Code Index API / Code Index Client Applications permissions requested in Visual Studio - visual-studio

A few months ago Visual Studio started popping up a permissions request for "Code Index Client Applications" from "Code Index API".
If I click on the "Report it here" link, I'm taken to another page that says it is from "AME.GBL".
I don't know what this is, so I always hit cancel. I have not noticed any kind of problems with not granting it what it wants, and I'm getting tired of it asking, so I'd like to try and remove whatever it is that is asking. I've tried disabling all my extensions, but it still asks. I have looked in the Visual Studio Installer's "Individual components" and also my Windows "Apps & features", but there is nothing with these names listed there. I have looked online but can't find anything about it.
Does anyone know what this is or how to get rid of it (or is there some reason why I should grant it permission)?

The dialog that pops up has changed slightly and I think it gives the answer:
You can read about Rich Code Navigation here or see a demo of it (primarily in Visual Studio Code) here. Note that the second link is from 2018, so in one form or another, this has been around for some time, but perhaps it has been off by default until a recent update?
At any rate, if you choose to disable Rich Code Navigation, you can do that under
Tools --> Options --> Environment --> Preview features
I did that and the permissions request dialog went away.


Clear visual studio debugger's saved connections in attach to process dialog

I need to clear some old entries saved for Connection target dropdown list in Attach to Process dialog.
Some remote servers have been decommissioned. But their names are still listed on the top of Connection target list.
When I start the Debug menu command "Attach to process", it takes awhile trying to connect to an old server that is not connectable.
Google search doesn't return the answer of where the list is saved.
Hopefully someone can provide the answer.
After quite some digging I've found the answer you might be after (if you still need it), the web page you'll need is at Microsoft Learn.
If you want to dive straight in have a look in the Tools Menu under Options and then find Cross Platform and Connection Manager:
I'm using Visual Studio 2022 17.4.3 (current version as of Jan 2023) just in case other versions have a different layout.

How to License Visual Studio 2013 with another Microsoft or organization account

I have tried a large number of VS2013 re-installations (using ISO image download link from "MSDN Subscriptions" website), registry tweaks and manual file repairs/changes.
Finally I got to the problem resolving point where I got this dialog:
Link to VS2013 License Dialog
And that was the first time ever I saw the link "License with another Microsoft or organization account" on that dialog. Last thing I did before I got that link was:
deleted regkey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses\E79B3F9C-6543-4897-BBA5-5BFB0A02BB5C
ran VS2013 uninstall from Control Panel and repaired the installation
Problem is I have no clue whether it really helped since I cannot reproduce the success on the computers of my co-workers in that way.
We have MSDN Subcription that contains 5 licenses for VS2013 Pro and we have only used 2 so far (head developer (zd**** on the pic right side) and me (dm**** on the pic left side)).
Is there maybe any downloadable ISO image of VS2013 Pro with that link embedded and enabled by default, or any reg tweak to enable it?
Incidentally, I have also tried almost every link and option on "MSDN Subscriptions", "Microsoft VLSC" and "Microsoft Partner" sites and tried filling a number of contact forms from those websites and even sent a few e-mails. However I did not get any replies - not a single information from Microsoft.
Only contact with them I had was talking to a Live chat guy and to my great surprise, my problem was not in his jurisdiction so he gave me a link to a contact form.
After some juggling with several different computer I finally realised what was the difference between theirs and mine. I was the only who had VS2013 Pro with Update 4.
Version 12.0.31101.00 Update 4 to be exact.
So after applying that update to other computers I was able to get the mentioned link and came to a long lasting peace of mind :)
In the top right hand corner of a running Visual Studio 2013, just below the quick find box and the minimise, expand and close buttons, there is an area that shows who is signed in. Clicking the name there brings up an account settings option that is very similar to the page in your link.
Perhaps if you sign in as a user who has links to multiple Microsoft accounts then the text "License with another Microsoft or organization account" will be shown. Perhaps you need to visit the administration pages of the Microsoft account you want to use and add the appropriate users (ie email addresses) to that account.

Object Browser can't browse my own solution?

When I click on "My Solution" nothing comes up.
I have to use Custom Component Set.
When I try to add a project from the solution, it can't add it.
"The following components could not be browsed." ...projectnamehere
I have to browse for the .dll directly.
Also, not all the /// comments are showing up.
This is a limitation of Visual Studio; some features were cut due to time constraints:
(As far as I know, it's still not working brilliantly in VS 2013).

Microsoft visual studio screen problem

I am having a problem thats not about the code, it's about the screen in Microsoft visual studio 2008.
Actually problem is i created one utility from couple of weeks i didn't opened that utility today i opened (in Microsoft visual studio the screen appearing blank no controls are visible in that.But all the controls properties are there. I tried a lot but i didn't get solution. Last when the same thing happened i created the controls again. Now i don't want to go to create all the controls again. If any one have the solution please help me.
Before screen is like this:
Now its blank (like new page)
From your description I'm not sure if this is a application/code build issue or an IDE issue, what you could try is to reset the settings in visual studio and see if this helps.
You can do this by going to Tools -> Import/Export settings and then following the wizard to reset the settings, you may also want to perform a backup before resetting them (this is also part of the wizard) then they can be restored if this causes you further issues.
I don't have a copy of 2008 available at the moment so some menu entries may be slightly named different.
Hope this helps!
Now there is more information, this looks like there may be a problem with the code in the
method of the form.designer file (e.g. if you are using c# this would be something like Form1.Designer.cs and can be found by expanding the corresponding form in the solution explorer), if you remove/comment the lines that say
(NameOfControl is where you would see your declared controls name)
then you get the behaviour that you are seeing, the controls do not render as they are never added to the forms controls collection but as they are declared you will still see them in the properties drop down and wont be able to add another control with the same name.

Cannot access Online Help in Visual Studio 2008

Running VS2008 Pro on Windows 7, all SP and hotfixes installed.
When I click F1 on a (valid) keyword in VS2008, I only receive the "Information Not Found" page. I know I didn't install the full msdn as I just wanted to use online help. I can't recall if I clicked or unclicked anything during the install process (installed a couple of months ago so I don't fully remember) that related to help but I did try to pare down the install size by unclicking things I know I wouldn't ever use.
devenv.exe and dexplore.exe are both set to run as admin. Tools-Options-Help-Online is set to use online first, then local. All options are checked. Equally odd, the Codezone provider download button gives me a dialog indicating it couldn't download resources.
My router is Smoothwall with the transparent proxy enabled.. meaning, I don't have to enter anything in a web browser for a proxy - I just surf.
Select "Tools > Options > Help > Online".
Additionally there are a couple of list boxes one labelled "Search these providers:" Make sure "MSDN Online" is there and checked.
If it's not there you'll need to reinstall the MSDN.
