How do I check that a Google Cloud service account has a particular permission programmatically? - go

I'm making an integration with a user-supplied GCS bucket. The user will give me a service account, and I want to verify that service account has object write permissions enabled to the bucket. I am failing to find documentation on a good way to do this. I expected there to be an easy way to check this in the GCS client library, but it doesn't seem as simple as myBucket.CanWrite(). What's the right way to do this? Do I need to have the bucket involved, or is there a way, given a service account json file, to just check that storage.objects.create exists on it?

IAM permissions can be granted at org, folder, project and resource (e.g. GCS Bucket) level. You will need to be careful that you check correctly.
For permissions granted explicitly to the bucket:
Use APIs Explorer to find Cloud Storage service
Use Cloud Storage API reference to find the method
Use BucketAccessControls:get to retrieve a member's (e.g. a Service Account's) permission (if any).
APIs Explorer used (sometimes) has code examples but, knowing the method, you can find the Go SDK.
The documentation includes a summary for ACLs using the List method, but I think you'll want to use Get (or equivalent).
NOTE I've not done this.
There doesn't appear to be a specific match to the underlying API's Get in the Go library.
From a Client, you can use Bucket method with a Bucket name to get a BucketHandle and then use the ACL method to retrieve the bucket's ACL (which should include the Service Account's email address and role, if any).
Or you can use the IAM method to get the bucket's IAM library's (!) Handle and then use the Policy method to get the resource's IAM Policy which will include the Service Account's email address and IAM role (if any).

Because of DazWilkin answer, you can check the permission at different level and it can be difficult to clearly know if an account as a permission.
For that, Google Cloud released a service: IAM troubleshooter. It's part of Policy Intelligence suite that help your to understand, analyse and troubleshoot the IAM permissions.
You have the API to call in the documentation.


Google Cloud Storage - Handle rotating keys from outside the environment

Need a help on how do I handle rotating keys on google cloud storage thats managed by one google account but being accessed by an app thats running on another google cloud account. I tried searching for solutions but couldn't find an answer
With IAM service you can grant permission at project level, and, for some resources, at resources level.
It's the case for your KMS keys where you can grant permission on the key rings
Or directly at the key level
Choose what works the best for your use case, and grant the service account of the external project with the correct permission (decrypter to read the files in the GCS, encryter to write files)
Note: A key rotation is a new version of a key.

Is there a method preventing dynamic ec2 key pairs from being written to tfstate file?

We are starting to use Terraform to build our aws ec2 infrastructure but would like to do this as securely as possible.
Ideally we would like to do is to create a key pair for each Windows ec2 instance dynamically and store the private key in Vault. This is possible, but I cannot think a way of implementing it without having the private key written to the tfstate file. Yes I know I can store the tfstate file in an encrypted s3 bucket but this does not seem like an optimal secure solution.
I am happy to write custom code if needs be to have the key pair generated via another mechanism and the name passed as a variable to Terraform but dont want to if there are other more robust and tested methods out there. I was hoping we could use Vault to do this but on researching it does not look possible.
Has anyone got any experience of doing something similar? Failing that, any suggestions?
The most secure option is to have an arbitrary keypair you destroy the private key for and user_data that joins the instances to a AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain controller. After that you can use conventional AD users, and groups to control access to the instances (but not group policy in any depth, regrettably). You'll need a domain member server to administrate AD at that level of detail.
If you really need to be able to use local admin on these Windows EC2 instances, then you'll need to create the keypair for decrypting the password once manually and then share it securely through a secret or password manager with other admins using something like Vault or 1Password.
I don't see any security advantage to creating a keypair per instance, just considerable added complexity. If you're concerned about exposure, change the administrator passwords after obtaining them and store those in your secret or password manager.
I still advise going with AD if you are using Windows. Windows with AD enables world-leading unified endpoint management and Microsoft has held the lead on that for a very long time.

Custom resource for existing Terraform provider?

I've been playing around with writing a custom resource for AWS which combines other resources in a useful way. (It's too complex to achieve effectively with a Terraform module.)
The documentation (starting with the Plugins page) outlines how to create a completely new resource from scratch. However, is it possible to "attach" my custom resource to the AWS provider? This would allow me to:
name my resources e.g. aws_foo instead of awscontrib_foo
presumably, access AWS credentials already defined for that provider
You can use the following provider to do exactly the same with Custom Resources in AWS CloudFormation.
you can use even AWS Lambda and use any language you like to manage your resources, it also keep state of your resource, so you can delete, read, update them too. It create a resource, so it is not like External Data
Yes, the process is outlined here
Your customised terraform can be in your own version of the AWS plugin

Using Amazon S3 in place of an SFTP Server

I need to set up a repository where multiple people can go to drop off excel and csv files. I need a secure environment that has access control so customers logging on to drop off their own data can't see another customers data. So if person A logs on to drop a word document they can't see person B's excel sheet. I have an AWS account and would prefer to use S3 for this. I originally planned to setup an SFTP server on an EC2 server however, I feel that using S3 would be more scalable and safer after doing some research. However, I've never used S3 before nor have I seen it in a production environment. So my question really comes down to this does S3 provide a user interface that allows multiple people to drop files off similar to that of an FTP server? And can I create access control so people can't see other peoples data?
Here are the developer resources for S3
Here are some pre-built widgets
Let us know your angle as we can provide other ideas knowing more about your requirements
Yes. It does, you can actually control access to your resources using IAM users and roles.
You can allow privileges to parts of an S3 bucket say depending on the user or role for example:
could all have different permissions.
Hope this helps.

Allow access to Amazon AWS console using IAM

Is it possible to setup separate accounts using Amazon's IAM service what would allow two different users to access the Amazon web dashboard/console? I'd like a separate account that can access these pages but I'd prefer not to have to give away the keys to the kingdom to do so.
If so can IAM policies be specified to allow restrict what the user can do with the console?
I've written a short howto on adding an ec2 user, it is similar for most policies.
Basically, replace ec2user with whatever you want the user name to be.
