I'm new in Xcode. I want to make a Progress View and below is a label. This label can change value from 1 to 100 just the same when the progress run. For example: when i tap the "Start" button then the progress run from 1 to 100, so does the label run from 1 to 100. Absolutely, i want to see to value change 1,2,3,4... of the label. Can anyone help me?
Code details attached is good. Thanks!
You can use this logic to get your answer.
Okay I am going to try and be as clear as possible with my end goal here so I apologize if it does sound messy. I am trying to display a data bar that has a target of 10 for example. This data bar is displayed in grey. What I'd like to do is on the same data bar have the color green fill up as each target is completed. Here is a rough image of what I would like:
I'm trying to do this in ssrs within a matrix. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it or if anyone needs more detail please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Right click on your column group and insert 'inside group'.
Drag and drop a Data Bar into your new cell.
Choose a stacked bar.
Click on the new chart, so that Chart Data appears.
Add your first value, the one you wish to be, for example, green.
Add a second value, adding the same value as before.
Change the expression on this second value to be 10 - 'Value'
I recently noticed the following popup message ("6 occurrences replaced") in Qt Creator (3.4.2).
I like its style and want to use it in my own application. But how is it done? Is this a particular widget or what else? Can someone point me in the right direction.
You could create your own window with round corners like that with text in the middle paid show it when you want too make the window so it takes a parameter text and you can add different text each time and show
I have a GUI that contains buttons and one of them calculates a percentage. I have that percentage displaying in a label, but I'd like it to update the percentage ON THE BUTTON TEXT instead of a label.
I've tried but it disables the button once it changes the text. Is there any way to do this?
Yes it is possible to change button text after creation, using GUICtrlSetData().
Affected source code is required in order for described issues to be solved.
I'm new to ApplescriptObjC as you'll probably see if you keep reading. I was wondering how to get constant feedback from a slider so that as soon as its value is 1 it runs script A and as soon as its value is changed to 0, it runs script B.
I know you can have actions for buttons like:
on buttonClicked_(sender)
do action
end buttonClicked_
But how can I have a one that constantly checks for a change in the slider's value and does the appropriate action? Is it similar to connecting a slider to a text box with the getStringValueFrom() thing?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Found out how!
turns out on action_(sender) will work for sliders as well. They send the signal every time the item is clicked on and released whether a change exists or not. Then its a simple matter of an if statement to run two different series of actions depending on the value the slider was set to.
I need to create the progress bar on a user form. For inserting progress bar, opened toolbox , right clicked on it and choose “Additional Controls”. (Alternatively, I could go up to the “Tools”/”Additional Controls” menu). But in that list of components, “Microsoft Progress Bar Control 6.0 (SP4)” is missing. I am using Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7. Please help me
Two suggestions :)
1) Search your pc for MSCOMCTL.Ocx. If you find it then register it by clicking on Windows Start Button ~~> Run and then typing this text and pressing Enter
regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.Ocx
I am assuming that the ocx is in C:\Windows\System32
If you don't have that then please download it from here and then repeat the above steps.
Once done, you will now be able to use the control.
2) Please see this link. Sometimes you don't need a progressbar control ;)
Topic: VBA - Working with Scroll Bars - The most simplest way
Link: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=511916
You can make a makeshift loading bar whit any of the controlls you allready got, by simply useing width.
Example would be useing a label inside a frame, the frame will work as borders for it, so the top and left can be 0, then the total lenght of the frame works as max length for the label.. i think by now you see where im going whit this, basicly now all you gota do is come up whit a counter basicly a loop that counts up to max frame length :)
But, like i said whit creativity, you can use buttons, the form itself, scrollbar basicly contains itself if you dont mind it beeing a unclickable (scroll) button moveing across.