How to fetch artifacts from own repo using maven? - maven

How do I create a simple project that fetches artifacts from my repo using maven? And where will these artifacts get saved to - my default maven repo?
I am using Apache Archiva.

Just simply start using a repository manager like Nexus and that's it. Please configure your settings.xml file according to the following:
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<url>URL OF your ARCHIVA SERVER</url>
<!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
<!--make the profile active all the time -->
The artifacts which are being downloaded are first stored into the Archiva and of course on your hard drive $HOME/.m2/repository.
If you like to deploy artifact into archiva you need to configure the distributionManagement in your pom file similar like this:
<name>Archiva RElease repo</name>
<url>http://URL OF YOUR ARCHIVA/releases/</url>
<name>Archiva Snapshots repo</name>
<url>http://URL OF YOUR ARCHIVA/snapshots/</url>
To test this you can use mvn deploy to see if the artiacts are being deployed to the snapshot repository. You can change the version of your test project into 1.0 and redo a mvn deploy which will try to deploy the artifacts into the release repository.


Not retrieving jars from maven nexus setup specific to project

Got 2 Nexus maven repo - one serving or holding common jars - mostly from maven central & some others. And other - project specific maven nexus, where it holds 2 thirdparty jars which are needed for compilation of current project of interest.
Below is updates which is added to refer to local nexus maven setup & corresponding dependencies..
pom.xml snippet :
<!-- download plugins from this *proj specific* repo -->
<!-- And other dependency to fetch jars from common nexus (which is working fine) -->
Added below to settings.xml (highlighted in bold text) - one covering Url to retrieve proj specific jars & other part of authenticating to proj specific Nexus
<name>Common nexus across org - Anonymous access </name>
<!--**Added this one** -->
<activeProfile>zzz-maven</activeProfile> <!--**activated** additional one here -->
<username>userNameForZZZ</username> <!--**Specified** explicit password needed for proj specific maven nexus here -->
But still throws out Warning & then the error for mvn install or mvn compile like :
[WARNING] The POM for zzz.zzz-report:zzz-report:jar:1.2 is missing, no dependency information available
Would like to know what is missing - so that it will download proj specific jars from proj specific maven nexus?
Tried with both <repositories> & <pluginRepositories> option in pom to consider for download
Expect it to connect to proj specific maven nexus & download dependency jar defined in pom
You have defined
<name>Common nexus across org - Anonymous access </name>
which means that all requests (due to mirrorOf having the value *) are redirected to that particular repository, no matter what other repositories are defined in the POM or the settings.xml.

How to use Sonatype Nexus as a mirror for Ivy dependencies [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Use public maven repository with ivy
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Id like to use Sonatype Nexus as a company-internal maven/ivy repository. My goal is that every request goes to nexus, and if nexus does not (yet) contain the requested artifact, it should delegate the request to the official maven repository. All artifacts that were downloaded from the official maven repository should be saved on nexus (as a backup). In addition, I want to be able to save my own artifacts the server for other project to use them (e.g. internal libraries)
In a past project, we have set up a Sonatype Nexus server to be used as a mirror for the maven repository which worked fine. Now I'm struggeling with an project which uses Ivy to accomplish the same with the existing nexus installation.
In the maven project, we had the following in settings.xml
<settings xmlns=""
<interactiveMode />
<usePluginRegistry />
<offline />
<pluginGroups />
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
<!--make the profile active all the time -->
How can I accomplish the same with Ivy?
As long as you are using Ivy to access Maven repositories and not some custom defined Ivy format you can use the approach documented in the Nexus Repository Manager documentation.
Also check out the examples project for a working example.
And if you are using Ant you can also use Eclipse Aether instead of Ivy. More to that also in the docs and examples.

Configure nexus to look from local repository in the working directory first

I have a project that it has a directory named repo in which artifacts are stored. When I build it with maven, nexus says that the dependencies cannot be resolved; and when I remove nexus from maven settings, it can find the artifacts.
I want maven to look into this directory before asking nexus, or sth like that, so that I can build this without diactivating nexus every time. How can I do that? My current maven settings (~/.m2/settings.xml):
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<!--<url></url> -->
<!--Enable snapshots for the built in central repo to direct -->
<!--all requests to nexus via the mirror -->
<!-- if you want to be able to switch to the defaultprofile profile put this in the active profile -->
<name>default maven repository</name>
<name>Maven snapshot repository</name>
<!--make the profile active all the time -->
Nexus website says the mirrorOf pattern of * causes any repository request to be redirected to this mirror and to your single repository group, which in the example is the public group.
It is possible to use other patterns in the mirrorOf field. A possible valuable setting is to use external:*. This matches all repositories except those using localhost or file based repositories.
Putting external:* instead of * solved my problem.
Second Solution:
Pass this option to maven works fine too:
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/path/to/repo

Is there such a thing as a local remote Maven repository?

I have a build box on which is installed:
I have configured Bamboo to grab my Maven project from a remote Git source and then build it with the goals 'clean install'.
I have configured Archiva with two repos:
mirror - a mirror of central
dev - repo for my artifacts
I have made the following changes to Maven settings.xml:
# Define local repo - this is the same location as i have set up for the Archiva 'dev' repo.
# Define the Archiva mirror i set up
When I execute the build Maven grabs everything external via the mirror and then adds the built artifact to dev, along with the other jars it grabbed from mirror. So i now have some duplicate jars...
My question is, is the correct approach? Really I want to keep 'dev' with just my artifacts and mirror with everything from central - i don't want duplicates.
Should I be using the LocalRepository config in settings.xml or should I be using 'mvn deploy' to put the artifact in my Archiva repository by a different method?
Could someone clarify the different use cases for a local and remote repository?
Finally, how should I be defining my POM? Currently, I have just defined
Should i be adding in my mirror?
To put artifacts in your repository manager you should use the default which is maven-deploy-plugin which can be controlled by distributionManagement. The target where to put those things is controlled by defining the distributionManagement.
<project xmlns=""
The repositories which are used to consume artifacts from is defined in the settings.xml
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
<!--make the profile active all the time -->
On Bamboo you should be able to control which settings.xml is used to have an local repository per build which makes build independent from each other.

Build/Deploy third-party project in maven but upload to my snapshots repository

I build weekly a large third-party project (apache sling) in Jenkins. I've got jenkin's settings.xml set up to use my own archiva server to download all dependencies (using the mirror section).
However, I haven't figured out how to get the build to upload snapshots my own snapshots repository when doing a 'deploy'. It instead tries to upload the snapshots to an snapshots server and fails.
Is there a way to configure settings.xml to override the snapshots server in a similar way it's possible to override the repository? This has to be done without editing the project's pom.xml.
The reason I need to do this is because I need access to some of the snapshot versions as dependencies in another project, and I don't want to have to manually upload them all into archiva.
Here's my settings.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
<name>Local proxy of central repo</name>
<name>Local proxy of snapshots</name>
<id>Repository Proxy</id>
<!-- ******************************************************* -->
<!-- repositories for jar artifacts -->
<!-- ******************************************************* -->
You can overwrite the Distribution management section with command line parameters.
mvn clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=ui-snapshots::default::http://localhost:8081/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local/
Have a look at the maven deploy plugin.
Alternatively, you should be able to use the Jenkins post build step. There you need to specifically provide the Repo url anyway.
The location of the repository is part of the pom.xml, the distributionManagement often in one of the upper-most parents. So it is not something you can set from the settings.xml.
There's a good chance that you can change it with the distMgmtSnapshotsUrl property, see org.apache:apache:13:pom, assuming the sling-project uses this as its (indirect) parent.
As far as I know you have to edit the pom file for the project and have this section (with your server settings of course):
<name>Internal Release Repository</name>
<name>Internal Snapshot Repository</name>
Would it help you to put it in a company wide pom you inherit from?
