Deciding on LINQ to SQL vs StoredProcs - linq

While developing applications, I usually go for Stored Procedures to contain CRUD logic, so as improve performance and maintainability. But after experimenting with LINQ to SQL, I was wondering whether, using compiled LINQ-to-SQL queries over stored procedures will that help improve performance?

LINQ to SQL will not improve your performance, because you will be sending each CRUD operation as a string over the wire.
Performance will still be better with Stored Procedures, but ORM's like Linq to SQL usually make development time faster.

From my experience, I can rank performance as following:
Stored procedures
Native queries (using DBCommand)
Linq to entity (compiled query, EF4)
Linq to SQL (compiled)
Linq to entity (not compiled EF4)
Linq to SQL
2,3,4 may change their order depends on the nature of the queries, but in general raw sql query is executed fater.

Based on your comments to both DevSlick and a1ex07, it seems you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what LINQ is. In order for LINQ queries to allow chaining, like
var activePeople = peopleList.Where(o => o.Active).OrderBy(o => o.Ordering).Select(o => o.Name);
the execution of the LINQ query must be delayed until it is enumerated:
foreach(var person in activePeople)
//If this is LINQ-to-SQL, the query to peopleList has waited until now to request anything from the database
This means that the query .Where(o => o.Active).OrderBy(o => o.Ordering).Select(o => o.Name) is not actually interpreted by your computer until that point as well. If you run the same query 100 times, that means the computer has to reinterpret that query 100 times. For LINQ-to-SQL, that means translating the query to SQL 100 times before that SQL is sent to the database each time, even if the SQL is exactly the same every time.
Compiling the query ahead of time causes it to generate the SQL only once, and use that SQL every time the query is called. This has nothing to do with stored procedures - you would compile a query-to-a-stored-procedure in the same way that you would compile any other query. Asking "which gives better performance" is meaningless, as they are not mutually exclusive.
Though compiling a query sounds like a good thing, in practice interpreting a LINQ query (usually called "evaluating the expression tree") takes very very little time compared to actually executing the SQL against the database, so you get very little benefit for compiling the query. In the meanwhile, the syntax for compiling a query is atrocious:
static readonly Func<AdventureWorksEntities, Decimal, IQueryable<SalesOrderHeader>> s_compiledQuery2 =
CompiledQuery.Compile<AdventureWorksEntities, Decimal, IQueryable<SalesOrderHeader>>(
(ctx, total) => from order in ctx.SalesOrderHeaders
where order.TotalDue >= total
select order);
var orders = s_compiledQuery2.Invoke(context, totalDue);
For this reason, it is usually recommended to simply not compile your LINQ-to-SQL queries, because the ratio of code-noise-to-benefit is terrible.


Is better Linq or SQL query for complex calculations and aggregations?

We must create and show at runtime ( mvc) some complex reports from Oracle tables data with millions of records. The reports data must be obtained from groupings and little complex calculations.
So is it better for performance and maintainability of code that do these groupings and calculations via sql query (pl/sql) or via linq?
Thanks for your kindle reply
So is it better for performance and maintainability of code that do
these groupings and calculations via sql query (pl/sql) or via linq?
It depends on what you mean by via linq. If you mean that you fetch the complete table to local memory and then use linq statements to extract the result that you want, then of course SQL statements are faster.
However, if you mean that you use Entity Framework, or something similar, then the answer is not a easy to give.
If you use Entity Framework (or some clone), your tables will be represented by IQueryable<...> instead of IEnumerable<...>. An IQueryable has an Expression and a Provider. The Expression represents the query that must be performed. The Provider knows which system must execute the query (usually a Database Management System) and how to communicate with this system. When the query must be executed, it is the task of the Provider to translate the Expression into the language that the system knows (usually something SQL-like) and to execute the SQL-query.
There are two kinds of IQueryable LINQ statements: those that return an IQueryable<...> of something, and those that return a TResult. The ones that return IQueryable only change the Expression. They are functions that use deferred execution.
Function that do not return an IQueryable, are ToList(), FirstOrDefault(), Any(), Max(), etc. Internally they will call functions that will GetEnumerator() (usually via a foreach), which orders the Provider to translate the Expression and execute the query.
Back to your question
So which one is more efficient, entity framework or SQL? Efficiency is not only the time to perform the queries, it is also the development/testing time, for the first version and for future changes in the software.
If you use an entity-framework (-clone), the SQL-queries created from the Expressions are pretty efficient, depending on the framework manufacturer. If you look at the code, then sometimes the SQL query is not the optimal one, although you'll have to be a pretty good SQL-programmer to improve most queries.
The big advantage above using Entity Framework and LINQ queries above SQL statements is that development times will be shorter. The syntax of the LINQ statements is checked at compile time, SQL statements at run-time. Development and test periods will be shorter.
It is easy to reuse LINQ statements, while SQL statements almost always have to be written especially for the query you want to execute. LINQ statements can be tested without a database on any sequence of items that represent your tables.
My Advice
For most queries you won't notice any difference in execution time between the entity framework query or the SQL query.
If you expect complicated queries and future changes, I'd go for entity framework. With main argument the shorter development time, the better testing possibilities, and the better maintainability.
If you detect some queries where you notice that the execution time is too long, you can always decide to bypass entity framework by executing a SQL query instead of using LINQ.
If you've wrapped your DbContext in a proper repository, where you hide the use cases from their implementations, the users of your repository won't notice the difference.

What are the best practices for determining when (or not) to pre-compile a Linq Query? [duplicate]

I have a table:
-- Tag
ID | Name
1 | c#
2 | linq
3 | entity-framework
I have a class that will have the following methods:
IEnumerable<Tag> GetAll();
IEnumerable<Tag> GetByName();
Should I use a compiled query in this case?
static readonly Func<Entities, IEnumerable<Tag>> AllTags =
CompiledQuery.Compile<Entities, IEnumerable<Tag>>
e => e.Tags
Then my GetByName method would be:
IEnumerable<Tag> GetByName(string name)
using (var db = new Entities())
return AllTags(db).Where(t => t.Name.Contains(name)).ToList();
Which generates a SELECT ID, Name FROM Tag and execute Where on the code. Or should I avoid CompiledQuery in this case?
Basically I want to know when I should use compiled queries. Also, on a website they are compiled only once for the entire application?
You should use a CompiledQuery when all of the following are true:
The query will be executed more than once, varying only by parameter values.
The query is complex enough that the cost of expression evaluation and view generation is "significant" (trial and error)
You are not using a LINQ feature like IEnumerable<T>.Contains() which won't work with CompiledQuery.
You have already simplified the query, which gives a bigger performance benefit, when possible.
You do not intend to further compose the query results (e.g., restrict or project), which has the effect of "decompiling" it.
CompiledQuery does its work the first time a query is executed. It gives no benefit for the first execution. Like any performance tuning, generally avoid it until you're sure you're fixing an actual performance hotspot.
2012 Update: EF 5 will do this automatically (see "Entity Framework 5: Controlling automatic query compilation") . So add "You're not using EF 5" to the above list.
Compiled queries save you time, which would be spent generating expression trees. If the query is used often and you'll save the compiled query, you should definitely use it. I had many cases when the query parsing took more time than the actual round trip to the database.
In your case, if you are sure that it would generate SELECT ID, Name FROM Tag without the WHERE case (which I doubt, as your AllQueries function should return IQueryable and the actual query should be made only after calling ToList) - you shouldn't use it.
As someone already mentioned, on bigger tables SELECT * FROM [someBigTable] would take very long and you'll spend even more time filtering that on the client side. So you should make sure that your filtering is made on the database side, no matter if you are using compiled queries or not.
compiled queries are more helpfull with linq queries with large expression trees say complex queries to gain performance over building expression tree again and again while reusing query. in your case i guess it will save a very little time.
Compiled queries are compiled when the application is compiled and every time you reuse a query often or it is complex you should definitely try compiled queries to make execution faster.
But I would not go for it on all queries as it is a little more code to write and for simple queries it might not be worthwhile.
But for maximum performance you should also evaluate Stored Procedures where you do all the processing on the database server, even if Linq tries to push as much of the work to the db as possible you will have situations where a stored procedure will be faster.
Compiled queries offer a performance improvement, but it's not huge. If you have complex queries, I'd rather go with a stored procedure or a view, if possible; letting the database do it's thing might be a better approach.

Entity Framework queries speed

Recently I started to learning Entity Framework.
First question made in my mind is:
When we want to use LINQ to fetching data in EF, every query like this:
var a = from p in contacts select ;
will be converts to SQL commands like this :
select name from contacts
does this converting repeat every time that we are querying?
I heard that stored procedures are cached in database, does this event happens in LINQ queries in Entity Framework ?
And at last is my question clear?
I think linq query is converted each time you want to execute it. To improve performance you can use compiled queries.
There are all sorts of optimizations being made, both in the linq expression caching and what SQL server chooses to cache, the only way is to measure your performance speed and memory consumption
To see what SQL is created you can use which I've found quite good. You can get some of this info through SQL profiler, it's just a lot more work.

What is the big deal with IQueryable?

I've seen a lot of people talking about IQueryable and I haven't quite picked up on what all the buzz is about. I always work with generic List's and find they are very rich in the way you can "query" them and work with them, even run LINQ queries against them.
I'm wondering if there is a good reason to start considering a different default collection in my projects.
The IQueryable interface allows you to define parts of a query against a remote LINQ provider (typically against a database, but doesn't have to be) in multiple steps, and with deferred execution.
E.g. your database layer could define some restriction (e.g. based on permissions, security - whatever) by adding a .Where(x => x.......) clause to your query. But this doesn't get executed just yet - e.g. you're not retrieving 150'000 rows that match that criteria.
Instead, you pass up the IQueryable interface to the next level, the business layer, where you might be adding additional requirements and where clauses to your query - again, nothing gets executed just yet, you're also not tossing out 80'000 of your 150'000 rows you retrieved - you're just defining additional query criteria.
And the UI layer might do the same thing, e.g. based on user input in a form or something.
The magic is that you're passing the IQueryable interface through all the layers, adding additional critieria to it - but it doesn't get executed / evaluated until you actually force it. This also means you're not needlessly selecting and retrieving tons of data which you end up discarding afterwards.
You can't really do that with a classic static list - you have to pick the data, possibly discarding a lot of it again later on in the process - you have a static list, after all.
IQueryable allows you to make queries using LINQ, just like the LINQ to Object queries, where the queries are actually "compiled" and run elsewhere.
The most common implementations work against databases. If you use List<T> and LINQ to Objects, you load the entire "table" of data into memory, then run your query against it.
By using IQueryable<T>, the LINQ provide can "translate" your LINQ statement into actual SQL code, and run it on the database. The results can be returned to you and enumerated.
This is much, much more efficient, especially if you're working in N-Tiered systems.
LINQ queries against IEnumerable<T> produce delegates (methods) which, when invoked, perform the described query.
LINQ queries against IQueryable<T> produce expression trees, a data structure which represents the code that produced the query. LINQ providers such as LINQ to SQL interpret these data structures, generating the same query on the target platform (T-SQL in this case).
For an example of how the compiler interprets the query syntax against IQueryable<T>, see my answer to this question:
Building Dynamic LINQ Queries based on Combobox Value

Is LINQ generally slower than a equal SQL statement

If I write a large SQL statement with many group by clauses and so on; would it be much faster with normal SQL (maybe a stored procedure), or is Linq only parsing it to a very nice SQL statement and gives me my results quite fast?
In some cases you may be able to tune the SQL better than LINQ to SQL... but LINQ really is running SQL. It's not fetching all the data into the process and then doing the processing. You can (and should) log what SQL is being generated and profile anything that looks suspicious.
Of course, there's the overhead of converting the query into SQL to start with (which is why you're able to precompile them) and then there's the overhead of converting the data into objects - and keeping track of the IDs etc. In my experience this is usually not a significant overhead though. As ever, profile your code...
