What to do about "The Components object is deprecated. It will soon be removed." in dev tools Console - firefox

For almost every page I open in Firefox, I see this error in the Console of the developer tool bar:
(!) The Components object is deprecated. It will soon be removed.
The source is the html page. It happens with pages I create, but also on many common websites.
I found this documentation on Components object on MDN web docs, but that does not clarify a lot. Note that even that page shows this message(!)
It looks like a warning, but according to the Console filter, it is an error.
My main questions are:
Is this something for me, as a developer of the page reporting this, to solve?
If so, how do I go about that?
I am not aware of any problems as a result of this. For now, that is.
I have seen this for over a year, maybe longer. I mostly ignore this, but every now and then it starts nagging me again. I don't want my code to break suddenly and would like to get rid of this message obscuring other messages.

This is not for the developer of the page to solve.
While biking back home, a possible cause popped up in my mind: could one of the add-ons I use cause this and yes, that appears to be the case.
I restarted with disabled add-ons and the message was gone.
Then I enabled them one at a time and the culprit is
Selenium IDE.
A bug report on this issue was closed with Won't fix, with the message:
This error will resolve itself when we move to a native app later this year.
In a MozillaZine topic of 2012, it is explained how it could have been solved.
The first one is just a warning that the addon is using "Components"
directly, which won't necessarily always be possible when using the
Add-on SDK. (The preferred way to do it is to access the aliases for
Components.classes and Components.interfaces and such that the SDK
provides by requiring the "chrome" module.) It shouldn't be a problem
right now, but might become one in the future.

it happened for me after installing Selenium plugin in my FireFox.


startup MAUI app loads packed with errors

I'm trying to start a dotnet MAUI app following the tutorial of MS in their official docs
I'm just opening the startup MAUI project(the built-in default one) and VS22 just won't have it. I get 40+ errors most of them about reference missing and duplication of classes/functions
glimps from the errors I get
now I have already seen a post here having somewhat of the same problem but the solutions(restarting and downloading workloads from the CLI using - dotnet workload intall) just didn't work for me.
I haven't done any changes to the code whatsoever so I really don't get what is the problem here.
any help would be appreciated.
Edit 1:
The app do seems to be working when I run the android simulator… which makes it even weirder
This is a bug in the tooling at the moment it seems. If you look at the errors, especially the ones in your screenshot you can see that these talk about Android. If you expand the Project column for a little you will see the list of target platforms that it's talking about.
Because everything is in 1 project now, it gives errors about platform-specific stuff because it is only looking at that one target that it's building. In this case, maybe you were building iOS and it gives errors about not being able to find Android types. This makes sense, however, we shouldn't see these errors in this case.
It's a bit hard to explain like this, I hope it makes any sense.
Long story short, it's a bug, it's being worked on. And you should be able to ignore them and it would still run as you've already discovered yourself. It gives a lot of noise however and if there is an actual error, you will have to find that in this list and fix that.

Firefox can't load temporary addon: Error: Can't find profile directory

I'm starting to work on a small firefox plugin, it's a basic js script, no problem on this side.
I've made a few successfull tests, and had a a few satisfying results. But starting yesterday, i'm unable to laod any temporary addons in firefox.
Everytime i try to start one (even a simple console.log("hello world")), i get the error message in the console:
Error: Can't find profile directory. XULStore.jsm:66:15
It work perfectly 2 days ago, the problem appeared yesterday, and, as far as i know, i didn't made any firefox upgrade.
I've made a few reseach, a found two usefull links, one on discourse.mozilla of someone that has the exact same problem ... but no answer, and another one on bugzilla saying this bug won't be fixed because it should last long ... https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1548017
I'm askign here because i can't find any solution to my problem, and right now, it's been 24h since i'm stuck in my development progress. I'm open to any suggestion that might work.
I've checked my profiles directory and files, they're existing and ok... and that's basically everything. I'm not familiiar with the tools available for firefox so, i might have forgotten to check basic things that might help.
P.S: i'm not using selenium at any time (i've seen a few requests here about a similar issue with selenium, but i'm writing vanilla JS here, so, i think it's not the same issue)

FirefoxOS device manifest

I'm trying to port FirefoxOS on Motorola G but I don't understand how to write device manifest. What should be specified in the manifest? Where do I start? Mozilla's official documentation isn't that helpful actually.
The manifest is tricky but like a bike - one you get the hang of it then it becomes second-nature.
Here are the links I used to understand the manifest:
The main point that helped me was to understand that only two fields are required: name, and description. This make other options specific to your needs, so I stripped all other members out to start: "locales" and "developer".
The primary config that I needed to get right was:
launch_path - I got it to work through trial-and-error, but then moved the app within my architecture and was surprised when the app went 404! I shouldn't have been surprised because... the path was incorrect. After updating the path the app installed correctly.
For example:
Final bit of advice on Manifest. The best way to understand it is to get a test app working from the mdn-app-template! This way you can see how it works and test it's capabilities. I strongly recommend this as a first step. https://github.com/chrisdavidmills/mdn-app-template
Other suggestions:
- It took a while to get the workflow down. It is possible to just click a 'refresh' link in the App Manager. Which is a rather immediate workflow.
- Uninstalling in Android was weird. The app is actually saved within Firefox. So you have to go to about:apps to uninstall. Here is the link: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Developing/Apps_for_Android
Hope it helps.

Add-on support after update

In a previous project I wrote a Firefox extensions - nothing too complex - that used xmpp4moz, an add-on for Firefox that integrates the xmpp/Jabber protocol. At that time Firefox 3.6 most the most recent one and everything worked quite well. Now with Firefox 5 xmpp4moz does produces errors, starting with
Error: Component.classes['#something/something/...'] is undefined
and naturally resulting in further 'undefined' errors. In some sense this is ok, since xmpp4moz is officially not available for Firefox 5. And given that the last update was in 2009 I don't really expect a updated version. Currently I see the following two options:
Looking for alternatives/workarounds/...; so far I haven't found anything. Any ideas?
Trying to update/modify xmpp4moz myself to make it running in Firefox 5
The thing is that at the moment I cannot really assess the required efforts.
Summing up, I'm stuck :)
The sameplace download at http://www.sameplace.cc/ appears to include a slightly newer version of xmpp4moz (I didn't really check whether install.rdf is the only difference from the source code repository however). Still, it is only compatible with Firefox 3.6. From the look of it, there are no big issues, main problem is that the XPCOM components aren't being registered. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM/XPCOM_changes_in_Gecko_2.0 for information on the relevant changes, usually updating the components and chrome.manifest is easy.

How to debug a program that doesn’t throw any error

I’m having trouble to find a bug in my application.
The problem is random and don’t throw any error. The web site just keeps loading and loading and eventually gets a timeout.
Is a web application using MVC 3 in VS 2010 Pro.
Some time ago, I see a friend to write something in the url, and gets all the trace of the program…
Sadly, I don’t remember what the command was.
Anyone has an idea of what command is it?
Any suggestion on what to use to debug?
I finally found the command... is trace.axd
But Its behave the same way... sometimes load without problems and show me all the trace info... and sometimes.. it keep loading and loading...
Maybe something related with IIS?
Turn on break on every thrown exception, run your application in debug mode and wait. If it executes too long then pause application and check where you are or wait for exception that is handled somewhere.
Your friend may have had something like the following built into his application, to dynamically set tracing on.
Trace.IsEnabled = Request.QueryString["trace"] != null ? true : false;
This provides info only if the page is fully loaded. It's probably best if you use the VS debugger to step through code.
If all you loops look ok, investigate code that could result in circular references or deadlocks. These can be difficult to spot sometimes, look for functions or constructors that require results from a calling class. So code that needs the result from a function which in turn need results from the first.
Well, this sounds like you have an infinite loop somewhere.
Look at the code that runs when you visit the URL that gives you trouble. See if there is any loops in there (for/while). If yes, see why if they never exit. You can do this by putting a breakpoint inside the loop and examining its behavior over the iterations.
in MVC the bugs you do not see are most of time (especially in Razor and Ajax work) view compile errors. Sometimes syntax bugs on views just does not show that view and do not stop working.
Try that:
put a breakpoint in view.
If program stops in there it means this view is working. Othervise there is a syntax error in this view.
Another way to see some bug information more than in visual studio is use browser tools.
I use google Chrome. Just open developer tools in it. Open network. And do your request. It will list the requests and responses. Click the response and see the information. After style (it is written Verdana etc) read exception details. Sometimes there is more information :)
I am using MVC 3 in Razor from start. So this is a small bug in asp.net mvc.
