Package Manager Console can't find packages - visual-studio

I'm trying to
Install-Package NHibernate
but I'm getting "Package ... could not be found". If I open the PCM-options, the list of available sources is filled, but the green OK-symbol isn't there.
Can I use an alternative source different to the MS-Links-ID 206669 which is the default source in VS?

I had a similar problem last night. The two LinkID values I had were:
206669 and 19913
Meaning that the URL I pass into the Settings dialog were:
The 19913 did not yield anything in the list of packages available. I think this number came when I installed the package a few weeks (months?) ago and gave up the first time.
The 206669 seemed to work. I could see the expected packages, but I could only install some packages, not all. For example, I could get Castle, but not Log4net. I could get AutoMapper, but not RestSharp. The ones that failed simply said "operation timeout".
I'm glad that I'm not the only one to see these issues - I did not see anything about this in the FAQs or documentation.
It seems that the LinkID and that URL are a weakness in the framework. I would like to see more discussion about that these values mean, and why there seem to be now at least 3 different values to use. How about a more clear link like
And how about a message showing more clearly why an operation times out on one package but not another.
NuGet has great promise, and many people swear by it. I want to get on board, but hiccups like this can really stop people from adopting it.


startup MAUI app loads packed with errors

I'm trying to start a dotnet MAUI app following the tutorial of MS in their official docs
I'm just opening the startup MAUI project(the built-in default one) and VS22 just won't have it. I get 40+ errors most of them about reference missing and duplication of classes/functions
glimps from the errors I get
now I have already seen a post here having somewhat of the same problem but the solutions(restarting and downloading workloads from the CLI using - dotnet workload intall) just didn't work for me.
I haven't done any changes to the code whatsoever so I really don't get what is the problem here.
any help would be appreciated.
Edit 1:
The app do seems to be working when I run the android simulator… which makes it even weirder
This is a bug in the tooling at the moment it seems. If you look at the errors, especially the ones in your screenshot you can see that these talk about Android. If you expand the Project column for a little you will see the list of target platforms that it's talking about.
Because everything is in 1 project now, it gives errors about platform-specific stuff because it is only looking at that one target that it's building. In this case, maybe you were building iOS and it gives errors about not being able to find Android types. This makes sense, however, we shouldn't see these errors in this case.
It's a bit hard to explain like this, I hope it makes any sense.
Long story short, it's a bug, it's being worked on. And you should be able to ignore them and it would still run as you've already discovered yourself. It gives a lot of noise however and if there is an actual error, you will have to find that in this list and fix that.

What to do about "The Components object is deprecated. It will soon be removed." in dev tools Console

For almost every page I open in Firefox, I see this error in the Console of the developer tool bar:
(!) The Components object is deprecated. It will soon be removed.
The source is the html page. It happens with pages I create, but also on many common websites.
I found this documentation on Components object on MDN web docs, but that does not clarify a lot. Note that even that page shows this message(!)
It looks like a warning, but according to the Console filter, it is an error.
My main questions are:
Is this something for me, as a developer of the page reporting this, to solve?
If so, how do I go about that?
I am not aware of any problems as a result of this. For now, that is.
I have seen this for over a year, maybe longer. I mostly ignore this, but every now and then it starts nagging me again. I don't want my code to break suddenly and would like to get rid of this message obscuring other messages.
This is not for the developer of the page to solve.
While biking back home, a possible cause popped up in my mind: could one of the add-ons I use cause this and yes, that appears to be the case.
I restarted with disabled add-ons and the message was gone.
Then I enabled them one at a time and the culprit is
Selenium IDE.
A bug report on this issue was closed with Won't fix, with the message:
This error will resolve itself when we move to a native app later this year.
In a MozillaZine topic of 2012, it is explained how it could have been solved.
The first one is just a warning that the addon is using "Components"
directly, which won't necessarily always be possible when using the
Add-on SDK. (The preferred way to do it is to access the aliases for
Components.classes and Components.interfaces and such that the SDK
provides by requiring the "chrome" module.) It shouldn't be a problem
right now, but might become one in the future.
it happened for me after installing Selenium plugin in my FireFox.

Assist with: Interface Builder was unable to determine the type of "FileName.xib"

I'm working on source code for an IPA another developer is building for me. Hadn't made any adjustments as of yet because, knowing how temperamental the environment can be, wanted to do a test build first of the freshly unpacked project. I'm getting two errors right off the bat, saying:
Interface Builder was unable to determine the type of "FileName.xib"
("FileName" is a placeholder for the two files represented. Error message is the same for both.)
I've done some research and found this could be an XCode version issue between the developer and myself, but the developer won't be available to ask until next week, and I've got some critical testing to do this weekend. Need to get this one resolved as soon as possible.
Any advice would be helpful.

What do I need to know to create Xcode project templates?

I know some of the tutorials for creating Xcode project templates, for example this one here:
This is the best one I could find. All others basically repeat the same info, or are no longer up to date, or worse tell me that even they don't know what they're doing. Possibly useful tools that are linked to here and in other places are no longer available.
I keep running into roadblocks, and would like to gather as much information as possible on the process of creating Xcode project templates. Info that is most importantly up to date (at least it must be relevant for Xcode 3 or higher).
For example, what I'd like to see is:
a description of the
TemplateChooser.plist and similar
plist files and what these options do
(in my case, once I add a
TemplateChooser.plist, my project
disappears from the Xcode project
template list)
how to create a project template that references another .xcodeproj (when I do that, the other .xcodeproj appears in the project template list even though it doesn't use the special naming convention)
processes that can be applied, for example is it possible to run a script during the creating of a project from a template? This would be useful to unzip certain files into the newly created project.
If you have the answer or suggestions to any of the issues above, I'd appreciate that. Otherwise any link to good Xcode project template resources would be highly recommended. Especially if there is an official documentation from Apple - I haven't found one yet which seems to imply that project templates are undocumented.
Have you seen these:
If you say you have searched, I'm pretty sure you've already seen the links but these are the best resources I could find with my 'googlabilities'
You might try contact this guy - he has some related messages around the web
The links suggested by FX are also not bad at all!
There is indeed little XCode template info out there. What I have found of interest are the following links (I documented myself on the topic, but haven't yet gone any further):
a Google Code search reveals a few examples, but not much
in particular, I found interesting to look at the code provided by Three20; they have some basic examples, like here
referencing another project worked for me, so maybe you could open a specific question about that giving more details?
there is information scattered on the Apple mailing-lists
there is no official documentation from Apple, as is evidenced by the lack of results to this query
I'm sorry if this is not a Enlighting, concise answer. As you said, it's not well documented, and sources are all over the place. I just hope I could highlight some places to find information that your own searches might not have reached :)
I don't have a Mac anymore, so this is as much as I can give you without testing this myself. As far as I can tell, Xcode templates are undocumented by Apple.
This guy has some guides for messing with Xcode templates but the info is pretty sparse. My suggestion for working with templateChooser.plist is to try to only edit that file in the interface builder.
This guide is a good example of how to add a reference to another .xcodeproj. For the reason you were having trouble adding a reference to your project we probably need more information.
If you scroll way down in this doc you can that each template already includes a script called This script will show up in the scripts menu for projects built with that template. That isn't quite as convenient as running scripts automatically, but it's better than nothing.
In conclusion, Xcode template documentation is a nightmare. It looks like there are a lot of powerful features there, but they are obscured because of lack of user friendlyness and because documentation lags far behind Apples updates of Xcode. It just doesn't seem to be a priority for them. I hope this helps.
And yet another video link

ICE32 Error from MSM

I have 4 MSM's that are needed for one of my products and they are all producing ICE32 errors when included. This would normally not bother me cause they are external errors and I still get my MSI and it works perfectly. The problem arrises though, that I can not request help from Microsoft with ANY issues that arise from this particular setup project if there are ICE errors (like good ole 32). Interesting side note is that the MSM's causing the errors are Microsoft modules.
Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of these errors short of editing the MSM files directly?
I have tried using EnsureTable element to no avail, and it is only these four MSM's that are used so I can't even try placing another merge module before them.
Turns out I was just ensuring the wrong tables. In total I had to ensure the Class, PublishComponent, Condition, TypeLib, and Extension tables in order to take care of the errors given to me by the VC_User MSM's from Microsoft. Hope this can help someone else find the problem a little more quickly.
