What is the main performance gain from garbage collection? - performance

The llvm documentation says:
In practice, however, the locality and performance benefits of using aggressive garbage collection techniques dominates any low-level losses.
So what is it, exactly, that causes the performance gain when using garbage collection as opposed to manually managing memory? (besides the obvious decrease in code writing time) Is the benefit solely that performing heap compaction increases spatial locality and cache utilization? Or is there something else that helps more, like deleting everything at once?

On modern processors the memory caches are King. Suffering a cache miss can stall the processor for hundreds of cpu cycles, waiting for the slow bus to supply the data.
Making the caches effective requires locality of reference. In other words, if the next memory access is close to the previous one then the odds that the data is already in the cache are high.
A garbage collector can help a lot to make that work out well. The big win is not the collection, it is its ability to rebuild the object graph and reorganize the data structure while doing so. Compacting.
Imagine the typical data structure, an array of pointers to objects. Which is slowly being built up while, say, reading a bunch of strings from a file and turning them into field values of an object. Allocated objects will be scatter-shot in the address space doing so. Long lived objects pointed-to by the array separated by the worker objects, like strings. Iterating that array later is going to be pretty slow.
Until the garbage collector runs and rebuilds the data structure. Putting all of the pointed-to objects in order.
Now iterating the collection is very fast, since accessing element N makes it very likely that element N+1 is readily available. If not in the L1 cache then very good odds for L2 or L3 (if you have it).
Very big win, it is the one feature that made garbage collection competitive with explicit memory management. With the explicit kind having the problem of not supporting moving objects because it will invalidate a pointer.

I can only speak for the Oracle (ex-Sun) and IBM JVMs; their efficiency relies on the fact that newly-created objects are unlikely to live very long. So segregating them into their own area allows that area to be frequently compacted, since with few survivors that's a cheap operation. Frequent compaction means that free space can be kept contiguous, so object creation is also cheap because there's no free chain to traverse and no memory fragmentation.
Manual memory management schemes are rarely this efficient because this is a relatively complex way of doing things that is unlikely to be reinvented for each application. These garbage collectors have evolved and been optimised over a longer period and with more effort than individual applications ever receive. It would be surprising and disappointing if they weren't much more performant.

I doubt locality helps performance at all - admittedly small objects tend to be created at the same time in the same area of the heap (but this applies to C as well), over time, these small objects that remain will be compacted into a closely related area of the heap and it is supposedly this that give you an advantage over C-style allocations. However, show me a program that uses just these small objects and I'll show you a program that does sod all. Show me a program that passes all objects that are to be used on the stack and I'll show you one that screams with speed.
The de-allocation of memory is a performance benefit, short-term as they do not need to be de-allocated. However, when the garbage collector does kick in, this benefit disappears. Usually though, the collection occurs when nothing else is happening in the system (theoretically) so the cost is effectively nullified.
Compaction of the heap also helps allocation, all allocations can come from the beginning of the heap, and the memory manager doesn't have to walk the heap looking for the next free space block of the right size. However, traditional systems can gain the same amount of speed by using multiple fixed-block heaps (which mean you always allocate from a heap for the size of block you want, and you always allocate a fixed block, so walking the heap is just to find the first free block, and this can be removed using a bitmap)
So all in all, there isn't much of a benefit at all, except in benchmarks of course. In my experience the GC can and will jump in and slow you down dramatically at just the wrong time, usually when the system memory is getting filled because the user has done something like load a new page that required a lot of memory allocations.... which in turn required a collection.
It also has a tendency to use a lot of memory - 'memory is cheap' is the mantra of GC languages, so programs are written with this in mind, which means memory allocations are much more common, especially for temporaries and intermediate objects. Just look to StringBuilder classes for the evidence that this is well known. Strings may be 'solved' using this, but many other objects are still allocated with wild abandon. Any program that uses a lot of memory will find itself struggling with RAM IO - all that memory has to be brought into the CPU caches to be used, the more memory you use, the more IO your CPU MM will have to do and that can kill performance in the wrong circumstances.
In addition, when a GC occurs, you have to handle Finalised objects too, this isn't quite as bad as it used to be, but it can still halt your program while the finalisers are run.
Old Java GCs were dreadful for perf, though a lot of research has made them significantly better, they are still not perfect.
one more thing about localisation, imagine creating an array and adding a few items, then do a load of allocations, then you want to add another item to the array - with a GC system the added array element will not be localised, even after a compaction, each object in the array will be stored as an individual item on the heap. This is why I think the localisation issue is not as big a deal as it's made out to be. Now, compare that to an array that is allocated with a buffer and objects are allocated within the buffer space. That may require a re-alloc and copy to add a new item, but reading and modifying it is super fast.

One factor not yet mentioned is that, especially in multi-threaded systems, it can sometimes be difficult to predict with certainty what object will end up holding the last surviving reference to some other object. If one doesn't have to worry about object graphs that might contain cycles, it's possible to use reference counts for this purpose. Before copying a reference to an object, increment its reference count. Before destroying a reference to an object, decrement its reference count. It decrementing the reference count makes it hit zero, destroy the object as well as the reference. Such an approach works well on computers with only one CPU core; if only one thread can actually be running at any given time, one doesn't have to worry about what will happen if two threads try to adjust the same object's reference count simultaneously. Unfortunately, in systems with multiple CPU cores, any CPU that wants to adjust a reference count would have to coordinate that action with all the other CPUs to ensure that two CPUs never hit the counter at the exact same time. Such coordination is "free" with a single CPU, but is relatively expensive in multi-core systems.
When using a batch-mode garbage collector, object references may generally be freely assigned, copied, and destroyed, without inter-CPU coordination. It will periodically be necessary to have all the CPUs stop and run a garbage-collection cycle, but requiring all the CPUs to coordinate with each other once every few seconds or so is a lot cheaper than requiring them to coordinate with each other on every single object-reference assignment.


What is Go's memory footprint

This article on Wired about Dropbox's switch from Go to Rust for its MagicPocket product says
“memory footprint”—the amount of computer memory it demands while running Magic Pocket—was too high for the massive storage systems the company was trying to build.
Question(s): What exactly is Go's "memory footprint" (where does it come from, how is it measured etc, is it related to garbage collection,binary size, is it something that will always be high) and why is it higher than Rust's?
"It had a high memory footprint" is just another way to say their program used a lot of RAM. It is related to garbage collection in that GC'd programs only free memory periodically (because each GC cycle takes CPU time), whereas manual memory management tends to free memory more or less as soon as it's unused.
The downside of manual memory management is either that mistakes can cause crashes and security bugs (as in C++, where you can accidentally use a freed variable after the memory has been reused for something else) or you have to put effort into expressing the exact lifetimes of each variable, reference, etc. in your code so that the compiler can check that they're being used in a valid way (as in Rust, where you interact with the borrow checker to root out potentially incorrect uses of memory in your code).
The sentence in the Wired story makes it sound like "memory footprint" is a simple measurable quantity you could assign to any language (and your question takes that idea to its logical conclusion). It's not quite that simple. In different languages, doing different things has different costs in memory, performance, and so on, and you kind of have to understand languages'/runtimes' details to know how the language will work with a given sort of program.
For example, CPython has reference counting, and that frees unused memory sooner but at the cost of having to store and update reference counts. Java has, on the one hand, things like object headers that add a certain amount of memory overhead per object, but uses some tricks to speed garbage collection (like generational collection) that Go doesn't (yet). Or in Go, you might try to reduce the memory footprint of a program by recycling memory with free pools and adjusting GOGC to free unused memory more often as kostya said.
The bigger point there is not that those specific details I listed are super important, but that there can be a lot of details to consider other than "higher memory footprint" or "lower memory footprint."
So: "memory footprint" refers to the amount of RAM a particular program with a particular workload takes up. Bigger picture, it's one factor in a large set of tradeoffs that folks like you or I or Dropbox's team have to navigate.
The garbage collector requires free memory to be available to work efficiently. By default Go application needs roughly twice as much memory as size of live data set (memory occupied by application objects).
This can be tuned using GOGC environment variable. By setting it to a lower value the application will request less memory from OS but GC will run more frequently therefore will use more CPU resources. By setting it to a higher value the GC will run less frequently and use less resources but the application will have higher "memory footprint".
This is general idea but the exact memory, performance requirements and GOGC effect are highly application specific.

Understanding Cache line invalidation and striped locks for Concurrent HashMap Implementation

If we put the striped locks very close to each other in memory for a concurrent hashmap, the cache line size can affect performance because we would have to invalidate caches unnecessarily. If you add padding to the array of striped locks, it will improve performance.
Can someone explain this?
To start with a non-concurrent hashmap, the basic principle is this:
Have a indexed structure (most often an array or set of arrays) for the keys and values.
Get a hash for the key.
Reduce this to be within the size of the arrays. (Modulo does this simply enough, so if the hash value is 123439281 and there are 31 slots available, then we use 123439281 % 31 which is 9 and use that as our index).
See if there's a key there, and if so if it matches (equals).
Store the key if it's new, and the value.
The same approach can be used to find the value for a given key (or to find that there is none).
Of course the above doesn't work if there's a key in the same slot that isn't equal to the key you're concerned with, and there are different approaches to dealing with this, mainly either continuing to look in different slots until one is free, or having slots actually act as a linked list of equal-indexed pairs. I won't go into the details of this.
If you are looking to other slots it won't work once you've filled the arrays (and will be slow before that point) and if you are using linked-lists to handle collisions you will be very slow if you have many keys at the same index (the O(1) you want becomes closer and closer to O(n) as this gets worse). Either way you're going to want a mechanism to resize the internal store when the amount stored gets too large.
Okay. That's a very high-level description of a hashmap. What if we want to make it threadsafe?
It won't be threadsafe by default as e.g. two different threads writing different keys whose hash modulo down to the same value, then one thread might stomp over the other.
The simplest way to make a hashmap threadsafe is to simply have a lock that we use on all operations. That means that every thread will wait on every other thread though, so it won't have very good concurrent behaviour. With a bit of clever structuring it's not too hard to have it that we can have multiple reading threads or a single writing thread (but not both), but that still isn't great.
It's possible to create hashmaps that are safely concurrent without using locks at all (see http://www.communicraft.com/blog/details/a-lock-free-dictionary for a description of one I wrote in C#, or http://www.azulsystems.com/blog/cliff/2007-03-26-non-blocking-hashtable for one in Java by Cliff Click whose basic approach I used in my C# version).
But another approach is striped locks.
Because the basis of the map is either an array for key-value pairs (and likely a cached copy of the hashcode) or a set of arrays for them, and because it is generally safe to have two threads writing and/or reading to different parts of an array at a time (there are caveats, but I'll ignore them for now) the only problems are when either two threads want the same slot, or when a resize is necessary.
And therefore the different slots could have different locks, and then only threads that are operating on the same slot would need to wait on each other.
There'd still be the problem of resizing, but that isn't insurmountable; if you need to resize obtain every one of the locks (in a set order, so that you can prevent deadlocks from happening) and then do the resize, having first checked that no other thread did the same resize in the meantime.
However, if you've a hashmap with 10,000 slots this would mean 10,000 lock objects. That's a lot of memory used, and also a resize would mean obtaining every one of those 10,000 locks.
Striped locks are somewhere in-between the single-lock approach and the lock-per-slot approach. Have an array of a certain number of locks, say 16 as a nice (binary) round number. When you need to act on a slot then obtain lock number slotIndex % 16, and do your operation. Now while threads may still end up blocking on threads doing operations on completely different slots (slot 5 and slot 21 have the same lock) they can still act concurrently to many other operations, so it's a middle-ground between the two extremes.
So that's how striped locking works, at a high level.
Now, modern day memory access is not uniform, in that it does not take the same time to access arbitrary pieces of memory because there is a level of caching (generally at least 2 levels) in the CPU. This caching has both good and bad effects.
Obviously the good effects normally outweigh the bad, or chip manufacturers wouldn't use it. If you access a piece of memory, and then access a piece of memory very close to it, the chances are that second access will be very fast because it will have been loaded into the cache on the first read. Writes are also improved.
It's already natural enough that a given piece of code is likely to want to do several operations on blocks of memory close to each other (e.g. reading two fields in the same object, or two locals in a method), which is why this sort of caching worked in the first place. And programmers further work to take advantage of this fact as much as possible in how they design their code, and collections such as hashmaps are a classic example. E.g. we might have stored keys and stored hashes in the same array so that reading one brings the other into the cache to be quickly read, and so on.
There are though times when this caching has a negative effect. In particular if two threads are going to deal with bits of memory that are close to each other at around the same time.
This doesn't come up that often, because threads are most often dealing with their own stacks or bits of heap memory pointed to by their own stacks, and only occasionally heap memory that is visible to other threads. That in itself is a big part of why CPU caches are normally a big win for performance.
However, the use of concurrent hashmaps is inherently a case where multiple threads hit neighbouring blocks of memory.
CPU caches work on the basis of "cache lines". These are blocks of code that are loaded into the cache from the RAM, or written from the cache to the RAM as a unit. (Again, while we're about to discuss a case where this is a bad thing, this is an efficient model most of the time).
Now, consider a 64-bit processor with 64-byte cache-lines. Every pointer or reference to an object is going to take up 8 bytes. If a piece of code tries to access such a reference it will mean that 64 bytes are loaded into the cache, then 8 bytes of that dealt with by the CPU. If the CPU writes to that memory, then those 8 bytes are changed on the cache, and the cache written back to the RAM. As said, this is generally good, because the odds are high that we'll also want to do the same with other bits of RAM nearby, and hence in the same cache line.
But what if another thread wants to hit the same block of memory?
If CPU0 goes to read from a value that is in the same cachline that CPU1 has just written to, it will have a stale cacheline that has been invalidated and have to read it again. If CPU0 was trying to write to it it may well not only have to read it again, but redo the operation that gave it the result to write.
Now, if that other thread had wanted to hit the exact same bit of memory, there'd have been a conflict even without caching, so things aren't that much worse than they would have been (but they are worse). But if the other thread was going to hit nearby memory it will still suffer.
This is obviously bad for our concurrent map's slots, but its even worse for its striped locks. We'd said we might have 16 locks. With 64-byte cachelines and 64-bit references that's 2 cachelines for all the locks. The odds a lock is in the same cacheline as that wanted by the other thread is 50%. With 128-byte cachelines (Itanium has those) or 32-bit references (all 32-bit code uses those) it's 100%. With lots of threads its effectively 100% that you're going to be waiting. And waiting again if there's yet another hit. And waiting.
Our attempt to prevent threads waiting on the same lock has turned into them waiting on the same cacheline.
Worse, the more cores you have using the locks, the worse this becomes. Each extra core slows down the total throughput roughly exponentially. 8 cores might take over 200 times as long to execute as 1 core would!
If however we pad out our striped locks with blank space so that there is a 56-byte gap between each one, then this doesn't happen; the locks are all on different cachelines, and operations on neighbouring locks don't affect it any more. This costs memory, and makes normal reading and writing slower (the point of caches is that it makes things faster most of the time after all), but is appropriate in cases where particularly frequent concurrent access is expected, and we're not likely to want to hit the next lock (we aren't, except for resize operations). (Another example would be striped counters; have different threads increment different integers and sum them when you want to get the tally).
This problem of threads hitting neighbouring pieces of memory (called "false-sharing" because it has a performance impact caused by shared access to the same memory even though they are actually accessing neighbouring memory rather than the same memory) will also affect the internal storage of the hashmap itself, but not as much because the map itself is likely larger and so the odds of two accesses hitting the same cacheline is less. It would also be more expensive to use padding here for the same reason; being larger the amount of padding that would involve could be huge.

Does garbage collection affect performance?

I am just reading about the performance of several programming languages, and I noticed that garbage collection gets mentioned fairly often. Does garbage collection affect the performance of a language at all? If yes, how?
One thing to keep in mind here is that a language without garbage collection still has to allocate and free objects. Garbage collection allows the "free" part of the operation to happen in batches, and at times when the application is otherwise relatively idle. In other words, a highly-efficient garbage collector has the potential to be faster (not that we're quite that far yet, but they are improving all the time).
The trick is that when garbage collections do occur, the collector still has to spend resources doing the analysis of what is reachable, and what isn't, or what has a reference count > 0, and what doesn't. That is a performance penalty.
The result is that, for most garbage collected platforms, the collector is one factor to consider when evaluating performance. The net effect of the garbage collector may be minimal — or even a net positive! — over the life of an application session, but there can short-lived periods where there is significant negative impact.
It mostly depends on the language/runtime.
In some implementations, the GC can pause your application (suspend the threads), and then perform a collection, hence the performance problems.
Some implementations perform optimizations that let your code run while the GC is collecting unreferenced objects. For instance, the .Net GC can be tuned to use different collection modes and object heaps, and you also can give it a hint not to run in performance sensitive regions of code.
I can't really give more details as all of this is implementation specific. But I should mention that language runtimes most often try to optimize their GCs really hard, and most of the time you won't even notice it's there. It can become a problem though in very specific cases, and hopefully there's a possibility to work around that to minimize the GC pressure.
Garbage collection is a mechanism to clean unused object to free resource allocation, the garbage collector works base on an robust algorithm to allocate which object should be clean and which not. This process is resource consuming so it is always advice that developer should explicitly release or clean up unused object.
Using proper collection should be consider to improve performance and resource consuming of application. Strong-typed and array are always have high priority to use to avoid boxing/ unboxing as well as reduce resource costing to manage the collection.
Please refer to using Array, ArrayList, HashTable.

Alternative for Garbage Collector

I'd like to know the best alternative for a garbage collector, with its pros and cons. My priority is speed, memory is less important. If there is garbage collector which doesn't make any pause, let me know.
I'm working on a safe language (i.e. a language with no dangling pointers, checking bounds, etc), and garbage collection or its alternative has to be used.
I suspect you will be best sticking with garbage collection (as per the JVM) unless you have a very good reason otherwise. Modern GCs are extremely fast, general purpose and safe. Unless you can design your language to take advantage of a very specific special case (as in one of the above allocators) then you are unlikely to beat the JVM.
The only really compelling reason I see nowadays as an argument against modern GC is latency issues caused by GC pauses. These are small, rare and not really an issue for most purposes (e.g. I've successfully written 3D engines in Java), but they still can cause problems in very tight realtime situations.
Having said that, there may still be some special cases where a different memory allocation scheme may make sense so I've listed a few interesting options below:
An example of a very fast, specialised memory management approach is the "per frame" allocator used in many games. This works by incrementing a single pointer to allocate memory, and at the end of a time period (typically a visual "frame") all objects are discarded at once by simply setting the pointer back to the base address and overwriting them in the next allocation. This can be "safe", however the constraints of object lifetime would be very strict. Might be a winner if you can guarantee that all memory allocation is bounded in size and only valid for the scope of handling e.g. a single server request.
Another very fast approach is to have dedicated object pools for different classes of object. Released objects can just be recycled in the pool, using something like a linked list of free object slots. Operating systems often used this kind of approach for common data structures. Again however you need to watch object lifetime and explicitly handle disposals by returning objects to the pool.
Reference counting looks superficially good but usually doesn't make sense because you frequently have to dereference and update the count on two objects whenever you change a pointer value. This cost is usually worse than the advantage of having simple and fast memory management, and it also doesn't work in the presence of cyclic references.
Stack allocation is extremely fast and can run safely. Depending on your language, it is possible to make do without a heap and run entirely on a stack based system. However I suspect this will somewhat constrain your language design so that might be a non-starter. Still might be worth considering for certain DSLs.
Classic malloc/free is pretty fast and can be made safe if you have sufficient constraints on object creation and lifetime which you may be able to enforce in your language. An example would be if e.g. you placed significant constraints on the use of pointers.
Anyway - hope this is useful food for thought!
If speed matters but memory does not, then the fastest and simplest allocation strategy is to never free. Allocation is simply a matter of bumping a pointer up. You cannot get faster than that.
Of course, never releasing anything has a huge potential for overflowing available memory. It is very rare that memory is truly "unimportant". Usually there is a large but finite amount of available memory. One strategy is called "region based allocation". Namely you allocate memory in a few big blocks called "regions", with the pointer-bumping strategy. Release occurs only by whole regions. This strategy can be applied with some success if the problem at hand can be structured into successive "tasks", each having its own region.
For more generic solutions, if you want real-time allocation (i.e. guaranteed limits on the response time from allocation requests) then garbage collection is the way to go. A real-time GC may look like this: objects are allocated with a pointer-bumping strategy. Also, on every allocation, the allocator performs a little bit of garbage collection, in which "live" objects are copied somewhere else. In a way the GC runs "at the same time" than the application. This implies a bit of extra work for accessing objects, because you cannot move an object and update all pointers to point to the new object location while keeping the "real-time" promise. Solutions may imply barriers, e.g. an extra indirection. Generational GC allow for barrier-free access to most objects while keeping pause times under strict bounds.
This article is a must-read for whoever wants to study memory allocation, in particular garbage collection.
With C++ it's possible to make a heap allocation ONCE for your objects, then reuse that memory for subsequent objects, I've seen it work and it was blindingly fast.
It's only applicable to a certian set of problems, and it's difficult to do it right, but it is possible.
One of the joys of C++ is you have complete control over memory management, you can decide to use classic new/delete, or implement your own reference counting or Garbage Collection.
However - here be dragons - you really, really need to know what you're doing.
If memory doesn't matter, then what #Thomas says applies. Considering the gargantuan memory spaces of modern hardware, this may very well be a viable option -- it really depends on the process.
Manual memory management doesn't necessarily solve your problems directly, but it does give you complete control over WHEN memory events happen. Generic malloc, for example, is not an O(1) operation. It does all sorts of potentially horrible things in there, both within the heap managed by malloc itself as well as the operating system. For example, ya never know when "malloc(10)" may cause the VM to page something out, now your 10 bytes of RAM have an unknown disk I/O component -- oops! Even worse, that page out could be YOUR memory, which you'll need to immediately page back in! Now c = *p is a disk hit. YAY!
But if you are aware of these, then you can safely set up your code so that all of the time critical parts effectively do NO memory management, instead they work off of pre-allocated structures for the task.
With a GC system, you may have a similar option -- it depends on the collector. I don't think the Sun JVM, for example, has the ability to be "turned off" for short periods of time. But if you work with pre-allocated structures, and call all of your own code (or know exactly what's going on in the library routine you call), you probably have a good chance of not hitting the memory manager.
Because, the crux of the matter is that memory management is a lot of work. If you want to get rid of memory management, the write old school FORTRAN with ARRAYs and COMMON blocks (one of the reasons FORTRAN can be so fast). Of course, you can write "FORTRAN" in most any language.
With modern languages, modern GCs, etc., memory management has been pushed aside and become a "10%" problem. We are now pretty sloppy with creating garbage, copying memory, etc. etc., because the GCs et al make it easy for us to be sloppy. And for 90% of the programs, this is not an issue, so we don't worry about. Nowadays, it's a tuning issue, late in the process.
So, your best bet is set it all up at once, use it, then toss it all away. The "use it" part is where you will get consistent, reliable results (assuming enough memory on the system of course).
As an "alternative" to garbage collection, C++ specifically has smart pointers. boost::shared_ptr<> (or std::tr1::shared_ptr<>) works exactly like Python's reference counted garbage collection. In my eyes, shared_ptr IS garbage collection. (although you may need to do a few weak_ptr<> stuff to make sure that circular references don't happen)
I would argue that auto_ptr<> (or in C++0x, the unique_ptr<>...) is a viable alternative, with its own set of benefits and tradeoffs. Auto_ptr has a clunky syntax and can't be used in STL containers... but it gets the job done. During compile-time, you "move" the ownership of the pointer from variable to variable. If a variable owns the pointer when it goes out of scope, it will call its destructor and free the memory. Only one auto_ptr<> (or unique_ptr<>) is allowed to own the real pointer. (at least, if you use it correctly).
As another alternative, you can store everything on the stack and just pass references around to all the functions you need.
These alternatives don't really solve the general memory management problem that garbage collection solves. Nonetheless, they are efficient and well tested. An auto_ptr doesn't use any more space than the pointer did originally... and there is no overhead on dereferencing an auto_ptr. "Movement" (or assignment in Auto_ptr) has a tiny amount of overhead to keep track of the owner. I haven't done any benchmarks, but I'm pretty sure they're faster than garbage collection / shared_ptr.
If you truly want no pauses at all, disallow all memory allocation except for stack allocation, region-based buffers, and static allocation. Despite what you may have been told, malloc() can actually cause severe pauses if the free list becomes fragmented, and if you often find yourself building massive object graphs, naive manual free can and will lose to stop-and-copy; the only way to really avoid this is to amortize over preallocated pages, such as the stack or a bump-allocated pool that's freed all at once. I don't know how useful this is, but I know that the proprietary graphical programming language LabVIEW by default allocates a static region of memory for each subroutine-equivalent, requiring programmers to manually enable stack allocation; this is the kind of thing that's useful in a hard-real-time environment where you need absolute guarantees on memory usage.
If what you want is to make it easy to reason about pauses and give your developers control over allocation and placement, then there is already a language called Rust that has the same stated goals as your language; while not a completely safe language, it does have a safe subset, allowing you to create safe abstractions for raw bit-twiddling. It uses pointer type annotations to eliminate use-after-free bugs. It also doesn't have null pointers in safe code, because null pointers cost a billion dollars at least.
If bounded pauses are enough, though, there are a wide variety of algorithms that will work. If you really have a small working set compared to available memory, then I would recommend the MOS collector (aka the Train Algorithm), which collects incrementally and provably always makes progress toward freeing unreferenced objects.
It's a common fallacy that managed languages are not suitable for high performance low latency scenarios. Yes, with limited resources (such as an embedded platform) and sloppy programming you can shoot yourself in the foot just as spectacularly as with C++ (and that can be VERY VERY spectacular).
This problem has come whilst developing games in Java/C# and the solution was to utilise a memory pool and not let object die, hence not needing garbage collector to run when you don't expect it. This is really the same approach as with low latency unmanaged systems - TO TRY REALLY REALLY HARD NOT TO ALLOCATE MEMORY.
So, considering the fact that implementing such system in Java/C# is very similar to C++, the advantage of doing it the girly man way(managed), you have the "niceness" of other language features that free up your mental clock cycles to concentrate on important things.

How does one write code that best utilizes the CPU cache to improve performance?

This could sound like a subjective question, but what I am looking for are specific instances, which you could have encountered related to this.
How to make code, cache effective/cache friendly (more cache hits, as few cache misses as possible)? From both perspectives, data cache & program cache (instruction cache),
i.e. what things in one's code, related to data structures and code constructs, should one take care of to make it cache effective.
Are there any particular data structures one must use/avoid, or is there a particular way of accessing the members of that structure etc... to make code cache effective.
Are there any program constructs (if, for, switch, break, goto,...), code-flow (for inside an if, if inside a for, etc ...) one should follow/avoid in this matter?
I am looking forward to hearing individual experiences related to making cache efficient code in general. It can be any programming language (C, C++, Assembly, ...), any hardware target (ARM, Intel, PowerPC, ...), any OS (Windows, Linux,S ymbian, ...), etc..
The variety will help to better to understand it deeply.
The cache is there to reduce the number of times the CPU would stall waiting for a memory request to be fulfilled (avoiding the memory latency), and as a second effect, possibly to reduce the overall amount of data that needs to be transfered (preserving memory bandwidth).
Techniques for avoiding suffering from memory fetch latency is typically the first thing to consider, and sometimes helps a long way. The limited memory bandwidth is also a limiting factor, particularly for multicores and multithreaded applications where many threads wants to use the memory bus. A different set of techniques help addressing the latter issue.
Improving spatial locality means that you ensure that each cache line is used in full once it has been mapped to a cache. When we have looked at various standard benchmarks, we have seen that a surprising large fraction of those fail to use 100% of the fetched cache lines before the cache lines are evicted.
Improving cache line utilization helps in three respects:
It tends to fit more useful data in the cache, essentially increasing the effective cache size.
It tends to fit more useful data in the same cache line, increasing the likelyhood that requested data can be found in the cache.
It reduces the memory bandwidth requirements, as there will be fewer fetches.
Common techniques are:
Use smaller data types
Organize your data to avoid alignment holes (sorting your struct members by decreasing size is one way)
Beware of the standard dynamic memory allocator, which may introduce holes and spread your data around in memory as it warms up.
Make sure all adjacent data is actually used in the hot loops. Otherwise, consider breaking up data structures into hot and cold components, so that the hot loops use hot data.
avoid algorithms and datastructures that exhibit irregular access patterns, and favor linear datastructures.
We should also note that there are other ways to hide memory latency than using caches.
Modern CPU:s often have one or more hardware prefetchers. They train on the misses in a cache and try to spot regularities. For instance, after a few misses to subsequent cache lines, the hw prefetcher will start fetching cache lines into the cache, anticipating the application's needs. If you have a regular access pattern, the hardware prefetcher is usually doing a very good job. And if your program doesn't display regular access patterns, you may improve things by adding prefetch instructions yourself.
Regrouping instructions in such a way that those that always miss in the cache occur close to each other, the CPU can sometimes overlap these fetches so that the application only sustain one latency hit (Memory level parallelism).
To reduce the overall memory bus pressure, you have to start addressing what is called temporal locality. This means that you have to reuse data while it still hasn't been evicted from the cache.
Merging loops that touch the same data (loop fusion), and employing rewriting techniques known as tiling or blocking all strive to avoid those extra memory fetches.
While there are some rules of thumb for this rewrite exercise, you typically have to carefully consider loop carried data dependencies, to ensure that you don't affect the semantics of the program.
These things are what really pays off in the multicore world, where you typically wont see much of throughput improvements after adding the second thread.
I can't believe there aren't more answers to this. Anyway, one classic example is to iterate a multidimensional array "inside out":
for (i = 0 to size)
for (j = 0 to size)
do something with ary[j][i]
The reason this is cache inefficient is because modern CPUs will load the cache line with "near" memory addresses from main memory when you access a single memory address. We are iterating through the "j" (outer) rows in the array in the inner loop, so for each trip through the inner loop, the cache line will cause to be flushed and loaded with a line of addresses that are near to the [j][i] entry. If this is changed to the equivalent:
for (i = 0 to size)
for (j = 0 to size)
do something with ary[i][j]
It will run much faster.
The basic rules are actually fairly simple. Where it gets tricky is in how they apply to your code.
The cache works on two principles: Temporal locality and spatial locality.
The former is the idea that if you recently used a certain chunk of data, you'll probably need it again soon. The latter means that if you recently used the data at address X, you'll probably soon need address X+1.
The cache tries to accomodate this by remembering the most recently used chunks of data. It operates with cache lines, typically sized 128 byte or so, so even if you only need a single byte, the entire cache line that contains it gets pulled into the cache. So if you need the following byte afterwards, it'll already be in the cache.
And this means that you'll always want your own code to exploit these two forms of locality as much as possible. Don't jump all over memory. Do as much work as you can on one small area, and then move on to the next, and do as much work there as you can.
A simple example is the 2D array traversal that 1800's answer showed. If you traverse it a row at a time, you're reading the memory sequentially. If you do it column-wise, you'll read one entry, then jump to a completely different location (the start of the next row), read one entry, and jump again. And when you finally get back to the first row, it will no longer be in the cache.
The same applies to code. Jumps or branches mean less efficient cache usage (because you're not reading the instructions sequentially, but jumping to a different address). Of course, small if-statements probably won't change anything (you're only skipping a few bytes, so you'll still end up inside the cached region), but function calls typically imply that you're jumping to a completely different address that may not be cached. Unless it was called recently.
Instruction cache usage is usually far less of an issue though. What you usually need to worry about is the data cache.
In a struct or class, all members are laid out contiguously, which is good. In an array, all entries are laid out contiguously as well. In linked lists, each node is allocated at a completely different location, which is bad. Pointers in general tend to point to unrelated addresses, which will probably result in a cache miss if you dereference it.
And if you want to exploit multiple cores, it can get really interesting, as usually, only one CPU may have any given address in its L1 cache at a time. So if both cores constantly access the same address, it will result in constant cache misses, as they're fighting over the address.
I recommend reading the 9-part article What every programmer should know about memory by Ulrich Drepper if you're interested in how memory and software interact. It's also available as a 104-page PDF.
Sections especially relevant to this question might be Part 2 (CPU caches) and Part 5 (What programmers can do - cache optimization).
Apart from data access patterns, a major factor in cache-friendly code is data size. Less data means more of it fits into the cache.
This is mainly a factor with memory-aligned data structures. "Conventional" wisdom says data structures must be aligned at word boundaries because the CPU can only access entire words, and if a word contains more than one value, you have to do extra work (read-modify-write instead of a simple write). But caches can completely invalidate this argument.
Similarly, a Java boolean array uses an entire byte for each value in order to allow operating on individual values directly. You can reduce the data size by a factor of 8 if you use actual bits, but then access to individual values becomes much more complex, requiring bit shift and mask operations (the BitSet class does this for you). However, due to cache effects, this can still be considerably faster than using a boolean[] when the array is large. IIRC I once achieved a speedup by a factor of 2 or 3 this way.
The most effective data structure for a cache is an array. Caches work best, if your data structure is laid out sequentially as CPUs read entire cache lines (usually 32 bytes or more) at once from main memory.
Any algorithm which accesses memory in random order trashes the caches because it always needs new cache lines to accomodate the randomly accessed memory. On the other hand an algorithm, which runs sequentially through an array is best because:
It gives the CPU a chance to read-ahead, e.g. speculatively put more memory into the cache, which will be accessed later. This read-ahead gives a huge performance boost.
Running a tight loop over a large array also allows the CPU to cache the code executing in the loop and in most cases allows you to execute an algorithm entirely from cache memory without having to block for external memory access.
One example I saw used in a game engine was to move data out of objects and into their own arrays. A game object that was subject to physics might have a lot of other data attached to it as well. But during the physics update loop all the engine cared about was data about position, speed, mass, bounding box, etc. So all of that was placed into its own arrays and optimized as much as possible for SSE.
So during the physics loop the physics data was processed in array order using vector math. The game objects used their object ID as the index into the various arrays. It was not a pointer because pointers could become invalidated if the arrays had to be relocated.
In many ways this violated object-oriented design patterns but it made the code a lot faster by placing data close together that needed to be operated on in the same loops.
This example is probably out of date because I expect most modern games use a prebuilt physics engine like Havok.
A remark to the "classic example" by user 1800 INFORMATION (too long for a comment)
I wanted to check the time differences for two iteration orders ( "outter" and "inner"), so I made a simple experiment with a large 2D array:
for ( int y = 0; y < N; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < N; ++x )
sum += A[ x + y*N ];
and the second case with the for loops swapped.
The slower version ("x first") was 0.88sec and the faster one, was 0.06sec. That's the power of caching :)
I used gcc -O2 and still the loops were not optimized out. The comment by Ricardo that "most of the modern compilers can figure this out by itselves" does not hold
Only one post touched on it, but a big issue comes up when sharing data between processes. You want to avoid having multiple processes attempting to modify the same cache line simultaneously. Something to look out for here is "false" sharing, where two adjacent data structures share a cache line and modifications to one invalidates the cache line for the other. This can cause cache lines to unnecessarily move back and forth between processor caches sharing the data on a multiprocessor system. A way to avoid it is to align and pad data structures to put them on different lines.
I can answer (2) by saying that in the C++ world, linked lists can easily kill the CPU cache. Arrays are a better solution where possible. No experience on whether the same applies to other languages, but it's easy to imagine the same issues would arise.
Cache is arranged in "cache lines" and (real) memory is read from and written to in chunks of this size.
Data structures that are contained within a single cache-line are therefore more efficient.
Similarly, algorithms which access contiguous memory blocks will be more efficient than algorithms which jump through memory in a random order.
Unfortunately the cache line size varies dramatically between processors, so there's no way to guarantee that a data structure that's optimal on one processor will be efficient on any other.
To ask how to make a code, cache effective-cache friendly and most of the other questions , is usually to ask how to Optimize a program, that's because the cache has such a huge impact on performances that any optimized program is one that is cache effective-cache friendly.
I suggest reading about Optimization, there are some good answers on this site.
In terms of books, I recommend on Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective which has some fine text about the proper usage of the cache.
(b.t.w - as bad as a cache-miss can be, there is worse - if a program is paging from the hard-drive...)
There has been a lot of answers on general advices like data structure selection, access pattern, etc. Here I would like to add another code design pattern called software pipeline that makes use of active cache management.
The idea is borrow from other pipelining techniques, e.g. CPU instruction pipelining.
This type of pattern best applies to procedures that
could be broken down to reasonable multiple sub-steps, S[1], S[2], S[3], ... whose execution time is roughly comparable with RAM access time (~60-70ns).
takes a batch of input and do aforementioned multiple steps on them to get result.
Let's take a simple case where there is only one sub-procedure.
Normally the code would like:
def proc(input):
return sub-step(input))
To have better performance, you might want to pass multiple inputs to the function in a batch so you amortize function call overhead and also increases code cache locality.
def batch_proc(inputs):
results = []
for i in inputs:
// avoids code cache miss, but still suffer data(inputs) miss
return res
However, as said earlier, if the execution of the step is roughly the same as RAM access time you can further improve the code to something like this:
def batch_pipelined_proc(inputs):
for i in range(0, len(inputs)-1):
# work on current item while [i+1] is flying back from RAM
The execution flow would look like:
prefetch(1) ask CPU to prefetch input[1] into cache, where prefetch instruction takes P cycles itself and return, and in the background input[1] would arrive in cache after R cycles.
works_on(0) cold miss on 0 and works on it, which takes M
prefetch(2) issue another fetch
works_on(1) if P + R <= M, then inputs[1] should be in the cache already before this step, thus avoid a data cache miss
works_on(2) ...
There could be more steps involved, then you can design a multi-stage pipeline as long as the timing of the steps and memory access latency matches, you would suffer little code/data cache miss. However, this process needs to be tuned with many experiments to find out right grouping of steps and prefetch time. Due to its required effort, it sees more adoption in high performance data/packet stream processing. A good production code example could be found in DPDK QoS Enqueue pipeline design:
http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/prog_guide/qos_framework.html Chapter Enqueue Pipeline.
More information could be found:
Besides aligning your structure and fields, if your structure if heap allocated you may want to use allocators that support aligned allocations; like _aligned_malloc(sizeof(DATA), SYSTEM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); otherwise you may have random false sharing; remember that in Windows, the default heap has a 16 bytes alignment.
Write your program to take a minimal size. That is why it is not always a good idea to use -O3 optimisations for GCC. It takes up a larger size. Often, -Os is just as good as -O2. It all depends on the processor used though. YMMV.
Work with small chunks of data at a time. That is why a less efficient sorting algorithms can run faster than quicksort if the data set is large. Find ways to break up your larger data sets into smaller ones. Others have suggested this.
In order to help you better exploit instruction temporal/spatial locality, you may want to study how your code gets converted in to assembly. For example:
for(i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)
for(i = MAX; i > 0; --i)
The two loops produce different codes even though they are merely parsing through an array. In any case, your question is very architecture specific. So, your only way to tightly control cache use is by understanding how the hardware works and optimising your code for it.
