Updating Core Data from custom NSCell - macos

I have a custom NSCell (actually subclassing NSTextFieldCell), which is used both in a standalone editor, and in an NSTableColumn (bound to Core Data through NSArrayController). When the user changes the value, I call -[NSCell setObjectValue:] to update the value (it's an NSNumber). This works in the standalone editor, since when it's done I manually update the binding on it.
[self setObjectValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:newValue]];
That step (updating the bound field) is missing when the cell is in an NSTableView - the updated value shows up while the user's editing (with mouse tracking), but as soon as that's over, the value snaps back to the persisted value.
The NSTableColumn is bound to a key of -[NSArrayController arrangedObjects]. Is there some sort of call to "commitEditing" or "updateBinding" that I'm missing? I couldn't find any useful functions in the docs for NSCell or NSTableView.

To solve this, I implemented -tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row: in my NSArrayController subclass. I get the instance of my NSManagedObject subclass from the Row argument, and then manually assign the new model from the ObjectValue argument. I still don't know why this is necessary, when the text cells do this automatically, but it works.


NSOutlineView with manual Cocoa bindings

I have an NSOutlineView that is bound to a NSTreeController. The details are like this:
the treeController has class mode, and CommonListData as the Class Name, which has a "children" property
the treeController also has "content array" bound to File's Owner's "headersArray" (of type NSArray). The "headersArray" is an array of CommonListData items
the NSOutlineView has bindings for "Content" to the treeController's arrangedObjects
the view-based outlineView is designed in Interface Builder, with each cell view has lots of elements. Each element (labels, images etc) have 'value' bindings to the NSTableCellView with the relevant objectValue.xxx model key paths
The setup is fairly simple, and it all works fine in adding and deleting objects. But the problem is that it doesn't use any of the NSOutlineView / NSTableView animations when adding or removing items from the outline view. The table just reloads itself if I add or remove any element to the treeController, or directly to the headersArray's children objects. I'm not sure if that is a limitation with Cocoa Bindings or what.
In any case, I am consider whether I can disable all the bindings and do this manually. The only drawback is that the NSOutlineView cell views have complicated elements on them, and I don't want to have to map the view elements to the data in code. Ideally it should keep the bindings in the NSTableViewCell.
So my question is:
Is it possible to keep the bindings within Interface Builder in a NSTableCellView, but not bind the content to the treeController? Or is there an alternative to binding "arrangedObjects", such that adding and removing data from the NSTreeController doesn't trigger an update to the UI?
It would help to have some more control over the bindings, so that I can trigger the animations correctly, and not have it just jump around with every update.
I believe the bindings of the views within the cell view are independent of the bindings of the outline view's content. Whether the outline view uses bindings or not, it eventually sets the objectValue property of the cell view. So long as that's done in a KVO-compliant manner (which it is), any bindings to that property will work.

NSTableView & CoreData: Delete Object at clicked row

I am pretty new to Core Data and am currently working on a small (OSX) app that uses an NSTableView to organise objects. I would now like to delete a row/object with the click of a button on that targeted row.
I access the managed object within the table controller by calling [NSApp managedObjectContext] (still trying to figure out that dependency injection thing) but I can't easily delete an objectAtIndex: like I used to with the array (which has now been replaced by the core data stack, right?).
How do I identify the object to be deleted? And consequently, how can I cleanly remove it from the stack?
This is probably a really basic question but I couldn't find any resources on it. Bindings obviously don't work because the row does not get selected before the click occurs.
Any help is much appreciated!
Bindings would work, in that you could have the button's IBAction query the objectValue for the parent NSTableCellView. Once you have that objectValue, you could call the bound arrayController to delete the object, and then the cell/row would disappear.
So, if you have a tableCellView that has a delete button with an IBAction, within that IBAction, you could get the sender's superview, ensure it's an NSTableCellView, get the objectValue, and call [myArrayController removeObject:...]
As it says in the NSTableCellView class reference:
The objectValue is automatically set by the table when using bindings or is the object returned by the NSTableViewDataSource protocol method tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:.
This is actually a typical pattern with views in cocoa. objectValue or often representedObject are properties on the views that refer to the data model objects they represent, so if you have a view pointer from sender on the IBAction, you can get the related data model object. And if you're using bindings and a controller, you can then just have the controller remove that object.
With bindings, you will often create buttons that need IBActions attached, rather than some direct binding. But those IBActions can most definitely interact with the controller and not the view.
And with core data, array controllers are really slick vs. assuming you have to do it all programmatically.

Redraw custom NSTextField when bindings value changes?

I have a custom NSTextField sub-class with a custom drawRect: implementation.
The text field is part of a view inside a table cell. I programmatically bind the fontBold property of the text field.
The problem is that I have to recalculate a few things when the fontBold binding changes, but I can't figure out how to get notified when that happens.
I tried adding an observer, but that is not called. There does not seem to be a setFontBold:(BOOL) method that I could overwrite in NSTextField.
I think I figured it out:
There really is no fontBold property. I think what happens under the hood is that the binding is transformed by a value transformer into an NSFont object and what actually changes is the font attribute of NSTextField (I confirmed that setFont: is called when the fontBold binding changes). Phew, 4 hours of my life gone.

textShouldEndEditing does not get called in NSTableView

When a user adds a new managed object, it shows up in a table, which scrolls down to the new entry, and the name of the new object (a default value) goes into editing mode.
I need to check if the name of the new object is unique in the datastore, so I can't use a formatter for this. I think the perfect moment where I should validate this, is whenever the user tries to commit the entry's name value, using textShouldEndEditing:.
I subclassed NSTableView and overrid following methods, just to be able to check in the log if they get called.
- (BOOL)textShouldEndEditing:(NSText *)textObject {
NSLog(#"textSHOULDendEditing fired in MyTableView");
return [super textShouldEndEditing:textObject];
- (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textShouldEndEditing:(NSText *)fieldEditor {
NSLog(#"control:textShouldEndEditing fired in MyTableView");
return YES;
- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
NSLog(#"textDIDEndEditing fired in MyTableView");
textDidEndEditing: gets called fine, but textShouldEndEditing: does not.
In the NSTableView Class Reference, under Text Delegate Methods, both methods textShouldEndEditing: and textDidEndEditing: are listed. Someone please explain why one gets called and the other doesn't.
I think the NSTableView acts as the delegate for an NSTextField that gets instantiated as a black box delegate for the NSTextFieldCell. So what is referred to as delegate methods in the NSTableView Class Reference, actually implement the text manipulating methods for the NSTextField object.
I tried to declare the NSTextFieldCell as an outlet in my NSTableView. I also tried to declare several protocols in the NSTableView.
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface MyTableView : NSTableView <NSTextDelegate, NSTextFieldDelegate, NSControlTextEditingDelegate, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource> {
Don't laugh, I even tried to declare my table view as its own delegate :P
After banging my head one entire day on this issue without finding any conclusive answer in Apple documentation, I decided to share the solution I've found in case somebody else struggles with the same problem.
According to the documentation, as the original poster mentioned, the methods control:textShouldBeginEditing and control:textShouldEndEditing of NSControlTextEditingDelegate should be called directly on the delegate:
This message is sent by the control directly to its delegate object.
Furthermore, a Technical Q&A was issued by Apple with the title Detecting the start and end edit sessions of a cell in NSTableView where it's clearly stated the following:
A: How do I detect start and end edit sessions of a cell in NSTableView?
In order to detect when a user is about to start and end an edit session of a cell in NSTableView, you need to be set as the delegate of that table and implement the following NSControl delegate methods:
- (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textShouldBeginEditing:(NSText *)fieldEditor;
- (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textShouldEndEditing:(NSText *)fieldEditor;
The table forwards the delegate message it is getting from the text view on to your delegate object using the control:textShouldEndEditing: method. This way your delegate can be informed of which control the text view field editor is acting on its behalf.
I found nothing in Apple's documentation stating anything different and if someone does, a documentation pointer would really be appreciated.
In fact, this appears to be true if a cell-based NSTableView is being used. But as soon as you change the table to a view-based table, the delegate method is not called any longer on the table delegate object.
A Solution
However, some heuristic tests I performed showed that those delegate methods get called on a view-based table delegate if (and as far as I know: and only if):
The table delegate is set.
The delegate of the editable control is set.
If you remove either delegate, the methods of the NSControlTextEditingDelegate protocol will not be called.
What's unexpected according to the (only) documentation is setting the delegate of the editable control. On the other hand setting the delegate object to receive delegate notifications sounds rather intuitive to me, and that's why I tried in the first place. But there's a catch! The curious thing, though, is that that's not sufficient. If the table delegate is removed, the NSControlTextEditingDelegate methods will not be called even if the delegate of the editable control is set (which is the weirdest thing to me).
Hope this helps somebody else not to lose time on this issue.
in your question you mention the insertion of a "managed object" and that was the problem. It seems that you are using a view based table, but the textShouldEndEditing: method only gets called for cell based tables.
I overrid -(void)awakeFromInsert; in the (subclassed) managed object, to construct a unique default value for the name-property.
Also, I ended up not overriding the -(BOOL)textShouldEndEditing: method in the table view. Instead, I check if a newly entered name-property is unique in the (subclassed) managed object's -(BOOL)validate<Key>:error:.
Together, the above two strategies result in unique name-properties in all managed objects.
Maybe I could have forced the NSTextFieldCell to go into editing mode, resulting in -(BOOL)textShouldEndEditing: to get called every time.
Some remarks though:
It seems -(BOOL)textShouldEndEditing: returns NO when the -(BOOL)validate<Key>:error: returns NO.
Both -(BOOL)textShouldEndEditing: and -(BOOL)validate<Key>:error: methods are called only when the user actually makes changes to the property.

How to get NSTableCellView of view-based NSTableView?

I've just created my first view-based NSTableView in Interface Builder and I've correctly set up the data source and the bindings to update the views in the tableview. Each view has two labels and a NSProgressIndicator. Updating the progress indicator through the bindings and the data source works perfectly, but I'd like to change its state from determinate to indeterminate at some time. As my NSTableCellView subclass has access to the progress indicator, how can I get access to the cell view at a given row index? I've tried calling viewAtColumn:row:makeIfNecessary: on the tableview with both NO and YES for the makeIfNecessary argument, but neither seems to work.
Solution 1: In your NSTableCellView subclass add a property (IBOutlet) for your NSProgressIndicator control. Wire it in IB to set the property when the view is loaded. You can then access the progress control in your cell view subclass by using the property.
Solution 2: In IB give your NSProgressIndicator a unique integer tag. In your cell view subclass use [self viewWithTag:] to get the object.
I am not sure about the answer to your main question but you can bind the indeterminate state as well. In IB Is Indeterminate is listed in the Parameters section.
