Question iOS SDK 4.0 - xcode

I am trying to locate IOS SDK 4.0. But I'm unable to find it. I'm currently running v10.5.6 osx and I'm unable to install the xcode iOS 4.2 cause it says I require 10.6.
Will iOS SDK 4.0 work?

iOS SDK 4.0+ requires Snow Leopard / Mac OS 10.6+.
What are the system requirements for the iOS SDK?
To develop with iOS SDK and participate in the iOS Deeloper Program you must have an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Refer to the iOS SDK Read Me document for full details on system requirements. You must be registered as an Apple Developer in order to access the iOS SDK and iOS SDK Read Me document.
Compatibility: Xcode 3.2 requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard version 10.6.4 or later. Note: some distributions of Xcode do not include the iOS SDKs; you can verify their presence in the Installer’s “Custom Install” pane.
Taken from About Xcode and IOS SDK

No, you cannot install it on anything under 10.6: How to install iphone sdk 4 on Mac OSX 10.5.8


How do I download Xcode 9 on a mac running 10.11.6 (El Capitan)?

I am taking a course on programming with flutter, and it needs Xcode 9 or higher. My mac is currently running 10.11.6 and it can't update any more. I was wondering if there was any way to get Xcode 9 on my mac?
Xcode9 needs OS X 10.12.6 or higher.
The latest Xcode you can install on OS X 10.11.6 is Xcode8 (version 8.2.1).
Here you can check which minimal OS version is required by which version of Xcode:
Also for downloading any older version of Xcode you need a developer account (free account is enough) and you can download from here:
Unfortunately I don't see older than Xcode9 there but I found Xcode 8.2.1 here
Xcode is only needed to run your Flutter apps on iOS devices and simulators. But to develop Flutter apps, you use another IDE your Mac can probably run: Android Studio, Visual Studio Code or Intellij IDEA.
You can still test your app using an Android emulator or device.
If you do need to upgrade, you can download a Sierra, High Sierra or Mojave patcher from dosdude1's website, and install a later version of macOS on your unsupported Mac (if your mac is in the list of supported devices, and I haven't tested it, so do it at your own risk).

Xcode 3 and iOS 6

A newbie question. I have Xcode 3.2.6 and my ipad is iOS 6.0. It seems this version of Xcode doesn't support the iOS version. What version do I need to upgrade my Xcode to so that I can test apps on devices running iOS 6.
And, my second question do I have to download the .dmg to upgrade Xcode. Currently I am running snow leopard 10.6.8.
For iOS 6 you will need Xcode 4.5 and at least Lion (10.7)
You need OS X Lion 10.7.4 or later to install the latest version of Xcode from the AppStore. Then you will be able to build apps to your device with iOS 6.0.

What was the last version of Xcode shipped with iPhone Simulator 3.0?

I installed iPhone Simulator 3.0 on Xcode 3.2.6 on Snow Leopard using a misterious package iPhoneSimulatorSDK3_0.pkg I found on a chinese web page, but the simulator keeps saying "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reistalled"
So, I need the to install the full version of the mentioned Xcode
Any help is apreciated
iPhone SDK 3.2 Final with Xcode 3.2.2 for Snow Leopard (10.6.0) has iOS Simulator 3.0 built-in

Can you build 10.7 applications with xcode 3?

Can you build Mac SDK 10.7 applications without having Mac SDK 10.7? Such as with an old Xcode?
Or do you need a new one? And what's the earliest 10.7 SDK was included in Xcode?
You can build applications that run on 10.7, but in order to use 10.7 specific API calls you need to build with Xcode on 10.7 or later.
The earliest Xcode that included the 10.7 SDK was Xcode 4.2 for Lion. Note that the Snow Leopard version of Xcode 4.2 does not include the 10.7 SDK.
You can Drag and Drop older SDKs into newer versions of Xcode and usually get them to work, you can't go the other way.
No you can't. In order to build apps for 10.7 you need the 10.7 library, which is only available in Xcode 4

Install Mac OS X SDK 10.5 on Snow Leopard

Is there an easy way to install / download the Mac OS X 10.5 SDK on Snow Leopard?
I have Xcode 4.0 installed via the Mac App Store. I can also download it from the developer site if necessary but I don't know if it includes the 10.5 SDK.
I need the 10.5 SDK for building Android. It is a hard requirement stated in the docs. I tried symlinking to the 10.6 SDK but that didn't work.
(Perhaps it would be OK to get the SDK from an older Mac that is actually running 10.5 and has an older version of Xcode installed? Would that work?)
The 10.5 sdk is not available for XCode 4.0. You will need to keep XCode 3.2.6 if you need it.
There is a solution to install the Mac OS X SDK 10.5 on Snow Leopard shown here:
How to add base SDK for 10.5 in xCode 4
Basically, you can run the MacOSX10.5.pkg from an Xcode 3 installer and install the SDK into an Xcode 4 install.
