Allow access to Amazon AWS console using IAM - amazon-ec2

Is it possible to setup separate accounts using Amazon's IAM service what would allow two different users to access the Amazon web dashboard/console? I'd like a separate account that can access these pages but I'd prefer not to have to give away the keys to the kingdom to do so.
If so can IAM policies be specified to allow restrict what the user can do with the console?

I've written a short howto on adding an ec2 user, it is similar for most policies.
Basically, replace ec2user with whatever you want the user name to be.


How do I check that a Google Cloud service account has a particular permission programmatically?

I'm making an integration with a user-supplied GCS bucket. The user will give me a service account, and I want to verify that service account has object write permissions enabled to the bucket. I am failing to find documentation on a good way to do this. I expected there to be an easy way to check this in the GCS client library, but it doesn't seem as simple as myBucket.CanWrite(). What's the right way to do this? Do I need to have the bucket involved, or is there a way, given a service account json file, to just check that storage.objects.create exists on it?
IAM permissions can be granted at org, folder, project and resource (e.g. GCS Bucket) level. You will need to be careful that you check correctly.
For permissions granted explicitly to the bucket:
Use APIs Explorer to find Cloud Storage service
Use Cloud Storage API reference to find the method
Use BucketAccessControls:get to retrieve a member's (e.g. a Service Account's) permission (if any).
APIs Explorer used (sometimes) has code examples but, knowing the method, you can find the Go SDK.
The documentation includes a summary for ACLs using the List method, but I think you'll want to use Get (or equivalent).
NOTE I've not done this.
There doesn't appear to be a specific match to the underlying API's Get in the Go library.
From a Client, you can use Bucket method with a Bucket name to get a BucketHandle and then use the ACL method to retrieve the bucket's ACL (which should include the Service Account's email address and role, if any).
Or you can use the IAM method to get the bucket's IAM library's (!) Handle and then use the Policy method to get the resource's IAM Policy which will include the Service Account's email address and IAM role (if any).
Because of DazWilkin answer, you can check the permission at different level and it can be difficult to clearly know if an account as a permission.
For that, Google Cloud released a service: IAM troubleshooter. It's part of Policy Intelligence suite that help your to understand, analyse and troubleshoot the IAM permissions.
You have the API to call in the documentation.

AWS Federated User Mapping

I am trying to identify which active directory users are able to federate to AWS IAM roles. Where is the mapping from Windows Active Directory to IAM Roles stored? Is this stored within IAM or a file outside of AWS?
I have identified the AWS roles which are federated to but can't identify which active directory users are able to log in using those roles.
There is no way to get this information from AWS. This mapping is done in your SAML solution. It is common to map AWS role with AD group, if you know the group you can see who is member, these members are the ones with access to this role.

How do I make EC2 instances under the AWS account root user visible to IAM users?

I have a small group of people using AWS services.
When we first started, I mistakenly created EC2 instances under the root account, instead of creating them as an individual IAM user.
Now none of the IAM users can see those EC2 instances in the EC2 management portion of the AWS web console. The only way to see them is to log in as the AWS root account user.
Is there any way to make these EC2 instances visible to the IAM users?
AWS has documentation describing how to make instances visible to other accounts, but the same instructions don't seem to apply to this scenario.
The default policy for a IAM user is deny all services on AWS. So you have to provide appropriate permission for the IAM user. Generate policy using this website or assign AWS managed policies to the user.
You can get the information about attaching a policy to an IAM user on the document
You can create a read-only group for EC2 instances by following these steps:
Create a new group which will have all read-only users for EC2
Select and attach the predefined policy AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess from the list when creating the new group
Put all the IAM users to this newly created group

Provision AWS Account Programmatically?

I am trying to see if anyone knows if it is possible to provision an AWS account straight from code? I have looked at the SDK and API reference but I am not seeing anything. It would be something similar to the way provisions a new account for a user for training purposes.
Creating a new AWS acount requires voice verification. AWS actually calls you to confirm. What you can do is create AWS IAM users and allocate very specific permissions within your Amazon VPC for these users. For example you can say users in group "A" can only launch AMIs tagged as "development" and only in a specific subnet. You can be somewhat granular in the permissions you allocate to IAM users/groups. Here is a list of actions you can specify for EC2 resources:
Here is some general guidance on setting up control within your VPC:
The examples there can potentially serve as a good starting point for what you are trying to accomplish.

What are the possible capabilities of IAM in AWS?

One of my clients wants to understand IAM feature before migrating business application to Amazon cloud.
I have figured out two use cases which we can recommend to our client, these are:
Resource-Level Permissions for EC2
• Allow users to act on a limited set of resources within a larger, multi-user EC2 environment.
• Control which users can terminate which instances.
• Restricting a user access to a single EC2 instance ( currently not supported by amazon API’s)
IAM Roles for Amazon ec2 resources
Command Line Usage
• Unix/Linux/Windows - Use the AWS Command Line Interface, which is a unified tool to manage the AWS services. We can access the Command Line Interface using the EC2 instance launched with IAM role support without specifying the credentials explicitly.
Programmatic Usage
• Use the appropriate AWS SDK for your language of choice. Configure it without specifying the credentials.
I would like to know other capabilities of IAM which we can recommend to our client and other use cases which you can recommend to us. Please let us know if any further explanation is required.
Any prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
This is a very useful feature of AWS !
User Management - If you are a large team, you will have to give different users (or developers/testing, deployment) different type of permissions. Access levels like (say S3 read-only, DynamoDB full-access etc).
Manage Users :
Not to keep credentials in code. Is you use IAM roles, you can mention that say an EC2 should work on this role. This will help you achieve things like "cluster with only access to S3, not DB")
IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud :
Handle Release staging. This is a benefit from the ROLE. You move apps from dev, qa, staging and prod. I usually keep different accounts for this. In this case, if you configure the EC2 to run on roles, then the stage difference can be handled witout code change. Just move the build from one account to another, and it works with no risk!
Lot of other benefits;
Product Details :
