call controller using ajax failing to find controller -

I am trying to call a controller via ajax without to much luck.
I have create this in my view
<input type="submit" id="preview-email" value="Preview Email" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#preview-email").click(function () {
var p = { "email": "1223" };
url: '/BusinessController/PreviewEmail',
type: "POST",
data: p,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
My controller
public ActionResult PreviewEmail(string email)
// string d = ViewData["editor"].ToString();
string e = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(email);
EmailModel model = new EmailModel() { EmailBody = e };
return PartialView("_PreviewEmail", model);
Turning on fiddler is telling me that its a 500 error. What have I done wrong? I've placed a breakpoint on my controller however it doesnt get that far

Your URL should be:
instead of:
However, the recommended practice for building URLs is to use your routes:
Url.Action("PreviewEmail", "Business")
BTW, you have another problem in your code. By setting "application/json" as your contentType, MVC will expect a JSON string. However, when you assign a JavaScript object to the data property of $.ajax(), jQuery will serialize the value to this:
So you'll want to assign a string to the data property instead by doing this:
var p = '{ "email": "1223" }';

#Url.Action doesn't work inside the JS file. What if my call to Controller/Action is inside JS file?
For now I'm, retrieving the location.href and then replacing the Action name.
(This may not be a wise thing to do)


Unable to read session variable when I am calling it from Ajax but I can read if I call it from controller in ASP.Net

I have created a method inside controller and trying to read session variable value from it and I am calling this method from Ajax jQuery but I am not able to get the value.
There is another method where I am trying to read session value and calling it from controller itself then I can read.
I have not worked much on sessions in MVC .Net. Please see my code-
$("#Value").on('click', function () {
type: "GET",
url: "Home/GetData",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: 'json',
data: { flag: 1, Id: '#employeeId' },
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data == 'True') {
console.log("Data Saved")
and GetData method is written in HomeContoller and I am assigning Key in Index method of Homecontoller.
public async Task<JsonResult> GetData(int Flag, string EmployeeId)
string Token= string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Key"]) ? string.Empty : (string)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Key"];
In your Controller you can read it easily since Session is server side object. You can not access it directly in jQuery. You can write an HttpHandler that will share the session
Below is another way to do like in your View (.cshtml):
<input type="hidden" id="hdnSession" data-value="#Request.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session["keyName"]" />
script is something like below to read the session value:
$(document).ready(function () {
var value = '#Request.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session["keyName"]';

Ajax not returning desired results or not working at all

I have been trying to load return a JsonResults action from a controller in MVC using ajax call. I can see that the alert() function is triggering well but the ajax is not executing. I have search for several sources but to no avail.
public JsonResult FillBusinessLicenceL3(int? selectedID)
var bl3_Items = db.LevelThreeItems.Where(l3 => l3.LevelTwoItem_ID == selectedID);
return Json(bl3_Items, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The below too is the javascript calling for the json method.
function FillBussLicence_L3items() {
alert("You have clicked me");
var bl2_Id = $('#BussLicenceL2_ID').val();
url: 'StartSurvey/FillBusinessLicenceL3/' + bl2_Id,
type: "GET",
dataType: "JSON",
data: "{}", // { selectedID : bl2_Id },
//contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function (bussLicence_L3items) {
$("#BussLicenceL3_ID").html(""); // clear before appending new list
$.each(bussLicence_L3items, function (i, licenceL3) {
Also, I have tried this one too but no execution notice.
Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
After looking through the browser's console, I noticed that the LINQ query was tracking the database and was creating a circular reference so I changed the query to the following and voila!!
public JsonResult FillBusinessLicenceL3(int? selectedID)
var bl3_Items = db.LevelThreeItems.
Where(k => k.LevelTwoItem_ID == selectedID).
Select(s => new { LevelThreeItem_ID = s.LevelThreeItem_ID, LevelThreeItem_Name = s.LevelThreeItem_Name });
return Json(bl3_Items, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
There was nothing wrong with the ajax call to the controller.

Rendar partial view in another partial view along with data model using jQuery .Ajax function

I am working on MVC 5 app and I want to render partialView in another partialview with model data using jQuery ajax function. when javaScript function is called, it suppose to send ID of selected element back to controller which is working fine, and in return bring partial view along with model which is not working from following code
<a href="#" class="SearchUser_Icon Hyperlink_Text" onclick="load_getUserListByGroupID(this)" id=#item.GroupID></a>
JavaScript function
function load_getUserListByGroupID(element)
var selectedGroupID =;
type: "POST",
url: "/UserManagement/SearchUsersByGroupID/",
dataType: "json",
data: { 'GroupID': selectedGroupID },
success: function (viewHTML) {
error: function (errorData) { onError(errorData); }
}).done(function (result) {
<div id="userContentBlock"></div>
Controller Method
public ActionResult SearchUsersByGroupID(string GroupID)
int intID = Convert.ToInt32(GroupID);
var UsersListByGroupID = _userServices.GetUsersByGroupID(intID);
return PartialView("GetUsersListByGroup_Partial", UsersListByGroupID );
You are returning HTML while expecting JSON in the ajax call. Just remove the dataType: "json" from the settings and everything should work as expected.
jQuery.ajax() dataType:
The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. If none is specified, jQuery will try to infer it based on the MIME type of the response.

can't get to web api controller action with jquery ajax post

I'm trying to create my first REST application with the web api in mvc4. I have a controller set up with the HttpPost verb but for some reason when I click the link to post the xml string to the controller I get an error - "{"Message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI '/api/Apply/ApplyToJob'.","MessageDetail":"No action was found on the controller 'Apply' that matches the request."}" Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Here's the view page...
Post Data
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
$("#lnkPost").on("click", function () {
$.get("/TestResponse.xml", function (d) {
//contentType: "text/xml",
//dataType: "xml",
type: "post",
url: "/api/Apply/ApplyToJob",
data: {
"strXml": (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(d)
success: function () { console.log('success'); }
and here's the controller.
public class ApplyController : ApiController
public string ApplyToJob(string strXml)
return "success";
Modify your action's parameter like below:
public string ApplyToJob([FromBody]string strXml)
This is because without this FromBody attribute, the string parameter is expected to come from the Uri. Since you do not have it in the Uri the action selection is failing.
Also, looking at your client code, shouldn't you set the appropriate content type header in your request?
You can modify your javascript to like below and see if it works:
$.ajax({ contentType: "text/xml",
dataType: "xml",
type: "post",
url: "/api/values",
data: "your raw xml data here",
success: function () { console.log('success'); }

How to pass div's html to #Url.Action in Ajax post

A. Where I am so far successfully:
I have 3 divs"
I have an $.Ajax post with the url currently as follows
'#Url.Action("CurrentAction", "CurrentController", new { area = "CurrentArea" })'
I have several pages that require this particular Ajax post so I put the Ajax post in a partial, and each main page that uses it, has a parameter in the partial call, eg:
#Html.Partial("_PartialPage", new [] { "NewAction", "NewController", "NewArea" })
The divs in #1 above are successfully populated dynamically with the string values in #3
B. Where my difficulty lies:
Despite many efforts & attempts, I cannot change the #Url.Action values in #2 to the values in the divs in #1.
I even tried to declare C# private variables and populate them with the foreach that populated the divs above and pass those values to the #Url.Action link, but I get a run error.
Does anyone know a way I can pass the parameter values in my partial call (#3) to the Url.Action method in the Ajax post in #2 above.
Thanks in Advance.
You could have a method that will extract the values that are passed to this strongly typed partial and build the url:
#model string[]
#functions {
public string GetUrl() {
if (Model != null && Model.Length > 2)
var values = new RouteValueDictionary();
values["controller"] = Model[0];
values["action"] = Model[1];
values["area"] = Model[2];
return Url.RouteUrl(values);
return Url.Action("CurrentAction", "CurrentController", new { area = "CurrentArea" });
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(GetUrl()));
url: url,
type: 'POST',
success: function(result) {
// ...
will render like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = "/NewArea/NewAction/NewController";
url: url,
type: 'POST',
success: function(result) {
// ...
But if you don't need those route values separately another possibility is to directly pass the entire url to the partial view:
#Html.Partial("_About", Url.Action("NewAction", "NewController", new { area = "NewArea" }))
and then inside the partial simply use it:
#model string
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model));
url: url,
type: 'POST',
success: function(result) {
// ...
