Sharepoint list and a word doc - visual-studio-2010

I have a word templateis used as a content type. I want the document to be used as read and write data to a sharepoint list.
I also want this document to track changes. Is this possible?
Say user1 edits the doc, saves it
User2 makes some changes. saves it.
Now since i am actually "databinding" to a list, can i track changes?
And eventually i want to push this data to a record center

You can track changes using the built in versioning tools for SharePoint. Give this link a read:

Not easy to achieve, but if you did, let me know how. I tried something similar and it's easier in InfoPath, but I have no use for it at work. As for versioning control - that is within SP out of the box; the answer above should do it.


Get Github Issue based only on title

I need to modify the body of an existing GitHub issue in a Project. All I'll be passed is the title of the issue, and a word (the word exists in the body, and I'll just need to fill the checkbox next it).
It looks like to do this I'll need to use the GET API to get the body of the issue, modify it, and then use the EDIT API to swap in the new body. However the GET API can only be called with the issue number. I need to do all this as quickly as possible. Is there some way to search via an API call?
Thoughts much appreciated!
Edit: All my issues are in the same project (and issue titles will be unique there). I've also recently discovered Github's GraphQL API, which may be applicable here.
You can use the issue search endpoint with the in and repo¹ keywords:
GET /search/issues?q=text+to+search+in:title+repo:some/repo
Of course, issue titles aren't guaranteed to be unique. You'll have to request each of the issues that comes back and see if its body contains the word you're looking for. Even in that case you could get multiple positive results.
It would be much better if you could search by issue number.
¹I've assumed that you really mean "repository" when you say "project". But if you're actually talking about GitHub Project Boards you can use the project keyword as well or instead.

Create Multiple Slides from a List with Common Template

I have created a certificate design with powerpoint.
Now I have to create 100+ copies of it... each with a different name (the recipent).
I was wondering if there was an easy way to do it...
I can have the list of names in excel or txt.
I am open to other ideas as well, like changing the slide into an images and batch processing it in a simple way
You may also try out SlideMight, a tool for merging hierarchical data with PowerPoint templates. SlideMight supports iteration over data, to generate slides or to populate tables. There is more functionality, but you don't seem to need that. SlideMight is in fact a coding system, like mail merge for Word is.
Input data format is at this time just JSON; you would need to convert your Excel sheets first, e.g. using this Excel to JSON add-in for Excel.
There are versions for Windows and Mac OS X.
More information is at
I am the owner of Delftware Technology, the company that developed SlideMight.
And I am one of the developers.
This is a question that really belongs in SuperUser, not StackOverflow (which is intended for coding questions, not software how-to-use questions).
But ...
Save your names to a plain notepad TXT file, one name per line.
Start PowerPoint, choose File, Open and point to your TXT file (you may force the matter by choosing . in Files of type:
Apply whatever template you like to the result.
I have a commercial add-in that'll do this and quite a bit more, but from your description, you don't need it.

Saving files in xCode and making graph

I am new to programming. Now i have been learning for a few weeks and am now making my first app. Probably not for public, just for me. At least for now. So here it goes. I want the user to be able to enter his information (for example weight or something like that) into textField and then save it, so I can later form a graph (for example of weight loss through time). Now the graph should not be that much of a problem, since there are many tutorials on that. I am more interested in how to enter information, then save it so it can be later accessed. Any help? What should I read?
Working with UITextFields in Objective C is pretty straightforward - you can grab the NSString from such an object using the 'text' property. Use plists for storage locally, or JSON.
Look at core data tutorials especially related to Apples' doc on “Core Data and Cocoa Bindings”
CoreData shows how to setup objects and save them to a file or simple database. Cocoa Bindings are how to make input screens pass data to object models.
You should be able to write a program to enter weights, save them and show in a table without writing any code.

How to make the cities/countries dropdown like facebook does?

See the screenshot here:
I'd like the user to just type a city or country name and the autocompleter will show suggested items.
How should I start for creating it?
Are there any API(s) or web services for me to call?
Where can I find the database of all cities/countries in the world?
I think this would be the best database for your situation, check it out:
You first need a autocomplete plugin.
I recommend to use the jQuery-Ui Auto Complete Plugin.
The database could as example be this, but eventually try to search a bit for yourself.
There was already a question on stackoverflow about a database for cities of the world.
A simple text file with all cities may also be this.
There are very much of those libraries, but you have to chose the right one for you.
My solution may not be the best, but it's a starting point:
Google a list with all countries (ISO-Standard), paste it into a txt-file. Then you can simply read that file with PHP an create a select menu with the contents of the file.
It does not incorporate the cities, but maybe it helps you in some way.

cs cart file structure

I want to learn the cs-cart file structure.
I want to make changes to the admin side functionality, can you guide me to where can I read the file structure and the functionality of files.
Any help would be appreciated.
thanks a lot in advance.
Have a look in /skins/your_skin/admin/common_templates to find templates.
If you know what you want to change e.g. last viewed items, do a global search for last_viewed_items.tpl and you'll find it is used in \shop\controllers\admin\tools.php and a number of other places.
You are just going to have to keep digging and if it were me, I would draw some sort of flow chart as I went.
Of course, once you have discovered how it all pieces together you are going to post your results here for others to discover...right?
