Export oracle database to another server - oracle

How can i migrate oracle database from one server to another along with data?
Database is on Window server and i need to copy it to another window server. Nothing complex :)

The easiest option from an administrative perspective would be to do a full export and import. The Data Pump versions of the export and import utilities will be more efficient than the classic version. The dump file that is generated can be imported into a later version of Oracle on any platform.
The downside of using export and import, however, is that it takes a while. You have to read all the data out of the database to the file system and write it all back into the new database. If you don't want to lose data, that means a potentially hefty downtime.
If you don't have the downtime window to do a full export and import, you could restore your last backup to the new machine if you want to run exactly the same version of Oracle on the same operating system. You can also use cross-platform transportable tablespaces.

dbmantain, liquibase strike to my mind. Also follow this SO posts
What kind of database refactoring tools are there?
Database Migration

There's several aspects to consider.
Do the source and destination machines share the same endianess. If they are both x86 based, then the answer would be yes.
Do they share the same OS ?
Do they share storage ?
Are they on the same network ?
Does the destination machine already have Oracle installed ?
Is it the same version/release of Oracle ?
Is it the same Edition of Oracle ?
What is the data volume ? What downtime are you allowed ?
In the easiest scenario (same OS/endianess/shared storage/Oracle release/Oracle edition) then you should be able to simply shut down the instance on the old machine and start up one on the new machine
In the most complex (different endianess/no shared storage or network/different Oracle release and edition) then an import/export is probably the only practical solution.


Is there an editor out there that allows me to test PL/SQL scripts without a connection?

I work at a facility that does not allow me access to a Oracle Database offsite. So I can't connect to the server through a Oracle client connection right now, because of COVID I'm forced to work from home.
I'm required right now to write a PL/SQL script that will update records across the entire database, however I don't know anything about setting up a test environment on my home computer so that I can run the script in a controlled environment to test it before I bring it back on site.
At one of my previous jobs, they had a PROD, PREPROD, and so forth copies of Oracle databases that one could run the script on before I sent it up the chain to production. The setup we're using doesn't have that, just the production database and thus we have the problem with our workflow that we have one shot to get it right.
So my question is, is there an editor out there for Oracle that will allow me to create a test database, so that I can run the script on that, see the results, edit it to make it work right, before I bring it back to work and run it on our production server? I'm opposed to installing a full Oracle database implementation on my own computer for licensing reasons and/or honestly I don't know what I'm doing setting up an Oracle server on my own (Tried it, couldn't even find documentation on it).
Oracle Express Edition (XE) is free so - no licensing reasons here.
If you want, you can download pre-configured Virtual Box machine which has the database already installed, along with SQL Developer GUI tool to access it so you're up and running in a matter of minutes.
Alternatively, create an account on https://apex.oracle.com/en/; it is also free, gives you certain quota (was 25MB, don't know how much is it now, possibly somewhat more than that) which is enough to try your queries.
Or, use https://dbfiddle.uk/
As you can see, there are various options; pick the one that suits you best.

Installing Oracle Database (Real Application Cluster) on Windows 10. Confused about Oracle Grid Infrastructure and X Windows requirements

I'm learning Oracle & SQL and I'm doing a project. I'd like it if someone could check the conclusion I've come to as a result of my research and tell me if I'm doing this right.
TL;DR question: i'm using Windows 10 and i want to build a (small) database on someone else's computer that I can access remotely. Do i need to install Linux in order to do this?
My goal: to set up a database on a computer that multiple people (like 3 max including me) can access. I would access it from a different computer that it's installed on.
My reading of the Oracle documentation has lead me to think that I need to do the following steps:
DL Oracle using the Real Application Cluster installation rather than the single instance installation. This is because I want to be able to access the database remotely and possibly use it while another user is using it.
To click that setting, I need to install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure. In order to do that I need to configure the user's environment (source: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18248_01/doc/install.112/e16763/pre_install.htm#BABIBGFA) and in order to do that i need X Windows. To use X Windows on my Windows 10 system i need to install X Server.
Am i understanding this right? Why can't Oracle run on Windows?
Uh, I'm certainly not a DBA (perhaps you'd rather ask this question on SE for DBA), but - I think you overcomplicated it.
In my opinion, you don't need anything of what you mentioned. Not a single thing. No RAC / Grid Infrastructure / Linux / X Server. That's just a HUGE overkill.
Any Oracle database would do, even Express Edition (XE) which has the smallest footprint and would serve your needs. Documentation describes how to share your database with other people on the network, but - this short walkthrough will give you idea of what you should be paying attention to.

Oracle APEX - How do I sync local files with my laptop?

We have started using Oracle APEX at my university. And we're working on it with a local environment (had to install Oracle 11g Database and Oracle APEX locally). There was also an option for an online workspace, but I've found that it is quite slow.
My question is: how can I synchronize the files (workspaces, applications etc) with my main desktop at home and my laptop at university. I would use Google Drive to put the files on, but what I need to figure out is where the files that I can synchronize are located.
I'm using:
Windows 10, 64 bit.
Oracle Database Express Edition 11g.
Oracle Application Express, version 5.0.4.
If there is any additional information, please let me know.
You've really not taken an easy route while trying to make things easier for yourself.
Apex resides in the database itself. There are no "files" except the actual "images" directory. The applications you create are in the database. Your data itself will reside in a schema in that database.
If you want to move between 2 databases all the time, it means you'll have to do all the DDL and DML you do your local schema another time on the remote location. You'll need to export and import the applications.
You could use datapump to always take an export of the entire schema (not the apex schema!) and then import that on the remote (but has to be run on the machine itself, not from sqlplus, so you'll need access on both locations for this). Applications will have to be exported and imported individually.
You'd have been served better by using the online service, or use a virtual machine on say an external hard drive.

What is the easiest way to transfer Oracle database from one PC to another?

i want to transfer my oracle database to another PC. What is the easiest way to do it? Are there any GUI tools to do it?
APC's answer is the way to go for a logical transfer. If you're asking because you just want a one-time transfer to another PC then:
install the same version of Oracle on
the second PC
create the same directory structure
for the database files on the second
copy the database files (tablespace
files, control files, redo logs) to
the second PC (with the database shut down on PC #1!)
The easiest way to transfer database structures (tables, packages, etc) together with data (or indeed without it) is to use the Oracle import/export utlities. As you're using Oracle 11g you should employ Data Pump for this. (On 9i or earlier it would be the old EXP and IMP utlities).
Use Export (expdp) to make the dump file from your source PC. Transfer it to your target PC and use Import (impdp) to load it.
At this point I would link to the documentation but the Oracle online docs are currently offline. So here's a link to the Oracle Wiki page instead: find out more.
If you want a GUI, oracle Grid control can be used to clone a database from one computer to another.

Oracle 10g Backup & Restore

Here is the scenario:
Oracle 10g database running Windows Vista Business. This is a production/live db.
Nightly backups (Whole database, online backup, ARCHIVELOG mode) moved to different machine on the network.
Hard disk dies.
Setup OS and Oracle 10g on the new hard drive. Oracle does not have any db instances yet.
Is there an easy (or at least relatively easy) way to restore the database from the backup?
I'm not an Oracle DBA and my Oracle knowledge is very limited. I have seen some "advanced RMAN commands", but I have no clue what the doc is about. Is there a 3rd party utility that simplifies the restore process?
If the RMAN scripts are the only way to go, then do I have to create an empty database in Oracle before proceeding?
The ability to recover a database is the most fundamental responsibility of a DBA -- All else amounts to nothing if data is lost.
If you have limited knowledge of the recovery process and you are in charge of recovering a production instance, my first suggestion would be to contact support : you don't want to make a mistake. Trust me, you don't want to practice on a production environment.
Once the database is restored, when you have plenty of time, I'd suggest you start by having a thorough look at the documentation. You should be fine with the Backup and Recovery Basics Guide.
Nowadays, you can perform recovery through the Entreprise Manager web interface (this is a nice wrapper of RMAN).
