Clear ASP.NET MVC3 browser debug preview in Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

How can I clear the cache of the web browser in such a way that it will show me the updated page when I run a debug of a ASP.NET MVC3 application in Visual Studio 2010?
Is there some easy way to do it?
The problem is that I'm working on a project and every time I modify something in the CSS style the debug "preview" in the web browser window will not update. Even if I recompile, rebuild the solution and so on.

I normally press F5 (in the browser) to fully reload the page, and all referenced resources.
This works in any browser I know (IE, FF, Chrome, Opera).


How can I view web pages in a browser tab INSIDE Visual Studio 2010 with CHROME?

I'm not talking about launching an external browser with "browse with".
I want to pull up a random web page in a browser window INSIDE VS2010,
but use CHROME instead of IE to render the web page.
I'm just so completely done with IE. Thanks!
I'd consider a VS IDE add-on or add-in or extension or whatever they are calling it nowadays,
and I'll entertain building one with Chromium if there's enough demand,
but I dont' want to have to do that...

Visual Studio Express 2010 css file stops working after I edited while debugging

I am using Visual studio express 2010. I downloaded it about 2 weeks ago. I have been building Asp Net WEB Site (Razor.) I have a rather simple class in a css file being referenced from a helper file that is called from a content page.
All the styles in the css files were working as planned. While using the debugger, I changed the colore value of the css class to what is shown bellow. Visual studio does not seem to see the change. I have gotten out of the debugger and tried to change it again. When I enter debug again, The original (prior to the change made while debugging) styles are shown. All other changes in the css file are being ignored as well. I have tried to use alt F5 to enter the debug to clear browser.
This is the class that I changed in the debugger:
In the browser, try Control + F5. You can also set the browser to renew every single hit on the page (not a bad idea on a development machine).
Press Ctrl+F5 in the browser to force it to ignore its cache.

Default Browser- Visual Web Developer Express 2010

I am trying to debug a Windows Azure WebRole which is an MVC3 project, but I want it to launch in any browser of my choice.
The Windows Azure is set as the Startup Project and launches the MVC3 project WebRole.
I am using Visual Studio Web Developer Express 2010.
I have previously stabbed in the dark by setting the following properties as in the image below but to no avail:
I then decided to set the project to not independently launch a page as above.
Is there a way to setup a default browser with the above scenario AND without changing my Windows default browser?
I've gotten around this in the past by adding in an ASPX or HTML page to the project and then right clicking it and selecting Browse With. You can then change the default browser in there without having to change your default browser within windows.
I haven't tried this with the Express edition however, but I don't see why they wouldn't include it in there.
You can delete the file afterwards and it will still retain the setting.
How about this:
WoVS Default Browser Switcher
You right on the page shown in solution explorer and then browse with whatever browser you want to set and add it as default browser.

How to switch default browser for debug in visual studio 2008 / 2010?

Since system install the default browser was opera but suddenly become IE in both 2008 and 2010 versions. Default browser in my system is opera. How I can switch make Opera default for debug again?
In Visual Studio 2010 you can right click any aspx file in Solution Exlorer and you get an option of Browse With in the Context menu. Select Browse with and you get the list of browsers in the system. There you can select the default browser.
Add an otherwise unneeded HTML page to your app via right-clicking the project and selecting Add > HTML Page, then right-click that page and select "Browse With" For more detail, see Runscope API Tools' answer here: Set Google Chrome as the Debugging Browser in Visual Studio

How To Prevent Tab Hell With Visual Studio And FireFox Debugging?

How do I keep VS from opening a new tab in Firefox every time I hit F5 to debug a web application? I would really like it to re-use the same tab.
This may not work for you but, in a project's properties on the Web tab there is a setting described as "Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application." All the developers at my company have this set and then just use bookmarks to load our pages.
