Why is it so difficult to program a true random number generator? [closed] - random

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Closed 10 years ago.
I don't understand why a PRNG is easier to program than a true RNG. Shouldn't a typical processor make short work of producing a truly random number?

Computers are deterministic machines, given the same input, code included, they will produce the same result. To get true randomness you need to introduce something random from the real world, like the time or cosmic rays or something else that you can't predict.


Robust image hashing algorithm implementation? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there any robust image hashing implementation in any programming language that I can use? This image hashing at minimum be able to generate the same hash for images that are altered in minor form (resized, rotated, minor touch, cropped etc ) .
The best example will be Tineye.com. They somehow hash each image and they are able to detect other duplicate images with minor modification.
I found some research but not implementation.

Pros. and Cons. of each SLAM Algorithm and Which is the best? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
At the present, there are a lot of SLAM algorithms out there, for example, a number of open-sources of SLAM in http://openslam.org/
What is the most famous one by now?
If I gonna choose one, What is the basic criterion I need to be considered for choosing one SLAM among the others?

Hash stable to small changes in text [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there a hash function that is stable to small changes in text? I'm looking for the opposite of a cryptographic hash, where small changes in the source lead to huge changes in the result.
Something like a perceptual hash for text. Is there such a thing?
Edited: by "small changes in text" I mean changes in punctuation, correction of ortographic / grammatical mistakes, etc. The text itself is an article, like a wikipedia entry (but it can be much smaller, like 2 or 3 paragraphs).
Bonus points if somebody can point to a Python implementation.
You're looking for locality sensitive hashing.

what makes a simple program to be a good program? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
The programming language or The programming logic.....
Because both are equally important for good coding practice. And, please justify your answer.
What makes a program to be a good program?
Being able to address the customer needs and make him happy.
Programming language, programming logic, code style etc. are nonessential to the success.
The programming language doesn't have squat to do with a good program, you can write ugly code in C++ and elegant code in LOLcode and if they perform the same function nobody will care. Most important is that the code is bug free and performs its function.

where is the best algorithm exercises like euler project? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need learn some algorithms. What is the best collection of algorithm exercises that is like Project Euler?
These are the ones that I know of, which are good and are used by many programmers.
Top Coder
Code Chef
Try Spoj, it lets you use a large variety of languages and run and compile them online.
