Entity Framework queries speed - performance

Recently I started to learning Entity Framework.
First question made in my mind is:
When we want to use LINQ to fetching data in EF, every query like this:
var a = from p in contacts select p.name ;
will be converts to SQL commands like this :
select name from contacts
does this converting repeat every time that we are querying?
I heard that stored procedures are cached in database, does this event happens in LINQ queries in Entity Framework ?
And at last is my question clear?

I think linq query is converted each time you want to execute it. To improve performance you can use compiled queries.

There are all sorts of optimizations being made, both in the linq expression caching and what SQL server chooses to cache, the only way is to measure your performance speed and memory consumption
To see what SQL is created you can use http://efprof.com/ which I've found quite good. You can get some of this info through SQL profiler, it's just a lot more work.


Is better Linq or SQL query for complex calculations and aggregations?

We must create and show at runtime (asp.net mvc) some complex reports from Oracle tables data with millions of records. The reports data must be obtained from groupings and little complex calculations.
So is it better for performance and maintainability of code that do these groupings and calculations via sql query (pl/sql) or via linq?
Thanks for your kindle reply
So is it better for performance and maintainability of code that do
these groupings and calculations via sql query (pl/sql) or via linq?
It depends on what you mean by via linq. If you mean that you fetch the complete table to local memory and then use linq statements to extract the result that you want, then of course SQL statements are faster.
However, if you mean that you use Entity Framework, or something similar, then the answer is not a easy to give.
If you use Entity Framework (or some clone), your tables will be represented by IQueryable<...> instead of IEnumerable<...>. An IQueryable has an Expression and a Provider. The Expression represents the query that must be performed. The Provider knows which system must execute the query (usually a Database Management System) and how to communicate with this system. When the query must be executed, it is the task of the Provider to translate the Expression into the language that the system knows (usually something SQL-like) and to execute the SQL-query.
There are two kinds of IQueryable LINQ statements: those that return an IQueryable<...> of something, and those that return a TResult. The ones that return IQueryable only change the Expression. They are functions that use deferred execution.
Function that do not return an IQueryable, are ToList(), FirstOrDefault(), Any(), Max(), etc. Internally they will call functions that will GetEnumerator() (usually via a foreach), which orders the Provider to translate the Expression and execute the query.
Back to your question
So which one is more efficient, entity framework or SQL? Efficiency is not only the time to perform the queries, it is also the development/testing time, for the first version and for future changes in the software.
If you use an entity-framework (-clone), the SQL-queries created from the Expressions are pretty efficient, depending on the framework manufacturer. If you look at the code, then sometimes the SQL query is not the optimal one, although you'll have to be a pretty good SQL-programmer to improve most queries.
The big advantage above using Entity Framework and LINQ queries above SQL statements is that development times will be shorter. The syntax of the LINQ statements is checked at compile time, SQL statements at run-time. Development and test periods will be shorter.
It is easy to reuse LINQ statements, while SQL statements almost always have to be written especially for the query you want to execute. LINQ statements can be tested without a database on any sequence of items that represent your tables.
My Advice
For most queries you won't notice any difference in execution time between the entity framework query or the SQL query.
If you expect complicated queries and future changes, I'd go for entity framework. With main argument the shorter development time, the better testing possibilities, and the better maintainability.
If you detect some queries where you notice that the execution time is too long, you can always decide to bypass entity framework by executing a SQL query instead of using LINQ.
If you've wrapped your DbContext in a proper repository, where you hide the use cases from their implementations, the users of your repository won't notice the difference.

How to handle large amount of data using linq in mvc

I face a problem using a linq query. I am getting data from a SQL database using this query and date time parameter (see below). When this query executes, it takes a long time, and after a long wait, I get an error.
Data is available in database, and when I use Take() with number of rows, it will work. I don't to know how to figure out the problem.
Is it possible my query hits a large amount of data causing the query to not work? Can you please share any suggestions on how to solve this issue?
from ClassificationData in DbSet
where ClassificationData.CameraListId == id &&
ClassificationData.DateTime <= endDate &&
ClassificationData.DateTime >= startdate
orderby ClassificationData.Id descending
select ClassificationData
Your problem is probably more in the realm of SQL than LINQ. LINQ just translates what you write into Transact-SQL (T-SQL) that gets sent up to SQL Server. If your SQL Server is not set-up properly, then you'll get a timeout if the query takes too long.
You need to make sure that you have indexes on the ClassificationData table (I assume it's a table, but it could be a view -- whatever it is, you need to put indexes on it if it has lots of rows). Make sure that an index is on DateTime, and that an index is also on CameraListId. Then, bring down the data unordered and execute the order-by in a separate query done on the local machine -- that will let SQL Server start giving you data right away instead of sorting it first, reducing the chance for a timeout.
If your problems persist, write queries directly against SQL Server (in Query Analyzer, for instance, if they still use that -- I'm old school, but a bit rusty). Once you have SQL Server actually working, then you should be able to write the LINQ that translates into that SQL. But you could also make it a stored procedure, which has other benefits, but that's another story for another day.
Finally, if it's still too much data, break up your data into multiple tables, possibly by CameraListId, or perhaps a week at a time of data so the DateTime part of the query doesn't have as much to look through.
Good luck.

How to write a complex query to interrogate multiple lists using client object model

I currently have a SQL query that needs to be rewritten in C# code that interrogates 2 different sharepoint lists.
Given that this query filters using the SQL year() function, has multiple unions and subqueries, how should I be writing this in code? CAML queries or LINQ seem excessive and slow when the query will be converted back into SQL to be run anyway (the lists in question are actually tables surfaced as lists through Access Services, so it seems stupid to convert a database query into code, in order to run a database query!)
I ended up doing this by importing all the data from the relevant table's lists into an in-memory SQLite database, using the client object model, and then running a modified SQL query on the SQLite tables. As there wasn't that much data this was an acceptable method.

Deciding on LINQ to SQL vs StoredProcs

While developing applications, I usually go for Stored Procedures to contain CRUD logic, so as improve performance and maintainability. But after experimenting with LINQ to SQL, I was wondering whether, using compiled LINQ-to-SQL queries over stored procedures will that help improve performance?
LINQ to SQL will not improve your performance, because you will be sending each CRUD operation as a string over the wire.
Performance will still be better with Stored Procedures, but ORM's like Linq to SQL usually make development time faster.
From my experience, I can rank performance as following:
Stored procedures
Native queries (using DBCommand)
Linq to entity (compiled query, EF4)
Linq to SQL (compiled)
Linq to entity (not compiled EF4)
Linq to SQL
2,3,4 may change their order depends on the nature of the queries, but in general raw sql query is executed fater.
Based on your comments to both DevSlick and a1ex07, it seems you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what LINQ is. In order for LINQ queries to allow chaining, like
var activePeople = peopleList.Where(o => o.Active).OrderBy(o => o.Ordering).Select(o => o.Name);
the execution of the LINQ query must be delayed until it is enumerated:
foreach(var person in activePeople)
//If this is LINQ-to-SQL, the query to peopleList has waited until now to request anything from the database
This means that the query .Where(o => o.Active).OrderBy(o => o.Ordering).Select(o => o.Name) is not actually interpreted by your computer until that point as well. If you run the same query 100 times, that means the computer has to reinterpret that query 100 times. For LINQ-to-SQL, that means translating the query to SQL 100 times before that SQL is sent to the database each time, even if the SQL is exactly the same every time.
Compiling the query ahead of time causes it to generate the SQL only once, and use that SQL every time the query is called. This has nothing to do with stored procedures - you would compile a query-to-a-stored-procedure in the same way that you would compile any other query. Asking "which gives better performance" is meaningless, as they are not mutually exclusive.
Though compiling a query sounds like a good thing, in practice interpreting a LINQ query (usually called "evaluating the expression tree") takes very very little time compared to actually executing the SQL against the database, so you get very little benefit for compiling the query. In the meanwhile, the syntax for compiling a query is atrocious:
static readonly Func<AdventureWorksEntities, Decimal, IQueryable<SalesOrderHeader>> s_compiledQuery2 =
CompiledQuery.Compile<AdventureWorksEntities, Decimal, IQueryable<SalesOrderHeader>>(
(ctx, total) => from order in ctx.SalesOrderHeaders
where order.TotalDue >= total
select order);
var orders = s_compiledQuery2.Invoke(context, totalDue);
For this reason, it is usually recommended to simply not compile your LINQ-to-SQL queries, because the ratio of code-noise-to-benefit is terrible.

Does LINQ skip & take have decent performance?

We have a query for about 40 data fields related to customers. The query will often return a large amount of records, say up to 20,000. We only want to use say around the first 500 results. Then, we just want to be able to page through them 10 at a time.
Is LINQ skip and take a reasonable approach for this? Are there any potentnialy performance issues with using this approach vs doing it manually some other way?
Take() without Skip() generates SQL using TOP clause.
Take() with Skip generates SQL using ROW_NUMBER() as shown here.
Also, I'd recommend to use excellent LINQPad tool or LINQ to SQL logging to check generated queries.
Yes, if you're on SQL Server 2005+ it'll generate SQL that uses the ROW_NUMBER() function to make paging efficient (not unlike the SQL that Scott uses in this blog post).
