How to use auto generated code in Maven project - maven

We've a requirement where we need to auto generate the code and use it in another project.
I'm using following code for autogenerating the code. But doing a "maven package" only generates sources and it doesn't give any errors in the log. Any help would be much appreciated.

First i would suggest to generate the code in a different phase like generate-sources and next you have to tell the compiler plugin to compile that generated code as well. Take a look at the build-help-plugin for this purpose.


How to continue and not fail build on error in Exec Maven Plugin execution?

How can the maven build be made to continue despite an error in one of the execution added by the Maven exec plugin?
Example solution using success code:
You can use successCodes and list the error codes what you want to treat as success.
This was created for non-compliant application according to the docs docs but it is useful for such scenario.
I don't know any wildcard solution so you have to explicitly state the list of error codes for the successCodes.

Maven execute a goal on build fail / FindBugs

I have integrated FindBugs plugin to fail the build in case of bugs.
Then using that brilliant answer I configured FindBugs to generate html reports (xml version is barely readable).
The problem is that I have failOnError property set to true, which means that the build would fail in case of bug.
And then no html report would be generated.
I read about Maven build lifecycle and there is no such thing as "Execute on fail" (like finally block in Java). So, are there any possible workarounds?
And shouldn't it be out-of the box Maven feature?
Special thanks to #SpaceTrucker for workaround suggestion.
Here is the configuration I ended up with:
The solution is to use different configurations in verify and install phases.
Note, that according to that answer transformation (to html) is executed in verifyphase.
Issue was submitted for html report generation.
Results are also can be seen by simply run mvn findbugs:gui

io.spring.guides run the task to generate the domain classes based on the WSDL

I am following this guide and trying to understand the following note:
All of these chunks of code, the io.spring.guides classes will report
compile-time errors in your IDE unless you have run the task to
generate the domain classes based on the WSDL.
I want my xsd schema turn into POJO classes. Which task should I run to make it happen?
I added
and executed mvn clean install

How to resolve dependency between files generated by maven plugin at compile time?

Ok, let me try to put my problem across as less confusing as I can.
I have a standard maven project with a few Maven plugins -
1) maven-antrun-plugin
2) Custom maven plugin, say, my-maven-plugin
3) jaxws-maven-plugin
Now here's the complicated part.
The 1st plugin generates a few .java files which I'm currently placing in "${}/java"
The 2nd plugin generates another set of .java files all of which I'm placing again under "${}/java". However, they're placed under different package structures.
Both of these plugins run during the "generate-sources" phase.
Now my 3rd plugin, jaxws-maven-plugin, tries to use the class files for the files generated by 1st and 2nd plugins, as the SEI to generate WSDLs. But the class files won't be created by maven at that point during the compilation and the plugin errors out with a "Class Not found" message.
So how do I go about trying to resolve this? Also, since I error out during the "generate-sources" phase, I don't see the .class files for any of the other source files from my project in the target/classes directory.
And oh, here's another twist. Some of my source files import these compile time generated source files in the code (You have no idea how badly I'm searching for this developer right now!!)
I have tried to describe my problem in the best possible way so please feel free to ask any other details or clarifications.
Run manually build-helper-maven-plugin and maven-compile-plugin before jaxws-maven-plugin:
<source>some directory</source>
I haven't tested it but I think it should work.

Maven: Extract dependency resources before test

I have a multimodule Maven project. One subproject hosts XSL/XML resource files. The other project hosts Java code that needs to use these files in its unit tests.
In the dependency's jar, the resources lie in the folder xml-resources.
I found this example and tried to change it for my needs:
This doesn't do anything when I run the process-test-resources phase. Am am sure that there are some errors in there - I do not see where I can specify the dependency the resources should be taken from, and <classifier> does not seem to actually specify the source where the resources should be copied from.
I'm lost here, can somebody tell me how to do this right?
Try something like this
<includes>foobar.txt, loremipsum.xml</includes>
Have a look at the unpack-dependencies parameters for detailed explanation or further information.
