How to add a contact by API? - windows-phone-7

Is there any class about the operation of the contact?
how to add a contact with API like the way in windows mobile?
SaveEmailAddressTask and SavePhoneNumberTask are not useful.

The only APIs that the framework provides (at the moment at least) are the two tasks that you have already identified. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if it stays that way, too, in order to prevent malicious applications from littering the user's contacts.


Add cart functionality to API or to Client?

I am creating an e-commerce API using the Django Rest Framework. The API will handle the following areas:
User Registration
There's still one area in which I'm not quite sure how to implement in my project. It's the cart functionality. Would it be better to implement it on the client-side (ex: React/Ember) or on the server-side (i.e. API)?
One scenario that confused me is if the user is logged in in different platforms (ex: Website and mobile app). I want the user to have the same cart on mulitple platforms.
In that particular use case, if you want cart persistence then it must be backend. The reason for this is one being able to have a single source of truth. The phone app and the web app cannot talk to each other unless they have some sort of "common ground" between them.
That's where the API comes in. It will allow both ends to speak to each other by having the API as the single source of truth. See my terrible diagram for a visual.

EventKit: Implement "share"-feature for EKCalendar (entityTypeReminder)

Is it possible to implement the "share"-feature for EKCalendar (entityTypeReminder) like it is present in the stock Reminders app? And if yes, how would that work?
Since the feature is present in various third party calendar-apps and Calendars and Reminder-Lists share the same EKCalendar-class, this has to be possible somehow, or not?
The current EventKit provides no API to do this, you would need to use/implement the respective server protocols. That is something like EWS for Exchange or CalDAV for most other servers.
In CalDAV, calendar sharing is an extension. Not all CalDAV servers support it, but iCloud, OSX server and Fruux do. You can find the documentation of the extension over here: Shared and Published Calendars in CalDAV.

Access to contacts on the phone

Is there a work-around to get the details of a contact in the Phone's contacts?
With the api you can only access the email and phonenumber but that is definitely not enough.
Currently, access to additional contact information is not available.
This was a deliberate design decision to protect the security of a persons contacct information and to prevent applications getting access to this data without the users knowledge.
It has, however, been hinted that additional contact details will be available in future versions of the platform.
If you really need more details about a contact you will have to wait until the API is extended in this area.
To be honest, if it doesn't improve - all the way to full (at least readonly) access to all contact details it is discouraging and stifling a great deal of good apps that should be made...
Many app developers would reject it for this reason alone...

Can the opensocial API remotely search for users in orkut etc.?

Does anyone know if (and how) I can build an application (Java/Ruby/whatever) doing REST or RPC calls to a social network like Orkut (using opensocial) to search for a user by name or email address? So far I know that I can list all friends for a particular user ID, but I want to search among all users. Would I need to code it as an app/gadget running inside the google sandbox or is there a way to get a list of matching user ID via REST?
So far I got this one to work: But with this API and the gadget linked there I only get people that are already linked to me...
Thanks for answers,
No, you can't do that. At least, OpenSocial doesn't have spec like that.
In addition, SNS normally have privacy policy which disables developers to poke around users who hasn't installed your app.
Think OpenSocial API access to private information is quite limited.

can Yahoo and Hotmail contacts api be used without leaving the site?

I might be missing something but I'm trying to implement a contacts retrieval mechanism akin to the one that is offered by Google for Yahoo and Hotmail. Both APIs seem to require the user to actually go to their sites to log in. The documentation is really convoluted for both. I was hoping someone has done this and can point me to a simple way (if there is one) to allow the user to log in directly in my app and then for me to go and fetch their contacts for them (preferably in XML, but JSON would also do nicely).
I currently have a Perl script that goes and gets the gmail stuff and works very nicely. I was (maybe wildly optimistically) hoping that Yahoo and Microsoft would have similarly useful mechanisms.
Check out Open Inviter: It has Yahoo, Hotmail, and many more :)
Seems domain is no more. There are few other providers available in market out of which I liked, give it a try.
