How to show VS news channel articles in external browser? - visual-studio-2010

Visual Studio by default shows a "Latest News" RSS channel on its start page and the articles are shown within the program window. How can I convince Visual Studio to show the articles in an external window of my system's default browser? I could not find anything on this topic here or at MSDN.

I've never seen a way to customise that particular behavior. What you can do though is go Tools -> Options, Environment -> Startup, and the URL that is used is sitting right there - you can simply whack it into your browser or your RSS reader.


Code Index API / Code Index Client Applications permissions requested in Visual Studio

A few months ago Visual Studio started popping up a permissions request for "Code Index Client Applications" from "Code Index API".
If I click on the "Report it here" link, I'm taken to another page that says it is from "AME.GBL".
I don't know what this is, so I always hit cancel. I have not noticed any kind of problems with not granting it what it wants, and I'm getting tired of it asking, so I'd like to try and remove whatever it is that is asking. I've tried disabling all my extensions, but it still asks. I have looked in the Visual Studio Installer's "Individual components" and also my Windows "Apps & features", but there is nothing with these names listed there. I have looked online but can't find anything about it.
Does anyone know what this is or how to get rid of it (or is there some reason why I should grant it permission)?
The dialog that pops up has changed slightly and I think it gives the answer:
You can read about Rich Code Navigation here or see a demo of it (primarily in Visual Studio Code) here. Note that the second link is from 2018, so in one form or another, this has been around for some time, but perhaps it has been off by default until a recent update?
At any rate, if you choose to disable Rich Code Navigation, you can do that under
Tools --> Options --> Environment --> Preview features
I did that and the permissions request dialog went away.

Clear visual studio debugger's saved connections in attach to process dialog

I need to clear some old entries saved for Connection target dropdown list in Attach to Process dialog.
Some remote servers have been decommissioned. But their names are still listed on the top of Connection target list.
When I start the Debug menu command "Attach to process", it takes awhile trying to connect to an old server that is not connectable.
Google search doesn't return the answer of where the list is saved.
Hopefully someone can provide the answer.
After quite some digging I've found the answer you might be after (if you still need it), the web page you'll need is at Microsoft Learn.
If you want to dive straight in have a look in the Tools Menu under Options and then find Cross Platform and Connection Manager:
I'm using Visual Studio 2022 17.4.3 (current version as of Jan 2023) just in case other versions have a different layout.

Activity Monitor Log: Default Browser

On clicking a notification below the menu bar in VS2019 16.8.2, the Activity Monitor Log opens in Internet Explorer.
The Web Browser section in Options=>Environment only has an Internet Options link for IE. Internet Explorer will be retired soon, is there, or will there be provision for sending the log to an alternative browser, or even another program, e.g. this viewer?
One thing not attempted before posting the question was to try the suggestion at MS Docs:
By default, the log file is located here:
where is the Visual Studio version. However, you may specify
a different path and file name.
And also here:
For example, the command devenv /log output.txt opens the IDE and
outputs all log information for that session to output.txt.
Clicking on the IDE to launch the log is as per file association. The xml extension was for some reason defaulted to IE on this rig.
So, not really a problem, VS launches the file correctly by default, and as per file extension settings.

Visual Basic Webbrowser control does not show all elements of a page

Using VS 2010 -- and later VS Community 2015 -- I've been trying to make a simple Windows client app that will cycle through a list of URLs and display them in the web browser control. Specifically, it's a list of my favorite online comic strips. However, whether it's in the VS 2010 environment or the VS Community 2015 environment, the web browser control does not display all of the elements on the page. Nor will they show if I run the executable outside the development environment.
For example, at this URL, which is the Zits comic website, most of the page shows, but not the comic strip itself. At another, it shows the strip but everything on the page beneath the strip is blank. Odd, though, is that the elements appear to be there, just not visible. Running the mouse over an anchor element, for example, changes the cursor to a hand, and clicking the invisible link works.
I've looked at the source code for the pages, the code shows the elements to be there. I can't see anything in the source that shows why it wouldn't be showing up.
As I said, it does the same thing for VS 2010 and VS 2015.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Figured it out. It's a crappy way of having to do it, but it turns out the web browser defaults to IE7 mode, and as far as I can find, the only way to correct it is to add a registry key to set the emulation to IE11.
Seems like the web browser control, especially in VS 2015, would be a little more flexible than that. But it is what it is, and since this is for my own personal use, I don't have to worry about changing any registry keys in another user's machine.

Is there a setting to show assemblies as they are loaded during debugging in Visual Studio?

I believe there is a setting (or combination of settings) in Visual Studio that allow you to see in the Immediate Window (or Output Window, I can't remember which), the timestamp and name of an assembly as it is loaded while debugging. I used to have this switched on as it is very useful for finding performance issue areas. Sadly however, when VS recently decided to undock all my windows for no good reason, I had to reset my VS settings and have now lost this.
I can't find for the life of me which setting it was that I had switched on.
Any help appreciated.
Apart from reading Debug output messages in Output window, you can also use Modules Window (at least in Visual Studio 2013) which gives you a nice searchable list of loaded modules with various additional details:
Debug -> Windows -> Modules
In the Output window, change the "Show output from" combo to Debug if necessary. Right-click the window and tick "Module load messages". And any others you might want to see.
