Unable to add repositories to local settings.xml - maven

I'm having trouble getting Maven to download dependencies when I specify my repositories in my .m2/settings.xml file. However, Maven downloads these dependencies when I add the repository names to my pom.
Specifically, I am attempting to compile some hibernate example projects, and I've read in the instructions that I should add the following repositories to either my pom or settings.xml:
<name>JBoss Public Repository Group</name>
<name>JBoss Public Repository Group</name>
Everything works fine when I put the snippet in my project's pom.xml, but when I try putting it in settings.xml I receive this error:
The POM for org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:3.6.1.Final is missing, no dependency information available
Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

You must have specified <repositories> and <pluginRepositories> within <profile> tag of settings.xml. Possibly this profile is not active. Ensure one of the below is present in your settings file.


Why is maven using the wrong repository when multiple dependencies in different repos?

I have a settings.xml file that has the following...
<!--This sends everything else to /jpmc-public -->
Then I have something like this in my pom
But when I run it tried to get the public lib from the private repo and fails. If I edit the settings to remove the repository tags then it gets the public stuff fine but fails trying to get the private stuff from the public repo. How am I supposed to say that a specific dependency comes from a specific repo?
The general situation is as follows:
You cannot define which repository a given dependency is drawn from.
You need not define which repository a given dependency is drawn from. Maven looks into all repositories and only fails if none of them contains it.
You can confuse Maven by wrong mirrors in the settings.xml.
In rare cases, Maven resolution brakes if one of the repositories is broken.
In a company, it is usually the best idea to run a Nexus or Artifactory and add all the relevant local and remote repositories to it. Then you can point just to that Nexus/Artifactory as a mirror in your setttings.xml.

Not retrieving jars from maven nexus setup specific to project

Got 2 Nexus maven repo - one serving or holding common jars - mostly from maven central & some others. And other - project specific maven nexus, where it holds 2 thirdparty jars which are needed for compilation of current project of interest.
Below is updates which is added to refer to local nexus maven setup & corresponding dependencies..
pom.xml snippet :
<!-- download plugins from this *proj specific* repo -->
<!-- And other dependency to fetch jars from common nexus (which is working fine) -->
Added below to settings.xml (highlighted in bold text) - one covering Url to retrieve proj specific jars & other part of authenticating to proj specific Nexus
<name>Common nexus across org - Anonymous access </name>
<!--**Added this one** -->
<activeProfile>zzz-maven</activeProfile> <!--**activated** additional one here -->
<username>userNameForZZZ</username> <!--**Specified** explicit password needed for proj specific maven nexus here -->
But still throws out Warning & then the error for mvn install or mvn compile like :
[WARNING] The POM for zzz.zzz-report:zzz-report:jar:1.2 is missing, no dependency information available
Would like to know what is missing - so that it will download proj specific jars from proj specific maven nexus?
Tried with both <repositories> & <pluginRepositories> option in pom to consider for download
Expect it to connect to proj specific maven nexus & download dependency jar defined in pom
You have defined
<name>Common nexus across org - Anonymous access </name>
which means that all requests (due to mirrorOf having the value *) are redirected to that particular repository, no matter what other repositories are defined in the POM or the settings.xml.

How to fetch artifacts from own repo using maven?

How do I create a simple project that fetches artifacts from my repo using maven? And where will these artifacts get saved to - my default maven repo?
I am using Apache Archiva.
Just simply start using a repository manager like Nexus and that's it. Please configure your settings.xml file according to the following:
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<url>URL OF your ARCHIVA SERVER</url>
<!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
<!--make the profile active all the time -->
The artifacts which are being downloaded are first stored into the Archiva and of course on your hard drive $HOME/.m2/repository.
If you like to deploy artifact into archiva you need to configure the distributionManagement in your pom file similar like this:
<name>Archiva RElease repo</name>
<url>http://URL OF YOUR ARCHIVA/releases/</url>
<name>Archiva Snapshots repo</name>
<url>http://URL OF YOUR ARCHIVA/snapshots/</url>
To test this you can use mvn deploy to see if the artiacts are being deployed to the snapshot repository. You can change the version of your test project into 1.0 and redo a mvn deploy which will try to deploy the artifacts into the release repository.

Maven archetype catalog : specify custom location(s)

I'm deploying a Nexus repository for Maven, and custom archetypes on it.
I would like to execute mvn archetype:generate and be prompted a list of internal + custom archetypes.
The only way I found to prompt custom archetypes (in an ergonomic way, meaning no URL) is to define the archetype-catalog path as a property in the settings. This is not a valid solution because I want several catalogs (and this property cannot be overriden in CLI).
Does anybody have a clue on how to do that ?
Thanks in advance,
I found an issue report related : http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ARCHETYPE-273
And I noticed that during archetype:generate, maven tries to reach the central repository :
[DEBUG] Searching for remote catalog: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml
[DEBUG] Searching for remote catalog: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2
It ends by a "Connection Timed out" because I did not (and don't want to) specify a proxy...
I don't understand why maven doesn't check nexus catalog...
I also have a Nexus configured to mirror the Maven repositories and thus the remote catalog too.
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
I am able to access the remote catalog only when I use the following Maven command line:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://afbwt03:8081/nexus/content/groups/JavaRepo
If I don't define the archetypeCatalog variable, I get the same behavior as you do: trying to access the repo1. ... although some mirrors are configured.
You need to have
the property archetypeRepository defined in the active profile in your .m2/settings.xml
the repositories and pluginRepositories redirected to your mirror, on the same id "central".
and of course, the mirror defined
Apache maven documentation on archetype plugin specifies that archetypeRepository is definable user property:
Your .m2/settings.xml should have these minimal elements
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
<name>Mirror for maven central</name>
With maven-archetype-plugin:3.1.1 you have to
add/edit archetype-catalog.xml on your repo to list your custom archetypes
edit your settings.xml to add this repo with id archetype.
invoke mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=remote
From https://maven.apache.org/archetype/maven-archetype-plugin/generate-mojo.html :
If you want the catalogs to come from a different repository, please add the following to your settings.xml

mvn:install to place my jar in nexus remote repository

I am using maven in eclipse (m2 eclipse)
When i execute mvn:install i want my jar(artifact) to be installed in the nexus repository which is located on the server(right now the installed jar is placed in the local system repository).. how can i do that ?
I even changed this to my local repository address
Typically, you'd use mvn deploy to deploy to a non-local repository.
You will, of course, need to have the repo configured, either in your maven settings.xml or in the project POM.
As we always use the same internal repo, I've done this in the Maven settings.xml, more precisely, the "profiles" section.
Here is my config for reference:
<snapshots />
