How to access function from every controller in codeigniter - codeigniter

Hi friends hi have this function in one controller , how can i access it from every other controller ?pls help
public function click_add($ads_id){
//some statement here

There are a few possibilities:
Define a helper
Create a parent controller class from which all other controllers in your application extend
Create a library
Use ModularExtensions to allow calling one controller inside another
It all depends on what exactly the function should do. If it shouldn't access the model, then you could go for the first three options. Otherwise I'd suggest the latter two.

One solution would be to create your own library.


Laravel do i need two controllers to handel two store functions?

Basically what i want to do is that 1 Controller handels two store functions called like this:
public function singleupload(){
..some code
public function multiupload(){
..some code too
as i continued to define the routes (get/post)
Route::get('/MultiUpload', 'controller#MultiUpload');
Route::get('/SingleUpload', 'controller#SingleUpload');
Route::post('/MultiUpload', 'controller#storeMulti');
Route::post('/SingleUpload', 'controller#storeSingle');
and as i tried to post some data to my database it tells me that there is no 'store' function. So i opened the docs and found this:
POST /photos store
So my question is can i create two store functions in one controller or do i have to create a different one so every route has its own controller with its own store function?
You are doing some things wrong.
First of all follow Repository Pattern.
You should always write all common functions in Repository which can be accessible in entire Project.
You should use controller only to fetch the request from the Route and pass all the logic to the Repository.
These Process will help you reduce all you coding lines.
Hope this helps !!!
NO you don't need to create new Controller. You can add new action for this.
But it also, depends on the how is your application functionality.
Normally, i personally recommended to create generic function or traits or add the functionality in base controller.
you can handle multiple store functions in one controller there is no need to create 2 different controllers.

Trying to understand the view method and general method calling in laravel

I am a new to laravel and trying to understand where the view method comes from and what mechanism allows it to be shown in the web.php folder in laravel.
For example :
Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); })
I guess the view function is defined in some class. Bu which class is it and where is that class made reference to in order to access its method?
Thanks a lot if you can help me understanding this!
In most IDEs you can hold CTRL and left-click the function to view it's definition. view() is not defined in a class. It comes from a file called helpers.php.
This file is included at the beginning, so its functions can be used afterwards.
PHP is not only object oriented. Procedural and object oriented programming can be mixed together.
What I do usually in these cases is to search in the whole project (and remember to include vendor directory in your search) for: "function YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME" because somewhere in PHP there must be that function declared, whether is in a class or in a simple .php file.
view() method is a helper method inside src/Illuminate/Foundation/helpers.php. All the methods that declare here will be available everywhere inside Laravel application. You can check view() method here

Call controller within another controller - CodeIgniter

I need to call a controller say 'faq_view' inside admin controller as the URL structure admin/faq_view like this how I can do this?
Then, just redirect the page. Else if you want to just call the function, call it via AJAX.
It depends what you exactly want to do. If you want to just invoke the function, its not the right way. Controller as it defines itself controls the flow of the pages that comes on sequence. Controller is responsible to send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model.
So, if you are saying you want to call controller within another controller, that should mean you are about to redirect to another page.
Updated answer:
Just assume you have new_function on maincontroller that calls the function from othercontroller. The function does not need to be defined on othercontroller.
Add the following line on routes.php.
$routes['maincontroller/new_function'] = 'othercontroller/new_function';
Now, you can call the function of othercontroller as maincontroller/new_function.
You can always call a controller inside another controller, but this only works for calling one controller as far as I have tried. Let's say you are trying to load a controller inside a controller. You can try this:
Then do this:
That's it! You can now access any function inside myothercontroller (controller) in your current controller. I hope this helps too.
Your controllers are part of the presentation layer and should not contain application logic. That means you should never need to call a controller from another controller, instead refactor your application and move the domain logic to the model layer.
Now if you have a method that you need in multiple controllers, say for example you need a template method that automatically adds your header and footer views.
If that is the case, create a base class that your controllers extend.
If you are talking about just a routing issue, then just use the routes file for that. I don't like the CI automatic routing and it should be avoided as it will result in duplicate URLs for the same resource.

CodeIgniter: what is the scope of load->helper

In a controller class I have this function:
public function index(){
$data['title'] = 'News archive';
$this->load->view('news/index', $data);
I load helper url because I'm using anchor() in news/index. So seems like it's enough to load helper in the parent function, and I don't have to load it inside news/index.
So my question is what's going on underneath CI that lets me do this? Is load->view a function, or is it pasting the result of executing news/index on $data? How is load->view aware of helper url having been loaded in index? I'm still trying to make sense of how the CI framework works.
Also what would be the best place to load helper, in the constructor, or in each function as we need it?
Also what would be the best place to load helper, in the constructor, or in each function as we need it?
As a rough rule of thumb;
If you use the helper once in a controller - place it in that specific function
If you use the helper in multiple places in a controller - place it in that controllers constructor
If you use the helper in multiple places in multiple controllers - place it in the 'autoload' section once.
you can get all the answer if u go through the Loader Class in codeigniter...
path >> system/core/loader.php
everything that is done is here....
and for ut last question . according to the user guide
loader, as the name suggests, is used to load elements. These elements can be libraries (classes) View files, Helpers, Models, or your own files.
so since it just loads the elements...
i usually(prefer) loading it in each function where needed. (unless i need the same elements in other functions too)

CodeIgniter Model / Controller and UserID

My Models in CodeIgniter need to check that a user is authorised to perform the given action. Inside the Models I have been referencing using $this->session->userdata['user_id'].
My question is - should I be setting a variable to $this->session->userdata['user_id'] in the Controller and passing this to the Model, or simply checking it inside the Model ?
Does it even matter ? I suppose passing $user_id into the function would make it (slightly) more readable. What are the arguements and recommendations for / against ?
You can choose between data that is fundamental to your application and data that is incidental to a given model member function. Things that you use everywhere should be guaranteed (base members, globals, etc.), and things used only in the current function should be parameters. You'll find that using implied variables (like $this->session->userdata) in many places in your models and views will become spaghetti quickly, and will be unpredictable if you don't bootstrap them properly.
In my CodeIgniter projects, I add a custom base model and controller that inherit from the CI framework, adding their own member data that is used everywhere in the app. I use these base classes to provide data and functions that all of my models and controllers use (including things like userID). In the constructor of my_base_controller, I call the CI base constructor, and set up data that all of my controllers and views need. This guarantees predictable defaults for class data.
Strictly speaking $this->session->userdata['user_id'] belongs to the controller.
Models deal with data only... controllers, by definition control the flow of the data...
and authentication is a form of data control... (IMHO)
Codewise, I follow this procedure
class MyControllerName extends Controller{
function MyMyControllerName(){
$this->_user_id=$this->session->userdata['user_id']; //<-- define userid as a property of class
And then, say one of my functions foo() requires authentication.. I would do this
function foo(){
$this->_checkAuthentication(); //should short out if not authenticated
//rest of the function logic goes here
the _checkAuthentication() can be simplistic like:
function _checkAuthentication(){
if(!isset($this->_user_id) && $this->_user_id<=0){ /or any other checks
header("Location: ".base_url()."location_of/user_not_authorised_page");
