Google Analytics Event Tracking not working? - events

I've added the following code to my web app, so that when a user clicks on a button, a google tracking event should be recorded:
//links jquery to button
$(this).click(function() {
//toggles a window on the screen here....
//GOOGLE tracking code
//keep track of what the user clicks on
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'libraryWidget', 'togglesLibrary']); (breakpoint stops here)
The problem is, absolutely no events are showing up on my analytics page (page views work fine). I've placed a breakpoint in the code and google chrome does successfully break here. I looked at the console for error messages but nothing shows up. I am using the asynchronous analytics tracker.
Could this be because my analytics code is included at the end of my web page? The jquery code is setup when the page loads, additionally the callback won't be called until the user presses the button.
Can anyone provide some next steps? How can I begin to debug this problem? If I had an error message of some kind I could do something...

I faced this kind of problem too in my localhost, I uploaded to test server which can access from internet, its working.
Another possible thing is Event tracking is not updating dynamically, it will take some times to reflect in your Analytics account


Local storage event listener not working in Firefox

I have a sandbox iframe which is hosted by various websites. Lets assume that this iframe is loaded like this:
'src=""' I have already added 'allow-scripts allow-forms allow-modals allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-storage-access-by-user-activation' at sandbox. I also use document.requestStorageAccess() from inside the iframe and I set event listeners for the storage like this:
window.addEventListener('storage', onStorageFunc, false);.
From the iframe a popup window is presented when user clicks a specific button and the popup opens at lets say at this url "". After user navigation on popup, paypal at the end of the flow redirects user to this url "". At this point when user is navigated to /success I add some data to local storage which I expect to trigger the storage event listener and the onStorageFunc to run.
This doesn't happen, while in other browsers it works as expected.
Since both popup and iframe are under the same url ( and I have used requestStorageAccess, I would expect this to work normally. Can you please help me to find out what is going wrong here? In the past I had the same problem but it was fixed when I added 'requestStorageAccess' and 'allow-storage-access-by-user-activation'. Now I can see it happening again.

Laravel 5.2 Popup User Notifications in Browser - Examples, Tips?

I have a guitar lessons site where I want to notify users (guests or logged in) about new notifications in real or near real time. I followed this example:
I have an event set up, I have pusher account, I have things working as described in the above link.
But... I would like to have the notifications show up the way notifications appear on a lot of other sites. Namely, where a small popup appears on bottom right corner of browser regardless of where user is scrolled on current page. Or maybe where a message bar would appear on top of browser regaardless of where user is scrolled. In any case, I can't find examples of 5.2 notifications in this manner. All I see are examples of using a message div in a blade file and having the div populated via the pusher code in the blade. So I imagine to do do what I want is similar in spirit, just requiring some extra front end steps that are not clear to me yet.
Tips, examples appreciated!
Well you can use a common laravel blade file (with pusher code) and inherit that file in all blade templates.
Now using jquery growl ( or alert box of your choice you can show the popups on any page you want.

Google Hangouts website button

Is it possible to add a Google Hangouts button to my business site that when clicked on initiates a call to me? I have a business website and I would like for anyone to be able to call be like the Skype button that you can embed on your website page does. Problem that I have is I went to and read and then went to the Google API Console at and turned on the Google+ Hangouts API and then added my Google+ profile and my Project ID (app_id) and entered it into the html markup example(s) and embeded the code into my page and it does show the button, however, when the button is clicked, it launches the Google Hangouts program and asks to invites someone.
I need to this to actually start call me because the customer at my webpage, when they click the button and the Hangouts program launches, they are not going to know what to enter here. Needs to work like the Skype call button does and actually call me.
As always, any help is greatly appreciated!!
#Billy I'm not sure what's changed since the other answers here, but I'm actually having some success with this approach :
script(type="text/javascript" src="")
data-invites="[{id: 'YOUR_GOOGLE_PLUS_ID', invite_type: 'PROFILE'}]")
Where YOUR_GOOGLE_PLUS_ID is the number (not your vanity id) found in your profile url. Since my google plus url contains my vanity id, I obtained my YOUR_GOOGLE_PLUS_ID easily from the 'profile' link in the left sidebar.
Once clicked, the workflow goes like this :
Visitor clicks the "start hangout" button
the hangout app launches (chrome, android, etc)
they are prompted to join, they click join
they are prompted to invite you to the hangout. they do so.
you are notified to join.
The next problem I'm experiencing is that step five only seems to occur on the Google Chrome hangout Extension and roughly five minutes later in an email. Meaning no notifications on: Google+ Website, Android Hangout App, Android Google Plus App.
So it seems that this particular situation is as solved as it could be from the "integrate into a website" point of view, the remaining issue is most likely a bug with the google-plus/hangout ecosystem itself.
By the way, instead of using a YOUR_GOOGLE_PLUS_ID you can use the email address of that google-plus user :
script(type="text/javascript" src="")
data-invites="[{id: '', invite_type: 'EMAIL'}]")
Although I'm not sure if this means that notification is via email only.
This was the basis of the process but i couldn't workout some of the code in order to rewrite it fully. adding hangouts button to your website
in another video, there was an element of this which would allow the caller to PAY you for the call/knowle
this one might be helpful too:
hangouts telephone apo
This is now a fully supported feature.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<g:hangout render="createhangout"></g:hangout>
See the documentation for more detail:
I asked same question on: How to use Google Hangout / on Air as a "contact me" feature on a website and got an answer that the feature request is under process. The complete answer here:
Currently, there is no API call to provide this functionality. You can see the following feature request:
The feature request was accepted on the 8th of December 2013 and knowing how feature requests tend to work, I'd expect it sometime between now and 2017.
I so want this too, however a middle ground I'm finding is,
Add a Google Hangout button to your page
Write your obfuscated Hangout Address next to it,
<p>Invite me,</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<g:hangout render="createhangout"></g:hangout>
Thanks, DanC
You can use this :
<script src="" async defer></script>
<div id="placeholder-div3"></div>
<script>'placeholder-div3', {
'render': 'createhangout',
'invites' : "[{'id': '','invite_type': 'EMAIL'},{'id': '','invite_type': 'EMAIL'}]",
'widget_size': 175
You can get it from here: for google hangout button.

Google Adwords convertion tracking in Magento not visible in View Source

I have installed google adwords tracking on the success.phtml
I am able to track conversion but I am not sure if all conversions are tracked properly. Our payment methods are Paypal Express and Paypal Payment pro where customer pay via credit card on our website. This ensures that every customer hits the success page.
However when I complete the order and check the conversion page source (View Source) I am not able to see the Google conversion tracking code.
Is it normal that in view source the Google conversion tracking code is not visible yet?
When you get to the success page it is displayed. Once you hit view source you are actually making another request to the success page so it technically reloads it. At that point the code is not displayed again because the transaction was already completed (if that worked you could reload the page and track transactions over and over again).
To check to make sure it shows up correctly do an inspect element in chrome or firefox/firebug to see if the code is on the page.

Browser OnLoad event handler

I have made an google chrome extension recently. It is working fine except that it works only when user clicks it. I want it to update status even if it is not clicked. So, there is any browser onload action so that I can start updating the status continuously using AJAX.
Thanks :)
Create a background page for your extension.
The background page is loaded as soon as the extension is enabled, so any code in your background page will get executed without needing the user to click anything.
