lacks in rendering, especially when shapes are close to each other and scaling comes into play.
So I might suggest to review your graphic and give a little room around the letter, so that there is no shape »snapping« directly to the outline of the letter. Unfortunately I cannot see the code of your graphic, but I am pretty sure that the issue is caused by shapes which are very close to each other (arranged by »snapping«) and there is no »saving overlap«.
For Fonts there is Hinting, what optimizes the rendering, especially for small sizes, but for SVG there is no such thing and since you cannot say for sure how each browser will handle those »edge cases« it is up to you to prepare the graphic so that those failures cannot appear.


What algorithm does a browser like Chrome or Firefox use to zoom images?

I have noticed that when I view a image in a browser using either the zoom provided in the setting or on a webpage using style attributes the pixelation is either negligible or un noticable. But when you use programs such as paint or photoshop or windows picture viewer you start to notice pixelation. Does anyone know how the browser zoom its image contents?
Here is a sample image the one on right is from paint while one on left is when viewing in chrome. The zoom is set at 500%.
For fonts, I believe it has to do with font sizing. Okay, so say you are in a word processor and type something up you increase the font size the text gets bigger. A similar thing happens in a web browser when you zoom in.
On the other hand when you take an image the resolution is set so as you zoom in the the pixels become larger and more noticeable this is called aliasing. Many times a program or browser, etc. will try and smooth the edges in the image to make the pixels look less blocky to the eye, this is called anti-aliasing.
As far as the actual algorithms behind behind paint or a web browser go, I am unsure. It may take some more research to find out.

Firefox / Opera Slow Page paint

I just finished designing this splash page for my startup:
Load time and initial render is a snap across all the browsers I've tested. (I haven't looked at any IE versions, but sourced it to friends who all felt it was similar enough to Chrome they didn't notice anything.. they aren't web devs though so if you spot something let me know).
The web page used jQuery for a simple slideshow, and for parallax scrolling it uses skrollr
It uses an SVG sprite, whose width and height have been set to 3x the largest rendered size of any of it's icons (because of an Opera and Firefox rendering issue where SVGs don't get redrawn at their final size).
On Chrome / Safari, the site is smooth, fast, no issues. On Firefox and Opera (and especially Firefox) the page takes a very long time to repaint on either resize or scroll events, and the animations are all extremely choppy.
I suspect it may be the SVG sprite, but I'm really not sure. The problems I'm having may intensified slightly when I sized it larger, but were there before hand.
Any ideas?
For me it's pretty obvious that the SVGs are the issue. I've disabled them one by one and the page is now fast (it was lagging a lot before).
Even if a single SVG comes into the viewport, the page starts lagging immediately.
It uses an SVG sprite, whose width and height have been set to 3x the largest rendered size of any of it's icons
Could you elaborate? This SVG is 2250 by 10350 pixels. It will take a huge amount of RAM to rasterize. It could as well be 225x1035.

Why does IE break my image colours?

I have a site that I have built, with a colour scheme based around the companies graphic. This has a gradient from left to right, fading to white. I use the image at the top of the pages.
To provide the same gradient down the page, I took a pixel or two wide cut from the bottom of this image, which I them repeat down my page. This works perfectly well, giving me the right gradient across my screen.
In firefox, there is no break between the bottom of my header image and the top of my repeated background gradient - which is as expected. The colours match, so they should appear continuous. However, in IE7, the top image appears very slightly lighter than the rest of the background. I initially thought that this was because I think IE does not always render style colours correctly, but then I realised that it is not a style, it is an image. I cannot understand why these two images are being rendered differently.
Unfortunately, because of who my client is, I cannot include pictures, and I accept that this will make it harder for anyone to answer, but if there are any suggestions, I would love to know why this is happening.
Thank you.
Try saving them in a different format. I think this has to do wkth color calibration performed in certain computers (can be set up in Windows fo example, but as I am writing this on the go from my mobile I cant/wont do more research). I think JPEG des not care about this setting and PNG do, or the other way around. Someone else can probably describe it way better..

How do I use canvas to draw this background shape?

In a design that I'm working on, there is a recurring image background shape that appears several times in different sizes throughout the site. For example, one page uses it as a huge background images, where the top and bottom part of this image is cut off by the browser edges.
It's not an easy pattern to create with canvas, but as far as I know it's possible. Here's what it looks like.
Am I better off making several images of this same pattern or is this background image easy to recreate through canvas? If it is appropriate for canvas, how do I go about recreating it in the various sizes? I wish I knew how to begin something like this using canvas but it's above my skillset.
I've converted your shape to an SVG shape here: — use it as you'd like.
According to, SVG is supported on all common browsers except for IE8 and earlier.
For IE8 and earlier you might be able to combine canvg, a SVG-to-canvas library, with explorercanvas, a canvas emulator for IE8 and earlier. Or you could display a rectangle with a background color — IE users might not miss the splat.
Edit: You could also get creative with CSS3 background gradients, ala (famous logos created with only CSS), but compatibility is low across browsers.

What affects browser page rendering performance?

By browser rendering performance I mean things like: scrolling, moving elements in animated fashion, z-order changes.
In particular I get tremendous slowdown in Firefox 3.6 and IE8 when I move an image with top, left styles over my page. I have no problems with Chrome 8.
With firebug I tried hiding page elements one by one and the largest improvent by far came from the page wide background Jpeg that I use. I wonder how is it affecting performance as the image is moving above another element that obscures the background. This another element is partly transparent PNG (but not in the part the movement happens), maybe this has something to do with it? I use a lot of transparency and CSS3 effects and somehow they slow down everything, even things that look completely unrelated.
Overall I get the impression that the browser is rerendering the whole page when something is moving, instead of only the affected pixels.
Any educated guess as to why all this happens?
EDIT Any picture or text that sits below my moving image causes it to slow down a lot when passing over it. The moving image itself is with transparent background, but changing it to opaque had almost no effect.
Moving a transparent element (particularly an element with a shadow) over a fixed background forces it to be recomposited every frame. Opaque shadowless elements on the other hand can be moved with a simple blit.
If you want to see a huge slowdown in most browsers, make a page with a bunch of elements with border-radius and box-shadow, then set the background of the page to background-attachment:fixed.
