Asymptotic runtime for an algorithm - algorithm

I've decided to try and do a problem about analyzing the worst possible runtime of an algorithm and to gain some practice.
Since I'm a beginner I only need help in expressing my answer in a right way.
I came accros this problem in a book that uses the following algorithm:
Input: A set of n points (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn) with n ≥ 2.
Output: The squared distance of a closest pair of points.
1. if n = 2 then return (x1 − x2)^2 + (y1 − y2)^2
2. else
3. d ← 0
4. for i ← 1 to n − 1 do
5. for j ← i + 1 to n do
6. t ← (xi − xj)^2 + (yi − yj)^2
7. if t < d then
8. d ← t
9. return d
My question is how can I offer a good proof that T(n) = O(n^2),T(n) = Ω(n^2) and T (n) = Θ(n^2)?,where T(n) represents the worst possible runtime.
I know that we say that f is O(g),
if and only if there is an n0 ∈ N and c > 0 in R such that for all
n ≥ n0 we have
f(n) ≤ cg(n).
And also we say that f is Ω(g) if there is an
n0 ∈ N and c > 0 in R such that for all n ≥ n0 we have
f(n) ≥ cg(n).
Now I know that the algoritm is doing c * n(n - 1) iterations, yielding T(n)=c*n^2 - c*n.
The first 3 lines are executed O(1) times line 4 loops for n - 1 iterations which is O(n) . Line 5 loops for n - i iterations which is also O(n) .Does each line of the inner loop's content
(lines 6-7) takes (n-1)(n-i) or just O(1)?and why?The only variation is how many times 8.(d ← t) is performed but it must be lower than or equal to O(n^2).
So,how should I write a good and complete proof that T(n) = O(n^2),T(n) = Ω(n^2) and T (n) = Θ(n^2)?
Thanks in advance

Count the number of times t changes its value. Since changing t is the innermost operation performed, finding how many times that happens will allow you to find the complexity of the entire algorithm.
i = 1 => j runs n - 1 times (t changes value n - 1 times)
i = 2 => j runs n - 2 times
i = n - 1 => j runs 1 time
So the number of times t changes is 1 + 2 + ... + n - 1. This sum is equal n(n - 1) / 2. This is dominated by 0.5 * n^2.
Now just find appropriate constants and you can prove that this is Ω(n^2), O(n^2), Θ(n^2).

T(n)=c*n^2 - c*n approaches c*n^2 for large n, which is the definition of O(n^2).

if you observe the two for loops, each for loop gives an O(n) because each loop is incrementing/decrementing in a linear fashion. hence, two loops combined roughly give a O(n^2) complexity. the whole point of big-oh is to find the dominating term- coeffecients do not matter. i would strongly recommend formatting your pseudocode in a proper manner in which it is not ambiguous. in any case, the if and else loops do no affect the complexity of the algorithm.
lets observe the various definitions:
• f(n) is O(g(n)) if f(n) is
asymptotically “less than or equal” to
• f(n) is Ω(g(n)) if f(n) is
asymptotically “greater than or equal”
to g(n)
• f(n) is Θ(g(n)) if f(n) is
asymptotically “equal” to g(n)
so all you need are to find constraints which satisfy the answer.


Finding the values in Big Oh

I am going through the Asymptotic notations from here. I am reading this f(n) ≤ c g(n)
For example, if f(n) = 2n + 2, We can satisfy it in any way as f(n) is O (c.g(n)) by adjusting the value of n and c. Or is there any specific rule or formula for selecting the value of c and n. Will no always be 1?
There is no formula per se. You can find the formal definition here:
f(n) = O(g(n)) means there are positive constants c and k, such that 0 ≤ f(n) ≤ cg(n) for all n ≥ k. The values of c and k must be fixed for the function f and must not depend on n. (big-O notation).
What I understood from your question is, you are not getting the essence of big-O notation. If your complexity is, for example, O(n^2), then you can guarantee that there is some value of n (greater than k) after which f(n) in no case will exceed c g(n).
Let's try to prove f(n) = 2n + 2 is O(n):
As it seems from the function itself, you cannot set the value of c equal to 2 as you want to find f(n) ≤ c g(n). If you plug in c = 2, you have to find k such that f(n) ≤ c g(n) for n ≥ k. Clearly, there is no n for which 2n ≥ 2n + 2. So, we move on to c = 3.
Now, let's find the value of k. So, we solve the equation 3n ≥ 2n + 2. Solving it:
3n ≥ 2n + 2
=> 3n - 2n ≥ 2
=> n ≥ 2
Therefore, for c = 3, we found value of k = 2 (n ≥ k).
You must also understand, your function isn't just O(n). It is also O(n^2), O(n^3), O(n^4) and so on. All because corresponding values of c and k exist for g(n) = n^2, g(n) = n^3 and g(n) = n^4.
Hope it helps.

Big oh notation running time

How do you work this out? do you get c first which is the ratio of the two functions then with the ratio find the range of n ? how can you tell ? please explain i'm really lost, Thanks.
Example 1: Prove that running time T(n) = n^3 + 20n + 1 is O(n^3)
Proof: by the Big-Oh definition,
T(n) is O(n^3) if T(n) ≤ c·n^3 for some n ≥ n0 .
Let us check this condition:
if n^3 + 20n + 1 ≤ c·n^3 then 1 + 20/n^2 + 1/n^3 <=c .
the Big-Oh condition holds for n ≥ n0 = 1 and c ≥ 22 (= 1 + 20 + 1). Larger
values of n0 result in smaller factors c (e.g., for n0 = 10 c ≥ 1.201 and so on) but in
any case the above statement is valid.
I think the trick you're seeing is that you aren't thinking of LARGE numbers. Hence, let's take a counter example:
T(n) = n^4 + n
and let's assume that we think it's O(N^3) instead of O(N^4). What you could see is
c = n + 1/n^2
which means that c, a constant, is actually c(n), a function dependent upon n. Taking N to a really big number shows that no matter what, c == c(n), a function of n, so it can't be O(N^3).
What you want is in the limit as N goes to infinity, everything but a constant remains:
c = 1 + 1/n^3
Now you can easily say, it is still c(n)! As N gets really, really big 1/n^3 goes to zero. Hence, with very large N in the case of declaring T(n) in O(N^4) time, c == 1 or it is a constant!
Does that help?

Big-O notation and polynomials?

So I have this problem to do and I am not really sure where to start:
Using the definition of Big-O, prove the following:
T(n) = 2n + 3 ∈ O(n)
T(n) = 5n + 1 ∈ O(n2)
T(n) = 4n2 + 2n + 3 ∈ O(n2)
if anyone can point me in the right direction (you don't necessarily have to give me the exact answers), I would greatly appreciate it.
You can use the same trick to solve all of these problems. As a hint, use the fact that
If a ≤ b, then for any n ≥ 1, na ≤ nb.
As an example, here's how you could approach the first of these: If n ≥ 1, then 2n + 3 ≤ 2n + 3n = 5n. Therefore, if you take n0 = 1 and c = 5, you have that for any n ≥ n0 that 2n + 3 ≤ 5n. Therefore, 2n + 3 = O(n).
Try using a similar approach to solve the other problems. For the second problem, you might want to use it twice - once to upper-bound 5n + 1 with some linear function, and once more to upper bound that linear function with some quadratic function.
Hope this helps!

What is f(n), g(n) and real constant in The Big-Oh Notation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?
(43 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
The definition in a book said
The "Big-Oh" Notation
Let f(n) and g(n) be functions mapping nonnegative integers to real numbers. We say that f(n) is O(g(n)) if there is a real constant c > 0 and an real constant n0 ≥ 1 such that
f(n) ≤cg(n), for n ≥ n0.
I couldn't able to understand terminologies used in formula and definition can somebody explain in plain English.
Basically, f(n) is O(g(n)) then g(n) is proportional to the worst-case scenario of f(x).
For example, binary search is O(log n) (or O(ln n), which is equivalent). Why?
(Binary search works like this: take the middle element, and compare to the target. If it's the one, you're done. If it's bigger than the target, throw out the second half of the list and repeat on the first half; if it's smaller than the target, throw out the first half and repeat the search on the second half.)
Because you need 1 operation to find something in a list that is 3 elements long; 2 operations when it's 7 elements long; 3 if it is 15 elements long. Thus, when number of elements n is (2^x - 1) for any x, the number of operations is x; turn it around, and you'd say for number of elements n, number of operations is log_2 n. And say that each operation lasts 2 seconds (say you're comparing stuff by hand), and the worst time to search is log_2 n * 2 seconds. log_2 n can be rewritten as ln n / ln 2, so the formula becomes:
worst search time(n) = (ln n / ln 2) * 2 seconds
= (2 seconds / ln 2) * ln n
Now, 2 seconds / ln 2 is a constant; let's call it c. Let's call "search time for n elements" f(n). And let's call ln n as g(n).
We said before, if n = 3, g(3) <= c * ln 3 (because c * ln 3 is worst search time, real search time is always less or equal to that; but we could always find it on our first try). If n = 7, g(7) <= c * ln 7; etc.
The bit about n0 is just a guard that says the complexity we calculate for the small n might be a deviation, an anomaly, an exception from the rule, and if we go with big enough data (i.e. n >= n0), the rule becomes obvious and inviolate. In this case, the rule works pretty much from the start, but some algorithms might have extra costs that throw off the calculation on small numbers.
Translation to "plain English": Imagine that f(n) are g(n) function that take a positive number or zero as input, and give a real number as output (no imaginary numbers).
Big-Oh allows us to compare two functions to see if one is bounded by the other. For example, an exponential function f(n) would not be bounded by a linear function g(n), so f(n) would not be O(g(n)).
We can say that f(n) is O(g(n)) if the following is possible: f(n) ≤ c * g(n) for n ≥ n0. If there is some way to solve the equation by plugging in for c and n0, then f(n) is O(g(n)).
For example (same as above), let f(n) = 2^n, g(n) = n. Is the following solvable: 2^n ≤ c * n for n ≥ n0? The answer is no. No matter what value is plugged into c, the left side will always be bigger than the right side as n approaches infinity. There is no way to make the left side smaller than the right side for all values n ≥ n0.
On the other hand, if f(n) = 2n, g(n) = n, then the condition is 2n ≤ c * n for n ≥ n0. This is solvable: c = 2, n0 = 0.
Let f(n) and g(n) be functions mapping nonnegative integers to real numbers.
Let f(n) and g(n) be functions where the values of n i.e. domain is 0 or positive integers, the values of f(n) and g(n) for those values of n may be real numbers.
We say that f(n) is O(g(n)) if there is a real constant c > 0 and an real constant n0 ≥ 1 such that:
f(n) ≤cg(n), for n ≥ n0.
f(n) = O(g(n)) if there exist positive constants c and n0 such that
0 <= f(n) <= cg(n) for all n >= n0. Actually , it means that f(n) is asymptotically less than or equal to g(n).
For example, consider f(n) = 3 * n^2 + 5. We can show that f(n) is O(n^2) by choosing c = 4 and n0 = 2. This is because for all values of n greater than 2:
3 * n^2 + 5 <= 4 * n^2
f(n) is not O(n), because whatever constant c and value n0 you choose, I can always find a value of n greater than n0 so that 3 * n^2 + 5 is greater than c * n.

Solving recurrences: Substitution method

I'm trying to follow Cormen's book "Introduction to Algorithms" (page 59, I believe) about substitution method for solving recurrences. I don't get the notation used for MERGE-SORT substitution:
T(n) ≤ 2(c ⌊n/2⌋lg(⌊n/2⌋)) + n
≤ cn lg(n/2) + n
= cn lg n - cn lg 2 + n
= cn lg n - cn + n
≤ cn lg n
Part I don't understand is how do you turn ⌊n/2⌋ to n/2 assuming that it denotes recursion. Can you explain the substitution method and its general thought process (especially the math induction part) in a simple and easily understandable way ? I know there's a great answer of that sort about big-O notation here in SO.
The idea behind the substitution method is to bound a function defined by a recurrence via strong induction. I'm going to assume that T(n) is an upper bound on the number of comparisons merge sort uses to sort n elements and define it by the following recurrence with boundary condition T(1) = 0.
T(n) = T(floor(n/2)) + T(ceil(n/2)) + n - 1.
Cormen et al. use n instead of n - 1 for simplicity and cheat by using floor twice. Let's not cheat.
Let H(n) be the hypothesis that T(n) ≤ c n lg n. Technically we should choose c right now, so let's set c = 100. Cormen et al. opt to write down statements that hold for every (positive) c until it becomes clear what c should be, which is an optimization.
The base cases are H(1) and H(2), namely T(1) ≤ 0 and T(2) ≤ 2 c. Okay, we don't need any comparisons to sort one element, and T(2) = T(1) + T(1) + 1 = 1 < 200.
Inductively, when n ≥ 3, assume for all 1 ≤ n' < n that H(n') holds. We need to prove H(n).
T(n) = T(floor(n/2)) + T(ceil(n/2)) + n - 1
≤ c floor(n/2) lg floor(n/2) + T(ceil(n/2)) + n - 1
by the inductive hypothesis H(floor(n/2))
≤ c floor(n/2) lg floor(n/2) + c ceil(n/2) lg ceil(n/2) + n - 1
by the inductive hypothesis H(ceil(n/2))
≤ c floor(n/2) lg (n/2) + c ceil(n/2) lg ceil(n/2) + n - 1
since 0 < floor(n/2) ≤ n/2 and lg is increasing
Now we have to deal with the consequences of our honesty and bound lg ceil(n/2).
lg ceil(n/2) = lg (n/2) + lg (ceil(n/2) / (n/2))
< lg (n/2) + lg ((n/2 + 1) / (n/2))
since 0 < ceil(n/2) ≤ n/2 + 1 and lg is increasing
= lg (n/2) + log (1 + 2/n) / log 2
≤ lg (n/2) + 2/(n log 2)
by the inequality log (1 + x) ≤ x, which can be proved with calculus
Okay, back to bounding T(n).
T(n) ≤ c floor(n/2) lg (n/2) + c ceil(n/2) (lg (n/2) + 2/(n log 2)) + n - 1
since 0 < floor(n/2) ≤ n/2 and lg is increasing
= c n lg n - c n + n + 2 c ceil(n/2) / (n log 2) - 1
since floor(n/2) + ceil(n/2) = n and lg (n/2) = lg n - 1
≤ c n lg n - (c - 1) n + 2 c/log 2
since ceil(n/2) ≤ n
≤ c n lg n
since, for all n' ≥ 3, we have (c - 1) n' = 99 n' ≥ 297 > 200/log 2 ≈ 288.539.
I guess this doesn't explain the why very well, but (hopefully) at least the derivations are correct in all of the details. People who write proofs like these often skip the base cases and ignore floor and ceil because, well, the details usually are just an annoyance that affects the constant c (which most computer scientists not named Knuth don't care about).
To me, the substitution method is for confirming a guess rather than formulating one. The interesting question is how one comes up with a guess. Personally, if the recurrence is (i) not something that looks like Fibonacci (e.g., linear homogeneous recurrences) and (ii) not covered by Akra–Bazzi, a generalization of the Master Theorem, then I'm going to have some trouble coming up with a good guess.
Also, I should mention the most common failure mode of the substitution method: if one can't quite choose c to be a large enough to swallow the extra terms from the subproblems, then the bound may be wrong. On the other hand, more base cases might suffice. In the preceding proof, I used two base cases because I couldn't prove the very last inequality unless I knew that n > 2/log 2.
