Oracle APEX - How do I sync local files with my laptop? - oracle

We have started using Oracle APEX at my university. And we're working on it with a local environment (had to install Oracle 11g Database and Oracle APEX locally). There was also an option for an online workspace, but I've found that it is quite slow.
My question is: how can I synchronize the files (workspaces, applications etc) with my main desktop at home and my laptop at university. I would use Google Drive to put the files on, but what I need to figure out is where the files that I can synchronize are located.
I'm using:
Windows 10, 64 bit.
Oracle Database Express Edition 11g.
Oracle Application Express, version 5.0.4.
If there is any additional information, please let me know.

You've really not taken an easy route while trying to make things easier for yourself.
Apex resides in the database itself. There are no "files" except the actual "images" directory. The applications you create are in the database. Your data itself will reside in a schema in that database.
If you want to move between 2 databases all the time, it means you'll have to do all the DDL and DML you do your local schema another time on the remote location. You'll need to export and import the applications.
You could use datapump to always take an export of the entire schema (not the apex schema!) and then import that on the remote (but has to be run on the machine itself, not from sqlplus, so you'll need access on both locations for this). Applications will have to be exported and imported individually.
You'd have been served better by using the online service, or use a virtual machine on say an external hard drive.


How do I export an Oracle database (into a single file) and install it on a client machine without installing an Oracle software (like Oracle server)

I am trying to create a windows desktop application ( point of sales) using Delphi for the software and i want to use oracle for the database part, so I have installed "Oracle Database XE program " on my dev machine, i will work on the default XE pluggable database ( create my tables and functions) and to connect to the database from Delphi using UniDAC , so when i finish my application i want to deliver it to a client ,this client has only one machine and has no access to any network . so is there a way to export the oracle database in to a single file and then copy that file to the application folder and connect to the file using the UniDAC so when i deliver the application to the client i will install only my application so i do not have to install the "Oracle Database XE program".
so is there a way to export the oracle database in to a single file and then copy that file to the application folder and connect to the file using the UniDAC so when i deliver the application to the client i will install only my application so i do not have to install the "Oracle Database XE program".
That won't work, in my opinion. You can export that schema (see Data Pump utility, both Export and Import) and get a .dmp file, but it is to be imported into target database.
If your application requires Oracle database, how do you plan to make it work on your customer's computer without a database? As Express Edition (XE) is free to use, why wouldn't you (or customer) install that database so that they would use that application without any problems?
Silent installation still requires installing the database on the customer's computer, but it can be done without any customer input. All of the configuration options can be chosen ahead of time via a configuration file and command line arguments.
And I'm sure you can combine the silent installation with one of the many Windows installers to build a single .EXE that will unzip the Oracle setup files, run the setup.exe command, install the Delphi pieces, etc.

Can I connect Forms 6i and 10g both with database 11g at a time?

I want to connect Forms 6i with database 11g R2 but currently I am using Forms 10g with database 11g R2. I want to use both of these Forms. Can I connect Oracle Forms 6i and 10g with database 11g R2 both at a time? What is the solution?
You didn't mention which operating system you use. If it is a modern MS Windows, note that Forms 6i is an old piece of software which was never certified nor supported on Windows 10 (nor Windows 7). Although I've read that people managed to install it and made it work, there's no guarantee that you'll manage to do it as well. You'll have to Google a lot and read a lot, collect pieces of knowledge and hope for the best.
when you installed all those Oracle products onto your computer, you should have installed each of them into its own Oracle Home (i.e. directory); otherwise, you can expect problems (such as files being overwritten).
as each Forms installation uses its own TNSNAMES.ORA, both of them should contain an entry for your Oracle 11g database. If not, Forms that doesn't have it will fail to connect. Alternatively (which is what I'd suggest) is to create a TNS_ADMIN environment variable which points to a directory which will contain a single copy of the TNSNAMES.ORA file (for example, C:\ORALIB) - doing so, you'd have to maintain only one copy of the file, instead of two (or even more) of them .
apart from that, you should be able to run both Forms versions. What happened when you tried to run Forms 6i? Do you get any error? If so, which one?

Cognos 8.3 failing to connect to data source. Why?

I have installed Cognos BI 8.3 on my machine, which has a Windows 7 OS 64-bit. In IBM's supported environment list for Cognos 8.3, Windows 7 is not listed. On top of that, it says the product will only integrate with 32-bit 3rd party libraries. So, you can already see that I'm already starting on a bad foot. But anyways, this is the machine I have and that is the software I got, so I decided to see if they would work together..
I installed Oracle 10g Express database also in my machine and Apache 2.2 server. Up to there no problems.
Before moving further, I copied ojdbc14.jar to cognos/.../webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib and added the Oracle database in Cognos Configuration. Tested, passed.
With the database started, the Apache server started, and Cognos started, I was successfully able to start Cognos Connection on the computer. So, it looks like the OS is not an issue.
(You can see everything I did by following the steps on this site, which since two days ago seems to be down but I'm thinking will eventually come back up)
Then I decided to try the samples, so I tried to create a data source connection from Cognos to the Oracle database. So, in the admin config console (i.e. Administer Cognos Contents > Configuration), I decided to create a new Oracle data source. I put the credentials, but BAM.. testing fails.
Fail Message:
QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed.
QE-DEF-0323 The DSN(ODBC)/ServiceName is invalid. Either the DSN is missing or the host is inaccessible.
RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in:
UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the "testDataSourceConnection" database.
UDA-SQL-0532 Data Source is not accessible: "XE".
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back:
From what I have researched, it could be a number of things, but nothing seems to work. Here is what I tried:
Adding ODBC driver. Added the Oracle XE driver, even making sure it was done in the 32-bit ODBC manager (i.e. Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe). That didn't work.
Added ORACLE_HOME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and TNS_ADMIN to my environment variables.
tnsping'ed the XE database and it the ping returned ok.
There are no tnsnames.ora duplicates in the computer.
I tried and I am able to connect to the database via sqlplus. Did I mention that Cognos Config database test also passed?
Installed Oracle XE client. But didn't do much with it because the Oracle server is installed in the computer and also has a client component.
Has anyone come across this problem? I haven't been able to diagnose the problem or make even the slight progress for days. If you would like me to provide more information on any of the solutions I tried, please do ask. If you have a potential solution or, even better, if you have been able to solve this problem before, please let me know how!
One thing to keep in mind : certain portions of Cognos BI are implemented via Java and other portions are implemented via native C++ processes (the BI Bus processes)
Cognos connects to the content store database from the Java process using JDBC.
The BI Bus processes will connect to Oracle using a native oracle client.
So based on your description, I'd say that the problem area is in the native oracle client configuration (or the Cognos service's perspective of it).
You mentioned adding the ORACLE_HOME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and TNS_ADMIN environment variables in windows, and the fact that Oracle Utilities like SQLPlus and TNSPing are working for you.
When you added the environment variables, did you add them to the SYSTEM area for environment variables or the User area...?
If you're running Cognos as a service, its going to be a child process of SERVICES.EXE, which is run as system (this process is also not restarted unless you reboot the machine).
I'd try this :
make sure the above environment variables are defined for the SYSTEM user (in the system area, not the user area)
once you've done this, reboot the machine
See if you can create the database connection now.
If that doesn't work, I'd suggest doing a "run as" of SQLPlus or TNSPING as the SYSTEM user (and see if that works).
In order to use oracle as data source, you must install 32 bit client.
64 bit client will not work.
So if you installed oracle express 64 bit, and you don't want to uninstall it,
you can just install additional 32 bit client, and make sure to set it as your default home.

Export oracle database to another server

How can i migrate oracle database from one server to another along with data?
Database is on Window server and i need to copy it to another window server. Nothing complex :)
The easiest option from an administrative perspective would be to do a full export and import. The Data Pump versions of the export and import utilities will be more efficient than the classic version. The dump file that is generated can be imported into a later version of Oracle on any platform.
The downside of using export and import, however, is that it takes a while. You have to read all the data out of the database to the file system and write it all back into the new database. If you don't want to lose data, that means a potentially hefty downtime.
If you don't have the downtime window to do a full export and import, you could restore your last backup to the new machine if you want to run exactly the same version of Oracle on the same operating system. You can also use cross-platform transportable tablespaces.
dbmantain, liquibase strike to my mind. Also follow this SO posts
What kind of database refactoring tools are there?
Database Migration
There's several aspects to consider.
Do the source and destination machines share the same endianess. If they are both x86 based, then the answer would be yes.
Do they share the same OS ?
Do they share storage ?
Are they on the same network ?
Does the destination machine already have Oracle installed ?
Is it the same version/release of Oracle ?
Is it the same Edition of Oracle ?
What is the data volume ? What downtime are you allowed ?
In the easiest scenario (same OS/endianess/shared storage/Oracle release/Oracle edition) then you should be able to simply shut down the instance on the old machine and start up one on the new machine
In the most complex (different endianess/no shared storage or network/different Oracle release and edition) then an import/export is probably the only practical solution.

What is the easiest way to transfer Oracle database from one PC to another?

i want to transfer my oracle database to another PC. What is the easiest way to do it? Are there any GUI tools to do it?
APC's answer is the way to go for a logical transfer. If you're asking because you just want a one-time transfer to another PC then:
install the same version of Oracle on
the second PC
create the same directory structure
for the database files on the second
copy the database files (tablespace
files, control files, redo logs) to
the second PC (with the database shut down on PC #1!)
The easiest way to transfer database structures (tables, packages, etc) together with data (or indeed without it) is to use the Oracle import/export utlities. As you're using Oracle 11g you should employ Data Pump for this. (On 9i or earlier it would be the old EXP and IMP utlities).
Use Export (expdp) to make the dump file from your source PC. Transfer it to your target PC and use Import (impdp) to load it.
At this point I would link to the documentation but the Oracle online docs are currently offline. So here's a link to the Oracle Wiki page instead: find out more.
If you want a GUI, oracle Grid control can be used to clone a database from one computer to another.
