Default Browser- Visual Web Developer Express 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to debug a Windows Azure WebRole which is an MVC3 project, but I want it to launch in any browser of my choice.
The Windows Azure is set as the Startup Project and launches the MVC3 project WebRole.
I am using Visual Studio Web Developer Express 2010.
I have previously stabbed in the dark by setting the following properties as in the image below but to no avail:
I then decided to set the project to not independently launch a page as above.
Is there a way to setup a default browser with the above scenario AND without changing my Windows default browser?

I've gotten around this in the past by adding in an ASPX or HTML page to the project and then right clicking it and selecting Browse With. You can then change the default browser in there without having to change your default browser within windows.
I haven't tried this with the Express edition however, but I don't see why they wouldn't include it in there.
You can delete the file afterwards and it will still retain the setting.

How about this:
WoVS Default Browser Switcher

You right on the page shown in solution explorer and then browse with whatever browser you want to set and add it as default browser.


How do I set something in Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web so that running it in debug mode opens home page?

Running Razor, MVC5, .Net 4.5.1. I have no idea what constitutes a "start page" in MVC within the visual studio development environment. How do I set it so that every time I run F5 my home page opens?
Setting a startup page for MVC5 when debugging
This can be done in the Project Properties.
Open Solution Explorer and find the relevant project.
Right-click on the project and choose Properties (or press Alt+Enter).
Navigate to Web -> Start Action.
By default an MVC application has the Specific Page radio button selected and the input box is blank. This means that the application will open a browser to the server with no page specified and MVC will use the default route of /Home/Index.
You can specifiy a different route. For example you could use Home/About (see image).
This would open

MS VS 2010 - Web one click publish toolbar is disabled when code file is viewed

I use VS 2010 and the deploy function and to get quick access to the functionality I showed Web One Click Publish toolbar. But the toolbar is only activated when I open Web.config files or when I open Properties of a web project. When I open C# code file that toolbar is disabled. I think the functionality should be enabled independently like for example functionality Build project.
Is it something wrong in my VS installation or configuration?
I've just found that it is disabled when code file being viewed (active) does not belong to Web project (but to other one instead that cannot be published).

How to set IE as default browser for mvc3 application

I have set IE as my default browser but when I run the ASP.Net MVC3 application it opens by default IN Mozilla Firefox. How can I set that when I run the MVC3 application so it opens in IE by default instead?
If you are running the application from within Visual Studio you can right-click an html/aspx file outside of the Views directory and select 'Browse With'. From here you can change the browser that your app will launch with when you run the app from within Visual Studio.
You can't set the default for only a single application. You set the defaults for protocols. In this case, you want to set the default for http. The easiest way is to go into IE, goto the options menu (gear) > Internet Options > Programs tab > Set IE as the default
Just encountered this question, and while the other answers helped to a point, I found myself without any aspx pages in my mvc app.
Changing the default browser through internet settings didn't work, so in the end, I added a web form manually, right-clicked in and selected 'Browse With' and then was able to set the default from there.
Apparently from Visual Studio 2012 and up, you can choose it in the toolbar:
As explained in Visual Studio 2010 keeps changing my default browser:
In earlier versions, you could use a Visual Studio extension called World of VS Default Browser Switcher , as a solid workaround to the problem.
I found this tool where you can view your application either in IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc. Check it here: How to view your MVC Application in different browsers

Visual Studio Express 2010 css file stops working after I edited while debugging

I am using Visual studio express 2010. I downloaded it about 2 weeks ago. I have been building Asp Net WEB Site (Razor.) I have a rather simple class in a css file being referenced from a helper file that is called from a content page.
All the styles in the css files were working as planned. While using the debugger, I changed the colore value of the css class to what is shown bellow. Visual studio does not seem to see the change. I have gotten out of the debugger and tried to change it again. When I enter debug again, The original (prior to the change made while debugging) styles are shown. All other changes in the css file are being ignored as well. I have tried to use alt F5 to enter the debug to clear browser.
This is the class that I changed in the debugger:
In the browser, try Control + F5. You can also set the browser to renew every single hit on the page (not a bad idea on a development machine).
Press Ctrl+F5 in the browser to force it to ignore its cache.

How to launch silverlight with IE in Visual Studio while Google Chrome stays default for usual browsing

I cannot debug silverlight with Google Chrome. I don't want to change default browser to IE for my normal internet browsing.
How to only ask to run IE when running a silverlight project in Visual Studio ?
In Visual Studio you can specify the browser to use when running a web project. Right click on the start webpage in your web project and click on the Browse With option.
In the dialog that appears click on Chrome and set it to default.
This will not change you default browser in Windows.
Right Click on ClientBin it is in your Projectweb.and change the default browser or remove the un wanted browser then click ok. Thats it.
ProjectWeb->Browse with->change the default browser->ok
Or, just install the IETab extension for Chrome, then set it to automatically run the Silverlight page in IE mode.
