Google Adwords convertion tracking in Magento not visible in View Source - magento

I have installed google adwords tracking on the success.phtml
I am able to track conversion but I am not sure if all conversions are tracked properly. Our payment methods are Paypal Express and Paypal Payment pro where customer pay via credit card on our website. This ensures that every customer hits the success page.
However when I complete the order and check the conversion page source (View Source) I am not able to see the Google conversion tracking code.
Is it normal that in view source the Google conversion tracking code is not visible yet?

When you get to the success page it is displayed. Once you hit view source you are actually making another request to the success page so it technically reloads it. At that point the code is not displayed again because the transaction was already completed (if that worked you could reload the page and track transactions over and over again).
To check to make sure it shows up correctly do an inspect element in chrome or firefox/firebug to see if the code is on the page.


Is it possible to skip confirmation page in SagePay custom templates

I'm setting up a set of custom templates for a SagePay server integration (iFrame), and I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to prevent the confirmation page (card_confirmation.xslt) being presented to the user.
It mostly duplicates information presents to customers earlier on in the checkout process and so is largely redundant.
So it's a bit of a long shot but can we by modifying some form value in one of the other templates or by any other method tell the system to skip that page?
You won't get this confirmation page if you pass Profile=LOW with the original transaction registration post. In fact, if you are not sending this and displaying the Sage Pay screens in an iframe, you are going to have problems with some browsers.

Google Docs spreadsheet form / permissions

I have a Google Doc spreadsheet, which I created a native Form for. I copied the form code, and integrated it into my own page here.
This form was working until I gave the website owner permission to view the spreadsheet.
Since then, when we hit submit, it takes us to the native form page, and does not insert form data into the spreadsheet. (You're welcome to test the form.)
Should providing viewing permissions to the spreadsheet break my own version of the form?
Did you set permissions via If so then no it should not have changed anything. I got all the way through the form to "Attending
Your response has been recorded." Is this what you are getting as well or do you have a backend error?
If it is not a backend error and I was able to get somewhere you couldt I would suggest clearing your browser chache and possibly resetting your router as sometimes they hold a cache of older versions of a website.
Did the current form of yours manage to work this before? I mean. It is shown that in the native form the questions are text boxes. While in your GUI form, it had radio buttons and check boxes, since you are calling the native post back url?

Load custom page between place-order-click and thank-you-page

I'm currently trying to integrate Econda tracking in the one page checkout process of a magento webshop with the special requirement that the tracking which is normaly done on the thank-you-page already is done once the customer clicks the place-order-button (between button click and redirect to payment provider or thank-you-page). The tracking code itself is dynamically created by an magento extension and injected as html into the phtml file of the thank-you-page. By loading that phtml the information is sent. Also the order in magento must exists before the tracking code can be injected (means place order button must already be clicked).
Currently I'm trying to create an "invisible" phtml, which is loaded once the customer clicks place-order-button and which contains the tracking code. This page should be shown for some seconds and then forward/redirect to either the payment provider or the thank-you-page. This is where I'm totally lost.
I have an observer on the event that is fired once the order is complete/saved. This observer calls an action within my model. But the model can not load/show a phtml.
How can I load a custom phtml-file once the customer clicks the place-order-button, show this phtml for some seconds, and then dynamically forward to either payment provider or thank-you-page?
The Cart Success page, by its very nature is the place that you should be putting any e-commerce tracking Javascript or markup.
It's the very first thing to be delivered to the browser once all the necessary order processing has gone on in the back end. Delivering them to an interim page for only a few seconds seems cumbersome and ultimately inefficient. It's possible, but it's bad practice.
Do you have any particular reason why the success page is insufficient? I can't seem to find that in your question.
Loading a new block into your success page is an easy process. Learn some more about Layouts and Templates (Maybe try Alan Storm's tutorial here) and use this method.
There would be two more options:
You could add your tracking to the on click event of your button
You could use server side tracking using the econda PHP SDK
Here's how you can add tracking to click events
<script type="text/javascript">
function trackIt() {
siteid: "",
content: "CONTENT-LABEL"
<tag onclick="trackIt();">content</tag>
Be careful using click event tracking in links, it will not work if your page unloads before the tracking event was send.
I could not find the english version of the econda PHP SDK documentation, so sorry, here are the German docs:
As already mentioned, your thank-you page is the best place to add tracking. An additional reason is, that normally you want to track if a customer really ordered or not. Payment pages are common problems, so it makes no sense to add "order successful" tracking calls before.

Google Analytics Event Tracking not working?

I've added the following code to my web app, so that when a user clicks on a button, a google tracking event should be recorded:
//links jquery to button
$(this).click(function() {
//toggles a window on the screen here....
//GOOGLE tracking code
//keep track of what the user clicks on
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'libraryWidget', 'togglesLibrary']); (breakpoint stops here)
The problem is, absolutely no events are showing up on my analytics page (page views work fine). I've placed a breakpoint in the code and google chrome does successfully break here. I looked at the console for error messages but nothing shows up. I am using the asynchronous analytics tracker.
Could this be because my analytics code is included at the end of my web page? The jquery code is setup when the page loads, additionally the callback won't be called until the user presses the button.
Can anyone provide some next steps? How can I begin to debug this problem? If I had an error message of some kind I could do something...
I faced this kind of problem too in my localhost, I uploaded to test server which can access from internet, its working.
Another possible thing is Event tracking is not updating dynamically, it will take some times to reflect in your Analytics account

Google anlytics code doesn't track ajax generated page

In my site we have only one default.aspx page and we renders each htm pages into default.aspx. now we have added google anlytics code into each htm pages but google analytics report only shows one page default.aspx in tracking. anyone can help on this how we can track for each page?
Thanks in advance.
To be more precise, Google Analytics tracking code is a pure JavaScript application. It measures page views by calling the _trackPageview function of the tracker object. Since very likely you embedded the tracking code in your static template (which is absolutely good), the _trackPageview only gets invoked on the document load. Though if your application deals with AJAX calls, you have to take care of reporting that virtual page views back to Analytics as Deviant already pointed out.
