SilverStripe GraphQL many_many Query Fails In Production - graphql

If anyone could help me Iā€™d be so grateful.
When I have my SilverStripe app running locally I can query many_many relationships with GraphiQL. But after I deploy my app on Heroku and run the exact same query with Postman against my deployed API I do not get the many_many data back. (I however still get the main data.) Does anyone know why this happens?
Here are some screenshots, and my source code here.

If anyone else has this problem in the future, it was solved like this:


What causes TypeError in Apollo Client?

I am looking at an error report from Apollo Client. I am not able to reproduce the issue and it doesn't appear to happen often, but I would like to figure out what is going on and perhaps open an issue on github with the project if this may be caused by the library. In my scan of the current issues, I can't find this one listed anywhere.
The image shows the data populated in error provided by onError of the useQuery hook.
Any guidance to help resolve this is appreciated! Thank you!

Error getting valid response from API. Check log file for error details

I cant seem to find the error log of api.
I have Laravel application which uses "authorizenet/authorizenet" package and the code where I try to create a customer profile, I get following error:
"Error getting valid response from API. Check log file for error details"
Can anyone tell me whereto find these logs? and what it's name?
I tried in /var/logs folder but i cant seem to find it.
if someone else has this issue, here is the solution.
The has changed their endpoints from to which is one of the possible reasons that you might get this error.
So if you are hardcoding these endpoints in your code then update it to the new one or if you are using library constant for it, same as me:
Then simply update your library by running:
composer update authorizenet/authorizenet
This is how I resolved it and it seems to be the best way so far because it will update their library to take everything up to date if they have changes something else and you started experiencing this issue.
I hope it helps

Reporting to Sentry to proof that it's working, like on start up?

We are using Sentry for finding some errors.
How do you proof, that a reporting is working?
I had a Spring-Boot project, which was not sending any error to Sentry, so it looks like it was working without an error, but I saw in Kibana, that there have been errors.
So, my configuration was wrong. After fixing the setup, it's now sending the errors to Sentry too.
Is there any way to proof that the sending to Sentry is working?
Something like on startup of my Spring-Boot application sending a first string?
I found 2 possible solutions which both sucks, so that's why I ask for a more professional way:
I can make just on application start up a log.error("sentry is working")
I can set the log-level from warning / error to info just to see that it's working and if see it in Sentry, you change it back?
But as i mentioned, both methods are not good, so let me know how you are resolving problems like this
are unprofessional to me, so let me know
There isn't a real "answer" here currently, as part of Sentry's simplicity is it doesn't do anything until an error happens. One potential solution is to introduce a path like that deliberately errors.

SonarQube how to get all issues using WebService API

I am getting issues by this url: http://myserver.url/api/issues/search
But i noticed that not all issues, that i can see in dashboard are presented in JSon response.
Why that happens?
Maybe you could precise a little bit (SonarQube version, etc.).
Maybe this could help.

Twitter Streams API with Heroku

Hi I'm really becoming mad with this problem. I need to continuously post to another server some tweets, in realtime. They are filtered by a hashtag.
I'm using this solution:
If I change it to use filter.json it works (alias retrieves tweets) only with words that have a lot of traffic on Heroku, while it works with my hashtag from my local machine. I tried with different accounts.
Anyone can please shed light?
OK I sorted it out, with the TweetStream gem. See the code here:
Fully working on Heroku!!!
