Twitter Streams API with Heroku - heroku

Hi I'm really becoming mad with this problem. I need to continuously post to another server some tweets, in realtime. They are filtered by a hashtag.
I'm using this solution:
If I change it to use filter.json it works (alias retrieves tweets) only with words that have a lot of traffic on Heroku, while it works with my hashtag from my local machine. I tried with different accounts.
Anyone can please shed light?

OK I sorted it out, with the TweetStream gem. See the code here:
Fully working on Heroku!!!


SilverStripe GraphQL many_many Query Fails In Production

If anyone could help me Iā€™d be so grateful.
When I have my SilverStripe app running locally I can query many_many relationships with GraphiQL. But after I deploy my app on Heroku and run the exact same query with Postman against my deployed API I do not get the many_many data back. (I however still get the main data.) Does anyone know why this happens?
Here are some screenshots, and my source code here.
If anyone else has this problem in the future, it was solved like this:

Linkedin: image not showing up after sharing via REST Api

I shared a post from an application but the image doesn't show up in the update. I realise this question is asked a couple of times already and I checked all the info I could find here, to no avail.
I checked content type, which is correct.
I checked the url, which works.
I checked the ssl certificate which seems to be fine.
The image in question is:
The share is being made using the REST Api and the share itself gives a success message.
How can I debug why the image is not showing up? Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance for your response.
I am having this same issue. When I post this url via the API - - it will not show the image.
However, when I post this one - - it works.
Since they both sit on the same server and are both running the same software, my current theory is that LinkedIn can't read images from secure servers. Alternatively, however, less likely, it may be that they won't read from sites using Let's Encrypt images.
UPDATE: It seems to be Let's Encrypt. The podcast is also available encrypted but not using a Let's Encrypt cert because Apple won't read them. I posted a second update using the https:// version and it worked.
So it LOOKS like LinkedIn doesn't like Let's Encrypt.
Apparently LinkedIn didn't like Lets Encrypt certificates. The problems is completely resolved now though and I don't think this will be a certificate issue anymore.

Twitter handler (sensu and ruby) troubleshooting

I'm trying to get Sensu twitter-handler working on my environment. The issue is that I'm not getting any errors on screen or logs when I cat a .json event into the twitter-handler and, the tweets are not being shown on the linked account.
Here're are my config files:
This is the output I get:
One important note is that in sensu-api.log the request are being recieved:
So, my question is: is there a way to troubleshoot this issue? Any way to debug the handler.rb?
Finally got it working! Thing was the new 'twitter' gem (in my case v5.6) won't work with the code as it was written. I needed to follow this great answer and this thread too. Was just a matter of sintaxis (as usual).
Thanks! + digitalocean: How to show url name instead of IP in browser address bar

I suppose this might by a very amateury question:
I started learning something new by building a small website with ruby + sinatra. I signed up at, set up my VPS and got everything up and running.
I also used to buy a domain which I point to my VPS. So far everything works fine, but in the browser the IP address of my VPS instead of the URL is shown, i.e. instead of
the browser shows
The same is of course true if I run my site on e.g. Heroku, where the heroku-url instead of my own url is shown.
How can I fix this?
Thank you very much for your help!
Ok, so I found the answer to my question:
I followed the steps outlined in this support document and everything now seems to work!
Enjoy the weekend!

FBML based app suddenly stopped working since Nov.18,2011

My FBML based app suddenly stopped working since Nov.18.2011. It was working fine before that. And nothing has changed from our side. Could that be some of the new changes Facebookk put in on Nov.18 ( ). Does anyone else has the similar problem? Any ideas on how to fix it?
Thanks a lot!
My FBML app stopped working around this day too. The problem is that they switched to the new auth system, where instead of sending the fb_sig HTTP parameters to identify the user and verify that the request came from Facebook, they now send one single parameter called signed_request. Which language/library are you using to interface with Facebook? See for more details on this new signed_request parameter.
