Nanoc layout compile Rules - ruby

I'm working with nanoc and I want my index.html to point to specific layout so I created that layout and it is called nosidebar.html
My Rules looks like:
compile 'index.html' do
layout 'nosidebar'
and this doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?

You can always add something like:
compile '*' do
if item.binary?
# don’t filter binary items
layout item[:layout] || 'default'
That means you can just decide the template on the file by adding:
layout: nosidebar
at the yaml front matter of the file.

I haven't done exactly what you are but maybe something like this:
compile '/' do
rep.layout 'nosidebar'


Thor - inject into file at end

I am working on a rails engine and I am trying to write a generator that will put this line
do_stuff (foo)
as the last statement in config/routes.rb, without breaking the file syntax.
Specifically, if my config/routes.rb looks like this currently
Rails.application.routes.draw do
more blah
After running the generator I would like the config/routes.rb to look like this
Rails.application.routes.draw do
more blah
do_stuff (foo) # injected line
I looked at what ActiveAdmin does, but am unable to create a blanket last line rule. Any help is greatly appreciated.
i did not test that out, but i think from what you linked to in the ActiveAdmin generator it might work like this:
inject_into_file "config/routes.rb", " do_stuff(foo)\n", :before => /^end/
this should insert your code right before an end token that starts at the beginning of a line. this only works for properly formatted routes files though....

nanoc: problems testing a compile rule by item name or identifier

I use the following tests in a nanoc rule for compiling various kinds of content (including partials) in multiple directories by matching them with their identically-named layouts.
Now I've added index files to each content dir, but these need the default layout. This obviously works fine if I add an item named 'index:' to the metadata in the '' files…
title: 'This page title'
index: 'y'
…but checking for if #item[:index] seems a bit clunky, so I've been trying (well, hacking around) to find a way to omit 'index:' from the metadata and test by nanoc rep name or identifier - see the commented-out if statements in the code below:
layouts = ['layoutone','layouttwo','layoutetc']
layouts.each do |dir|
compile "/#{dir}/*" do
# if item.identifier == "/#{dir}/index/"
# if item.identifier =~ %r{/\w/index/}
# if #item.rep_named(:index)
if #item[:index]
filter :kramdown
layout "default"
elsif #item[:inc]
filter :erb
filter :kramdown
layout "#{dir}"
filter :kramdown
layout "#{dir}"
What's wrong with the syntax/logic in my commented-out lines?
I was missing the blindingly obvious here: simply add /content/ at the same level as /content/dir_name/* to create /dir_name/index.html and /dir_name/*.html, and apply rules to those /content/ files.
Did you change nanoc.yaml after nanoc create-site? Because I recall that by default, identifiers in nanoc don't contain the last index part of source file name.
Say, file content/dirA/index.markdown will have identifier /dirA/ or something, and compile to content/dirA/index.html. This may be the reason why your index regex didn't hit.
Yes, a little tricky, but nanoc is great.
I found a way to tell the content filename: item.raw_filename.
This document says it is only for binary files, while it also work on text files in my experiment.
# in compile block of Rules
# => "/aaa/"
# => "content/aaa.markdown"

Explain to me a Sinatra setup for dummy's for a preview of html/css code

A word of warning up front: I do not know even the ruby basics, but I'm trying to learn more and more of the world of shell scripting this year.
I saw this Vimeo video of Ben Schwarz and immediately thought that I'd like to use such a tool to debug my sass and haml files.
So this is a call to help me to grasp the concept of Sinatra.
What I want is a simple way to output the code of my index.html to check if all the haml magic was applied correctly - so it should function as a source viewer that gives me live updates. I'd prefer it if Sinatra simply looked at the files that LiveReload already rendered (c.f. index.html) in my project folder.
Update: This is a screenshot of the Vimeo Video. It shows just the raw CSS output of a Sass file. This is what I'd like to have for my Haml and Sass code, or better for the output files that are already rendered by LiveReload as HTML and CSS.
I looked at the source file from #benschwarz at his github, but I wasn't even with his own example I'm only getting the standard: "Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty." So transferring this to work with html is still out of my reach.
What I did so far:
I setup my project as usual in ~/Sites/projectname
I setup RVM and install all the gems I need
Sass, Compass, Haml - the output gets compiled via LiveReload
I created myapp.rb in ~/Sites/projectname with the following content:
# myapp.rb
require 'sinatra'
set :public_folder, '/'
get '/' do'public', 'index.html'))
Whatever, I fired up Sinatra and checked http://localhost:4567/ – this didn't work because I do not know how to set the public_folder to ~/Sites/projectname.
So I went on to search the net, but my limited knowledge of Ruby put my attempt of an successful research to an immediate halt.
Here are some sites I stumpled upon which are obvioulsy close to the solution I need, but… like I told you in the first sentence: if the solution was a book, I'd need the "For Dummies" version.
Serving static files with Sinatra
Obvioulsy the reference documentation of Sinatra would help me, but I don't speak the language, hence, I don't get the lingo.
About public folder:
The public_folder is relative to your app file myapp.rb. If you have a public folder inside the projectname folder, this is your public folder. If you have your css, js and image files in another folder, say, includes under project_name, then you need to change the line:
# Actually, you need to remove the line above from myapp.rb as it is.
# The line means that the public folder which is used to have css, js and
# image files under '/' and that means that even myapp.rb is visible to everyone.
set :public_folder, '/'
# to:
set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/includes'
And that will serve up css, js and/or image files from the project_name/includes folder instead of project_name/public folder.
Reading the html file:
Reading the html files does not depend on the public folder settings. These need not be inside the public folder.
get '/' do + '/index.html')
# This says that the app should read the index.html
# Assuming that both myapp.rb and index.html are in the same folder.
# incase the html files are inside a different directory, say, html,
# change that line to:
# + '/html/index.html')
# Directory structure sample:
# project_name
# | - myapp.rb
# | - index.html (and not html/index.html etc.)
# | /public (or includes incase the css, js assets have a different location)
# | | /css
# | | /js
# | | /images
To get the html output inside the browser
After the file is read, typically, this will be your string: "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
Without escaping the string, the browser renders the html string as html (no pun) and that's why you won't see any text. To escape the html, you can use the CGI class provided by Ruby (hat tip). So, in the end, this will be your snippet:
get '/' do
CGI::escapeHTML( + 'index.html'))
But that will spit out the html file in a single line. To clean it up,
# myapp.rb
get '/' do
#raw_html = CGI::escapeHTML( + 'index.html'))
# Using inline templates to keep things simple.
# get '/' do...end gets the index.erb file and hence, in the inline template,
# we need to use the ## index representation. If we say get '/home' do...end,
# then the inline template will come under ## home. All the html/erb between
# two "##"s will be rendered as one template (also called as view).
# The <%= #raw_html %>spews out the entire html string read inside the "get" block
## index
<%= #raw_html %>
If you're trying to render an index.html file, I would try storing it in the /views directory with an .erb extension. Or use an inline template. Here is a great resource

How can I make Jekyll use a layout without specifying it?

In order to keep some of my Jekyll sites simple, I'm always using the same layout. That is to say, I'm always writing something like. . .
layout: default
title: Here's my Title
. . . as the YAML Front Matter at the top of my pages.
What I'd rather write, however is only. . .
title: Here's my Title
. . . and have Jekyll assume that it should use a certain layout, as if I had explicitly written "layout: default" (or whatever), as above.
I don't see a way to specify this behavior in _config.yml. Maybe I could write a Jekyll plugin that would allow this. . . any ideas?
This can be done using Frontmatter defaults:
path: "" # empty string for all files
layout: "default"
This setting is available since Jekyll Version 2.0.0.
Shorter and with no monkey-patching:
# _plugins/implicit_layout.rb
module ImplicitLayout
def read_yaml(*args)
super['layout'] ||= 'post'
Jekyll::Post.send(:include, ImplicitLayout)
Caveat: GH Pages won't run your plugins.
Here's a Jekyll plugin you can drop in as _plugins/implicit-layout.rb, for example:
# By specifying an implicit layout here, you do not need to
# write, for example "layout: default" at the top of each of
# your posts and pages (i.e. in the "YAML Front Matter")
# Please note that you should only use this plugin if you
# plan to use the same layout for all your posts and pages.
# To use the plugin, just drop this file in _plugins, calling it
# _plugins/implicit-layout.rb, for example
module Jekyll
module Convertible
def read_yaml(base, name)
self.content =, name))
if self.content =~ /^(---\s*\n.*?\n?)^(---\s*$\n?)/m
self.content = $POSTMATCH
begin = YAML.load($1)["layout"] = IMPLICIT_LAYOUT
rescue => e
puts "YAML Exception reading #{name}: #{e.message}"
end ||= {}
From hanging out on #jekyll on freenode, I'm given to understand this is a monkey patch.
As Alan W. Smith commented, being able to put "layout: default" in _config.yml would be a nice improvement to this plugin.
Ideally (from my perspective), this functionality could be incorporated in Jekyll itself so a plugin wouldn't be necessary.
By default, you can't do this. Jekyll needs the YAML to specify layout so it knows where to drop it in at.

ruby-inotify example?

I'm looking for a simple, concise example of using the inotify gem to detect a change to a directory.
It lacks examples.
There's an example in examples/watcher.rb.
That link is to aredridel's repo, since it looks like you linked to aredridel's docs, and aredridel is the one who wrote the example.
One of my projects I have used ruby-inotify for monitoring file creation under specific folder using following code
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rb-inotify'
# observe indicate folder, trigger event after
module ObserveFiles
def self.observe
watcher =
directory = CONFIG['xml_folder'] # folder that want to watch, :create) do |event|
# do your work where
# here, is created file name
# event.absolute_name file absolute path
Use this code like
Hope this will help someone.
