What's the difference between generational and incremental garbage collection? - memory-management

I think that both (generational and incremental) are different approaches to make the garbage collection pauses faster. But what are the differences between generational and incremental? How do they work? And which one is better for real time software / produces less long pauses?
Also, the Boehm GC is any of those?

A generational GC is always incremental, because it does not collect all unreachable objects during a cycle. Conversely, an incremental GC does not necessarily employ a generation scheme to decide which unreachable objects to collect or not.
A generational GC divides the unreachable objects into different sets, roughly according to their last use - their age, so to speak. The basic theory is that objects that are most recently created, would become unreachable quickly. So the set with 'young' objects is collected in an early stage.
An incremental GC may be implemented with above generational scheme, but different methods can be employed to decide which group of objects should be sweeped.
One might look at this wikipedia page and further downward, for more information on both GC methods.
According to Boehm's website, his GC is incremental and generational:
The collector uses a mark-sweep
algorithm. It provides incremental and
generational collection under
operating systems which provide the
right kind of virtual memory support.
As far as a real time environment is concerned, there are several academic research papers describing new and ingenious ways to do garbage collection:
Nonblocking Real-Time Garbage Collection
Real-time garbage collection by IBM has good explanation on differences.

An incremental garbage collector is any garbage-collector that can run incrementally (meaning that it can do a little work, then some more work, then some more work), instead of having to run the whole collection without interruption. This stands in contrast to old stop-the-world garbage collectors that did e.g. a mark&sweep without any other code being able to work on the objects. But to be clear: Whether an incremental garbage collector actually runs in parallel to other code executing on the same objects is not important as long as it is interruptable (for which it has to e.g. distinguish between dirty and clean objects).
A generational garbage collector differentiates between old, medium and new objects. It can then do copying GC on the new objects (keyword "Eden"), mark&sweep for the old objects and different possibilities (depending on implementation) on the medium objects. Depending on implementation the way the generations of objects are distinguished is either by region occupied in memory or by flags. The challenge of generational GC is to keep lists of objects that refer from one generation to the other up to date.
Boem is an incremental generational GC as cited here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boehm_garbage_collector

Some tracing garbage collection algorithms can pause in the middle of
a collection cycle while the mutator continues, without ending up with
inconsistent data. Such collectors can operate incrementally and are
suitable for use in an interactive system.
Primitive garbage collectors(1), once they start a collection cycle,
must either finish the task, or abandon all their work so far. This is
often an appropriate restriction, but is unacceptable when the system
must guarantee response times; for example, in systems with a user
interface and in real-time hardware control systems. Such systems
might use incremental garbage collection so that the time-critical
processing and the garbage collection can proceed effectively in
parallel, without wasted effort.
Generational garbage collection is tracing garbage collection that
makes use of the generational hypothesis. Objects are gathered
together in generations. New objects are allocated in the youngest or
nursery generation, and promoted to older generations if they survive.
Objects in older generations are condemned less frequently, saving CPU
It is typically rare for an object to refer to a younger object.
Hence, objects in one generation typically have few references to
objects in younger generations. This means that the scanning of old
generations in the course of collecting younger generations can be
done more efficiently by means of remembered sets.
In some purely functional languages (that is, without update), all
references are backwards in time, in which case remembered sets are
The Boehm-Demers-Weiser has an incremental mode that you can enable by calling GC_enable_incremental. See http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Hans_Boehm/gc/gcinterface.html


Does garbage collection affect performance?

I am just reading about the performance of several programming languages, and I noticed that garbage collection gets mentioned fairly often. Does garbage collection affect the performance of a language at all? If yes, how?
One thing to keep in mind here is that a language without garbage collection still has to allocate and free objects. Garbage collection allows the "free" part of the operation to happen in batches, and at times when the application is otherwise relatively idle. In other words, a highly-efficient garbage collector has the potential to be faster (not that we're quite that far yet, but they are improving all the time).
The trick is that when garbage collections do occur, the collector still has to spend resources doing the analysis of what is reachable, and what isn't, or what has a reference count > 0, and what doesn't. That is a performance penalty.
The result is that, for most garbage collected platforms, the collector is one factor to consider when evaluating performance. The net effect of the garbage collector may be minimal — or even a net positive! — over the life of an application session, but there can short-lived periods where there is significant negative impact.
It mostly depends on the language/runtime.
In some implementations, the GC can pause your application (suspend the threads), and then perform a collection, hence the performance problems.
Some implementations perform optimizations that let your code run while the GC is collecting unreferenced objects. For instance, the .Net GC can be tuned to use different collection modes and object heaps, and you also can give it a hint not to run in performance sensitive regions of code.
I can't really give more details as all of this is implementation specific. But I should mention that language runtimes most often try to optimize their GCs really hard, and most of the time you won't even notice it's there. It can become a problem though in very specific cases, and hopefully there's a possibility to work around that to minimize the GC pressure.
Garbage collection is a mechanism to clean unused object to free resource allocation, the garbage collector works base on an robust algorithm to allocate which object should be clean and which not. This process is resource consuming so it is always advice that developer should explicitly release or clean up unused object.
Using proper collection should be consider to improve performance and resource consuming of application. Strong-typed and array are always have high priority to use to avoid boxing/ unboxing as well as reduce resource costing to manage the collection.
Please refer to using Array, ArrayList, HashTable.

What is the main performance gain from garbage collection?

The llvm documentation says:
In practice, however, the locality and performance benefits of using aggressive garbage collection techniques dominates any low-level losses.
So what is it, exactly, that causes the performance gain when using garbage collection as opposed to manually managing memory? (besides the obvious decrease in code writing time) Is the benefit solely that performing heap compaction increases spatial locality and cache utilization? Or is there something else that helps more, like deleting everything at once?
On modern processors the memory caches are King. Suffering a cache miss can stall the processor for hundreds of cpu cycles, waiting for the slow bus to supply the data.
Making the caches effective requires locality of reference. In other words, if the next memory access is close to the previous one then the odds that the data is already in the cache are high.
A garbage collector can help a lot to make that work out well. The big win is not the collection, it is its ability to rebuild the object graph and reorganize the data structure while doing so. Compacting.
Imagine the typical data structure, an array of pointers to objects. Which is slowly being built up while, say, reading a bunch of strings from a file and turning them into field values of an object. Allocated objects will be scatter-shot in the address space doing so. Long lived objects pointed-to by the array separated by the worker objects, like strings. Iterating that array later is going to be pretty slow.
Until the garbage collector runs and rebuilds the data structure. Putting all of the pointed-to objects in order.
Now iterating the collection is very fast, since accessing element N makes it very likely that element N+1 is readily available. If not in the L1 cache then very good odds for L2 or L3 (if you have it).
Very big win, it is the one feature that made garbage collection competitive with explicit memory management. With the explicit kind having the problem of not supporting moving objects because it will invalidate a pointer.
I can only speak for the Oracle (ex-Sun) and IBM JVMs; their efficiency relies on the fact that newly-created objects are unlikely to live very long. So segregating them into their own area allows that area to be frequently compacted, since with few survivors that's a cheap operation. Frequent compaction means that free space can be kept contiguous, so object creation is also cheap because there's no free chain to traverse and no memory fragmentation.
Manual memory management schemes are rarely this efficient because this is a relatively complex way of doing things that is unlikely to be reinvented for each application. These garbage collectors have evolved and been optimised over a longer period and with more effort than individual applications ever receive. It would be surprising and disappointing if they weren't much more performant.
I doubt locality helps performance at all - admittedly small objects tend to be created at the same time in the same area of the heap (but this applies to C as well), over time, these small objects that remain will be compacted into a closely related area of the heap and it is supposedly this that give you an advantage over C-style allocations. However, show me a program that uses just these small objects and I'll show you a program that does sod all. Show me a program that passes all objects that are to be used on the stack and I'll show you one that screams with speed.
The de-allocation of memory is a performance benefit, short-term as they do not need to be de-allocated. However, when the garbage collector does kick in, this benefit disappears. Usually though, the collection occurs when nothing else is happening in the system (theoretically) so the cost is effectively nullified.
Compaction of the heap also helps allocation, all allocations can come from the beginning of the heap, and the memory manager doesn't have to walk the heap looking for the next free space block of the right size. However, traditional systems can gain the same amount of speed by using multiple fixed-block heaps (which mean you always allocate from a heap for the size of block you want, and you always allocate a fixed block, so walking the heap is just to find the first free block, and this can be removed using a bitmap)
So all in all, there isn't much of a benefit at all, except in benchmarks of course. In my experience the GC can and will jump in and slow you down dramatically at just the wrong time, usually when the system memory is getting filled because the user has done something like load a new page that required a lot of memory allocations.... which in turn required a collection.
It also has a tendency to use a lot of memory - 'memory is cheap' is the mantra of GC languages, so programs are written with this in mind, which means memory allocations are much more common, especially for temporaries and intermediate objects. Just look to StringBuilder classes for the evidence that this is well known. Strings may be 'solved' using this, but many other objects are still allocated with wild abandon. Any program that uses a lot of memory will find itself struggling with RAM IO - all that memory has to be brought into the CPU caches to be used, the more memory you use, the more IO your CPU MM will have to do and that can kill performance in the wrong circumstances.
In addition, when a GC occurs, you have to handle Finalised objects too, this isn't quite as bad as it used to be, but it can still halt your program while the finalisers are run.
Old Java GCs were dreadful for perf, though a lot of research has made them significantly better, they are still not perfect.
one more thing about localisation, imagine creating an array and adding a few items, then do a load of allocations, then you want to add another item to the array - with a GC system the added array element will not be localised, even after a compaction, each object in the array will be stored as an individual item on the heap. This is why I think the localisation issue is not as big a deal as it's made out to be. Now, compare that to an array that is allocated with a buffer and objects are allocated within the buffer space. That may require a re-alloc and copy to add a new item, but reading and modifying it is super fast.
One factor not yet mentioned is that, especially in multi-threaded systems, it can sometimes be difficult to predict with certainty what object will end up holding the last surviving reference to some other object. If one doesn't have to worry about object graphs that might contain cycles, it's possible to use reference counts for this purpose. Before copying a reference to an object, increment its reference count. Before destroying a reference to an object, decrement its reference count. It decrementing the reference count makes it hit zero, destroy the object as well as the reference. Such an approach works well on computers with only one CPU core; if only one thread can actually be running at any given time, one doesn't have to worry about what will happen if two threads try to adjust the same object's reference count simultaneously. Unfortunately, in systems with multiple CPU cores, any CPU that wants to adjust a reference count would have to coordinate that action with all the other CPUs to ensure that two CPUs never hit the counter at the exact same time. Such coordination is "free" with a single CPU, but is relatively expensive in multi-core systems.
When using a batch-mode garbage collector, object references may generally be freely assigned, copied, and destroyed, without inter-CPU coordination. It will periodically be necessary to have all the CPUs stop and run a garbage-collection cycle, but requiring all the CPUs to coordinate with each other once every few seconds or so is a lot cheaper than requiring them to coordinate with each other on every single object-reference assignment.

What is a simple garbage collection algorithm for experimenting with a simple interpreter?

I've been experimenting with programming language design, and have come to the point of needing to implement a garbage collection system. Now the first thing that came to mind was reference counting, but this won't handle reference loops. Most of the pages that I come across when searching for algorithms are references on tuning the garbage collectors in existing languages, such as Java. When I do find anything describing specific algorithms, I'm not getting enough detail for implementation. For example, most of the descriptions include "when your program runs low on memory...", which isn't likely to happen anytime soon on a 4 GB system with plenty of swap. So what I'm looking for is some tutorials with good implementation details such as how to tune when to kick off the garbage collector (i.e., collect after X number of memory allocations, or every Y minutes, etc).
To give a couple more details on what I'm trying to do, I'm starting off with writing a stack-based interpreter similar to Postscript, and my next attempt will be probably an S-expression language based on one of the Lisp dialects. I am implementing in straight C. My goal is both self education, and to document the various stages into a "how to design and write an interpreter" tutorial.
As for what I've done so far, I've written a simple interpreter which implements a C style imperative language, which gets parsed and processed by a stack machine style VM (see lang2e.sourceforge.net). But this language doesn't allocate new memory on entering any function, and doesn't have any pointer data types so there wasn't really a need at the time for any type of advanced memory management. For my next project I'm thinking of starting off with reference counting for non-pointer type objects (integers, strings, etc), and then keeping track of any pointer-type object (which can generate circular references) in a separate memory pool. Then, whenever the pool grows more than X allocation units more than it was at the end of the previous garbage collection cycle, kick off the collector again.
My requirements is that it not be too inefficient, yet easy to implement and document clearly (remember, I want to develop this into a paper or book for others to follow). The algorithm I've currently got at the front is tri-color marking, but it looks like a generational collector would be a bit better, but harder to document and understand. So I'm looking for some clear reference material (preferably available online) that includes enough implementation details to get me started.
There's a great book about garbage collection. It's called Garbage Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management, and it's excellent. I've read it, so I'm not recommending this just because you can find it with Google. Look at it here.
For simple prototyping, use mark-and-sweep or any simple non-generational, non-incremental compacting collector. Incremental collectors are good only if you need to provide for "real-time" response from your system. As long as your system is allowed to lag arbitrarily much at any particular point in time, you don't need an incremental one. Generational collectors reduce average garbage collection overhead with the expense of assuming something about the life cycles of objects.
I have implemented all (generational/non-generational, incremental/non-incremental) and debugging garbage collectors is quite hard. Because you want to focus on the design of your language, and maybe not so much on debugging a more complex garbage collector, you could stick to a simple one. I would go for mark-and-sweep most likely.
When you use garbage collection, you do not need reference counting. Throw it away.
When to kick off the allocator is probably wide open -- you could GC when a memory allocation would otherwise fail, or you could GC every time a reference is dropped, or anywhere in the middle.
Waiting until you've got no choice may mean you never GC, if the running code is fairly well contained. Or, it may introduce a gigantic pause into your environment and demolish your response time or animations or sound playback completely.
Running the full GC on every free() could amortize the cost across more operations, though the entire system may run slower as a result. You could be more predictable, but slower overall.
If you'd like to test the thing by artificially limiting memory, you can simply run with very restrictive resource limits in place. Run ulimit -v 1024 and every process spawned by that shell will only ever have one megabyte of memory to work with.

For which kind of applications can the Garbage Collector become a concern?

Because of their efficiency, most of the Garbage Collector algorithm are inoffensive in a lot of applications. The "collection" of objects does however require a small overhead cost in order to scan the stack and to liberate non referenced object from the heap.
I know one part of the answer is "it depends". However, I would like to know the kind of projects you have worked on, in any programming language supporting automated heap memory allocation, for which the Garbage Collector was not an option or became a concern.
I have been using garbage collected languages professionally for over 15 years (and programming for 30 years). My industrial projects have ranged from software collating data from 8,000 tranducers across an oil field to (soft) real-time visualization and low-latency algo trading software.
I found garbage collection to be useful in all cases. I had reservations about the latency of garbage collection in two major projects: the visualization software (in OCaml) and the algo trading software (in F#). However, my concerns proved to be unjustified as the garbage collected solutions actually exhibited better latency characteristics than non-garbage collected solutions in both cases. In particular, translating visualization software from C++ to OCaml actually improved the worst-case stalls by a factor of 5. The stalls in the C++ code were due to collections falling out of scope and reference counts causing avalanches of destructors calling destructors. We had spent considerable effort trying to solve this problem by writing custom allocators that would make destruction incremental but never succeeded. Additionally, we have found that purely functional data structures often exhibit excellent latency characteristics and they are basically intractable without a garbage collector.
The only notable exceptions to my "garbage collectors are good" moral are poor man's garbage collectors like reference counting and conservative garbage collectors like Boehm's GC. I would not touch them with a barge pole in a professional context.
I'm currently working on a program in Haskell, which create Direct-Acyclic-Graph (DAG) using 16 traces files from a MPSoCs simulation. each file has over 115 MB and actually my solution require storing all those files in memory in list form, in order to construct DAGs,
I think that in this situation Garbage collector will be a very good partner to improve efficiency of my program, since actually I really need to store those file in memory

When might you not want to use garbage collection? [closed]

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Garbage collection has been around since the early days of LISP, and now - several decades on - most modern programming languages utilize it.
Assuming that you're using one of these languages, what reasons would you have to not use garbage collection, and instead manually manage the memory allocations in some way?
Have you ever had to do this?
Please give solid examples if possible.
I can think of a few:
Deterministic deallocation/cleanup
Real time systems
Not giving up half the memory or processor time - depending on the algorithm
Faster memory alloc/dealloc and application-specific allocation, deallocation and management of memory. Basically writing your own memory stuff - typically for performance sensitive apps. This can be done where the behavior of the application is fairly well understood. For general purpose GC (like for Java and C#) this is not possible.
That said, GC has certainly been good for much of the community. It allows us to focus more on the problem domain rather than nifty programming tricks or patterns. I'm still an "unmanaged" C++ developer though. Good practices and tools help in that case.
Memory allocations? No, I think the GC is better at it than I am.
But scarce resource allocations, like file handles, database connections, etc.? I write the code to close those when I'm done. GC won't do that for you.
I do a lot of embedded development, where the question is more likely to be whether to use malloc or static allocation and garbage collection is not an option.
I also write a lot of PC-based support tools and will happily use GC where it is available & fast enough and it means that I don't have to use pedant::std::string.
I write a lot of compression & encryption code and GC performance is usually not good enough unless I really bend the implementation. GC also requires you to be very careful with address aliasing tricks. I normally write performance sensitive code in C and call it from Python / C# front ends.
So my answer is that there are reasons to avoid GC, but the reason is almost always performance and it's then best to code the stuff that needs it in another language rather than trying to trick the GC.
If I develop something in MSVC++, I never use garbage collection. Partly because it is non-standard, but also because I've grown up without GC in C++ and automatically design in safe memory reclamation. Having said this, I think that C++ is an abomination which fails to offer the translation transparency and predictability of C or the scoped memory safety (amongst other things) of later OO languages.
Real time applications are probably difficult to write with a garbage collector. Maybe with an incremental GC that works in another thread, but this is an additional overhead.
One case I can think of is when you are dealing with large data sets amounting to hundreads of megabytes or more. Depending on the situation you might want to free this memory as soon as you are done with it, so that other applications can use it.
Also, when dealing with some unmanaged code there might be a situation where you might want to prevent the GC from collecting some data because it's still being used by the unmanaged part. Though I still have to think of a good reason why simply keeping a reference to it might not be good enough. :P
One situation I've dealt with is image processing. While working on an algorithm for cropping images, I've found that managed libraries just aren't fast enough to cut it on large images or on multiple images at a time.
The only way to do processing on an image at a reasonable speed was to use non-managed code in my situation. This was while working on a small personal side-project in C# .NET where I didn't want to learn a third-party library because of the size of the project and because I wanted to learn it to better myself. There may have been an existing third-party library (perhaps Paint.NET) that could do it, but it still would require unmanaged code.
Two words: Space Hardening
I know its an extreme case, but still applicable. One of the coding standards that applied to the core of the Mars rovers actually forbid dynamic memory allocation. While this is indeed extreme, it illustrates a "deploy and forget about it with no worries" ideal.
In short, have some sense as to what your code is actually doing to someone's computer. If you do, and you are conservative .. then let the memory fairy take care of the rest. While you develop on a quad core, your user might be on something much older, with much less memory to spare.
Use garbage collection as a safety net, be aware of what you allocate.
There are two major types of real time systems, hard and soft. The main distinction is that hard real time systems require that an algorithm always finish in a particular time budget where as a soft system would like it to normally happen. Soft systems can potentially use well designed garbage collectors although a normal one would not be acceptable. However if a hard real time system algorithm did not complete in time then lives could be in danger. You will find such sorts of systems in nuclear reactors, aeroplanes and space shuttles and even then only in the specialist software that the operating systems and drivers are made of. Suffice to say this is not your common programming job.
People who write these systems don't tend to use general purpose programming languages. Ada was designed for the purpose of writing these sorts of real time systems. Despite being a special language for such systems in some systems the language is cut down further to a subset known as Spark. Spark is a special safety critical subset of the Ada language and one of the features it does not allow is the creation of a new object. The new keyword for objects is totally banned for its potential to run out of memory and its variable execution time. Indeed all memory access in Spark is done with absolute memory locations or stack variables and no new allocations on the heap is made. A garbage collector is not only totally useless but harmful to the guaranteed execution time.
These sorts of systems are not exactly common, but where they exist some very special programming techniques are required and guaranteed execution times are critical.
Just about all of these answers come down to performance and control. One angle I haven't seen in earlier posts is that skipping GC gives your application more predictable cache behavior in two ways.
In certain cache sensitive applications, having the language automatically trash your cache every once in a while (although this depends on the implementation) can be a problem.
Although GC is orthogonal to allocation, most implementations give you less control over the specifics. A lot of high performance code has data structures tuned for caches, and implementing stuff like cache-oblivious algorithms requires more fine grained control over memory layout. Although conceptually there's no reason GC would be incompatible with manually specifying memory layout, I can't think of a popular implementation that lets you do so.
Assuming that you're using one of these languages, what reasons would you have to not use garbage collection, and instead manually manage the memory allocations in some way?
Potentially, several possible reasons:
Program latency due to the garbage collector is unacceptably high.
Delay before recycling is unacceptably long, e.g. allocating a big array on .NET puts it in the Large Object Heap (LOH) which is infrequently collected so it will hang around for a while after it has become unreachable.
Other overheads related to garbage collection are unacceptably high, e.g. the write barrier.
The characteristics of the garbage collector are unnacceptable, e.g. redoubling arrays on .NET fragments the Large Object Heap (LOH) causing out of memory when 32-bit address space is exhausted even though there is theoretically plenty of free space. In OCaml (and probably most GC'd languages), functions with deep thread stacks run asymptotically slower. Also in OCaml, threads are prevented from running in parallel by a global lock on the GC so (in theory) parallelism can be achieved by dropping to C and using manual memory management.
Have you ever had to do this?
No, I have never had to do that. I have done it for fun. For example, I wrote a garbage collector in F# (a .NET language) and, in order to make my timings representative, I adopted an allocationless style in order to avoid GC latency. In production code, I have had to optimize my programs using knowledge of how the garbage collector works but I have never even had to circumvent it from within .NET, much less drop .NET entirely because it imposes a GC.
The nearest I have come to dropping garbage collection was dropping the OCaml language itself because its GC impedes parallelism. However, I ended up migrating to F# which is a .NET language and, consequently, inherits the CLR's excellent multicore-capable GC.
I don't quite understand the question. Since you ask about a language that uses GC, I assume you are asking for examples like
Deliberately hang on to a reference even when I know it's dead, maybe to reuse the object to satisfy a future allocation request.
Keep track of some objects and close them explicitly, because they hold resources that can't easily be managed with the garbage collector (open file descriptors, windows on the screen, that sort of thing).
I've never found a reason to do #1, but #2 is one that comes along occasionally. Many garbage collectors offer mechanisms for finalization, which is an action that you bind to an object and the system runs that action before the object is reclaimed. But oftentimes the system provides no guarantees about whether or if finalizers actually run, so finalization can be of limited utility.
The main thing I do in a garbage-collected language is to keep a tight watch on the number of allocations per unit of other work I do. Allocation is usually the performance bottleneck, especially in Java or .NET systems. It is less of an issue in languages like ML, Haskell, or LISP, which are typically designed with the idea that the program is going to allocate like crazy.
EDIT: longer response to comment.
Not everyone understands that when it comes to performance, the allocator and the GC must be considered as a team. In a state-of-the-art system, allocation is done from contiguous free space (the 'nursery') and is as quick as test and increment. But unless the object allocated is incredibly short-lived, the object incurs a debt down the line: it has to be copied out of the nursery, and if it lives a while, it may be copied through several generatations. The best systems use contiguous free space for allocation and at some point switch from copying to mark/sweep or mark/scan/compact for older objects. So if you're very picky, you can get away with ignoring allocations if
You know you are dealing with a state-of-the art system that allocates from continuous free space (a nursery).
The objects you allocate are very short-lived (less than one allocation cycle in the nursery).
Otherwise, allocated objects may be cheap initially, but they represent work that has to be done later. Even if the cost of the allocation itself is a test and increment, reducing allocations is still the best way to improve performance. I have tuned dozens of ML programs using state-of-the-art allocators and collectors and this is still true; even with the very best technology, memory management is a common performance bottleneck.
And you'd be surprised how many allocators don't deal well even with very short-lived objects. I just got a big speedup from Lua 5.1.4 (probably the fastest of the scripting language, with a generational GC) by replacing a sequence of 30 substitutions, each of which allocated a fresh copy of a large expression, with a simultaneous substitution of 30 names, which allocated one copy of the large expression instead of 30. Performance problem disappeared.
In video games, you don't want to run the garbage collector in between a game frame.
For example, the Big Bad is in front
of you and you are down to 10 life.
You decided to run towards the Quad
Damage powerup. As soon as you pick up
the powerup, you prepare yourself to
turn towards your enemy to fire with
your strongest weapon.
When the powerup disappeared, it would
be a bad idea to run the garbage
collector just because the game world
has to delete the data for the
Video games usually manages their objects by figuring out what is needed in a certain map (this is why it takes a while to load maps with a lot of objects). Some game engines would call the garbage collector after certain events (after saving, when the engine detects there's no threat in the vicinity, etc).
Other than video games, I don't find any good reasons to turn off garbage collecting.
Edit: After reading the other comments, I realized that embedded systems and Space Hardening (Bill's and tinkertim's comments, respectively) are also good reasons to turn off the garbage collector
The more critical the execution, the more you want to postpone garbage collection, but the longer you postpone garbage collection, the more of a problem it will eventually be.
Use the context to determine the need:
Garbage collection is supposed to protect against memory leaks
Do you need more state than you can manage in your head?
Returning memory by destroying objects with no references can be unpredictable
Do you need more pointers than you can manage in your head?
Resource starvation can be caused by garbage collection
Do you have more CPU and memory than you can manage in your head?
Garbage collection cannot address files and sockets
Do you have I/O as your primary concern?
In systems that use garbage collection, weak pointers are sometimes used to implement a simple caching mechanism because objects with no strong references are deallocated only when memory pressure triggers garbage collection. However, with ARC, values are deallocated as soon as their last strong reference is removed, making weak references unsuitable for such a purpose.
Smart Pointer Guidelines
Transitioning to ARC Release Notes
Accurate Garbage Collection with LLVM
Memory management in various languages
jwz on Garbage Collection
Apple Could Power the Web
How Do The Script Garbage Collectors Work?
Minimize Garbage Generation: GC is your Friend, not your Servant
Garbage Collection in IE6
Slow web browser performance when you view a Web page that uses JScript in Internet Explorer 6
Transitioning to ARC Release Notes: Which classes don’t support weak references?
Automatic Reference Counting: Weak References
