start cachecluster automatically when server starts up - caching

I have installed AppFabric on my machine. Everytime I restart my machine I have restart the AppFabric caching by running "start-cachecluster" in the powershell "Caching Administration Windows PowerShell". How can I set this up to run everytime the machine is restarted?

Change the startup type of the AppFabricCachingService from Manual to Automatic - see this answer.

You'll likely need to use a startup task, or your run-this-on-startup method of your choice, to invoke the command when the machine boots.
If you are using a network-share bound cluster config, you cannot auto-start the cluster as the hosts perform the lead host operations in-memory, which requires a particular startup order for Cluster, config, hosts, etc.
SQL Server configs should be able to support an auto-start scenario (just startmode=auto on the service) on the service, as the lead operations are offloads to the database config.
It's a desperately needed feature which makes AppFabric and HA nearly impossible.


ARM template deployment effect on already running MemSQL Instance

I have an ARM template to deploy all of my resources as the production setup. Initially when I used to deploy the resources through the ARM template, everything was fine and our setup is up and running. We did started a MemSQL cluster into the setup. We have an application running using the MemSQL cluster. Now, we have some changes to the setup, specifically to the Ubuntu VMs, where MemSQL is running, like adding disks, assigning private IP etc.
The question what I have here is, does any changes made through the ARM deployment, effects the, in memory data for the running application on the VMs, specifically the MemSQL data?
the answer is - it depends. it wouldn't delete any data (unless you are using complete deployment mode). but it might (depending on what you are doing) detach data disks, or reboot the vms (if you change the sku, for example), if you change private ip addresses cluster might fall apart, as the nodes won't be able to talk to each other, etc.
I'd recommend having a dev cluster where you test your ARM templates and then you can apply the changes to the prod cluster

Can I run mesos/marathon application at specific host?

I wanna use marathon as cluster monitoring and management. Bellow scenario is possible?
My Scenario
Cassandra 5EA was already deployed and are running.
Cassandra hosts are physical machine.
I want to run script that verifies healthness of cassandra each host. ex) cassandra process, disk usage, number of file, ..
If problem found at host, than run correcting script on that host. Script launched manually.
Each script can be run by marathon application. But I couldn't found run application on (specific) error host.
No restriction of adding machines and installing mesos components.
And if you know more suitable tool, please recommend!!
If you are not running Cassandra on Mesos I think Marathon is not the best choice. From your description, it looks like you need a monitoring tool (e.g., Nagios) rather than service Orchestration.
Please extend your question with more information. It's not clear what you are asking.

MongoDB authentication on Windows Sharded Cluster

I have been tasked to prepare a Sharded MongoDB Cluster on a windows environment. This is the first time I work with this product. I have been trying to get authentication on MongoDB 2.4 to work on this windows Sharded Cluster environment and it's not working. Once I enable the auth option on the 3 configuration servers, the MongoS instance is unable to start, when I remove the auth option, the MongoS instance works without any issues.
Can someone please shed some light on how to get authentication to work? The documentation mentions a "KeyFile" option but I've tried to use it in windows and the option is not recognized.
Thanks everyone.
Jaime Gonzalez
Note Key file permissions are not checked on Windows systems.

Accessing Clustered MSMQ with an application

We are switching from a non-clustered to a 2-node clustered MSMQ Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise environment. Previously, when it was non-clustered, we wrote a .NET 3.5 C# Windows Form application to help us manage our environment (so it does tasks such as create queues with the right permissions, read messages, forward messages, etc.). I would like to make this application work with our new cluster.
Per these articles,
I understand that I need to add the application as a resource on the cluster as when I don't, I am accessing the node's MSMQ instance. To help with my debugging, I have turned the local MSMQ services off. No matter what I do, however, the program keeps trying to access the node's instance. I added it as an application resource (with the command line of "Q:\QueueManagerConsole.exe". The Q:\ is the disk that is shared between the 2 nodes that is part of the failover cluster), but when I run it via Windows Explorer, it doesn't see the cluster instance, only the local. I have seen no way to execute a program from Failover Cluster Manager, so I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I switched the code to access everything via "." (so MessageQueue.GetPrivateQueuesByMachine(".")), which, per my meager understanding is how you access the local queue. Could someone explain, preferably acting as if I had no clue what I was doing, on a. if this IS possible and b. HOW to do this correctly?
Hi I did something similar a while ago. Try deploy a service in a failover cluster
, it wokerd for me to:
configure the app to use clustered msmq
configure app as clustered resource
configure the app to connect under host name
set the permission set rquired for transpot
At least this will give you a good starting point.
I finally got this working by creating a shortcut to the application and putting it on the server that was actually accessing the clustered queues.
Please try add to environment used by Your application following Environment variables:
with cluster server name as a value. It worked in the system which is being developed by my team - it contains a few services which had to access clustered MSMQ and it solved the problem.

EC2 database server failover strategy

I am planning to deploy my web app to EC2. I have several webserver instances. I have 1 primary database instance. I have 1 failover database instance. I need a strategy to redirect the webservers to the failover database instance IP when the primary database instance fails.
I was hoping I could use an Elastic IP in my connection strings. But, the webservers are not able to access/ping the Elastic IP. I have several brute force ideas to solve the problem. However, I am trying to find the most elegant solution possible.
I am using all .Net and SQL Server. My connection strings are encrypted.
Does anybody have a strategy for failing over a database instance in EC2 using some form of automation or DNS configuration?
Please let me know.
tells you how to use the Elastic IP public DNS.
Haven't used EC2 but surely you need to either:
(a) put your front-end into some custom maintenance mode, that you define, while you switch the IP over; and have the front-end perform required steps to manage potential data integrity and data loss issues related to the previous server going down and the new server coming up when it enters and leaves your custom maintenance mode
OR, for a zero down-time system:
(b) design the system at the object/relational and transaction levels from the ground up to support zero-down-time fail-over. It's not something you can bolt on quicjkly to just any application.
(c) use some database support for automatic failover. I am unaware whether SQL Server support for failover suitable for your application exists or is appropriate here. I suggest adding a "sql-server" tag to the question to start a search for the right audience.
If Elastic IPs don't work (which sounds odd to say the least - shouldn't you talk to EC2 about that), you mayhave to be able to instruct your front-end which new database IP to use at the same time as telling it to go from maintenance mode to normal mode.
If you're willing to shell out a bit of extra money, take a look at Rightscale's tools; they've built custom server images and supporting tools that handle database failover (among many other things). This link explains how to do it with MySQL, so will hopefully show you some principles even though it doesn't use SQL Server.
I always thought there was this possibility in the connnection string
This is taken (but not yet tested) from How to add Failover Partner to a connection string in VB.NET :
If you connect with ADO.NET or the SQL
Native Client to a database that is
being mirrored, your application can
take advantage of the drivers ability
to automatically redirect connections
when a database mirroring failover
occurs. You must specify the initial
principal server and database in the
connection string and the failover
partner server.
Data Source=myServerAddress;Failover Partner=myMirrorServerAddress;
Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;
There is ofcourse many other ways to
write the connection string using
database mirroring, this is just one
example pointing out the failover
functionality. You can combine this
with the other connection strings
options available.
To broaden gareth's answer, cloud management softwares usually solve this type of problems. RightScale is one of them, but you can try enStratus or Scalr (disclaimer: I work at Scalr). These tools provide failover solutions like:
Backups: you can schedule automated snapshots of the EBS volume containing the data
Fault-tolerant database: in the event of failure, a slave is promoted master and mounted storage will be switched if the failed master and new master are in the same AZ, or a snapshot taken of the volume
If you want to build your own solution, you could replicate the process detailed below that we use at Scalr:
Is there a slave in the same AZ? If so, promote it, switch EBS
volumes (which are limited to a single AZ), switch any ElasticIP you
might have, reconfigure replication of the remaining slaves.
If not, is there a slave fully replicated in another AZ? If so, promote it,
then do the above.
If there are no slave in same AZ, and no slave fully
replicated in another AZ, then create a snapshot from master's
volume, and use this snapshot to create a new volume in an AZ where a
slave is running. Then do the above.
