MongoDB authentication on Windows Sharded Cluster - windows

I have been tasked to prepare a Sharded MongoDB Cluster on a windows environment. This is the first time I work with this product. I have been trying to get authentication on MongoDB 2.4 to work on this windows Sharded Cluster environment and it's not working. Once I enable the auth option on the 3 configuration servers, the MongoS instance is unable to start, when I remove the auth option, the MongoS instance works without any issues.
Can someone please shed some light on how to get authentication to work? The documentation mentions a "KeyFile" option but I've tried to use it in windows and the option is not recognized.
Thanks everyone.
Jaime Gonzalez

Note Key file permissions are not checked on Windows systems.


How to use elasticsearch server instead of installing local machine

I am learning Elasticsearch to implement it in my Django Project. When I installed and ran the server on my computer, it became very slow and sometimes my pc is became hung.
I am trying to find an alternative solution to use elastic search server, is there any remote elastic server to use? can anyone suggest me any solution to this issue?
some company has an Elasticsearch cluster platform (as service).
for example:
I think It is free for start.

Adding Hbase service in kerberos enabled CDH cluster

I have a CDH cluster already running with kerberos authentication.
I have a requirement to add HBase service to the running cluster.
Looking for a documentation to enable hbase service since its kerberos enabled. Both command line and GUI options welcome.
Also, its good if there is a testing method like small table creation steps like that.
Thanks in advance!
If you add it through Coudera Manager-Add Service wizards, CDH takes care automatically (create/distribute Kerberos keytabs and add services)

Getting started with Fabric8, AWS using stackpoint

I have historically used a lot of manual chaining to get a CI pipeline in place for microservice development so am excited to try Fabric8 as it seems that it will make life a lot easier. Running into some early issues though.
I did manage to get Fabric8 running locally but want to get things running on AWS so I can present a more real world flow to stakeholders. Following the notes on this page Fabric8 on AWS I was able to get a 3 server cluster running using Stackpoint. But, I cannot connect to that cluster to be able to start administering the services. The page references this link ( but it is not working for me. Tried hitting each of the AWS instances by public IP but that failed also. What would be my next steps here?
yeah the getting started guides don't really explain this in great deal. There's a similar issue on the fabric8 issue tracker that we've tried to help answer how to access the console
TL;DR using the AWS loadbalancer can add expense so we deploy an NGINX reverse proxy so you can set up a wildcard DNS. We use and recommend cloudflare for that as its free for this type of use and fast to setup.
We also created a blog to explain the different options how to access apps on kubernetes
Hope that helps!

How to debug java code in AWS cluster

We are working on Apache storm with kafka in AWS cluster.
As a developer i want to have a local environment setup to debug the code.
But i checked the prerequisites of Horton sandbox,it requires above 8GB RAM.So we thought to have debugging environment using AWS itself.
Let me know how to do debugging in AWS ot is there any best way to have sandbox with less ram or any another best procedure to follow.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Use Vagrant to manage your EC2 instances, so you can always get the nominated environment for developing
Here is the open source code:
The README gives the detail on how to set it with Vagrant.

Accessing Clustered MSMQ with an application

We are switching from a non-clustered to a 2-node clustered MSMQ Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise environment. Previously, when it was non-clustered, we wrote a .NET 3.5 C# Windows Form application to help us manage our environment (so it does tasks such as create queues with the right permissions, read messages, forward messages, etc.). I would like to make this application work with our new cluster.
Per these articles,
I understand that I need to add the application as a resource on the cluster as when I don't, I am accessing the node's MSMQ instance. To help with my debugging, I have turned the local MSMQ services off. No matter what I do, however, the program keeps trying to access the node's instance. I added it as an application resource (with the command line of "Q:\QueueManagerConsole.exe". The Q:\ is the disk that is shared between the 2 nodes that is part of the failover cluster), but when I run it via Windows Explorer, it doesn't see the cluster instance, only the local. I have seen no way to execute a program from Failover Cluster Manager, so I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I switched the code to access everything via "." (so MessageQueue.GetPrivateQueuesByMachine(".")), which, per my meager understanding is how you access the local queue. Could someone explain, preferably acting as if I had no clue what I was doing, on a. if this IS possible and b. HOW to do this correctly?
Hi I did something similar a while ago. Try deploy a service in a failover cluster
, it wokerd for me to:
configure the app to use clustered msmq
configure app as clustered resource
configure the app to connect under host name
set the permission set rquired for transpot
At least this will give you a good starting point.
I finally got this working by creating a shortcut to the application and putting it on the server that was actually accessing the clustered queues.
Please try add to environment used by Your application following Environment variables:
with cluster server name as a value. It worked in the system which is being developed by my team - it contains a few services which had to access clustered MSMQ and it solved the problem.
