universal app target for iphone & ipad - 2 app error - xcode

Really would appreciate it if you can help me with something. I have searched every websites and apple documentation but cannot find an answer for the following issue I have:
I have upgraded an iphone app with the intention of having 1 universal 'target' for the iphone and ipad. The problem is that I have 2 products. i.e. Perk.app and Perk-Upgraded.app
How can I combine these to 1 or can I add a new product app that will differentiate the device (I can do that part) and then launch the relevant iphone or ipad product? (this is the part I cant do).
I have been looking at this for months... believe me im pulling my hair out.
Any help would be much appreciated.

You cannot actually have two distinct apps and then launch the appropriate one. If I understand you correctly what you actually need is to be able to adapt your layout according to the device. For this purpose I used the guide here: http://www.devx.com/wireless/Article/44472
It helped me a lot.


Struggling to find good Examples of iOS app clip & Android instant Apps

I've searched for examples of iOS app clip & Android instant Apps but could not find more than few examples.
I am looking for released apps in App Store/Google Play or open source examples.
good examples could make developing these new features easier and gives developers new creative ideas to use these wonderful tools.
Do you have an app that utilizes App clip or instant app?
How did this affect your app?
What is the challenges you have faced?
Note: I know this is not a typical question but it need to be asked in a community full of great developers who love to share knowledge with others, and I don't think there is a better place than here.
I know it's been 10 months since you posted the question but I just stumbled upon it now... I've developed an app called ARShades for both iOS and Android that allows the user to try glasses on via Augmented Reality and I'm still in charge of development. The app supports both Instant App and App Clip, although I'm facing troubles making the the app banner show for the App Clip.
Firebase issues
As far as I can tell developing App Clips is a tad harder than develeloping Instant Apps, I'll tell you why. The main apps for both systems make extensive use of Firebase Firestore and many other features. This isn't a problem on Android where sockets are supported across the board, while on iOS they are only supported in the main app, so I had to use REST API to read and write data on Firebase when developing the App Clip, it's been a nightmare since it was the first time for me dealing with REST APIs (I just finished yesterday and published the update).
App Size
Another issue I faced is related to reducing the app size. On Android I had to remove all the unused images and compress the remamining ones. On iOS I had to separate the asset catalogues between: used only by the main app, shared, and used only by app clip. And of course I went through some compression works there too. I forgot to mention that I developed a new app as Instant App on Android, while you cannot do the same on iOS since it must be in the same project.
App to site linking
Another insidious part was the linking of the site to the apps. I managed to do it on Android by making changes to the manifest and specifying the host, while I can't seem to find a way to link the App Clip to the site in ay way. I've done everything the documentation says. I've put the apple app site association file in the .well-known folder but nothing, no banner shows up. I'll keep working on that.
Edit: Everything is now solved.
So, to sum up, I've found Instant Apps better on the developing and hassle side of things, the support sockets, hence the full suite of frameworks the full apps have. I hope I kind of answered your question, although I think you have documented yorself elsewhere in these past 10 months XD
Links to Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.spaarkly.arshades&hl=en_US&gl=US
Link to iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/arshades-demo/id1586661818
Link for trying Instant App / App Clip

Xamarin Sample Apps for iPad and iPhone?

I wonder why none of the Xamarin Prebuilt Apps at https://www.xamarin.com/prebuilt support both iPad and iPhone? They all have the same design on each resolution. Especially Apps like 'Acquaint' would be perfect on iPad to have the contact list on the left and the details on the right. But instead it just has the same design like the iPhone Version.....
Are there any reasons why Xamarin does not offer samples with different designs depending on the client resolution? Are there somewhere else some examples?
Many thanks!
You might want to take a look at our Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms Book First Edition by Charles Petzold.
I work on the same team as Charles and I know it's a topic he's covered in detail. The full book should be available soon too.
BTW, we are looking into creating some detailed, annotated cross-platform app samples that do all the goodies that a typical modern app would be expected to have.
I do not know of any of the stock Xamarin examples that use OnIdiom, but it just a matter of time to code them...hahahah, always just a matter of time and code. (I'm sure the Xamarin guys can chime in on this one):
Xamarin.Forms.OnIdiom Class
In terms of finding examples that use the Xamarin.Forms XAML OnIdiom I would search Github for OnIdiom, there a few OSS examples of phone/tablet switching floating around there as I used at least one as a template to do a quick phone/tablet prototype for a client.

How to use Bluetooth with app inventor

I was using app inventor to build an app for a school project. The problem is I can not find a single strong tutorial on the internet of how to use Bluetooth with app inventor. I do not no much and can't give too much detail because I have now information to start with. If someone could give an example program along with how it works of point me in a direction to find some good tutorials.
Note: This is between two phones.
After 2 minutes of searching on the net I have this:
Good luck.

Apple does not like the file XIB in xcode project

I've read around the net that Apple does not like the use of multiple XIB files in Xcode6 project. Someone experienced in this thing can 'confirm whether these "rumors" are true or false?
Sorry for the stupid question but I thought to ask here on stackOver saw the large number of experienced iOS developers
Apple doesn't care about your internal app structure. This is total nonsense.

Some basic questions about starting iOS development

I am new to iOS development and hoping to get some advice. Looking to publish my first app, it is going to be a swift 2.0 spritekit based 2d game. so here are my questions
I have a Macbook, an iPad and iPad mini but no iphone. Should i get the latest iphone 6 or iphone 5 is enough for my testing?
I like to make two versions of same app, one for iPhones and other for iPads. Can that is submitted to the app store? (i am trying to avoid handling different screens in one app)
I tested cocos2d, but the project i build had a lot of warnings even for a default hello world project. Will this cause a problem getting the game approved later?
that's all
Bit of a generic question but I'll try
1) probably advisable to have at least an iPhone 6, if you want to use 3D Touch than you need a 6S.
2) you can submit 2 apps to the appStore but you probably just want to make a universal app that runs both on iPads and iPhones, no need for separate apps. Would also cause you more work and bug fixing. You cannot really avoid dealing with different screens, but it's very easy to make your game look good on all screen sizes.
3) not sure because I never used cocoas.
You don't have to get an iPhone 6 for testing. It's a lot better if you will test it on a real device, but you can use the xcode simulator for testing as well (and you have there a lot of devices)
Make an universal app, it's for iPhone and Ipad
You can upload a project with warnings to the app store, and it can be approved.
