MVC - helpers and Joomla - model-view-controller

I'm being confused, I have a function that needs to update some table, I have placed it inside controller, however now I have found that I will need to use it inside other 2 controllers.
What is the best practice to place the function that making updates and where to place it and how to call it?
maybe helper?

Did you create your models by extending JTable? In this case, just add the method there. It's perfectly ok to have business logic in the model such as "increment all rows of this user id by one" (static method) or "split up this name and save it into columns first name & second name" (normal method).

The helper would need to be relevant to the controller, as it will be applied to all controllers. I will assume that not all controllers would see meaning in calling the Update.
You could create a static class with a static method that would update your table.
etc Add a file to the Models folder and then create the following class.
public static CalledFromMultipleLocations
public static void UpdateMyTable(string somedata)
//Do you update code.
Without knowing your business object model its hard to really provide a solution.


Laravel observer pattern for keeping two related models in sync

I'm using Laravel 5.4. I have two related eloquent models:
ImageFile and ClipartImage.
ClipartImage contains a belongsTo relationship as follows:
class ClipartImage extends Model
public function image_file()
return $this->belongsTo(ImageFile::class, 'image_file_id');
public function promote()
On ClipartImage there is a "promote" method which will pass the promote call through to the ImageFile object as it knows how to promote itself.
The problem I'm running into is if properties change on ImageFile as a result of the method call, there are a couple of properties on the related ClipartImage which may need to be updated as a result. In the ImageFile class I could search the database for any related ClipartImages and update the relevant fields, but this doesn't update the existing ClipartImage instance that I am working with. What's the normal way to solve this sort of dependency between models and keeping the object instances in memory in sync?
I guess I'm in need of some sort of Observer pattern but in Laravel these things seem to be handled at the static/class level not for individual object instances - ie I could create an observer class that looked for any changes to ImageFile models, but that isn't going to help me refresh or update my existing ClipartImage object.
Edit: I've used a single "promote" method to illustrate, but there's a bunch of interaction between ClipartImage and the ImageFile class and it's not obvious from the point of view of ClipartImage when it may need to refresh or update itself. Ideally ImageFile would inform it when key fields have changed so it can respond accordingly.

How to prevent duplication of code

We're currently developing an E-commerce site. We have a public and admin module.
Sometimes we offer the same functionality in both modules like viewing of products or creating of orders. But there are also some functionalities that is present in either public or admin like adding of products (which is in admin).
Our problem is that common functionalities lead to duplication of logic. We need to implement it in both modules.
One way of solving the problem is to make use of layers. So what we did was move the common logic into the Model. However, the controller is still duplicating codes like the one shown below:
public function invoice() {
$invoice_items = // get list of items from post
My question is, is it wise to create a webservice that will encapsulate this logic and you just have to call it from the admin and public modules..
How does Magento implement the public and admin panels. And how does it manage its logic..
I would recommend you not to do that. From your question, it is not exactly clear what sort of 'logic' are you referring to, but it does not seem too complex from your example. In general, business logic should be coded within the Model, controller, or Helper portions of the code. It can even reside in a separate extension as long as you set dependencies properly in the main xml file of the extension.
It seems that you may benefit from placing your logic in a helper class. The default helper file resides under /app/code/community/company/extension-name/Helper/Data.php. Then you can call the helper method anywhere in the backend (Block, Module, or controllers) by using this piece of code:
Or you can call the same helper method from the view (phtml files) like this:

How to access function from every controller in codeigniter

Hi friends hi have this function in one controller , how can i access it from every other controller ?pls help
public function click_add($ads_id){
//some statement here
There are a few possibilities:
Define a helper
Create a parent controller class from which all other controllers in your application extend
Create a library
Use ModularExtensions to allow calling one controller inside another
It all depends on what exactly the function should do. If it shouldn't access the model, then you could go for the first three options. Otherwise I'd suggest the latter two.
One solution would be to create your own library.

MVC: pass model / model data to a view from a controller?

If a view needs to acces data from a model, do you think the controller should:
a) pass the model to the view
b) pass the data of the model to the view
c) neither; it shouldn't be the controllers concern. Let the view access the model directly to retrieve the data. Only let the controller give some parameters the view needs to filter the data from the model.
d) it depends on the situation.
e) none of the above, but [...]
After some debate in the comments to an answer that was deleted by the user, maybe this needs clarification. My view of the MVC architecture is biased towards that of the Zend Framework (php) in which an action in a controller by default has a default view assigned to it. So it's not so much the model that dictates which view is approporiate, but rather the controller. Do you feel the model should dictate what view is appropriate? The only way I see fit to let the view be build based on a model, is by letting the controller pass the model to the view. Are there other techniques to let a view access a model without the controller being involved? Or is it perfectly fine to let a controller pass the model to a view, so that the view can be build based on the models attributes?
e) None of the above; pass in a view-optimised "ViewModel".
Example in ASP.NET MVC:-
public ActionResult Details(int id)
Product p = ProductService.GetProductById(id);
if(p == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
ProductViewModel model = new ProductViewModel(p);
return View(model);
both a) and b) "will do" subject to d). Never ever c).
Typically, the ViewModel just encapsulates the Model (if nothing complicated is going on, your view could access the model directly via ProductViewModel.Product). If the view needs to do anything complicated with the Model however, it's the ViewModel's responsibility to do that, rather than the responsibility of the Controller, or the View.
This keeps your concerns nice and segregated. Your Controller doesn't care exactly what specific data your View needs (beyond the fact that it's rendering some Details of a Product), or especially what format your View needs that data in. Your View doesn't depend on the implementation details of your Model. Your Model doesn't have to concern itself with how it's being Viewed. If you have two Views rendering Products (e.g. Create, Edit, Summary, MoreDetails etc), those Views can have different ViewModels to expose only the data that each specific View needs, so your Views aren't depending on eachother. Lovely :)
Some further reading from various viewpoints:-
I think ViewModels are a particularly .NET thing, but I see no reason at all why the pattern can't be used in PHP.
Hope this helps.
Ideally, it should "pass the data of the model to the view" so the view doesn't need to know any explicit structure of the model and thus be more reusable and designer-friendly.
But practically, "pass the model to the view" works as just fine. Most of the time you will need a new view anyway because clients never share favorite colors (if you know what I mean :-) so views re-usability doesn't justify having a lot of tedious code required to copy data from the model to the view.
What you should concern more about is the modularity of the controller itself, since many websites do share common functionalities (controllers) such as web forums or a news listing but not looks (views)
This is late I know, but I'm having this issue on a project I am working on. I started with a) - for simplicity - and now running into road blocks.
I am coming around to this method:
e) None of the above; pass in a view-optimised "ViewModel".
because it avoid bloating both your model classes (instances of which are "transaction objects") and your views. For example, you may need to render a number with a specific number of decimal places (this is the problem I am having now).
With an intermediate "ViewModel" this is easy - you just write the relevant ViewModel "getXXX" method to return the number formatted how you wish.
If you just pass the model directly into the view, you will need to specify it in the view every time you use this figure (going against DRY - don't repeat yourself), or alternately, add a rendering method to your model classes (which goes against a class being for one purpose only).
a) pass the model to the view
Otherwise the controller is manipulating the view via screening the model. This is what would happen in "b) pass the data of the model to the view". The b) option doesn't really even make sense in the pure MVC pattern. After all, the model IS the data. If the model is changed for consumption, a view has been applied, whether you choose to do it in the controller and pass it off as a controller function. What happens when you have a different view? Does the controller screen its data differently? You soon have two views for model, the controller sub-view and the view itself.
For me that's e).
As already mentioned here, ideally the view and the model are decoupled. The way I prefer to implement this is to have a viewHelper for a model. This has the API the view can use to get the data. Now views are not affected by changes in the model and the view doesn't need to 'get' the internals of the model. These are hidden away by the viewHelper.
class Post {
public function export(ViewHelper $helper) {} // I try to avoid getters when I can
class PostViewHelper {
public function getTitle($parameters) {} // title of current post in the loop
class PostView {
private $helpers = array();
public function loadTemplate($path) {}
public function addHelper(ViewHelper $helper, $name) {}
public function __get($key) {} // if exists $this->helper[$key] etc
in a template
<h1><?php $this->post->getTitle(); ?></h1>
You may want to implement this differently. But my point is in how the view and the model are decoupled, introducing an intermediate viewHelper wich creates the view/template API.
I don't think it's that complicated. a or b.
The controller's job is to manage the relationship. It finds the model and view and provides the view all the model data it needs to do its job. That's it. MVC doesn't dictate the exact form the data takes.
(a) Start simple. It's pretty natural to pass the model objects directly to the view. If you have a page about a Foo, just pass the Foo.
(b) But at times-- and only at times-- you create a value object / DTO to get the data to the view (called a ViewModel above). Do this when there's a mismatch between the view and the native model, such as summary views. If the view is presenting a summary of 1,000,000 objects, you don't want to hand the view the model objects; you want to hand the view a summary of the 1,000,000 objects.
And the exact implementation really depends on the language and framework you are using. But I think these guidelines are a good start.
uhh b.
i dont really see the difference between a and b other then some technicallity of how you will be passing data.
usually you pass a map of data to the view with some data from the model

CodeIgniter Model / Controller and UserID

My Models in CodeIgniter need to check that a user is authorised to perform the given action. Inside the Models I have been referencing using $this->session->userdata['user_id'].
My question is - should I be setting a variable to $this->session->userdata['user_id'] in the Controller and passing this to the Model, or simply checking it inside the Model ?
Does it even matter ? I suppose passing $user_id into the function would make it (slightly) more readable. What are the arguements and recommendations for / against ?
You can choose between data that is fundamental to your application and data that is incidental to a given model member function. Things that you use everywhere should be guaranteed (base members, globals, etc.), and things used only in the current function should be parameters. You'll find that using implied variables (like $this->session->userdata) in many places in your models and views will become spaghetti quickly, and will be unpredictable if you don't bootstrap them properly.
In my CodeIgniter projects, I add a custom base model and controller that inherit from the CI framework, adding their own member data that is used everywhere in the app. I use these base classes to provide data and functions that all of my models and controllers use (including things like userID). In the constructor of my_base_controller, I call the CI base constructor, and set up data that all of my controllers and views need. This guarantees predictable defaults for class data.
Strictly speaking $this->session->userdata['user_id'] belongs to the controller.
Models deal with data only... controllers, by definition control the flow of the data...
and authentication is a form of data control... (IMHO)
Codewise, I follow this procedure
class MyControllerName extends Controller{
function MyMyControllerName(){
$this->_user_id=$this->session->userdata['user_id']; //<-- define userid as a property of class
And then, say one of my functions foo() requires authentication.. I would do this
function foo(){
$this->_checkAuthentication(); //should short out if not authenticated
//rest of the function logic goes here
the _checkAuthentication() can be simplistic like:
function _checkAuthentication(){
if(!isset($this->_user_id) && $this->_user_id<=0){ /or any other checks
header("Location: ".base_url()."location_of/user_not_authorised_page");
