NSTableView & CoreData: Delete Object at clicked row - macos

I am pretty new to Core Data and am currently working on a small (OSX) app that uses an NSTableView to organise objects. I would now like to delete a row/object with the click of a button on that targeted row.
I access the managed object within the table controller by calling [NSApp managedObjectContext] (still trying to figure out that dependency injection thing) but I can't easily delete an objectAtIndex: like I used to with the array (which has now been replaced by the core data stack, right?).
How do I identify the object to be deleted? And consequently, how can I cleanly remove it from the stack?
This is probably a really basic question but I couldn't find any resources on it. Bindings obviously don't work because the row does not get selected before the click occurs.
Any help is much appreciated!

Bindings would work, in that you could have the button's IBAction query the objectValue for the parent NSTableCellView. Once you have that objectValue, you could call the bound arrayController to delete the object, and then the cell/row would disappear.
So, if you have a tableCellView that has a delete button with an IBAction, within that IBAction, you could get the sender's superview, ensure it's an NSTableCellView, get the objectValue, and call [myArrayController removeObject:...]
As it says in the NSTableCellView class reference:
The objectValue is automatically set by the table when using bindings or is the object returned by the NSTableViewDataSource protocol method tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:.
This is actually a typical pattern with views in cocoa. objectValue or often representedObject are properties on the views that refer to the data model objects they represent, so if you have a view pointer from sender on the IBAction, you can get the related data model object. And if you're using bindings and a controller, you can then just have the controller remove that object.
With bindings, you will often create buttons that need IBActions attached, rather than some direct binding. But those IBActions can most definitely interact with the controller and not the view.
And with core data, array controllers are really slick vs. assuming you have to do it all programmatically.


Cocoa OS X Bindings and Non-trivial data model

This project is to create an editor tool in Cocoa & Swift for Mac OS X that will edit a non-trivial data structure. A pared down schema looks like this:
title : String
[ Room ]
roomKey : String
roomName : String
roomDescription : String
[ Object ]
[ Exit ]
objectDescription: String
destinationRoomKey : String
sourceRoomKey : String
The current implementation - the third go-around - has a single Document.xib file (the app is document based) and in that I'm hooking up a NSObjectController to the base game object loaded by the document, and an NSArrayController to the game objects array of rooms. There's an NSObjectController for the Room. I have not done the objects or exits yet.
The views are handled by a base root view controller, which swaps sub-views in and out as you go up and down the view hierarchy. On the view for the root game state, you click an "edit" button that slides in the table view for the list of rooms. Clicking a button in one of the room rows slides in a room detail view which has its own controller.
This is all working well enough. I have hooked up the object controller of the room so that it gets the selected room of the rooms array as its object, using Interface Builder bindings. I can do this because I have all the views, view controllers and data model controllers in the one XIB file.
However: now I am adding the game objects to this mix and the XIB file is getting very unwieldy. I really feel like I want to do this in separate XIB files, but when I tried that previously I was not able to hook up the controllers to each other. I tried manually writing code to load & save the data at the same time as the controllers had their view displayed and removed but this was flakey and error prone. So far the most elegant and robust result I have had is with this one XIB approach.
I looked at the programmatic API for binding but could not understand how to get it to work, or how to discover what the key path would look like. I suppose if it was possible to do the bindings programatically you could put the different parts in different XIB's and do the bindings at load time. But I could not find any examples of anyone doing that successfully and it seemed a road to madness.
At present I'm having no problems with Swift and its relations to Cocoa and Objective-C so if anyone has answers in Objective-C or Swift I'd be happy to hear them. I have not put Swift as a key word for this question as its not part of the problem.
I've seen the StackOverflow answer about hierarchical models, and its what I'm currently doing, so it doesn't help. The problem is that this approach gets unwieldy when there's several layers of master-detail.
I've also seen the StackOverflow answer about sharing controllers, and it was what I tried before and where I ran into the issue described there, that if you specify a controller object in a NIB it will get instantiated as an independent object. Hence why I have the huge-mega-NIB-of-death approach at present.
I could make the title of this question "cannot make programmatic bindings work" but I'm not sure that that is the right approach anyway.
Surely someone has done the job of making a non-trivial data model work with Cocoa before?
Your secondary NIBs should be view NIBs, their owners would be an instance of NSViewController or a custom subclass. That has a representedObject property. The NIB and its view controller class should be thought of as stand-alone, theoretically-reusable components. That is, in theory, that NIB could be used in multiple contexts to represent a particular kind of object. So, you should typically not want connections to other parts of your UI or their controllers, other than knowing what object this view is being loaded to represent.
Within the NIB, you can either bind to the File's Owner with a model key path that goes through representedObject or add an NSObjectController that binds to File's Owner's representedObject and then bind your views through that with controller key selection.
When you load such a secondary NIB, you would have to set its representedObject to the object it's supposed to represent, taken from the array controller's selection. This should be done in code, presumably the same code that decides it needs to load the NIB and does so.
If the design of your UI is such that a detail view needs to trigger a behavior that's best handled at a higher level — for example, a Room view needs to arrange for an Exit view be slid into the window, but not as a subview of its own view — the detail view controller should define a delegate protocol and implement a delegate property. For example, the Room view controller's delegate protocol might have a method -roomViewDidChangeSelectedExit:. The Room view controller would call that on its delegate, passing self. You would set some coordinating controller (perhaps the window controller) as the the detail view's delegate.
It's not clear to me if the "detail" views and the "master" views are visible simultaneously. That is, can the user change the object that the detail view is meant to show without backing up first? If so, there are a couple of approaches.
You could set up the bindings programmatically when the view is loaded. This would be the responsibility of the controller that loaded the detail view. It's not the responsibility of the detail view's controller. That doesn't have the higher-level perspective and knowledge to set up the binding. Anyway, you could do it like:
[detailViewController bind:#"representedObject" toObject:self.arrayController withKeyPath:#"selectedObjects.firstObject" options:#{ }];
Be sure to call -unbind: before the detail view controller is released.
The other way to do it is to simply observe the changed selection using a non-Bindings approach, and set the new representedObject in the code that gets triggered. For example, if your master view lets the user select an item in a table view, you would set up the table view's delegate (almost certainly already done) and implement -tableViewSelectionDidChange:. In that delegate method, query the newly-selected item and assign it to detailViewController.representedObject.

NSOutlineView with manual Cocoa bindings

I have an NSOutlineView that is bound to a NSTreeController. The details are like this:
the treeController has class mode, and CommonListData as the Class Name, which has a "children" property
the treeController also has "content array" bound to File's Owner's "headersArray" (of type NSArray). The "headersArray" is an array of CommonListData items
the NSOutlineView has bindings for "Content" to the treeController's arrangedObjects
the view-based outlineView is designed in Interface Builder, with each cell view has lots of elements. Each element (labels, images etc) have 'value' bindings to the NSTableCellView with the relevant objectValue.xxx model key paths
The setup is fairly simple, and it all works fine in adding and deleting objects. But the problem is that it doesn't use any of the NSOutlineView / NSTableView animations when adding or removing items from the outline view. The table just reloads itself if I add or remove any element to the treeController, or directly to the headersArray's children objects. I'm not sure if that is a limitation with Cocoa Bindings or what.
In any case, I am consider whether I can disable all the bindings and do this manually. The only drawback is that the NSOutlineView cell views have complicated elements on them, and I don't want to have to map the view elements to the data in code. Ideally it should keep the bindings in the NSTableViewCell.
So my question is:
Is it possible to keep the bindings within Interface Builder in a NSTableCellView, but not bind the content to the treeController? Or is there an alternative to binding "arrangedObjects", such that adding and removing data from the NSTreeController doesn't trigger an update to the UI?
It would help to have some more control over the bindings, so that I can trigger the animations correctly, and not have it just jump around with every update.
I believe the bindings of the views within the cell view are independent of the bindings of the outline view's content. Whether the outline view uses bindings or not, it eventually sets the objectValue property of the cell view. So long as that's done in a KVO-compliant manner (which it is), any bindings to that property will work.

NSArrayController returns null

I have an NSArrayController bound to CoreData in my application. It is also bound to a TableView that displays the data. Two buttons are bound to the ArrayController that add and remove lines. All of this is working as expected. I can add, edit, save, and remove CoreData Entries.
There is a section of my app that is to accept drag and drop operations from files (working). It takes the data from the files, looks for various information, and is to insert this information into the Core Data database via the NSArray Controller.
I have added the class handling the parsing/adding of the file to the database as an object in IB. I created an IBOutlet for the array controller in the class, and bound the controller to the class' referencing outlet.
If I add a button to the interface to directly call the method that adds a custom record to the database, everything works. If the method is called via the drag and drop operation, nothing works, even logging a simple [arrayController className] returns null (though returns NSArrayController as expected when the method is called from the button click).
The only difference I can see is that when accessed through the button click, the method is called directly, while the other way passes through my drag and drop class before loading the parsing class, but I'm completely stuck on how to remedy this situation. I'll be happy to provide code, just not sure which code you'll need.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
turns out I was connecting the IBOutlet to a class (a subclass of a view) object in IB instead of to the view itself handling the drops. Connecting these up made things work. Well, not work, I have other issues to iron out now, but the Array controller is now instantiated.
Moved from comment to answer: The array controller you are trying to add stuff is not instantiated. I assume you are not referring to your original NSArrayControllerinstance but maybe a new created one? Probably a problem of communication between your class instances.
Debugging this should be straightforward ... using the debugger. Set a few breakpoints (one at each action the button(s) call, and one at each point where your class instances are meant to talk to each other (your importer and your main controller)). Run, test, step through the code when the debugger breaks at each breakpoint.
My guess: An outlet is not hooked up (is nil) in IB or is not yet reconnected at runtime (see -awakeFromNib and make sure you're not trying to touch an outlet or action that hasn't been fully reconnected from the nib at runtime by the time you're trying to use it).
Something’s not hooked up right, BUT you don’t want to do it this way anyways. There’s no advantage to inserting via an NSArrayController. Just create new objects with NSEntityDescriptions:
+ (id)insertNewObjectForEntityForName:(NSString *)entityName inManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;
And you’re done. If your NSArrayController is hooked up correctly it’ll auto-fetch the new objects at the end of the event so the user will see them “immediately.”

Custom NSViewController representedObject doesn't update when view selection changes

I've got a custom NSViewController that's also an NSOutlineViewDataSource. I also have a window with an NSOutlineView bound to an instance of my view controller as the data source, and the NSOutlineView bound to the view: property of the custom view controller.
The controller fills the outline view fine. However, selections within the view don't automatically update the representedObject property of the controller. The only thing that seems to trigger a change in representedObject is when I call setRepresentedObject: directly... which sort of defeats the purpose.
Any idea why that might be? representedObject is supposed to update automatically, right? Thanks in advance...
If I understand your question, you are not understanding what representedObject is for. The representedObject is the model object that represents all the data that a view controller is displaying. It is not the current selection of a view showing a collection of content. The representedObject for your custom top level view controller would be an NSArray or other collection class which contains the set of data you are displaying in your view controller. Changing the representedObject for your custom top level view controller should have the effect of swapping out for an entirely new data set if the pattern is being used correctly.
Typically the view controllers for the individual elements in a tabular type view would each have their own representedObject and this object would not change. For example if you were using an NSCollectionView each element in the view is controlled by an NSCollectionViewItem which is a subclass of NSViewController. The representedObject for each NSCollectionViewItem tells it what data to present in its little view.
NSOutlineView and its superclass NSTableView are different in that their cells are often NSCells rather than full fledged NSViews unless you choose to use them this way in Mac OS X 10.7 or newer. Even in this case, you don't typically have an NSViewController subclass managing each cell. So the view controller representedObject pattern is not used at the level of the individual element that the user would select. If what you want is to track the NSOutlineView's selection, there are many NSTableView methods that let you do this.

How can I directly respond to NSTableView edits while still using NSArrayController?

In my Cocoa app, I have a sheet with a one-column NSTableView that lists a bunch of files in a directory (the app makes back-ups of it's main database, provides this list to users so they can revert to a particular back-up). The content is loaded into and provided to the table view by an NSArrayController, each object is just an NSFileWrapper (I'm considering using NSURL instead, but I digress). The NSArrayController handles sorting, enabling the buttons when a row is selected via bindings, that's all great. I have an NSWindowController subclass object (BackupsSheetController) that hooks all this up and exists in the sheet's nib.
However, when a user edits one of the cells, I want to respond to that change from BackupsSheetController by appropriately re-naming the file represented by that cell, putting it in its new location. Since the table view is bound to the NSArrayController, I don't get sent the NSTableViewDataSource message – tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row:. If I set my BackupsSheetController as the datasource for the NSTableView object in the nib, I get sent that message sometimes, but not very often, to say nothing of every time.
Most questions and examples I see out there for this scenario handle this all by using a custom model class for items in their table view, and make some controller object an observer for changing properties that they wish to respond to. In other words, each item would be something like a BackupNode object, and BackupsSheetController would observe each for changes to the name property (or whatever I would call it). That seems totally overkill for my scenario, but I also don't want to ditch the bindings I've already got in use and I don't see another way to do this. Is there another way to do this, to make sure I reliably get the setObject:... message? Or should I drop the NSArrayController and make BackupsSheetController the delegate and datasource for the table?
In the "BackupNode" scenario, I don't see why BackupsSheetController would observe each for changes in its name. That's a very roundabout way of doing things. I would think that the hypothetical BackupNode object would simply do the necessary work in its setter for the name property.
Anyway, I recommend using proper model objects. When you try to build a model with only Cocoa-provided objects like NSFileWrapper, NSURL, or NSMutableDictionary, you end up doing more work in the long run than if you just make a proper model object.
On a tangential topic, why is your window controller in the NIB? It should be the thing which loads (and owns) the NIB, which of course requires that it exist prior to the NIB being loaded, which means it can't be instantiated in the NIB.
